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Ingles Gerencial

Cat. Ingrid Yalibat

Business Plan

1. What product/service are you (will you be) selling?
A fried platain slice, made with barbecue powder or cheese powder.
2. What are the features and benefits of what you sell?
- Nutrient source: Green plantains are rich in nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C,
vitamin B6, fiber, and an oxidants.
- Sustained energy: The fiber in green plantains can help maintain stable energy levels
and control hunger.
- Low-fat content: If cooked properly, fried plantain slices can contain less fat than other
fried foods, especially if fried in healthy oil and excess fat is drained.
3. What posi on do you have (or want to have) in the market?
I want to have a high power to compete different points of commercializa on like grocery
4. How do your products/services differ from the compe on?
This plantain slices are cover with barbecue and cheese powder that gives them a totally
different flavor.
5. What makes you products unique and desirable?
Its texture, flavor and taste is what makes them unique.
6. Why do (will) costumers buy from you?
They will buy from me because they want to try the new flavor offered by my product.
7. What is the problem that your products/services is going to solve?
It will solve the costumer experience by making a totally new experience for the costumers
that want to try the product.

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