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Unit 3: Psychology Study Guide

Your quiz will be on Tuesday December 19 - covering Chapter 6: Body and Behavior,
Chapter 7: Altered States of Consciousness, and Chapter 8: Sensation and Perception.

The quiz will have 15 Multiple Choice (1 mark each) and 4 Short Answers (10 marks total)
● The quiz will be worth 25 marks total.

This is your Study Guide… this is NOT for marks - this is intended to prepare you for
the quiz. Many of the questions on here will be on your quiz. Use this to help you study.

Chapter 6 Body and Behaviour (answers in your text packet and google slides)

1. What contains the cell's DNA?

Slide 15 _______________________

2. What receives messages from other neurons to send them to the cell body?

Slide 17 _______________________

3. What is the hindbrain involved in?

Slide 24 __________________________________________________________

4. Which part of the brain is involved in higher order thinking processes - those which

make us unique?

Slide 24 _______________________

5. Which lobe of the brain is associated with visual signals?

Page 162 ______________________

6. Which part of the brain controls functions such as hunger and thirst?

Page 161 ______________________

7. What three (3) types of scans do psychobiologists use to study the brain?

Slide 32 __________________, ______________, and ______________

8. In males, which sex hormone is responsible for the growth of male characteristics?

Slide 41 ________________________

9. In females, which two (2) sex hormones are responsible for the growth of female


Slide 41 _________________ and _________________

Chapter 7 Altered States of Consciousness (answers in your text packet and google slides)

10. What is sleep?

Slide 3 ____________________________________________________________


11. What are some reasons humans sleep?

Slide 5 ____________________________________________________________


12. The study of sleep was aided by the development of what?

Slide 6 ________________________

13. What are the causes of sleep apnea?

Slide 9 ____________________________________________________________


14. How do sleep disorders affect us? Name 2 (other than Sleep Apnea)- their

definitions and causes.

Page 187 or Slide 9 __________________________________________________



15. Biofeedback makes what possible?

Slide 22 ________________________
16. The primary goal of meditation is to produce what?

Slide 23 ________________________

17. Define drug abuse.

Slide 28 ___________________________________________________________


Chapter 8 Sensation and Perception (answers in your text packet and google slides)

18. What is perception?

Slide 5 ___________________________________________________________

19. What is the absolute threshold?

Slide 6 ___________________________________________________________

20. What is the Stroop effect?

Slide 12-15 ________________________________________________________



21. The sensation of kinesthesis comes from receptors near what?

Slide 18 __________________, __________________, and __________________

22. What are the five senses?

____________, ____________, ___________, ____________, and ____________

23. Which of the five senses is the most studied?

Slide 20 _______________________

24. Sound is measured in what?

Slide 25 _______________________

25. What are the two (2) types of deafness?

Slide 28 ___________________________, and ___________________________

26. What are the four primary sensory experiences?

Slide 31 ______________, _____________, _____________, and ____________

27. Receptors in the skin provide the brain with information regarding what?

Slide 33 ______________, _____________, _____________, and ____________

28. When you distinguish an air plane from the sky, you are using what perception?

Slide 43 ________________________

29. What are subliminal messages?

Page 226-227 or slide 49 ______________________________________________


30. When are illusions created?

Slide 57 ___________________________________________________________


To help you study and prepare for the test you may want to:

- Complete this study guide

- Review the Google Slides presentations

- Rewatch the videos we watched in class

- Annotate the text packages given for each chapter

- Use the practice quizzes on the classroom’ website

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