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In this essay i’m going to talk about my personal information, family, educational

background, ocupation, and my hobbies. Among other things that i did.

My name is Angel. I’m twenty years old. My birthday is the twenty two of november. I live

with my parents and my brothers in a house that is located in zofraco. I have two favorite

dishes. They are the asado and the pique macho. My favorite color is the green. My

personality is a little introvert. My father’s name is Savino. He’s fourty-five years old and he

Works like a driver with a truck. My mother’s name is Delia and she’s fourty-six years old.

She works helping my father. I have three brothers the oldest is Jhon and he’s thirty-two years

old. He works like a graphic designer in a company. After Jhon comes Ismael. He’s twenty-

eight years old. Ismael didn’t study because he has been working since he was a teenager.

Now he is working like an operator of heavy machines. After him comes Kalep. He’s twenty-

three years old. He sometimes works in a restaurant like a waiter and he also helps to my

father. After him comes me. I’m the youngest brother of all and i work with my brother
Ismael. My grand mother’s name is Agustina. She’s seventy-six years old an she doesn’t

work. My grand father’s name is Pedro. He is eightty- two years old and he also doesn’t work.

I have two dogs their names are Goeebles and Magda.

My educational background isn’t common because i studied in several schools, Such as the

esccuelita verde, the bolivia-japon, the luz y verdad, the sagrada familia, 6 de agosto, joan

XXIII and the Rafael pavon. During all my time in the school i never got a diploma and also i

was never the best student.

I’m studying linguistics in the San Simon university. Why? Because i want to speak several

languages, Such as the french, the english and the german. I did two courses. One was to

approve the San Simon university faculty of sciene and technology exam for civilian

engineering. I did this course in an institude. I approved the exam and i was studying the

career for two years but i left it because the career didn’t like me. The other course that i did

was to approve the linguistic career’s test. It was a little difficult but the civilian’s exam was

more difficult tan linguistic’s exam.

Now i’m working in a deposit of sands near the airport with my brother and my father. I

operate a heavy machine but i still have to improve my skills with the mahine but i improved

a lot.

I have hobbies like all the world. I don’t practice any sport but i like to play wally and

soccer. I sometimes play them only when there is the oportunity to play them therefore i don’t

play well them. Another games that i play are war thunder, world conqueer and sometimes

call of duty. All those are activities that i like to do in my free time but the activities i enjoy

the most are researching, reading, and learning about military-related topics such as the wars

that happened around the world, the weapons used or that were used during armed conflicts,

the people who wrote the history of the war, wheter soldiers or generals. I enjoy learning
about their thoughts, their lifes, their goals, their combat exploits, the way they led and fought

in combat. The war i researched the most is the second world war. I bought books about the

second world war and i enjoy reading them.

I know that i need to improve in all my areas of opportunity. I need to learn more about

lesson’s life. I need to be more disiplined, get more knowledge and work hard in mi goals. I’m

working on all of that to make my future self a badass. Therefore, I think that it’s too early to

draw a reflection on my life however, i’ve learned many lessons. Never believe that

everything will happen as you planned, because it won’t. Reading about great generals, i

realized that the situation always changed, no matter how well an operation was planned.

They had to adapt to new circumstances and improvise on the fly to achieve their objectives.

Hitler said something interesting-that war is like a dark room, you never know what awaits

you. Sun tzu spoke of an army behaving like water, always adapting to any obstacle.

Therefore, you must always be willing to modify your plans to achieve your goals. Don’t give

away your work because nobody will appreciate it, and understand that the world doesn’t care

it will continue to function without you. Be someone who doesn’t get carried away by

emotions. Regarding my goals i don’t share my goals. What i will do, what i will work on,

and what i will become in the future, i keep reserved for myself.

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