599 - The Thick Suds Myth

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How Science Exploded

The Thick Suds Myth

Automatic washer manufacturers

demanded a new kind of deter-
gent. Chemistry responded with
a formula that had everything—
everything, that is, except old-
fashioned thick suds.

T HE REQUIREMENTS washer makers outlined for an ideal detergent were

challenging: It must be able to clean at least as well or better than available
detergents. It must be able to suspend dirt once it is removed, until the rinse cycle begins.
It must not make thick suds.

It has been found early by washer makers that thick suds were inadequate for
automatic washing. They slowed washing action, frequently refused to rinse; often
overflowed to clog delicate washer parts, leading to expensive repairs.

In answer, chemistry created all. all with “controlled suds” has been bursting the
thick-suds bubbles ever since. Instead of choking washing action with a smothering
blanket of suds of top of the water, “controlled suds” wash underwater where the clothes
are. Instead of clinging to clothes during rinsing, “controlled suds” drain away almost as
water itself.

Today, still in its infancy compared to competitive soaps and detergents, all ranks
first in sales among detergents made and prescribed exclusively for automatic washers.
Indeed it is credited with a large part of the success of the automatic washer itself.

And housewives have proven that all is economical. all is condensed detergent,
measurable by the tablespoon. One tablespoon of all gives wash water greater
washability than three tablespoons of the leading thick-suds products.

To match the cleaning concept of “controlled suds” – a remarkable new whitening

discovery has recently been added to the all formula. Now linens, cottons, and nylons
“yellowed” by age or suds scum deposits can be washed back to white again…gently,
without bleaching.

If you own an automatic washer, you owe it to your clothes and your washer to
try new Super-Rinse all. New all with AE-160 is unconditionally guaranteed to do a
better washing job in your automatic. Full purchase price refunded by Lever Brothers
unless you agree.
599 –The Thick Suds Myth

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