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An Easy Way to Own 1,300 of

America's Fastest-Growing Companies
Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions, and by the Start of
Trading Monday, You Could Become $44,860 Richer

This is an investment opportunity not seen in 64 years...

Dear Reader,

Most Americans know nothing about a remarkably easy way you can own
1,300 of the fastest-growing companies in America.

Many of the world's top investors have used it to make themselves millions...
possibly billions. The opportunity to make such plays only comes along once
every 50 or 60 years, and it's about to happen again.

Getting back into the market using this method could safely quadruple your
money. In fact, when the market opens Monday, you could become $44,860

Since September of 2001, this collection of America's fastest-growing companies has outperformed the
Dow, the NASDAQ and the S&P. In just the last three months, it's up 42%. And now that the market's
turning, it could go higher at an even faster rate.

It's not the NASDAQ 100 Index Trust, or QQQ. And it's not a mutual fund, hedge fund, or even a
HOLDR option. Amazingly enough, it's an entirely new type of index that was started exactly like the 4/7/2005
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Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P were started... by using a proprietary evaluation model to identify the 1,300
fastest-growing companies in America, collecting them all together, and tracking their performance
using one simple-to-follow investment.

Not only could it make you a very handsome return, it's also ultra-safe. During the worst of the recent
bear market (when the Dow, NASDAQ and S& P all lost an average of 54%) this index actually broke
even, proving it's extremely safe even in difficult market conditions. And it's easy to understand why...

Never before has one single investment allowed you to invest in 1,300 of the fastest-growing
companies in America using one simple-to-follow, liquid and safe investment. It allows you to profit off
the new leadership on Wall Street without assuming the risk (or luck) of picking individual stocks.

Make the Same Play One of the World's Top Investors Did in 1939
Getting positioned in a collection of the market's most promising small-cap stocks at the end of a
market recession is exactly how John Templeton launched his investing career.

After the first major market crash in 1939, when the Dow was down 64% from its 1929 high, John
Templeton bought 100 shares of every stock trading under $1.00 a share.

At the time of his investment, Templeton didn't know what we know today... that following every bear
market in the last 77 years, the quickest stocks to recover have been - without exception - small-cap

On a hunch, Templeton thought that when the market recovered, small-cap stocks would offer the
biggest returns. And he was right. Fours years after buying every stock under $1.00, Templeton
cashed out... and quadrupled his money.

The same thing happened after the second major market crash of 1973-4. During that time, the Dow
fell from 1,051 to 587. You may still remember the pain. But over the next five years (from 1975 to 4/7/2005
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1980), small-cap stocks grew 349% compared to blue chips, which grew only 58.5%. Small caps
outperformed big caps by 6 to 1!

Now that we're emerging from the third great market crash, history is about to repeat itself.

With the NASDAQ still 64% off its highs, you have a situation strikingly similar to the one John
Templeton faced when he made this play to quadruple his money back in 1939!

If you think the market is in a transition to recovery, then here's your chance to make the same play
John Templeton did back in 1939... only your trade is much simpler to execute.

Unlike Templeton's play, which required him to manage hundreds of individual stocks, you can buy one
single investment that allows you to own the companies that will lead the market as it recovers.

The beauty of this investment is that with one simple click (or call to your broker), you can get back into
the market owning 1,300 of the most promising companies in America. These are the companies
poised to lead the next bull market... making you handsome returns (with virtually no risk of loss) in the

Play it correctly, and you stand to make a windfall...

New Bull Markets Are Not Fueled by "Old Leaders"

Now that it's time to get back into the market, I must warn you that the biggest mistake you could make
would be to buy the leaders of the last bull market...the "old leaders."

By "old leaders," I mean companies like Wal-Mart, Yahoo, Cisco and others that led the last bull
market. Why? Because never before have stocks that led one bull market been the leaders driving the
next one.

The trick, of course, is finding the "new leaders" before anyone else. But it's not easy, which is why 4/7/2005
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fund managers and brokers often simply re-recommend "old leaders." If you're looking to maximize
your returns, listening to their advice is a huge mistake.

But today, you don't face the problem of picking and choosing the "new leaders," because there's a
very good chance that they're all found in this index of America's 1,300 fastest-growing companies.
This is your chance to own them all with one single transaction!

Invest in Wall Street's "New Leaders" Without Even Knowing Their Names
As Templeton proved, investing in small companies with strong growth after extended bear markets
can quadruple your money. But with today's rate of technological change, your return could be even
greater than 4 to 1.

For example, imagine it's 1990 and you have a list of America's 1,300 fastest-growing companies. You
would have known about Amgen at $1.07 a share, Microsoft at $0.61 a share, and Dell at $0.06 a
share. Others went for even less.

The average growth of Amgen, Microsoft, and Dell over the past 13 years was 23,000%. That means a
$1,000 investment in these three stocks in 1990 would be worth $23 million today. That's a return most
investors can only dream about.

Now, it's unlikely that you (or anyone you know) bought Amgen, Microsoft, or Dell back in 1990 for
pocket change. Back then, it was virtually impossible to identify them as today's biggest winners. But
that's exactly why this new investment is so powerful. This trade gives you the highest odds of profiting
from owning a large collection of America's future blue-chip companies... years before they become
household names.

In fact, if you look at the full list of companies, most likely you have never heard of them. But you will...
soon. Because they're all young, they're all profitable, and they're all growing at a massive clip. In 10
years, this list could read like a who's-who of new market leaders. 4/7/2005
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Here's what's important to know: Coming out of a bear market, growth is what drives investment value.
And, historically speaking, when coming off market bottoms, small-cap stocks always outperform large-
cap stocks. Always!

If you can find the top small-cap stocks exhibiting the strongest growth cycles on the market, those are
the companies that'll make you the most money. To give you an idea of how quickly the companies in
this index could rise, consider the growth rate of Dell Computer.

Dell was first included among Fortune 500's roster of the world's fastest-growing companies in 1992.
Three years later, Dell's stock was up 1,176% from its IPO price. By 1997 (just five years later), Dell's
stock was up 11,766%. Today, after seven stock splits and a three-year bear market, Dell's stock is up
a whopping 59,000%.

Now, here's the exciting part: The 1,300 companies we're talking about are just as obscure as Dell
back in 1992... and any one of them could give you returns similar to Dell's, Amgen's, and Microsoft's.
They're all small, they're all growing, and they're all profitable. These are the companies you need to
buy today.

But before I tell you exactly how this investment works, let me introduce myself. My name is Bryan
Bottarelli, and I work for Taipan, one of the leading financial publications in the country. Over the years,
we've gathered together some of the world's top investment analysts to bring our subscribers the kind
of profits Wall Street only dreams about...

Today, you're invited to become privy to the deep intellectual resources of our financial network. Unlike
Wall Street firms, we don't offer an endless stream of "hot tips." Rather, our team carefully researches
thousands of publicly traded securities to find the small handful of opportunities that are truly
worthwhile. Then we share these winners with our members.

This collection of America's fastest-growing companies I'm writing you about is currently the top pick in
our Taipan portfolio. Here's how it works... 4/7/2005
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4 to 1 Profit Potential
Right now there are 6,500 companies listed on the major stock exchanges. Of those, 5,402 have
market caps of 1.5 billion or less. That's the universe of small-cap stocks.

Of the 5,402 small-cap companies, this index selects just the top 1,300 stocks... a mere 24% of the
entire small-cap universe, representing the fastest-growing companies in America. This ensures that
your gains are not watered down with underperforming stocks. You get only the best small-cap
companies in America.

What you'll own is a capitalization-weighted index of up to 1,300 stocks enjoying the highest price-to-
book ratios and the highest forecasted growth cycles on Wall Street. This ensures that you'll own only
the strongest small-cap stocks the market has to offer. Each stock has a certain allocation within the
index. The companies with the strongest growth cycles have a heavier allocation than the companies
with slower growth cycles.

Every month, the index is rebalanced, replacing the companies in the bottom 10% of growth with
companies that are growing faster. This ensures that you'll always own the 1,300 fastest-growing
companies in America... without doing any additional work.

These are the leading companies of tomorrow, the companies best poised to grow your wealth at the
highest rate... without requiring you to do anything more than watch your investment grow!

An Amazingly Simple Way to Own All 1,300 Companies Now

Before I began my career trading options, I worked as a growth stock researcher, so I know how
incredibly difficult it is to judge the future growth potential of thousands and thousands of publicly
traded companies.

Most mutual fund managers share the same problem. According to Morningstar, less than one third of 4/7/2005
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the 865 actively managed funds meet or exceed the average return of their market benchmarks.

That's why this investment is so powerful. The stocks you'll own are not the favorites of some Wall
Street fund manager. They're scientifically selected, pre-qualified stocks that represent the fastest-
growing companies in America. Eliminating the human error and emotion is why this investment is
more valuable than even the best-managed mutual fund.

How Much Can You Make?

Say you invested $100,000 in this new index. After five years of average small-cap growth at 19.86%
per year, you'd have $247,383.86.

Now consider that this index holds only the top 24% of fast-growing stocks... replacing the laggards
each and every month. Assuming this monthly adjustment adds another 10% to your annual profits,
your $100,000 would be worth $369,298.03.

Next, consider that with today's accelerated rate of technology, it doesn't take long for companies to
mature into world leaders. For example, it took Sears Roebuck's stock 33 years to rise 1,859%. On the
other hand, it took Microsoft's stock just 13 years to rise 4,426%. Microsoft went up 2.4 times more
than Sears in less than one third the time!

If today's accelerated growth rate adds another 15% to your profits, that puts your original $100,000 at
$637,885 after just five years.

Of course, nothing is a sure thing. Although investing in this index today could bring these high returns,
I'm not going to make you any guarantees about how much you will make.

But I will guarantee you that as long as you own this index, you'll always have America's 1,300 fastest-
growing companies in your portfolio.

This is the only investment you'll need to capture the greatest advantage in the upcoming bull market. 4/7/2005
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Whether you own this index for one or 10 years, you'll always have the most promising companies
each and every month.

If history serves as a benchmark, you stand to make a windfall on this investment, because never
before has one index done so much to stack the odds of phenomenal success in your favor.

Let me repeat this opportunity...

 First, you can make one simple investment and own the 1,300 fastest-growing companies in

 Second, the index automatically re-adjusts itself every month, replacing the laggards with
companies growing faster, thus eliminating the risk generally associated with small-cap investing.

 Third, the stocks are chosen using a proprietary growth formula, eliminating the human error and
emotion that often get in the way of successful investing.

 Fourth, it's a very safe way to get back into the market. During the recent bear market, this index
broke even. Over the last four months, this index is up 42% and going much higher.

 Fifth, never before has an index like this been offered on the open market. It's truly an
extraordinary investment for anyone who realizes the enormous profit potential of this opportunity.

 And, sixth, you'll be investing at the bottom of the market, just as John Templeton did, putting
yourself in position to best capitalize on the coming bull market. One of the greatest investors in
the world showed that this strategy has the potential to quadruple your money, and today you can
make virtually the same play... in a safer and much easier manner than ever before.

What to Buy Right Now 4/7/2005
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If you're ready to learn what this index is, where it trades, and how to buy it, then here's how I can help

First, read my new report, America's 1,300 Fastest-Growing Companies .

You'll get the full scoop on the all the details of this investment and how you can buy this index today.
Again, these are safe companies that are growing at a massive clip. They're already moving higher, but
have a lot further to go.

You see, you'll be getting positioned in the companies that could lead the next bull market. You could
make 19% per year based just on the historical appreciation of small-cap stocks. But since this index
automatically recalibrates itself every month, there's the chance you could even make 44% on your
money, enough to turn $100,000 into $637,885 in just five years. And considering the pent-up growth
potential of new technology, you could make even more.

$1,000 Value - Yours Free

Reports like this often cost $1,000 or more. But today, this report will cost you nothing. We'll send it you
for free when you sign up for a two-year subscription to the Taipan newsletter.

Each month, Taipan will keep you posted on all the news surrounding this investment. You'll get
updates on companies within the index, its overall performance, and our future price targets. You'll
receive updates whenever events warrant it, and you'll never have to buy anything again.

In addition, you'll also receive recommendations from the nation's top stock pickers, experts who have
created millions in profits for our current readers. Like Taipan member Michael T., who made $34,000
following our picks...

"I need to thank you for recommending Hurricane Hydrocarbons... my $950 investment is now
worth over $35,000... a 6,840% return. Thank you!" 4/7/2005
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Other Taipan readers, like Mike C., quickly made $87,000...

"Took your recommendation and bought 14,000 shares of CCK at $0.96. Now I've got well over
$100,000. Can't thank you fellas enough."

Then there's Taipan member Phil T., who made 316% in one month...

"Let me say that I really enjoy Taipan ... Man, you guys are good! Especially with reco's like
CCK. Can you believe what that stock has done in just a month? From $0.86 to 4 bucks. Keep
up the good work."

And (one of our best notes ever), Taipan reader G.J. Horton used our winning picks to buy himself a
new house...

"Well, gentlemen, with your advice I have just purchased a $225K ranch house in the mountains
with some acreage... I also made a $40,000 profit off stock plays... Thanks, Taipan! CCK was
great! You guys are amazing! I now have all my friends wanting to join Taipan - thank you all!"

Some of our latest picks have done even better...

1,375% Gain Off Just One Pick

The last time we issued a special report like this, we highlighted a small list of companies that stood to
benefit from President Bush's $300 million increase in defense spending. One recommendation was
Taser International (TASR:NASDAQ), a company that develops "conducted energy" devices, non-
lethal weapons that shoot two small, electrified probes up to 21 feet.

Our group of analysts projected that the demand for Taser's conducted energy devices would
skyrocket, as they're much safer to use among large groups of people (like at an airport, a shopping
mall, or even the cockpit of an aircraft). Boy, did we get this one right! As you can see from the chart
below, TASR quickly went from $4.00 a share to $25.00 a share. In fact, it's just broken $55.00 a share 4/7/2005
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as I write. That's a 1,375% gain!

In addition to those winners, we also took gains this year of...

180% on Lexar Media (LEXR:NASDAQ), a company that makes flash memory cards for digital

225% on Netegrity (NETE:NASDAQ) a company that delivers online security for American Express,
Bank One, E-Trade, General Electric, the Internal Revenue Service, and Wells Fargo...

120% on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings (CME:NYSE), a designated contract market for the
trading of futures and options contracts...

288% on China Yuchai (CYD:NYSE), a medium-duty diesel engine manufacturer... 4/7/2005
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111% on Encysive Pharmaceuticals (ENCY:NASDAQ), a biopharmaceutical company focused on

cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases...

167% on KCS Energy (KCS:NYSE), an oil and gas company in the Gulf Coast region of the United

92% on KVH Industries (KVHI:NASDAQ), a satellite, antenna, and fiber optics company...

147% on Xybernaut Corp (XYBR:NASDAQ), a company that develops wearable computers and
communication systems.

But as good as these winners have been, the upcoming issues of Taipan promise to reveal even
bigger winners.

For example, you'll learn about a new anti-impotence drug that'll hit the market soon. It stands to steal
50% of the market (a whopping $459.5 million) away from Pfizer's Viagra.

Play this one correctly and you'll clean up. Here's why...

Make 800% Off This Pick

With the release of Viagra, you could have tripled your money on Pfizer. But now that Pfizer faces
competition in the anti-impotence drug market, its stock is down from $48.00 a share to $24.00 a
share. And no wonder. This small $2.00 stock has a new anti-impotence drug in development that just
waltzed into the third and final stage of FDA trials.

It's not a pill. Or a needle (like Caverject, from Pharmacia & Upjohn). It's a medicated lotion. A pea-
sized drop causes an instant erection... with zero side effects. No heart attack risk, no headaches, no
increased heartbeat. Just results.

If our team of analysts has got this one pegged right, you could make 800% on this stock over the next 4/7/2005
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year. A $5,000 investment could make you $40,000. I can't imagine a better way to guarantee you get
off on the right foot.

As a new Taipan member, you'll also get full access to our Members-Only website, where you'll find all
our new recommendations, archives, updates, instant profit alerts, and everything else you need for
fast, safe, and outrageously profitable investing.

As long as you have the password - which I'll send to you directly - you'll have unlimited access to
everything on the site. And remember, when you order right now, we'll also send you our new report,
America's 1,300 Fastest-Growing Companies - FREE!

To summarize, this report reveals how you could quadruple your money owning a collection of the
1,300 fastest-growing companies in America, companies poised to lead the upcoming bull market.
Never before has one single investment stacked the odds of windfall profits in your favor like this.

After that, we'll keep you updated on this play with two years (24 months) of money-making Taipan
market analysis. If you like hitting future trends on the nose, you'll love this deal. Because not only will
you learn about how you could quadruple your money with one simple investment, you'll also learn
about other opportunities each month, opportunities like the ones that have made readers $34,000,
$87,000, and even $225,000 in profits.

I'm going out of my way to make this deal super-easy for you. And now, there's one last thing I want to
make absolutely clear. This special savings offer is fully guaranteed.

Here's how it works. Subscribe to Taipan for two years for just $199.00, and you'll immediately receive
our new report, America's 1,300 Fastest-Growing Companies.

If you decide to cancel within the first three months, simply let us know and I will send you a check to
cover every penny of your subscription expense. The report is yours to keep.

It's that simple. 4/7/2005
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Either way, you come out ahead, which is why you need to make your decision right now. With the
market recovering, you can either make the same play that John Templeton proved could quadruple
your money... or you can do nothing at all while these companies experience the most explosive
growth on Wall Street.

The wise course is obvious...

Get back into the market with this convenient and easy way to capitalize on the upward growth of the
most promising companies in the world. If you believe in the growth of America, then you need this in
your portfolio.

To get this special report, America's 1,300 Fastest-Growing Companies, just use the link below to
sign up today.

Yours for rich profits ahead,

Bryan Bottarelli

Contributing Editor, Taipan

P.S. Last month, this index broke its 52-week high on three different occasions... all on relatively low
volume (That tells you it's going up even without the support of big-money investors.) Getting in right
now gives you the advantage of acting ahead of those big investors... before they discover this
investment and drive the price up. Please don't give away this advantage. 4/7/2005
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