Museum Expansion Project

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Caitlin Morganti

PMG 322
Museum Expansion Project
Good morning everyone, my name is Caitlin Morganti and I will be taking over as the project
manager for the remainder of the Museum Expansion. First off I want to thank you for joining
me this morning to discuss the plan of action for the Museum Expansion and supporting me for
the reminder of this project. I am excited to share with you all the plans my team members and I
have come up with to ensure our project gets completed in time. I understand that this expansion
must be done in 81 days and 3 million dollars has been added to the budget. As stepping into my
position as project manager we have three major components left to complete. That is the
store/kitchen/cafe, lobby, and lecture hall. I am positive with the 3 million added to our project
we will be able to complete these three major components. Since we have 81 days to complete
this project rather than 89 days I would like to fast-track this project as much as possible. To
fast-track this project I would like us to use the 3 million dollars added into the budget to invest
in sub-contractors and use this money for outsourcing. I believe outsourcing and hiring more
individuals to help us will allow this project to be completed on time because with more help and
more people on board we can speed up this process. Myself and our team members agreed that
more helping hands and more individuals on this project will allow us to complete this project
within the time period. I understand with outsourcing there will be a lot more individuals to
manage and lead, but with taking over on this project I am positive I am able to motivate and
support my team members and clarify the subcontractors roles and responsibilities. I also
understand that as the sponsors and stakeholders in this project might feel it could be difficult to
trust that the subcontractors will be fulfilling all the requirements and getting the project
completed as promised. So, I will be assigning leads from our own team to monitor and ensure
that the subcontractors are fulfilling the project requirements. I think that outsourcing will be the
best option in this case because it will allow us to fast track this project so we can complete
everything in the 81 days we have. I broke down the days and we have 66 working days, while
there are 15 days that are reserved for cleaning and government inspection. The task that will
take the longest will be drywall, so if we can get more people to help complete that, that will
then shorten the days and allow us to meet the completion date. I think with how the project is
going so far, if we rescheduled any part of the project it has potential to cause confusion for the
team members and contractors involved. The team has come this far and has done a great job so I
think that by outsourcing and hiring more individuals we can complete this project on the new
date. I also feel very confident in the leads I have chosen for each portion of the project that is
left. I believe they will motivate and ensure everyone is staying on top of the tasks. Now, if this
outsourcing plan fails, I do have my contingency plan that I would like to share with you. My
contingency plan would be to reallocate resources and provide bonuses and overtime to team
members that want extra hours and days to work on this project. I will focus on the drywall and
the lobby floor installation since these will take the longest. I also would use more resources with
the extra money we have to fast-track processes, such as more efficient equipment and
technology that can support our teams. I have also thought of an idea by asking our community
to volunteer and help with the remainder of the project by offering a free season pass for the
museum. This will build a stronger relationship with our community and attract more attention to
the museum. I feel confident about this plan for outsourcing and hiring more individuals to help
complete the museum expansion. Thank you for the support and trusting me as the new project
manager to complete this project. You will not be disappointed.
Thank you,

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