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Ride the Triple Plays...Then GET OUT!

Possis Medical, Benchmark Electric, 3M and eBay are all perfect examples of how
you can profit using my proprietary MST System.

But it's important to know that this is purely a trading strategy. When a Triple Play
hits, ride it until my MST System tells you that the fervor is fading. Then get out with
whatever profits you may have. (And don't worry, I'll send out an Alert letting you
know exactly when to take your profits off the table.)

Sometimes you'll be rewarded with 40% gains, like Possis' Triple Play. Other times
you'll make 48% like we saw with 3M, 71% with Circuit City, 102% with eBay, or
even 86% following a speculative nanotech stock's Triple Play as you will see in a

But my point is, you're in only for the explosive ride up or down. Usually, it's a quick
one. It's never a "buy-and-hold" situation.

Something else to remember. Trading using the MST System is not passive.
It's fast paced. It's exciting. And the potential for big, fast and consistent gains
is tremendous. Take our Triple Play on Flamel (FLML:NASDAQ)...

Make 86% Profits in 9 Days!

Flamel is another example of how the MST System identifies some of the best
stocks on the market ready to make a big move.

 The Momentum indicator turned bullish on Aug. 12, 2003.

 The Strength indicator turned bullish on Aug. 11, 2003.
 The Trend indicator turned bullish on Aug. 12, 2003. 4/6/2005
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Now I admit, I had never heard of Flamel before. But I wasn't going to ignore an
obvious Triple-Play formation. Due diligence showed me that Flamel was one of the
most promising companies in the red-hot nanotech sector...and the market was
finally starting to take notice.

Trusting the MST System, I quickly sent out an MST E-mail Alert recommending my
group buy the Flamel September 20 Calls for $2.20 per contract.

Over the next nine calendar days, Flamel continued to soar, pushing our
September 20 Calls up to $4.10 per contract...and my members were able to
cash out with an 86% gain.

I hope you're beginning to see that with such a powerful trading system on your side,
it really is that easy to make huge profits. In fact... 4/6/2005
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Right off the bat, my MST System recommended a total of 17 trades. Of them,
15 were winners. That's an 88% accuracy rate. Plus, our average gain on all
our picks was 43%, with an average holding time of seven days.

Just for kicks, I calculated how much $10,000 could have turned into if it was
possible to reinvest all your money in each new trade (winners and losers). By
putting all your money from one trade into the subsequent trade, you would've
turned that $10,000 into $2,467,206.64!

Now I confess, this isn't realistic. But it does show you the MST System can make
you a lot of money in a very short period of time. You must agree, that's awfully
impressive. It goes to show you if all three MST indicators match up, then you know
that the odds are in your favor for explosive profits.

MST: 88% Accurate Right off the Bat 4/6/2005
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Does Momentum Check Out? Does Strength Check

Out? And Finally, Does Trend Check Out?
I could go on and on with example after example showing you how the MST System
could make you rich, but I think you get the picture. When all three indicators go off,
that's when profits are close at hand...

And that's when you can expect an instantaneous e-mail alerting you to the
opportunity ahead. Which leads me to an important point.

By becoming a subscriber to my MST System, you'll be the first to know about each 4/6/2005
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and every Triple Play...and the exact option (call or put) that could make you
anywhere from 3.5 to 20 times your money up to 88% of the time.

Of course no system is foollproof. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Will the
MST System always work 88% of the time?

Who knows? I can't promise you that. As in life, nothing is guaranteed. Just
remember, the MST System uses THREE powerful technical indicators to locate
each potential Triple Play stock. That means you have a built-in series of checks and
balances to give you the best chance to minimize any risk and maximize your profits.

Trade Liquid Stocks Immune to Market Manipulation

Given the recent market corruption, I wanted to ensure Got in late, but still
you that my MST System would not be altered, messed made 38% in one day...
with or influenced by greedy Wall Street brokers. That's
why I've designed it around three indicators immune to "Very good call. I was a
market manipulation. little late buying yesterday
and selling today but I did
Momentum, Strength and Trend readings are generated 38% on 5 contracts, not
using complex mathematical models. They cannot be bad in one day, Thank
changed, modified or adjusted. Also, since we're trading you for your advice."
options on some of the most heavily traded stocks on the
market, lack of liquidity will never be an issue. There will -- MST trader Rodolfo S.
always be enough buyers and sellers in our MST options
trades to get you in and out at the best available price.

Once you watch Triple-Play stock after stock quickly shoot up or down in the days
and weeks that follow...and your options multiply those gains by 3, 6 or even 20
times, you'll stop doubting and start enjoying the ride.

Which brings me to another important matter. There is a strict limit to the number of 4/6/2005
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investors who can subscribe to the MST System.

Since the Triple Plays my system uncovers move very fast, you'll most likely be
trading every week...if not every day. That means you'll have to be in position to take
quick profits anytime during trading hours. When a Triple Play hits, you need to get
in right away and let the resulting market conditions take the stock up or down.

That's why it is absolutely necessary that I limit the number of people I reveal the
Triple-Play recommendations to.

The good news is, I've reserved a spot for you...

A Very Limited & Time-Sensitive Opportunity

To get started, all you need to do is let me know, and you're in. But I urge you to act
now, because with the free guarantee I'm offering, the spots will fill up fast.

Logic would tell you that anything less than, say, $10,000, would be a bargain for the
MST System -- especially since a $10,000 investment in eBay alone would've paid
for an entire year's subscription in just seven days.

But a subscription to my MST System won't cost you $10,000. It won't even cost you
$7,500. To become a subscriber today, and to begin receiving one year of real-time
Triple- Play alerts and weekly updates by e-mail, you need to pay only $895 for an
entire year.

For your money, you get the MST System monitoring each and every large-cap
stock each and every trading day, constantly watching every last one for Momentum,
Strength and Trend...and alerting you the minute all three line up.

Of course, I can't promise how many Triple-Play opportunities will arise -- that's for
the markets to decide. But I can tell you that we've had as few as two and as many 4/6/2005
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as eight recommendations each month. There's no telling what future months will
hold. But I can promise you this:

When a Triple-Play recommendation comes by e-mail, it's because my MST System

feels it represents the very best opportunity the market currently has to offer to make
a substantial amount of money in a very short time.

Check out the MST Options System for FREE

I am so confident that you will make HUGE profits using my MST System, I'm going
to make you an offer no one else would dare to make.

I will grant you free access to my MST System on a trial basis for 30 days. You'll
have full access to the weekly alerts, the Web site and your FREE report called,
"Technical Analysis 101 -- Understanding the MST Trader Alert System. "

Here's how it'll work.

When you sign up, you will have the choice to come on as a one-year, two-year or
quarterly member. Your best deal by far is to join for two years. You only pay $1,595
-- or 33% off the regular published price. Come on for one year, and you'll pay $895,
which is still a 25% savings.

Or, you can try the MST System on a quarterly basis for $300. When you sign up
under the quarterly offer you will be billed $300. From then on we'll automatically bill
your credit card each quarter until you tell us to stop .

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the MST System during your
30-day trial period, I'll refund you every penny. No questions asked.

It's like I am paying you to make money with my MST System. After all, I'm willing to
make you this free 30-day offer because I'm so confident that, like many nervous 4/6/2005
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and skeptical subscribers before you, you'll quickly see just how much money you
can make in a short period of time.

I don't normally make this deal available, but I'm offering you this special
arrangement because I don't want a few dollars to come between you and the
wonderful opportunity that my MST System offers.

But I urge you to make your decision quickly. Given the outstanding success our
Triple Play stocks have enjoyed throughout this year, I suspect that interest in this
opportunity will be enormous. Please don't risk losing your chance to get in on the

To Ensure You're on Top of Every Triple Play Trade...

Once you've signed up, here's how you can expect Success on her first ever
the "procedure" of the MST System to work. options trade...
The instant all three Momentum, Strength and Trend "Good morning Mr. Boric,
indicators line up and a Triple Play opportunity arises, congratulations and my
you'll receive an E-mail Alert. As you've already seen, thanks for your call option
once all three indicators line up, stock prices are readythat I just sold for $3.10
to take off -- either up or down -- usually in a matter of
[paid $1.90]. It was my very
days. first and now I am just as
exited as you are. I am
That's when you'll have an e-mail trading alert in your happy and can't wait for
inbox with all the details the very minute a Triple Play your next one. Keep those
takes shape. babies coming."
Same thing goes for when it's time to get out. -- MST trader Jill L.
It's absolutely critical that you get out when the profit run is over. Remember, even
after a Triple Play is triggered, my MST System will continue tracking the 4/6/2005
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Momentum, Strength and Trend of the stock very closely. As soon as the MST
System shows evidence of any one of the three indicators reversing, you can expect
another alert, telling you it's time you get out.

All told, reading the E-mail Alert and taking the appropriate action will take you no
more than seven minutes. I'll tell you in plain English what the Triple-Play stock the Triple Play was formed...and which put or call to buy to profit off it.
There's not one ounce of guesswork for you. Everything you'll need to know about
the Triple-Play trade will be spelled out to the letter. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
First, you have to sign up.

To Get Started, Here's What You Need to Do Right

Decide now if you want in on the MST System. We are accepting new subscribers
on a first-come, first-served basis until our limit is reached.

Once you sign up, you will have a 30-day trial period to make sure the MST System
is right for you. If you aren't completely satisfied with the service and profits, I'll be
happy to surrender your spot to someone else -- and give you a full refund.
Remember, it's only $1,595 for a full two years...$895 for one year...or $300 every

To get started today, simply click below to subscribe today.

Waiting one day longer could be the difference between being "in" on the next big
Triple-Play move or missing out altogether. Make a modest, intelligent investment on
your future wealth. Subscribe to the MST System today.

Sincerely, 4/6/2005
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James Boric
Editor and Creator, MST System

P.S. This is typically where I'd give you one last reason to join my MST Service. But
given our recent success, I'll let my readers have the last word...

Made $2,460 in one day...

"James, thanks for your advice. I made $2,460, getting in @

1.85, and out @ 2.90!" -- MST trader Huong

Another 50% winner in a day...

"James, I got in on your recommendation at $1.90 and got out

a few minutes ago at $2.95, over a 50% profit so I am quite
happy with that as you may imagine!!!! Go options go." -- MST
trader John A.

Not sure how you do it...

"James, I bought 10 contracts of Nov. 30 call @ 1.85 and was

filled at 3.10. I am not sure how you pick 'em, but JUST KEEP
THEM COMING!" -- MST trader Earl D. 4/6/2005

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