The World's Best Real Estate Investment: Buy Now For 30 Cents On The Dollar

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The World's Best Real Estate Investment:

Buy now for 30 cents on the dollar
Peso Crisis And Rock Bottom Property Prices Could Make This The
Perfect Time To Invest In 'The Land Of The Tango'

Real Estate prices remain unbelievably cheap right now... You can buy
ranch land for as little as $13 an acre... 16-acre vineyard for $37,000... or
an apartment in the most prestigious neighborhood in Buenos Aires for
as little as $70,000.
Dear Reader,

In my opinion, Argentina offers the best values and greatest opportunity for fast profits anywhere
in the world right now. A severe crisis there has created a situation that will allow savvy investors
and international bargain hunters to pick up great values if they act quickly. Let me explain.

On January 7, 2002, Argentinean President Eduardo Duhalde announced default on the country's
$141-billion debt and ended the peso's peg to the U.S. dollar.

It was pure desperation. Argentineans rioted in protest of government restrictions on bank

withdrawals. Unemployment rose to 20%. The economy contracted 11%. Prices on real estate fell
from 30% to 70%, creating some of the best bargains in the world.

The crisis isn't over, but the worst of it is. The politics are a mess, but getting better. The economy
has been decimated, but a recovery is underway... 4/7/2005
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What does it mean for you?

For investors, it could be the buying opportunity of a lifetime.

Argentine real estate has a distinctly European flair...

but costs approximately one-third the price you'd pay in Europe.

The values are so irresistible that I've invested in three gorgeous apartments in Buenos Aires. I'm
serious about this opportunity. I haven't seen any values anywhere in the world better than what
Argentina offers today.

A Classic 'Blood In The Streets' Buy Signal

Evita's hit song, Don't Cry For Me, Argentina, may have missed the mark. Should it have been,
'Cry For Yourself, Argentina?' Argentina is a mess. Even though food exports are a major source of
national income, starvation has made headlines there. There is reason to shed some tears... but for 4/7/2005
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investors there's also a reason to buy. And do it now.

Argentina, the jewel of Latin American prosperity in the 90's, has become the economic basket
case of the world. Political bungling turned a recession into a depression.

But for anyone shopping with dollars, it's become the biggest bargain clearance outlet in the world.
Ted Turner, George Soros, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have purchased
properties. And not just because they are rich and can buy whatever they want... but also because
they are smart investors. Argentina is gorgeous... sophisticated... and cheap right now... but not for

Robert Duvall recently wrapped up a new movie, 'Assassination Tango the third movie he's both
written and directed. He loves Argentina...the Tango...and the culture. He filmed there so he could
spend more time with the family and friends of his Argentinean wife, Luciana Pedraza.

In an April 2003 Knight Ridder interview, Duvall said,

'I've been there [Argentina] about 38 times. They like me down there.

'They like the fact that I like the country and their culture,' he grins.

Duvall is a property owner, too, of a 190-acre ranch. 'You get good vibes down there. It's way up
there near the Bolivian border, very interesting country, plus I like Buenos Aires so much. We
rented an apartment for six months on this movie and I still miss the apartment in Buenos Aires. It
was right in the middle of everything. In the middle of the night, hundreds of people are on the
streets, going to coffee shops, eating meals outdoors. In the morning everybody kisses each other.
By the time they stop kissing, it's lunch time,' he laughs.

I must admit, I agree. Argentina is a fantastic place to spend time. That's one of the best reasons to
consider investing in property there. It's such a great place... with prices so low now... I couldn't 4/7/2005
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resist. Indeed, I see it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Don't Wait... It's Time To Buy Now

The worst of the crisis appears to be over. The economy is growing at an annual rate of 5%. The
Argentine peso, after nearly a decade pegged at parity with the dollar, has bounded from a low of
19 cents to 33 cents. But bargains still abound. And for investors willing to move quickly...the
opportunities in real estate, equities, and bonds are quite promising.

I'm optimistic about Argentina. Prices are already headed back up, but it's still way undervalued.
And on May 25, the newly elected President Nestor Krirchner announced a major campaign to
clean up corruption in the army, police, and judiciary.

I'm no Pollyanna. This country still has its problems. Historically, Argentina has struggled with
military dictatorships, losing a war in the Falklands, and countless economic woes. The 'Land of
Gauchos,' no stranger to problems - is recovering from its worst collapse in prices. But to us,
collapse equals opportunity - the buying opportunity of the century.

Argentina is a great country. It's the most European country in the Americas. Rich in culture and
history. In the 90's, Argentina was the undisputed champion of economic growth in South and
Central America, enjoying a boom that drew the attention of the world. But its politicians boggled
the situation so badly...running up debts...raising import taxes...and corruptly mismanaging
'privatization' that the country has been described as the 'Enron of South America.'

One big difference, though. Unlike Enron, Argentina isn't going to disappear off the face of the
Earth. You can buy real assets undefined not shares that could be used for wallpaper someday
undefined and your real estate holdings in Argentina could prove to be among your most
productive and enjoyable investments ever. 4/7/2005
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Argentina's Bust is a Boom for Us - and For You, Too.

One thing we do at International Living is watch for busts. These are buying opportunities.
Argentina certainly qualifies right now. But that's not the only reason I'd recommend you take a
look...and it's not the only reason why my husband Lief and I along with a few close friends, have
bought three apartments in Buenos Aires. Lief has been recommending Argentina to his Global
Real Estate Investor group. And at least six of his members have also bought apartments in this

B.A. is a world-class city. Many cities are reputed to be 'just like Paris'... but B.A. really will
remind you of the City of Light. Wide boulevards, tidy parks, and impressive old buildings...great
restaurants and good theater... This is a place you could happily escape to, full- or part-time.

There are two reasons to buy real estate. One is to make money. The other, just as important, is
because you like a place and want to spend time there. Best case, of course, is when these two
objectives coincide. For me, Buenos Aires qualifies right now.

Argentina is on the map for the smartest investors around the world today. There are opportunities
not only in B.A., but in the suburbs and in ranch and farmland, too.

To act on them, all you need is the right guide. That's our job - and why we've just published our
International Living 'Argentina Report - Your Guide to the Buying Opportunity of the
Decade.' This special investment report details everything you need to get in on what may well be
remembered as the buy of our lifetimes.

Buy Now. Prices Are Already Moving Up

The first apartment we invested in, in Buenos Aires is on Avenida 9 de Julio at Plaza St. Martin in
the Retiro neighborhood, just east of the Recoleta. It's on the top floor of a 100-year-old building, 4/7/2005
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one of three flats on the floor, with five large windows across the front overlooking 9 de Julio.
Across the way is the French Embassy. It's a good address.

The famous 9th of July Avenue, named for the date in 1816 when Argentina declared its
independence from Spain, is a wide, tree-lined boulevard (the world's widest street, in fact, 450 feet
across), reminiscent of the Champs d'Elysée in Paris. Instead of l'Arc de Triomphe, its centerpiece
is the towering Obelisco (obelisk) at the Plaza de le Républica, commemorating the country's 400th

The apartment we bought is filled with charming architectural details throughout the entry hall,
dining room, living room, long gallery hallway, kitchen, three bedrooms, and 2 1/2 baths. Plus, up
a short flight of rear stairs is separate maid's quarters and bath. In total 242 square meters (2,600
square feet) plus five small balconies. They were asking $190,000 for it, but we actually paid
only...$180,000. And just a couple of years ago, this apartment would have gone for more than
double the asking price. I expect that it won't be too long before prices head back to where they

But to put this in perspective, you've got to remember that this apartment would cost at least five
times this price...and maybe more in Paris. If you could even find an apartment this spacious in

In neighborhoods nearly as nice - but not as prestigious as Recoleta - you can buy a small studio
apartment for about $35,000 to $50,000...a big place with high ceilings, wood floors, nice
moldings, granite countertops in the kitchen in a good neighborhood for $150,000.

These are remarkable prices for world-class Grade A apartments in one of the most exclusive
neighborhoods of one of the world's most exciting cities. These are places with intrinsic value -
worth owning almost no matter the price. But at the prices they're trading hands for right
now...they're completely irresistible. 4/7/2005
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Huge Ranches, Fertile Farmland, and Ecotourism Opportunities

For As Little As $13 An Acre
B.A. apartments aren't the only buys to be made in Argentina today (nor the only opportunities our
new 'Argentina Report' details in full).

If there's one thing Argentina has no shortage's land.

San Martin de los Andes, Argentina

Argentina's land mass is about 30% that of the United States, but the population of 37 million is
only about 12% of that in the U.S....and one-third of all Argentineans live in Buenos Aires and its
suburbs. 4/7/2005
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In other words, there is a lot of open space elsewhere in the country, much of it farm and ranch
land. In our report, Lief explains that some of the finest long-term investment potential in this
country right now is in large tracts of land, ranches, and farms. This country boasts some of the
best land for agriculture and livestock in the world. It's no accident that some of the finest beef
anywhere comes from Argentina.

Prices have not fallen as much in the rural areas as in the cities, but since the primary market for
Argentine meat and agricultural products is exports, the investment potential is quite attractive.

Our report explains how you could become a successful rancher in this gorgeous country. And it
wouldn't be difficult to do; Argentine labor is experienced and inexpensive. There's a rental market
for farm and ranch land, similar to the apartment rental market and our report explains it for you.

Imagine enjoying the vista of thousands of acres of Patagonian ranch land with glorious mountain
peaks on your horizon. Huge tracts of land are available with pristine rivers teaming with fish.

Some ranch land here goes for as little as $27 per acre. When you're talking about as many as
140,000 acres of land, the price tag isn't cheap at $3,750,000 total, but it's a bargain when you
consider what you'll own. A smaller ranch of about 8,600 acres is available for $450,000 (about
$52 per acre). And another described in the report offers 69,300 acres for $950,000 (about $13.50
per acre).

Lief explains several ways you could make an investment like this pay more than a healthy return.

Opportunity Doesn't Knock Twice

I believe no matter what happens to the economy and currency, quality apartments in Buenos Aires
will continue to appreciate from their current levels. Either the local economy will improve to the
point that 4/7/2005
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Argentineans will start buying and bidding up good apartments...or foreigners will continue to see
the value of the apartments compared to other major cities around the world and bid up prices.
Indeed, this has been happening over the last nine months already, and the foreign market
continues to heat up.

When the peso began its freefall from the dollar peg, property prices fell as much as 60% and more.
Desperation sales closed at unbelievable prices. Sellers are still eager, but not so desperate. Still
prices are quite negotiable. The rebound has started and now is the time to act.

Even with the recent increases of between 5% to 20% in the last several months, the cost of
property in the city of Buenos Aires is very low on a price-per-square-meter basis. There aren't
many places in the world where you can buy quality historic apartments for $1,100 to $1,300 per
square meter.

Three Ways To Profit in Argentina

You can easily see three ways to profit by investing in Argentina now. The first is through property
appreciation. Since these properties are undervalued by almost any standard, I think you can count
on rapidly appreciating values.

Second is currency appreciation. As Argentina gets back on its feet, the currency should too. This
isn't as sure a bet as the property appreciation, but I think that the likelihood is good that the
Argentine peso will gain strength.

Third is rental income. Rent may not be as important a factor in the big profit picture, but still it is
quite relevant. The long term rental market is well developed and offers good potential.

Residential leases in Argentina are typically two to three years. So once you have a renter in place,
you're pretty much set. And if you buy right, it shouldn't take more than a month or two to find a 4/7/2005
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The most rentable apartments are those attractive to the Argentine middle-class. If you want to go
this route, look for a smaller apartment...a one- or two-bedroom unit of 50 to 80 square meters.
This puts you in a price range of $35,000 to $70,000. Although you probably won't find a
showplace in that price range, you certainly do cut your risk. Plus, I believe it will be this level of
apartment that will appreciate quickest and be more marketable as the Argentinean middle class
regains lost ground as the crisis passes.

The important question, though, is, will you be able to rent your apartment in the current economic
climate? The answer is yes...but it could take a couple of months to find a tenant, and, as always,
you need to buy right in the first place. The upside in the rental market is in the 5% - 6% range.
Nothing to brag about. But the potential in the other two areas undefined currency and property
appreciate make this an attractive market now.

The Good Life In Argentina

It's the Argentine culture, lifestyle, and cost of living that make this window of opportunity even
more attractive.

You can really stretch a dollar in this South American paradise.

One of the most attractive things about Argentina today is the price of everything. In Argentina, it's
not just property that's cheap. Everything is cheap. Prices in Argentine pesos are about what you
would expect to pay in U.S. dollars. For example, a lunch or a taxi ride that you would expect to
cost $10 is 10 pesos. But a dollar is worth about 3 pesos, so you are paying a third what you would

Argentina is a perfect place for a North American retiree to spend the winters. Since it is in the 4/7/2005
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Southern Hemisphere, when it's winter in the U.S. and Canada, it's summer in Argentina.

In Argentine Patagonia, you can ski in the morning, golf in

the afternoon, and finish the day with a three-course
gourmet meal...and this is the view you'll have while doing it.

Spending a few months a year there could be the perfect break from the harsh winters in the north
and also offer you a way to improve your lifestyle greatly, without spending any more money. This
country offers European lifestyle, but at a fraction of what you would pay to live in Paris, London,
Amsterdam, or Rome.

Americans Welcome? You Bet!

By the way, despite some mainstream press reports you may have seen, the only overt signs of a 4/7/2005
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financial crisis are the incredibly low prices. The CNN footage of rioting and unrest are, as they
usually are, greatly over-played and exaggerated.

Armed with the our complete, 'Argentina ReportundefinedYour Guide to the Buying Opportunity
of the Decade,' you'll know if this Land of Gauchos could be your investment, business, vacation,
or retirement paradise.

Inside the 'Argentina Report - Your Guide to the Buying Opportunity of the Decade,' you'll
find resources to help you act quickly:

 How to find the best and most reliable real estate agents
 Title insurance: do you need it and where to get it?
 In fact, you'll get our complete Rolodex of contacts in Argentina
 What fees and taxes you'll be expected to pay when you invest
 What are your rights as a land owner They are exactly the same as nationals...but we will
explain just what that means to an investor
 Should you use a corporation for your purchase?
 What are the tax implications of property ownership, rental and sales?
 Everything you need to know before you buy
 The best neighborhoods for property appreciation and where to avoid buying
 The pros and cons of farms and ranches in Patagonia and Southern Argentina, the profit
potential, and how to minimize risks
 Real property listings for sale general averages for apartments, homes, ranches,
and farm land
 Profit opportunities in suburban housing investments
 Strategies for investing in ranch and farmland

There's Even More...

 You'll get a complete analysis of the risks of investing in Argentina 4/7/2005
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 You'll get the lowdown on the prospects for recovery

 Estimates of the best- and worst-case scenario returns on your investment
 Caveats in Argentina...with greater risks comes greater rewards...but no one should invest
without fully understanding both.
 Why Argentina offers savvy investors a smart diversification for their investment portfolios in
light of the current world economic conditions
 How to find fixer-uppers...and competent contractors for remodeling
 Rental agencies in Argentina for short- and long-term rentals and property management
services, plus analysis of the rental market today...and future prospects
 A strategy for profiting in the rental market now...with a bonus of significant appreciation in
the coming years
 Tourism investing in Argentina: How to make it pay?
 Argentine equities...what makes sense now
 The best ways to protect yourself from risk in Argentine property investments
 A step-by-step guide to the purchase process in Argentina

As you can see, this is a very complete guide. It's essential reading for anyone considering
investment in this country.

I believe that Argentina is one of the best property investment markets in the world right now. That
is why I bought there. But it's not for everyone. You could be looking at as much as 300%
appreciation in the next five years...if you buy right...and you know what you are doing. But there
are risks...all covered in our 'Argentina Report - Your Guide to the Buying Opportunity of the

The 'Argentina Report - Your Guide to the Buying Opportunity of the Decade' is an
invaluable guide. It has been specially prepared for International Living readers, and it's crammed
full of all the information we know you'll need to make your dreams of 'the Tango Life' come true.
It would take you months to gather this information on your own. This manual is packed with
details about the investment climate, and the process of buying property... That's not all, of course. 4/7/2005
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There is a full rundown of the six distinct regions...sections on Argentina for the traveler, financial
matters, and much, much more, including an in-depth look at our own favorite parts of the country.
Argentina offers a great life... life as it's supposed to be lived.

I've tried to put my finger on why this is true, exactly. What is it about Argentina that keeps
drawing me back? That attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers every year? Is it the
sophisticated, well-dressed people? The beautiful, historic neighborhoods, parks, and buildings?
The shopping...the flea markets...the dancing...the music...or maybe the wonderful food and the
long dinners that linger on for three hours at a stretch? The best beef in the world...fabulous wines
and entertainment to the early hours of the morning? Or is it that every time I return I find new
sights to see, new places to explore?

It's all these things, of course, but do you know something? I think it's primarily that, but right now
it's also that it's so cheap. It's like Europe...but at a third of the price.

It's hard to go wrong there...whether you are thinking about visiting, relocating...or investing. Now
is the time to act.

This is not an opportunity that you have months to think about. Lief has warned me to make this
clear. The window of opportunity for real estate profits will not be open much longer. Prices are
already moving up. If you are interested in Argentina at an unbelievable discount, you must move
quickly. I urge you to act now and get started immediately if you want to capture the bargains...and
the profits.

Yours sincerely, 4/7/2005
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Kathleen Peddicord
Publisher, International Living

P.S. International Living's 'Argentina Report--Your Guide to the Buying Opportunity of the
Decade' is more than 60 pages of maps, property listings, details on cost of living, health care,
banking, residency requirements, and business contacts for help buying,
renting, renovating, starting a business, and traveling in this glorious country. It also covers the
realities of the political and economic situation today and the opportunities these conditions offer
investors undefined in both real estate and equities - to rack up some serious profits in Argentina in
the next three to five years. It is a complete and current guide to help you take advantage of a
special window of opportunity. I strongly recommend that you take action now. This is not hype. It
is market reality. This market is moving up. If you intend to benefit, position yourself now. To
purchase your copy of the 'Argentina Report--Your Guide to the Buying Opportunity of the
Decade.' for only $69, order now. 4/7/2005

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