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An intimate group of venture capital

investors are sitting on some potential gold
mines....2004 may be their year. Want to
find out how you could soon be in on this
"How can I get a piece of that deal?"

I get asked that all the time by people who know that the sweet spot
of any good deal is the part that's up for grabs before it becomes an
IPO, a take-over or a candidate for merger with a publicly traded

That's where, when all goes just right, the real money is made.

The sad fact is unless you are very well connected and travel in
exclusive circle, you just aren't going to hear about the really good
deals with the best shot at success.

And, even if you did get an opportunity to invest early in what might
sound like a really good deal, the risks are high if you're doing your
own research and vetting. You could be rolling the dice when you
decide on your own to put seed money into a new business
venture. But what if I could show you not only how to get in on
these deals but limit your risk? Would you be interested?

If so, then let me introduce you to the Members of The Supper

Club . We'd like to invite you to join us for dinner at the CasaMagna
Marriott Resort in Puerto Vallarta on February 27th. I'll tell you 4/7/2005
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more about this special get together in just a minute but first I
should tell you this: never have you received an invitation of this
caliber before.

You see, this is your personal invitation to join me and some of my

closest and most trusted friends and associates "for dinner" and to
become part of an elite group formed solely for the purpose of
getting first crack at four or five very promising screened and
vetted, new-business deals.

Smart, savvy start-ups looking for fast seed money come to The
Supper Club because they know that we have a group of wealthy
individuals, who are not encumbered by review boards nor directors
and that as individuals, Supper Club Members can do deals and
make decisions quickly.

Before you discard this email, let me tell you that if you attend our
meeting, you'll be among an esteemed group of business leaders,
entrepreneurs and professionals. Members backgrounds stem from 4/7/2005
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surgeons and physicians to oil men... real estate developers to

attorneys... former and current stock brokers and investment
advisors... just to name a few.

These are all very shrewd, experienced and seasoned men and
women who come together periodically in such attractive venues as
the Bahamas, Colorado Springs, Palm Beach, Las Vegas, and
Palm Springs with the expectation of identifying the kind of ground-
floor, new-business deal that will provide serious returns on an

Won't You Join us?

On the 27th of February, Members of this private, close-knit circle
of venture capitalists, are meeting at the CasaMagna Marriott in
Puerto Vallarta.

Members will be spending that day looking at the latest, pre-

screened crop of infant-business ideas... taking them apart bit by
bit... listening to presentations from entrepreneurs, all of whom will
be campaigning for our Members' money.

The task will be to figure out

which of the concepts Karim Rahemtulla, Supper Club
presented is worth a damn Executive Director
and perhaps, just maybe to
Karim Rahemtulla not only MC's The
discover that gem of an Supper Club's meetings, but he is also the
opportunity that will turn a head of The Supper Club's research team.
modest investment into a Mr. Rahemtulla tackles the challenge of
family fortune in the not too ensuring investments brought before
distant future. Members are up to the Club's stringent
requirements. And even after a deal 4/7/2005
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The Supper Club takes the passes that stage, he sits in on the
time to do this because over meetings to make sure Members' concerns
are addressed and that the company
the years, more than a few representatives fully explain their offers -
of the start-up business including risks and the ultimate profit
opportunities we've potential.
discovered at these
gatherings, have indeed Under Mr. Rahemtulla's watchful eye,
proven to be worth a damn! Supper Club Members have been
presented with numerous moneymaking
For example: Members were
introduced to a mining In addition to his Supper Club duties, Mr.
company that owned proven Rahemtulla is also a regular contributor to
gold reserves in The Oxford Club Communiqué and the
northwestern Quebec. It was man behind The Income Trader Alert and
a few dollars short of having Options Advantage) - very successful
options trading services. Dubbed a
enough money to do two "Market Maven" by CNBC, Mr. Rahemtulla
things: was educated in England, Canada and the
United States and speaks five languages.
1) begin actual gold mining He travels the world extensively to
operations... and 2) float its research investment opportunities for his
company on the Toronto own interests as well as The Supper
Club's. In doing so he has amassed one of
Venture Exchange.
the financial world's most impressive
Rolodexes, which provides him with
Members were able to buy valuable contacts to research and find the
pre-IPO shares of this junior best private investment deals.
mining company at $0.10
and I am happy to report that after a most successful IPO 3 months
later the stock doubled their money, trading as high as $0.25.

Of course, that's just the very beginning. The company was using
the money to begin a drilling program and announced it had indeed 4/7/2005
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struck gold. When, in the not-too-distant future they begin to

actually extract gold from the ground, we expect the stock to
skyrocket. Think about it. . .at 10-cents a share, $5,000 would have
bought 50,000 shares. If, as we believe it easily could, and likely
will quite soon, the stock rises say to just $2.50 a share, you've
suddenly made a monstrous profit!

At another meeting, Members were introduced to a start-up next-

generation technology company involved in pressure-sensor-type
fluid controls. In June of 2003, the company was acquired at a
substantial premium by a Kyoto-based company and any Member
who had invested made handsome profits.

At another meeting, Members were also introduced to a company

that provides fast, reliable easy-to-use Wi-Fi broadband access to
hotels and convention centers. Members had the opportunity to buy
shares at $.10. In July 2003 the company announced an upcoming
merger with publicly traded Arc Communications, a full service
media and technology communications firm. In December 2003 the
deal was finalized and Members $.10 shares more than tripled their
value immediately to $.35!

At a meeting in Dallas, Members had the chance to invest in a

financial services business. The business was growing from a
small, local firm to a larger regional operation. It was doing about
$20 million in revenues and barely breaking even. It had 200
registered representatives under their umbrella with a goal of 500
by the end of 2004.

At the time they issued a preferred convertible offering which has

been paying dividends to investors. The company now has more
than 600 registered representatives and they are functioning at a 4/7/2005
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$70 million/year revenue run rate, substantially higher than their

own internal projections. Their share price is up--reflecting the huge
growth in this company. An IPO could be right around the corner for
this up-and-comer!

These deals represent just a few of the latest business ventures our
Members have been privy to and look forward to.

Who knows what ripe and succulent deals you'll invest in at our
February 2004 meeting. But if past meetings are any measure of
our success, then I'm sure the deals you'll hear about at the
CasaMagna Marriott Resort will be more than worth your while to
find out. In fact, there is no better time to invest in start-ups than
right now!

Getting In On The Action Means

Getting Started Now
The dearth of investment money during the bear market has done a
couple of things:

1. It helped weed out the shaky business models so that the caliber
of companies coming to us for funds is far better than three years
ago. They are further along with their plans and have more realistic
cost structures.

2. You can get a bigger chunk of the action for a lot less cash!

I know this first hand. You see, I am a founding member of The

Supper Club. And now it is my job to screen and evaluate the 4/7/2005
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hundreds of new-business concepts that want to get their deals in

front of the Club. It is up to me to make sure your time in Puerto
Vallarta is well spent, that each of the opportunities presented has
merit and is worth serious consideration.

That's up to you and your fellow Supper Club Members to

Scrutinize and dissect. As with any speculation, especially venture
capital, there's always the risk of total loss. The trick is to eliminate
as much of the risk as possible. That's why you, along with other
sophisticated Club Members, will be ablt to ask as many tough
questions as you want to determine which ones will turn your
investment into a goldmine.

And I can tell you that as the economy shows signs of recovery and
the market has rallied, that the tide in venture capital is also turning.

Here's the really good news: investors who are willing to get back
into the game are discovering their dollars now command a bigger
piece of the action than ever! Which is why I can't urge you enough
to make sure you're at the CasaMagna Marriott Resort on February

In fact, at The Supper Club, we've noticed four things happening:

First, as I said earlier, the caliber of companies seeking funds is

definitely up a couple of notches. We're no longer seeing the kind of
harebrain, unrealistic business models that characterized the IPO
mania of the late 1990s. They are further along in their
implementation and have a better grip on their costs.

Second, there are some very good ideas going begging! Last year 4/7/2005
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and the year before even the best of the start-up found it next to
impossible to squeeze any money out of the investment community.
A lot of them folded. But the survivors are stronger and, especially
among the technology companies, a hell of a lot more realistic as to
what they have to give up in order to attract money. Investors are
now in the driver's seat, where-as four years ago there were bidding
wars going on over worthless junk.

Third, what we call "liquidity events" are occurring with greater

frequency. By this I mean that if you tie up say $10,000 in a
privately held company, there is an increasing likelihood that you'll
be able to realize profits in the near future through a take-over, a
merger with a publicly traded company or a successful IPO.

In the past few months three of the deals that presented to us have
either gone public, been taken over, or are in the process of
merging with a publicly traded company. All scenarios that resulted
in liquidity and hopefully big profits.

Fourth, and this is very interesting -- the companies presenting to

The Supper Club are getting what they need or nothing at all. To
me this is evidence that The Supper Club has really come of age
and is a cohesive group of mutually respecting investors who are
talking with one another... debating and arguing amongst
themselves... and ultimately relying on the cumulative wisdom and
experience of the group.

So you can be sure your time will be well spent, let me show you
what a Supper Club meeting is like.

The first thing I should tell you is that you are under no obligation to 4/7/2005
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act on anything you hear while you're at the meeting. Everyone is a

grownup and free to act or not on a proposal as he or she sees fit.

Since The Supper Club is a forum that attracts entrepreneurs and

start-ups looking for backing, the serious contenders are
prescreened to eliminate the obvious duds. The ones that make it
to the forum -- probably four or five -- will have passed the dud test.
I recognize that time is valuable to everyone who attends these

You'll hear each presentation first hand. Then the group might
debate the contenders' worthiness. After that, Members decide for
themselves if a deal interests them or not. There is no voting, no
official thumbs up or thumbs down. If you like what you see and
hear, then you can invest as much as you like. If you don't like any
of the deals that are presented...then you are under no obligation to
invest any money at all. Ever.

Supper Club Members are Seasoned

Business People Who Understand How
Real Money is Made
Now there are two other details I need to tell you about the group:

First, to get in on these deals, US citizens must be Accredited

Investors. SEC rules define an Accredited Investor as someone
who has either a net worth of over $1 million or an annual income of
over $200,000 for a single individual, or $300,000 for a married

Second, if you're not at least potentially interested in, and able to 4/7/2005
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put up money for a new business venture, there's no point in your

coming to The Supper Club's next get together. I'm not talking
about a lot of money, although occasionally some Members have
plunked down more than they owned up to with their spouses!

We're talking about increments of $5,000 or $10,000. Even though

many of our Members have the wherewithal to write much larger
checks without having to maneuver funds, we've learned by
experience that in this kind of game, smaller bundles are all you
really need to put up to have a shot at making a million or more
down the road. We're not foolhardly. . .not out to impress each
other... not into baseless speculation. We're here to find the
opportunity of a lifetime!

And these opportunities are well appreciated by our Members. In

fact, here's what a few Supper Club Members have to say:

"Anyone interested in investing, and who has done their

homework by reading newsletters such as Strategic
Investments and The Daily Reckoning is now ready for the
next step...attending a Supper Club meeting." - A. Smith

"Awesome. The Supper Club is one of those rare

organizations that delivers what is promised...and even
more! I was skeptical that a group would find unique
investment opportunities and present all the facts, good
and bad, and be 100% objective. I would recommend The
Supper Club to everyone who is looking for places to 4/7/2005
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invest that won't subject you to the con game called the
stock market!" - J. Paul

"I attended the meeting as a prospective Member. I was

so impressed by the quality of the companies presented,
the organization of the meeting, and the collective
knowledge of the Members that I joined as a new Member
before the meeting was over. Not to have done so would
have been a lost opportunity." - J. Jeffery

A Network of Experts At Your Disposal

Following each presentation, Members ask piercing questions from
the floor, sound off and offer personal opinions based upon their
own considerable first hand knowledge and experience.

We've got experts in the group on any topic you can name, from
gold mines and oil wells to semiconductor manufacturing and real
estate development. Which makes for some pretty interesting and
often heated discussion. Supper Club members don't pull punches
and the companies presenting to us sometimes resent such candor.
Too bad! Since you've got the money and they've got the need,
they have no option but to face your tough questioning.

The real fun begins when everyone meets for supper. That's
because, after a nice meal (the food is extraordinary) the visiting
presenters go on the hot-seat and our Members fire away for a
second round. 4/7/2005
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I must tell you that these sessions can be brutal on anyone with a
flawed plan, or who is trying to hide something from the group. We
have quite literally had people "fold their tents" and go home
because this kind of hard-nosed analysis proved the deal just
couldn't fly.

Of course, it's not like anyone has to sign on the dotted line when
the evening is over. There's a lot of back and forth via email and
phone between Members when they get back home. They network
amongst one another and have developed a real camaraderie. And
ultimately each Member has to decide if and how much of the
action he or she wants.

Deals Move Quickly...Timing Is Crucial

If you'd like to join this group of powerful investors for a one-time
peek at what the Club has to offer, all you have to do is join us on
the 27th of February for our next meeting at the CasaMagna
Marriott Resort in Puerto Vallarta. Meet our distinguished Members,
listen to the next crop of presentations, and talk with some of our
Members who have been around for a few years and hear what
they have to say about the deals and experiences they've had as a
result of The Supper Club.

You'll get to attend the forum, enjoy the amenities, network, and
take part in the presentations.

If, and only after being a part of it, you find getting in on these deals
an important tool for building a family fortune, then you may join as
a Full Member on an annual basis and we'll credit your $995
payment toward your annual dues. 4/7/2005
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Remember, we're looking at the sweet spot of the best and most
promising deals that have the potential to turn modest investments
into family fortunes. If that's the kind of perspective and thinking that
interests you, you'll feel right at home with the rest of us.

So, I urge you not to delay one more moment.Click on the order
form below or, call Vickie Beard, our Club Director now at (410)
454-0463 and let her know you are accepting our invitation to
supper on February 27th. She'll be most happy to take care of all
the details for you including your room reservation on which you will
enjoy a sizable Supper Club Discount!

So, why not join your fellow Accredited Investors for the next
meeting of The Supper Club and discover why this is the sensible,
more-certain way to multiply your wealth early and often, and to
have fun doing it!

I look forward to welcoming you in person.

Very truly yours,

Karim Rahemtulla
Executive Director

PS: The CasaMagna Marriott Resort is located in the exclusive

Marina Vallarta and features breathtaking views of Playa el Salado,
the Bay and the town of Puerto Vallarta and offers a full-service
health club and spa! Do join us and find out what we're really all
about! 4/7/2005
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