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Answer Sheet.

1. A. Physical Education is the study of the movement of the human body

through practical and theory experiences to achieve holistic development.

B. Citius – Faster
Altius – Higher
Fortius – Stronger

2. a Tokyo, Japan
I. Impressed by the sportsmanship in Britan schools, he wanted to expose it to
the rest of the world.
II. He wanted to bring young athletes of the world together to perform on a
world stage.

3. The increase in the size and growth of muscles.

4. Synovial joints (Freely moveable joints)

Ball & Socket

5. a. Increase of an angle at a joint

b. Decreased of an angle at a joint
6. a. Power Coordination
Reaction Time
b. Linear motion – sprinting, swimming, long jumping.
Rotary – spinning in a circle, throwing a discuss.

7. A – Warmup
B – Training / Fitness development
C – Skill of the sport
D – Cooldown

8. a) The chemical substances found in the food for the development and
functioning of the human body.

b)The intake and the use of food by the body.

9. I) Variety, Balance and Moderation

II) Involving foods from the six food groups in the correct nutritional

10.a) Highlights good sportsmanship

b) Creates sport heroes
c) Encourage viewership
d) Up-to-date with sporting events for sport fans
e) Encourage avenues for sponsorship
f) Increases interest for young potential athletes

Specially designed restrooms
Modified equipment
Modified facility/ play area.

12.-Funding tournaments in communities

-Subsidized coaching
- infrastructural development projects( community courts, playfields,
savannah, indoor facilities.)
- provide equipment and resources for schools and community.
- scheduled visits from sport heroes to schools & communities to
encourage and promote sport.
- Educate persons on the health benefits of sports

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