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Better than Wal-Mart in 1963...

Better than Coke in 1975...
Better than Microsoft in 1986...

The Next Gangbuster

Growth Stock
Early Investors Stand to Make a Fortune...
This Time in a Matter of Months.
Are You In?

Imagine a company that sells an indispensable commodity that is soaring

in price.

Imagine further that business is so strong sales are tripling, earnings are
up more than 30%, and the top executives that run the company are
buying millions of dollars worth of shares... in anticipation of a parabolic
move up in the stock.

This company is not imaginary, however. It's very real. And while the
vast majority of investors have never heard of it, they'll soon wish they

That's because investors who pick up a few shares of this company now 4/6/2005
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stand to collect an enormous jackpot.

Read on to learn how three 'irreversible factors' have combined to create

explosive upside potential in this little-known investment opportunity.
And why the stock is set to vault much, much higher in the weeks

Best of all, our assessment is confirmed by 'The Divergence Indicator,' a

dead-on predictor of future stock movements that can only occur when
rock-solid fundamentals are combined with corporate insiders buying
millions of dollars worth of the shares, with their own money, at current
market prices.

That's exactly what's happening here now.

And while Wall Street and the mainstream financial press have missed
this story altogether, it won't be long before the whole world learns
what's happening here. Of course, by then, we'll be on our way to the

So time is of the essence. That's why I'm contacting you now...

A Perfect Stock In An Imperfect World

My name is James Boxley Cooke. I'm a former executive with T. Rowe
Price, one of the oldest and most respected names in mutual fund

I'm no longer in the mutual fund business, however. Today I serve as the
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the world's largest private
financial fellowship. And, quite frankly, my position as head of one of
the world's most powerful investment groups gives me access to 4/6/2005
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intelligence and ideas the average investor never hears about.

Our results speak for themselves. In the last year, for instance, a special
group of us were able to lock in a number of phenomenal short-term
gains. Just a brief sampling of our recent winners include:

 29% in nine weeks in a company that makes nutritional supplements

for infant formula.

 22% in four months in the world's largest web-based auctioneer.

 43% in ten weeks in an Israeli manufacturer of generic


 45% in seven weeks in a conservative educational publisher.

 29% in 27 days in a private, post-secondary education company.

 18% in two weeks in a leading prison privatization company.

 And 13% in a diversified information management systems company.

(That's right. That investment rose more than thirteen-fold in just three

However, none of those investment opportunities had ALL FOUR of

the crucial factors 'the perfect stock' has. And the upside potential
here is considerably greater.

If you bought Coca-Cola in the 60's, IBM

in the 70's, Wal-Mart in the 80's, or This stock gives you the
Microsoft in the 90's, you made a small chance tomake up for
every big investmentidea
fortune-or perhaps a large one-on a single 4/6/2005
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you ever missed,
everyfinancial mistake you
Today, you're going to be presented with a ever made.
new opportunity of the same magnitude.
The potential here is so immense, this stock
gives you the chance to make up for every big investment idea you ever
missed, every financial mistake you ever made. It's a short-term
opportunity with the potential to send you down the road to total
financial independence.

So let's get started. Here's how thousands of hours of research and

diligence-and our own proprietary Divergence Indicator-allowed us to
finally identify 'the perfect stock.'

The Four Factors That Make 'The Perfect Stock'

Please understand that situations like these are exceedingly rare. In my
forty years of experience, I've learned that three 'irreversible factors' must
come together to create the perfect stock. And-even then-they must be
confirmed by another equally-potent fourth indicator. Here's what they

#1 The company must sell an indispensable product. If

consumers have a choice about whether to buy your product or not, they
might choose 'no.' That's not the case here. Because the product happens
to be natural gas. Now I'll be the first to admit that natural gas is not a
sexy story like cancer drugs or cutting-edge web-based applications. But
that's the beauty of it. You see, this company is quietly and stealthily
minting money for shareholders, without drawing a lot of attention to
itself. 4/6/2005
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Production is soaring. Earnings recently bolted over 30% higher. The

stock is in a confirmed up-trend. And yet the odds are better than 50-to-1
that neither you nor your broker have ever heard of this company.

But you soon will. Because at the rate this company is growing, the
whole world will soon learn what they're doing. Already this company is
the #1 driller in the country. And their reserves are safe and sound, right
here in North America. Not buried offshore near Indonesia or in some
god-forsaken area of the Middle East.

That's important. Because it means we also have a high margin of safety.

#2 There must be a structural imbalance between supply

and demand, creating a sustained spike in prices. Natural gas
recently traded at six times the level it did three years ago, an
unprecedented increase. Why? Natural gas reserves hover near
historically low levels. And this isn't about to change. The American
Chemistry Council reports that 'what Americans face is no longer a
seasonal disturbance, but a fundamental structural imbalance in supply
and demand for natural gas.'

Hear that? 'Fundamental structural

Production is soaring.
imbalance.' That's music to our ears. And Earningsrecently bolted
it's not coming from some brokerage firm over 30%higher. The stock
or industry pitchman, but from the is in aconfirmed up-trend.
independent, objective American
Chemistry Council.

The reasons for this imbalance are well known. Natural gas is preferable
to coal and other fossil fuels because it is clean burning, easily
transportable, and historically highly affordable. 4/6/2005
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While prices have come down from the highs of last spring, many
industry analysts agree it's only temporary.

Admittedly, this is not good news for us as consumers. But it's certainly
positive for this little-known company, which is simultaneously enjoying
both a huge jump in prices and sharply higher production.

#3 Near-term business prospects for the company must be

much stronger than is commonly recognized. This is certainly
the case here. I've checked around Wall Street and most brokerage
houses don't even cover this company. They have no clue it has interests
in over 14,000 onshore domestic wells. They don't realize it owns more
than 3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. (That's right 3 trillion!) And they
are unaware this company is currently the number #1 driller in the U.S.

In short, this company has it all. Gigantic reserves, growing demand,

successful exploration and soaring prices are combining to form the
perfect stock, one that is set to simply ignite. How do we know? Because
our research is confirmed by a fourth very important factor: The
Divergence Indicator.

What is it exactly?

The Divergence Indicator, in my view, is the greatest stock selection tool

ever devised. Because it means riding the coattails of only the most
knowledgeable and successful investors in the market: corporate insiders.

Corporate insiders are the executives who run or oversee a publicly-

traded company. They know everything that can be known about the
future business prospects of a company: The direction of sales and 4/6/2005
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earnings since the last corporate announcement. New products in

development. Whether major customers have recently been gained or
lost. Whether the company has received an unsolicited takeover bid. And
so on.

Trust me. The folks who run a company know more about its near-term
prospects than anyone on the outside looking in.

And here's where the Divergence Indicator comes in. Ordinarily,

insiders-who have an obvious advantage in assessing their company's
worth-will buy when shares are down and sell when they're up. So when
you instead see insiders doing the opposite-dumping at low prices or
buying at high prices-this is a divergence from the norm. And it is critical
information for investors seeking short-term profits.

Experience tells us to really take note when we see insiders buy at higher
prices than their earlier purchases. This usually means business
conditions are getting stronger. Better than expected news will more than
likely surface a few weeks or months later.

That's exactly what's happening now at this rapidly growing energy

company. The insiders there are confirming our research ... and flashing
us this very important signal.

A Multi-Million Dollar Head's Up

Not long ago, the CEO of this company and one of his Directors each
began buying hundreds of thousands of shares between $5.90 and $6.22.

Before long, the stock began increasing... and so did the insiders' appetite
for the stock. Before long, they came back to hundreds of thousands of
more shares at approximately $6.75 a share. 4/6/2005
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Natural gas prices kept heading higher. And so did the stock. Yet that
hasn't deterred the insiders in the least. They each bought another million
dollars worth of the stock at $7.50 a share.

Still, the stock kept climbing higher. And the insiders each bought
another million dollars worth... and another million dollars worth each
again a couple months later... and a couple million dollars soon after.

And they aren't the only insiders buying.

Experience tells us to
The Chief Financial Officer has been reallytake note when we
buying. The Treasurer has been buying. see insidersbuy at higher
Other officers and directors too. prices than theirearlier
purchases. This
What do all these insiders see that look so usuallymeans business
appealing? conditions aregetting
Plenty. We already know that natural gas
prices have surged. But so have the company's oil and gas reserves.

In addition to being an active driller, the company has been on an

acquisition spree. And so far the insiders have been dead right about the
company's bottom line. Revenues and profits are soaring. Other financial
measures are equally impressive. And the company is even using its cash
flow to buy back its own debt!

All this insider buying only means one thing. The market still doesn't
realize just how good things are. But we do. And the investors who
understand the potential of this 'perfect stock' stand to gain a fortune.

That's why time is of the essence. 4/6/2005
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30%+... Here We Go Again

Let me assure you that we're hardly new to this sort of thing. We've
learned that a scenario like 'the perfect stock' can generate a return of
30% or more. Let me give you just one example.

One of my colleagues, Alexander Green, is a Wall Street veteran, a

former research analyst and portfolio manager. He makes a specialty of
monitoring and analyzing insider activity in publicly traded companies.
And he runs a highly successful trading service based, in part, on heavy
insider buying. Let me tell you about a special situation he revealed to us
not long ago.

In June of 2002, he noticed that insiders at a company called Western

Wireless were buying millions of dollars worth of the company stock. He
immediately notified the members of our financial fellowship and told us
to BUY THE STOCK NOW. Here's what he said:

'Chairman John Stanton and Executive Vice President Theresa Gillespie

have bought millions of shares. Many of the other officers and directors
have bought tens of thousands of shares too.

'The average wireless stock (already selling at distressed levels) is more

than ten times as expensive as Western Wireless.

'In my view, this astute group of insiders who have scooped up a

boatload of shares before a recovery in wireless shares begins.

'Investors often claim that insiders buying their own company's shares
have an 'unfair advantage' because of their access to material, non-public
information. Western Wireless presents an opportunity to make that
unfair advantage ours.' 4/6/2005
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Was his analysis on target? You be the judge. In less than five months
Western Wireless doubled. Twelve months later the shares had more than
tripled. And in just nineteen months, they were up more than 30%... and-
as I write-they're still rising!

Western Wireless turned out to be a 'perfect stock.' And now we're

looking at yet another one.

Crucial Intelligence... Enormous Profits

Let me put this special opportunity in perspective.

Maybe once in a generation a company comes along that is not only

wildly successful, but actually changes our way of life.

Forty years ago, it was IBM. Thirty years ago, it was Wal-Mart. And
nearly twenty years ago, it was Microsoft.

Early investors in these companies did not become millionaires. They

became billionaires. And even investors who took a very small stake had
their financial lives completely transformed.

Now history is repeating itself.

And everything you need to know about this company-which you can
quickly buy through your existing broker-is plainly and simply spelled
out in our latest special report: 'Payoff of a Lifetime: The Perfect Stock.'

This special 'white paper' details all our crucial intelligence on this
unique investment opportunity. It's part of a special bonus you'll receive
when you sign up for a one-year membership in the investment 4/6/2005
Page 11 of 21

organization I head, The Oxford Club.

Membership in this club will allow you to receive regular updates on the
status of this special investment, as it already tops our list of
recommended investments. You'll get regular updates on the stock as
your portfolio swells in size. And you'll also learn the proprietary system
we use that protects both your profits and your principal on these

However, in joining this well-connected group of investors, you'll

receive other benefits you can't put a price on...

A 'Life-Changing' Experience
The Oxford Club is not another financial newsletter or advisory service.
Membership is by invitation only. We're extending this invitation
because we have reason to believe you're someone who understands that
it's difficult to profit from mainstream advice alone-and that you'd
welcome an organization that's independent... unbound by convention
and mainstream ideals... and committed to revealing the deeper secrets of
creating and growing wealth under any circumstances.

The Oxford Club is an organization like no

other. And I would like to share with you 'A considerable
satisfaction with
our substantial intellectual resources, our portfolioresults has
deep and serious financial network, and our allowed me a greater
analysts who are diligent and extremely benefit - peace of mind.
sophisticated. And unlike Wall Street Since my earned income
firms, we have no conflicts of interest. We yearsare over, this is no
don't do investment banking deals that small matter.
cloud our objectivity. We don't hawk I'mcomfortable that my
investments are well-
investments for fees and commissions. 4/6/2005
Page 12 of 21

We're not interested in 'capturing your

guided, thanks to you.'
~Stephen Fedor
Our only obligation is to our members.

As a result, we don't offer an endless stream of 'hot tips.' Rather, we

carefully research thousands of publicly traded securities to distill the
handful of opportunities that are truly worthwhile. And then we group
these few winners into one of our select portfolios.

For instance, the 'perfect stock' I'm writing to you about is currently
featured in our Oxford Trading Portfolio. This portfolio is made up of the
most promising individual securities in the market. Each with a highly
unusual story. Each with enormous upside potential.

We have other moneymakers as well. Like our Oxford All-Star Portfolio.

This portfolio allows you to select the same types of investments run by
the top money managers on the planet. Who are these individuals?
Perhaps you'll recognize a few of their names: Warren Buffett, Bill
Gross, Sam Zell, Mark Mobius, Mario Gabelli, Marty Zweig and others.
If you don't know these men and their prodigious track records, you'll
certainly benefit from getting better acquainted. Not that we know them
personally either, but we can and do scope out the types of investments
they're in.

And don't overlook our Oxford Income Portfolio. If you're retired,

planning for retirement, or just looking to boost your monthly income,
you'll be delighted with the jaw-dropping yields we're earning on super
safe investments. And without any stock market risk.

We even have a Gone Fishin' Portfolio for members who want to boost
their returns while spending as little time as possible fiddling with their 4/6/2005
Page 13 of 21

investments. This portfolio allows you to beat the market with very little
risk, while you spend your time in the shade-casting a purple worm.

Of course, what matters above all else is investment performance, plain

and simple. And our returns have been nothing short of spectacular.
Here's what a few of our members have to say about us:

'I am happy with the results of my investments for this calendar year
(an 18% increase in my portfolio) based solely on The Oxford Club's
recommendations.' ~Steve Husbands

'About 19 years ago, I received an invitation to join The Oxford Club.

No one I checked with knew anything about you and I didn't join. In
November 2002, I again received an invitation to join. I figured that if
you had lasted 2 decades you couldn't do any worse than all the other
investment gurus that helped me lose money. This time I joined and I'm
glad I did! After one year, EACH of my investments made following
your advice is profitable. The Oxford Club is the only investment
advisory renewal I have made. In fact, I renewed for life.' ~Henry Rose

'I opened my investment account in late June 2002 with $44,000 and
have rolled up consistent double digit and some triple digit gains on
Oxford Club recommendations. God bless You!' ~Homer Ryan

'I should write more often to tell you how well our investments are
doing. Thanks to your advice... I keep telling my wife how well I'm
doing for us in the stock market. I must admit she knows you guys get a
lot of the credit.' ~Ernie Hinds

The Most Important Financial Alliance You Will Ever Make

If such an association appeals to you, I invite you to join us. And, of 4/6/2005
Page 14 of 21

course, begin by receiving our new special report, 'Payoff of a Lifetime:

The Perfect Stock.'

And please don't overlook the many additional benefits you're entitled to
as a new member of The Oxford Club. Here's what you'll soon be

The Communiqu i>... the official 'letter of record' for Oxford Club
members. Twice each month you'll learn about new investments the Club
is recommending and get updates on our current portfolio. You'll also be
introduced to new investment techniques
'I'm calling to thank you.
and strategies-strategies and techniques My portfolio, thanks toThe
that will help you become a better, more Oxford Club, is up over
knowledgeable and wealthier investor. 22% year to date,and up
You'll also find wealth-building insights over 52% over the last 12
from market experts, traders, and company months. Keepup the good
insiders. One of the most important work.' ~Edward Bayliss
sections of The Communiqu /i>is the
'What To Do With Your Money Today' page, which is a frank and
concise discussion about which investments will profit most in the days
and weeks ahead. You'll receive The Communiqu i> the first and
fifteenth of every month-plus we'll alert you by e-mail when it's available
to members 'on line.' If The Communiqu /i> were the only benefit you
received from the Club you'd be far wealthier because of it. But there's
so much more...

OC Chapter News & Members' Exchange... Each month, you'll also

receive this newsletter to keep you apprised of Club happenings, events,
meetings and news from our financial network, as well as personal
notices from fellow members. In fact, you can place one FREE listing
each year yourself. This is an excellent vehicle for buying and selling
real estate, finding loans or grants, meeting business partners, getting or 4/6/2005
Page 15 of 21

offering investment and legal advice and more.

The Oxford Club may be the only

'The Oxford Club
organization that delivers three specific meeting in NYC was
publications each month dedicated to wealth excellent. Each of the
building and wealth preservation. presenters offered
valuable information
Members-Only Clubhouses on 3 about the Club and
Continents... One of the unique privileges of choices we havefor
Oxford Club membership is that you always protecting and growing
our assets. I've
have a 'place to visit' when your travels take paidmuch more for
you near one of our four global locations. much less. Truth is, I've
There's our U.S. headquarters-a beautifully attendedentire seminars
restored historic brownstone in the heart of that offered less value
Baltimore's Mount Vernon district. than justthis 4-hour
regional meeting. And
the regionalmeeting
There's our London office in the bustling Fleet was free to members!
Street district. In Paris you can visit our officeAnotherunexpected
on the River Seine, just steps away from Notre Oxford Club benefit.
Dame Cathedral. Or you can take the train a Thank you.'~Catherine
few hours south to our 17th century ch au in Wynkoop
the French countryside, enjoy authentic
French cuisine, walk our miles of tended trails, visit the local towns and
take in a wine tour.

For a special treat, you might want to fly down to Central America and
spend a few relaxing nights at our members clubhouse retreat located
directly on one of the most beautiful beaches you'll find on the Pacific
coast. As an Oxford Club member, these clubhouses are yours to use and

Wealth Report Library and Special Investors' Reports... Over the years, 4/6/2005
Page 16 of 21

The Oxford Club has uncovered many powerful investment techniques

and strategies that we feel every member should know about. That's why
as soon as you join, we'll send you a library of information that we
believe is vital to your financial success-like how to get 34% profits on
the best asset class of the last 10 years. There's another report on how to
supercharge your cash-account investments. . . another on a strategy
many top investors use to trade fast-rising 'momentum' stocks... another
still on a company who's technology fights cancer and terrorism, too!
Their stock is already on the rise and we believe it'll go much higher.

But besides your initial library, you can download additional reports
from our web site. Every time we publish a report, we post it to our site
for all members to access.

'I have been receiving solicitations from the OC for many years. All
the while my financial advisor and my broker and my pensionfund
administrators managed to lose a significant portion of my money. So
I fired them all and joined The Oxford Club. Hey I figured you could
not possibly do worse than them. I admit that I was timid and
mistrustful (can you blame me!) at thebeginning. Then I started
following your recommendations. Lo and behold my investments are
actually making, not losing,money. For example I doubled my money
on Netflix. I am significantly ahead in all the other recommendations.
This is a wholenew experience for me. Keep up the good work. And
thanks.' ~G. Ibrahim, M.D.

Members Liaison-Pick Up The Phone and Talk to A Research

Assistant... Need information on deferring taxes? Want to talk to
someone about setting up an offshore account, asset protection plan or
privacy strategy? Need information on estate planning? Interested in the
safest and most secure way to buy precious metals... the best and
cheapest way to buy stocks on line... how to buy and sell a business? Or 4/6/2005
Page 17 of 21

do you simply want to have a 'real voice' explain one of our professional
trading strategies to you? While we can't provide individual financial
advice, virtually any financial question you have can be researched on
your behalf by one of our member representatives. It's like having your
own team of assistants a phone call away!

The Oxford Insight-Real-Time Market Information Directly From

Investment Director, Alexander Green, Twice-Weekly... This is one of
my favorite benefits of membership because it's a chance for our
Investment Director to write directly to members about what's effecting
our investments that day. If there's a fast-breaking opportunity that's
come up, he'll pass it on. If the market has turned wacky on us-he'll let
you know if there's cause for concern and what you can do immediately
to protect yourself.

He'll tell you about any interesting conversations he's had recently with
Wall Street bigwigs, company insiders and other trading experts. He likes
to write the Insight as if you and he are sitting down to a private dinner-
and he's passing on all the best stuff he's come across in the past few
days. The Oxford Insight is delivered by e-mail only.

Members-Only Website and Telephone Hotline... Oxford Club members

are busy people-and we understand that you can't always be home when
important financial news is breaking. That's why every Oxford Club
member receives two very important passwords-one to the members-only
website and another to the telephone hotline. With these passwords you
can gain immediate up-to-the-minute access to new recommendations,
quick trade picks and other information vital to your wealth from
anywhere in the world.

Global Investment Expeditions, Retreats and Symposiums... Perhaps no

group is as adventurous as The Oxford Club. That's why we're forever 4/6/2005
Page 18 of 21

traveling the world in search of new business and investment

opportunities. Our travels have taken us to such places as the Caribbean,
the Far East, New Zealand, Central and South America, South Africa,
Iceland-and everywhere we go we make invaluable connections with
leaders of industry, entrepreneurs, and heads of state. Besides all the fun,
camaraderie and adventure, profits have a habit of following us.

Local Chapter Meetings, Where We Come To You... Last year, The

Oxford Club sponsored chapter meetings in towns and cities across
America. It's one of the ways we bring the many benefits of membership
to you. These events give you an opportunity to get the latest news on
investments, hear experts speak about important financial matters, learn
about new money-making opportunities, get asset protection advice, form
strategic alliances and, of course, meet fellow members in your town.
You'll find upcoming meetings listed in your twice-monthly Communiqu
nd one phone call reserves your spot.

And that's just for starters... There are

'I have been following your
literally dozens more entitlements Oxford advice since lastNovember
Club members enjoy... like the annual and it has been profitable.
scholarship available exclusively to I have learnedmore about
members' children... Investment U-a 3-day asset allocation and
crash course in professional investment developing a
techniques... Pillar One Partnerships, sensibleattitude about risk
where you enjoy substantial discounts off of in the past 8 months than
in theprevious 45 years,
a host of financial services... our Members' many of which were spent
Exchange program, where you can connect as aseries 7 broker.' ~Jon
with other members looking to partner in Major
business deals, buy or sell real estate,
arrange financing deals and more . . .

Special Offer... Join Now for as Little as $99! 4/6/2005
Page 19 of 21

No question, with all these benefits-all these opportunities to profit-you're

probably thinking that our special report, 'Payoff of a Lifetime: The
Perfect Stock,'-and membership in The Oxford Club must cost several
hundred dollars. After all, the intelligence on this one opportunity alone
is worth that. But you'll be surprised to learn that you can take a full-
fledged membership where you receive all the benefits I've mentioned
here and more-for just $99. (Membership regularly costs $149, but with
this offer, you get nearly half off.)

I know this fee seems preposterously low for intelligence that can have
such a profound impact on your financial life. But we've priced this
special offer so low because we want to encourage membership, not
discourage it.

So, you get everything I've mentioned to you

'I have been a member of
in this letter and more, 'Payoff of a The OxfordClub for a few
Lifetime: The Perfect Stock'; all our best years...I have belonged
investment recommendations; 24 twice- tomany other investment
monthly issues of The Communiqu i>, 12 programs but Ihaven't
monthly issues of OC Chapter News & made any money on
Members' Exchange, 6 additional wealth theirrecommendations.
reports, access to our Clubhouses That's why I am
notrenewing any of them,
worldwide, web site and telephone hotline just staying with The
access, a direct line to our Members Oxford Club .' ~Joe Yetto
Liaison office, and the dozens of other
benefits that come with The Oxford Club's
'Premiere' membership.

Thousands of investors lost thousands of dollars in the grinding 3 year

bear market from 2000 to 2002. You can risk that kind of money yourself
in the years ahead... or you can lay those fears to rest right now. And get 4/6/2005
Page 20 of 21

on with the important task of building a legacy of lasting wealth.

All the information you need is in our special report 'Payoff of a

Lifetime: The Perfect Stock,' along with the host of valuable
information you'll recieve as a member of The Oxford Club.

In Life, Timing is Everything.

And the Time to Take Advantage of This Situation is Now
Consider this your first meaningful step
'I had lost a sizable
toward achieving and maintaining total amount in the stockmarket
financial independence. (And please don't before I joined. I tried
forget to share this crucial intelligence investmentservices that
with your children and grandchildren.) failed to live up to their
promises.I have been a
You now have an opportunity to turn a member for some time
small stake into a lifetime of profits. For now andI've found your
advice can be trusted.
this reason, I urge you to join us and read
Thankyou!' ~Terry Miller
this special report as soon as possible. Just
click below to receive the report and
activate your membership right now. Your investment success may very
well depend on it.


James Boxley Cooke

The Oxford Club 4/6/2005
Page 21 of 21

P.S. It's only a matter of time before the national media and Wall Street
realize this incredible opportunity. When that happens, millions of
investors-and their fund managers-will likely start shoveling money into
this stock. Right now, you have a groundfloor investment opportunity, so
please don't delay. Click below to activate your membership. We'll e-
mail you this report immediately and we'll send you a hard copy-along
with all the other reports promised-via priority mail in your new member
welcome package. 4/6/2005

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