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You are entering to a test phase for an Expert Contributor. The following questions are
an example of questions that you will be working on in the future. The subject of
questions is History and you will answer them in MS Office Word.

Good luck!

11. "Who is the artist of the painting above?

A. Poussin
B. Christopher wren
C. Antoine La Nain
D. The artist is unknown"

12. Which statement accurately describes events at the end of World War ll?

The end of World War II saw the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany on May 7,
1945, and its official conclusion on May 8, celebrated as Victory in Europe (V-E) Day.
Simultaneously, in the Pacific, the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in August 1945, leading to Japan's surrender announced on August 15, 1945,
and formalized on September 2, 1945. These events marked the end of global
hostilities, reshaping the post-war world with reconstruction efforts, the rise of
superpowers, and the establishment of the United Nations for international cooperation.

13. What realization does China and Japan share following the Sino-Japanese war?

A Their militaries needed to be modernized

B Isolationist past had left them far behind western society
C They shared dislike of western ideas and culture
D They needed to forgo tradition in order to advanced society.

Both China and Japan recognized that their historical policy of isolationism had left them
technologically and militarily lagging behind Western societies. This realization
prompted efforts in both countries to modernize their military, industrial, and economic
structures to catch up with and compete on a global scale. In the aftermath of the Sino-
Japanese War, China and Japan acknowledged the pressing need for comprehensive
reforms to overcome the challenges posed by Western advancements. They embarked
on ambitious modernization programs, embracing technological, economic, and military
changes to position themselves competitively in the evolving global landscape.

14. The language of Afrikaans was influenced by all of the following languages except
__________. A. Dutch B. African languages C. American Indian languages D. English

Afrikaans, a West Germanic language spoken in South Africa, was influenced by

several languages, including Dutch, Malay, English, Portuguese, and indigenous African
languages. The language of Afrikaans evolved primarily from Dutch, incorporating
elements from indigenous African languages and English, contributing to its unique
linguistic characteristics. Afrikaans was not influenced by American Indian languages.
American Indian languages have primarily influenced English, particularly in the United
States, where Native American tribes had a profound impact on the linguistic landscape.
English has adopted numerous words, phrases, and even place names from various
Native American languages.

15. Which of the following is not a result of invention of the printing press A. increased
literacy B. cheaper books C. papal loyalty and influence

The printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, had a
profound impact on society, l eading to increased literacy and the availability of cheaper
books. However, it did not contribute to the enhancement of papal loyalty and influence.
In fact, the printing press played a role in challenging established authorities, including
the power and control of the Catholic Church. Before the printing press, many written
materials were in Latin, accessible primarily to the educated elite. With the printing
press, books and documents started to be printed in vernacular languages, making
knowledge more accessible to a broader audience.

16. ECONOMICS EVERFI QUESTION What is one of the best ways to get reliable
information on a product.

17. Which word from King's speech has the strongest emotional connotation?

One of the most emotionally charged words in Martin Luther King's iconic "I Have a
Dream" speech is likely "freedom." This word carries a profound emotional weight as it
represents the core aspiration of the Civil Rights Movement. "Freedom" in King's
speech represents not only the absence of legal segregation but also the profound
desire for equality, justice, and the fulfillment of the American promise for all citizens. It
encapsulates the yearning for a society where individuals are judged by their character
rather than the color of their skin.

18. What emotion does this word inspire in the reader?

King's passionate delivery and the historical context surrounding the fight for freedom
and equality in the United States evoke strong emotions among listeners. The word
"freedom" encapsulates the dreams, hopes, and struggles of the African American
community during the Civil Rights era, making it a powerful and emotionally resonant
term in King's speech. It becomes a transformative concept, inspiring individuals to
envision a future free from oppression and inequality. Overall, the emotional resonance
of "freedom" in King's speech lies in its ability to transcend its literal definition, becoming
a rallying cry for justice, equality, and the realization of the American ideals for all

19. "Which of these statements is true regarding the Preamble to the Constitution of the
United States?
a. It establishes the three branches of government.
b. It defines the role of the states to the federal government.
c. It sets up the power of the states over the people.
d. It explains the purposes of the constitution."

The Preamble to the United States Constitution succinctly articulates the overarching
goals and objectives behind the creation of the Constitution. It serves as an introduction,
outlining the fundamental purposes that the framers sought to achieve. These purposes
include forming a more perfect union, establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility,
providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare, and securing the
blessings of liberty for both the present generation and future posterity. While not
delving into specific details, the Preamble encapsulates the guiding principles and
aspirations that underpin the entire constitutional framework of the United States.

20. which 4 people oppose war with britian and what are their reasons for not wanting to
go to war?

John Randolph, Francis Scott Key, Margret Elliot, and John Bradford opposed the war,
since they believed it would disrupt the maritime trade on which many northeastern
businesses depended. In a narrow vote, Congress authorized the president to declare
war against Britain in June 1812. Despite their objections, Congress narrowly
authorized the president to declare war against Britain in June 1812, marking a
significant historical event in U.S. history.

21. "Which of these is the largest desert in the world?

the Grand Canyon in the United States
the Sahara Desert in North Africa
the Great Victoria Desert in Australia
the Gobi Desert in Tibet"

The Sahara Desert, located in North Africa, is the largest hot desert globally, spanning
across several countries such as Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania,
Morocco, Niger, Sudan, and Tunisia. It covers an immense area of approximately 9.2
million square kilometers (3.6 million square miles). Despite common associations with
vast sand dunes, the Sahara is a diverse landscape featuring not only sand seas but
also rocky plateaus, mountains, and occasional vegetation. The region's extreme aridity,
marked by scorching temperatures and minimal precipitation, characterizes the Sahara
as a formidable and iconic desert landscape.

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