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HOT Tips for Paraphrasing

1. Use your own words: Change the sentence structure

Use synonyms (nouns, verbs and adjectives)

A General Rule: Do not use more than five words of the source material in a row.

Exercise 1: Find synonyms for the underlined words then paraphrase with a new structure:

a. President McKinley and his administration, as well as many newspapers, justified American imperialism
in the Philippines on humanitarian grounds.
administration = _______________________ imperialism= ________________________________
many newspapers =_____________________ on humanitarian grounds= _____________________

American __________________ was justified by ________________________________________________________


b. China is one of the largest, most populous, most ethnically diverse countries in the world.


2. Use Reporting Verbs & Phrases:

state report announce stress argue respond claim
suggest express believe demonstrate show

According to …, In …’s view… As … explains, …

Exercise 2: Add a reporting verb or phrase to CITE the source and paraphrase the following sentences:

TIP: underline the words you can find synonyms for – remember the Rule of 5!
c. Deforestation and overexploitation of vegetation may be to blame for increased drought risks and
increased flooding as good vegetation cover helps regulate, store and absorb water flows. (David Krohn,
Man’s impact on the hydrological cycle)

d. In fact, and this is no exaggeration, the greatest hope of a great majority of the men is that rioting and
revolt at home will force the government to pack in on any terms. (DL Rowlands; British soldier, in a
letter to his girlfriend during WW1)
3. When TAKING NOTES: Keep track of your Sources!! Cite the source before you take notes.
Exercise 3: Choose ONE paragraph and Practice Paraphrasing Blindly!

1. FIRST - Cite the source

2. Look at the title – Make a Purpose Question (PQ)
3. Skim Read, highlight key words & phrases related to the PQ
4. Close read and take notes – try not to just COPY whole sentences
5. Cover the source & paraphrase from your notes
6. Rewrite a good copy using a reporting verb or phrase to cite the source!

e. Man’s impact on the hydrological cycle

Human activities have had significant impacts on the

hydrological cycle, both on the quantity and quality of water
flowing within it. A common problem is the overuse of
watercourses resulting in drastically reduced flow through
rivers into natural stores. A good example of this is the
situation in the Aral Sea basin, where over extraction for
irrigation has resulted in the cessation of inflow from
contributing rivers. Diversion of water for irrigation purposes
modifies natural hydrological processes and irrigated land often
has high rates of evaporation. Another common problem is the
over regulation of river basins in dams and levees which aim to
accumulate water for human consumption or protect urban
areas. They not only increase evaporation and raise the water
table through increased percolation, but also lead to decreased
freedom of sediment flow, which can affect flow velocities and river development.

g. Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels

(1994 - 2011 California Energy Commission)

The sunlight falling on the United States in one day contains more than
twice the energy we consume in an entire year. California has enough
wind gusts to produce 11 percent of the world's wind electricity. Clean
energy sources can be harnessed to produce electricity, process heat, fuel
and valuable chemicals with less impact on the environment.
In contrast, emissions from cars fueled by gasoline and factories and
other facilities that burn oil affect the atmosphere. Foul air results in so-
called greenhouse gases. About -81% of all U.S. greenhouse gases are
carbon dioxide emissions from energy-related sources.
Renewable energy resource development will result in new jobs for
people and less oil we have to buy from foreign countries. According to
the federal government, America spent $109 billion to import oil in 2000.
If we fully develop self-renewing resources, we will keep the money at
home to help the economy.

When you PARAPHRASE, you rewrite the MAIN IDEA and the SUPPORTING DETAILS presented by
the author or speaker. That is, YOU REWRITE EVERYTHING IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

When you write a research paper, you may not need to paraphrase all of the material from a whole source.
Imagine trying to paraphrase a whole book or even one chapter! Your essay would be as long as the source, you
would not have room for your own ideas, and your reader could just as easily read the original source rather
than your paper.

A SUMMARY is a condensed version of JUST the MAIN IDEAS presented in the source.

Tips to Summarize
1. USE your OWN words
2. Mark with Reporting Verbs & Phrases
3. BE GENERAL, do not include specific examples or evidence


The article ‘Dying with Dignity’ claims that the number of people who support
MAIN IDEA euthanasia has increased and argues that terminally sick people should be able to choose
to end their lives if they wish. The reasons presented include the idea that people
should not have to live with severe pain; that long stays in hospital can be costly for the
family and that lying sick in bed is not really ‘living’.

The writer argues that more people are supportive of euthanasia and that it should be
an option for terminally sick people.
Exercise 4: Summarize the main ideas of the 3 paragraphs (f. g. h.)

Possible Summaries: Teacher Answers

f. In David Krohn’s view, the hydrological cycle is significantly affected by human activities that
divert or store natural water flows.

g. The California Energy Commission states that the development of renewable energy sources will
have a positive impact on both the environment and the economy.

h. John Pike from Global Security maintains that the US first started to get more involved in
Chinese affairs during WWII when the two countries became allies and the US lifted restrictions
on Chinese immigration.


Cimasko., Tony, and Allen Brizee. "Purdue OWL Engagement." Welcome to the Purdue University Online

Writing Lab (OWL). Purdue University, 26 Feb. 2009. Web. 14 Sept. 2011.


"The Energy Story - Chapter 17: Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels." Energy Quest Room. California Energy

Commission, 2011. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <>.

Krohn, David. "Man’s Impact on the Hydrological Cycle « David Krohn." Web log post. David Krohn. 16 Oct.

2009. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <>.

Pike, John. "Chinese Civil War." - Reliable Security Information., 15

July 2011. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <>.

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