MLT 115 - Eukaryotic Cells

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• The eukaryotic cell is much wider; 15X that of

• 1000x greater in volume than prokaryotes.

• Eukaryotic cell contains membrane–bound

compartments in which specific metabolic activities take

• The DNA is enclosed and defined in a membrane.

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Eukaryotic cell

Cells are
compartmentalised- they
contain organelles which
perform specific functions
eg. Plant cells, animal cells

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Representative animal Cell

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Representative Plant Cell

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Structure of the eukaryote cell
• Eukaryote cells are referred to as true nucleoid cells/ cells
with true nucleus.
• The cell contains a defined nucleus, cytoplasm and
bonded by cell membrane.
• The nucleus is bounded by a membrane that has pores for
communication and other exchanges.
• The nucleus lies within a fluid medium called the
• The cytoplasm contain many organelles
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Cell Inclusions/Organelles
(1) nucleolus, (2) nucleus, (3)
ribosome, (4) vesicle, (5) rough
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), (6)
Golgi apparatus, (7)
Cytoskeleton, (8) smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, (9)
mitochondria, (10) vacuole, (11)
cytoplasm, (12) lysosome, (13)
centrioles within centrosome

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Organelles: small bodies

that have a specific
structure and function

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Animal and plant cells contain organelles
• Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells have organelles but
organelles in eukaryotes are generally more complex and
may be membrane bound.
Two types:
1. Membrane-bound/Membranous organelles
2. Non-membrane bound/Non-membranous organelles

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Organelles cont’d
Some (such as the nucleus and golgi apparatus are
typically solitary/single.

Others (such as mitochondria, peroxisomes and

lysosomes) can be numerous (hundreds to thousands).

The cytosol is the gelatinous fluid that fills the cell and
surrounds the organelles except the nucleus.

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Cytoplasm and Cytosol

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Cell nucleus
• Largest organelle

• Living part of the cell

• Spherical in shape

Separated from the

cytoplasm by a double
membrane called the nuclear

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Cell nucleus
• The cell nucleus is the most conspicuous organelle found
in a eukaryotic cell.

• It houses the cell's chromosomes, and is the place

where almost all DNA replication and RNA synthesis
(transcription) occur.

• The nuclear envelope isolates and protects a cell's

DNA from various molecules that could accidentally
damage its structure or interfere with its processing
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• Information and sensitivity of the cell are located in the

• The nucleolus is a specialized region in the nucleus where

ribosome sub-units are assembled.

• In prokaryotes, DNA processing takes place in the

cytoplasm. It is therefore known as the “information

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The Cytoplasm

• Cytoplasm is the substance of the cell

other than the nucleus
Made up of three major elements:
• Cytosol
• Organelles
• Inclusions
Most cellular activities occur in the
cytoplasm - “factory area”

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Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells Similarities
• Plasma membrane

• Cytoplasm

• Ribosomes

• Some inclusions (food vacoule)

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The plasma membrane regulates the entrance and exit of
molecules into and out of the cytoplasm.

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Cell Membrane
• All cells are enclosed in a cell membrane. Plants cells
have additional cover - cell wall.
• The membrane separates the cell from its
surroundings and protects the cell.
• It is made up of a double lipid layer with a
phosphorus molecule in between (phospholipid
• The lipids are hydrophobic (fat-like molecules).
• The phosphorus molecule is hydrophilic.

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Structure of Cell Membrane

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Cell Membrane

• The membrane is

• Allows Unicellular
organisms to move

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• Helps the cell maintain homeostasis by controlling what enters
& leaves the cell (selectively permeable or semi-permeable)
Homeostasis: Balanced internal condition of cells (Equilibrium)
• Protection
• Communication
• Recognition
• Provides anchoring sites for filaments of cytoskeleton

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Amphipathic - having both:

• hydrophilic heads
• hydrophobic tails

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Membrane components

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Many Functions of Membrane Proteins
Transporter Enzyme activity Cell surface receptor

Cell surface Cell adhesion Attachment to the

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Other Organelles ……
Read on the functions of the following organelles:
1. Endoplasmic reticulum
2. Ribosomes
3. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
4. Golgi apparatus
5. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
6. Mitochondria
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Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Parameter Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
1. Cell Size Small (0.1-5.0 micrometer) Large (10-100 micrometer)
2. Organization Simple Complex
3. Boundary Cell membrane and cell wall Cell membrane, Cell wall (plant cell)
4. Nucleus FALSE TRUE
5. Nucleolus Absent Present
6. Histone Absent Present
7. Ribosome 70s 80s
8. Mitochondria Absent Present
9. Golgi Bodies Absent Present
10. Endoplasmic Reticulum Absent Present
11. Lysosome Absent Present
12. Cell Division Binary fission Mitosis and meiosis
13. Reproduction Asexual Sexual
14. Site of Replication Cytoplasm Nucleus
15. Example Bacteria, Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), Archaea Protozoa, Fungi, Animal And Plant cell
16. Mesosome Present Absent
17. Cytoskeleton Lack cytoskeleton (Absent) Cytoskeleton (actin, mictrotubules) Present
18.Membrane-Enclosed Organelles Absent Present
19. Cell Envelope (Capsule) Present Absent
20. DNA Structure Single circular chromosome is present Multiple linear chromosome in Nucleus are present
21. Flagella Simple flagella present responsible for rotator movement Complex flagella present for whipping movement
22. Cilia Absent but fimbriae are present Present in some cells
23. Pili Present Absent
24. Cell structure Unicellular Mostly multicellular; some unicellular
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Structure of plant and animal cells

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A typical plant cell consists of the following components…

Cell Wall: A rigid, protective layer outside the cell membrane, composed of cellulose fibers

Cell Membrane: A selectively permeable barrier surrounding the cytoplasm, made of lipids and proteins

Nucleus: A membrane-bound organelle containing the cell's genetic material (DNA) and controlling the cell's activities

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): An extensive network of flattened sacs involved in protein synthesis and transport

Golgi Apparatus: A stack of flattened sacs that modify, sort, and package proteins and lipids for transport to other parts of
the cell or for secretion.

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A typical plant cell consists of the following components…

Mitochondria: The "powerhouses" of the cell, converting energy from food into a
form usable by the cell

Chloroplasts: Found only in plant cells, chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and are
responsible for photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy

Vacuoles: Large, fluid-filled organelles that store water, waste products, and other

Cytoskeleton: An intricate network of protein fibers that provides structural

support and helps maintain the shape of the cell.

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A typical animal cell consists of the following components…
Cell Membrane: A selectively permeable barrier surrounding the cytoplasm, made of lipids and proteins

Nucleus: A membrane-bound organelle containing the cell's genetic material (DNA) and controlling the cell's

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): An extensive network of flattened sacs involved in protein synthesis and transport

Golgi Apparatus: A stack of flattened sacs that modify, sort, and package proteins and lipids for transport to other
parts of the cell or for secretion

Mitochondria: The "powerhouses" of the cell, converting energy from food into a form usable by the cell

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A typical animal cell consists of the following components…

Lysosomes: Membrane-bound organelles that contain digestive enzymes and break down cellular waste, harmful
invaders, and worn-out organelles

Cytoskeleton: An intricate network of protein fibers that provides structural support and helps maintain the shape of
the cell

Microfilaments: Thin protein fibers that help in cell division and movement

Microtubules: Long, stiff fibers that help maintain cell shape and form the spindle fibers during cell division

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Differences between plant and animal cells
Cell Wall: Plant cells have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose that provides extra support and protection. Animal cells have
a flexible cell membrane but no cell wall.

Size and Shape: Plant cells are generally larger than animal cells and often have a fixed, rectangular shape. Animal cells
are typically smaller and more varied in shape.

Chloroplasts: Plant cells contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis, while animal cells do not

Centrosome: Animal cells have a centrosome, which serves as a center of microtubule

organization during cell division. Plant cells do not have a centrosome, but instead have a
structure called a "cell plate" during cell division

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Differences between plant and animal cells
Vacuoles: Plant cells have large, central vacuoles that help regulate the cell's water balance and store waste products.
Animal cells have smaller, multiple vacuoles.

Mitosis: Plant cells undergo a process of cell division called "mitosis" that is slightly
different from the process in animal cells.

Energy Production: Both plant and animal cells use mitochondria to produce energy.
However, plant cells also have chloroplasts for photosynthesis.

Movement: Animal cells have the ability to move and change shape, due in part to their
flexible cell membranes and the presence of structures like microfilaments and
microtubules. Plant cells are typically more rigid and do not move, although they may
change shape in response to external stimuli.

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Similarities between plant and animal cells

▪ Cell Membrane
▪ Nucleus
▪ Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
▪ Golgi Apparatus
▪ Mitochondria
▪ Cytoskeleton
▪ Cytoplasm
▪ Ribosomes
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