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Exercise of Pronoun

A. Identify the personal pronouns

1. Jack has a part-time job. He works at a fast-food restaurant. (he = a
2. Most monkeys don't like water, but they can swim well when they have to.
3. The teacher graded the students' papers last night. She returned them
during class today.
4. Nancy took an apple with her to work. She ate it at lunch time.
5. A dog makes a good pet if it is properly trained.
6. Tom's cat is named Maybelle Alice. She is very independent. She never
obeys Tom. His dogs, on the other hand, obey him gladly. They like to
please him.
B. Identify possessive pronouns and adjectives.
Directions: Choose the correct words in italics.
1. This is my\mine umbrella. Your\Yours umbrella is over there.
2. This umbrella is my\ mine. The other one is your \yours.
3. Mary and Bob have their\theirs books. In other words, Mary has her\hers
and Bob has his\him.
4. A honeybee has two wings on each side of its\it's body.
5. Its\It's true that a homing pigeon will find its\it's way home even though it
begins its\it's trip in unfamiliar territory.
6. I have a pet. Its\It's name is Squeak. Its\It's a turtle. Its\It's been my pet
for two years.
C. Personal pronoun use with indefinite pronouns
Directions: Complete the sentences with pronouns, choosing the correct verb
in parentheses as necessary.
1. Somebody left his/his or her/her or his/their books on my desk.
2. Anyone can learn how to dance if ……………………(wants, want) to.
3. Hmmm. Someone forgot …………………….umbrella. I wonder whose it
4. Everyone who came to the picnic brought……………………..own food.
5. A: Is that your notebook?
B: No. It belongs to one of the other students.
A: Look on the inside cover. Did……………write ……………name
6. If anyone calls, please ask…………………….to leave a message.

D. Preview of reflexive pronouns

Directions: Complete the sentences with appropriate reflexive pronouns.
1. Everyone drew self-portraits. I drew a picture of myself.
2. Koko cut…………………while he was chopping vegetables.
3. Nadia didn't join the rest of us. She sat in the back of the room
4. Rita is careful about her weight, but she allows…………… piece of
candy a day.
5. Omar thinks Oscar is telling the truth. So does Ricardo. I ………………
don't believe Oscar's story for a minute!
6. Now that their children are grown, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson live
E. Using OTHER
Directions: Complete the sentences with a form of other.
1. I got three letters. One was from my father. Another one was from my
sister. The other letter was from my girlfriend.
2. Look at your hand. You have five fingers. One is your thumb.
………… your index finger. ……………………one is your middle
finger. ……………..finger is your ring finger. And …………….finger (the
last of the five) is your little finger.
3. Look at your hands. One is your right hand. …………… your left
4. I invited five people to my party. Of those five people, only John and
Mary can come. ………………….can't come.
5. I invited five people to my party. Of those five people, only John and
Mary can come. …………………….people can't come.

“Grammar is important.”

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