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CHANGE #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Just today Voice To Skull kept harassing me saying
that I am "wasting time" then I snapped, was very
ticked off, was body jacked, I said :
"Nobody would miss you if you blank ...".
They want to try to gaslight you to entrap
you, to ruin your life, to split up your family,
by doing this constant thing to you, Freemasons
in the Government are doing this, the real
demon is The Government Freemasons who ruin
peoples lives for random reasons because they
are on a terror WL, because of the Patriot Act
and Columbine of Ninty Nine Four Two Zero ... ;
This is why they do this crap, they want to
gaslight you, to get a reaction, to make you tick,
then explode, so you end up entrapped and arrested,
and your family only escalates the situation so it
it is hard to function even in society, but you have
to change the script and ignore any all of it ... ;
The Mossad Participated in Columbine,
do not ever believe the crap on any
search engine, it is all Jewish Zionist
Controlled, only telepaths know.
Only Remote Vieweres know the truth.
They are Gaslighting TIS every day.
The Freemasons are doing this.
Corrupt Freemasons, Stalking, Harassing,
Provoking TIS day to day basis, you must
change the script and ignore their entrapment
attempts at stalking and harassing you.
They are gaslighing us daily Three Six Five.
The Martians are also doing this.
Change the script and ignore all of
your perps, stop attacking them, that
is what they want you to do, so they
can then frame you and set you up.
Stop putting your trust into the
Jewish Freemasonic Zionist Controlled
Internet, only telepathic people who
do remote viewing actually know what
is going on and they use online Virtual
Machines, Archivers, The Dark Web, to
do all their work, IPFS-Tor-Torrents-i2p,
also we know TV and Radio is a Lie, but
so is DuckDuckGo, Startpage or any other
Search Engine, you gotta go to Bitchute,
Odysee, Rumble, Archive, Permacc, Ugetube,
Windows Ninety Three Dot Net ONLINEVM,
Online Virtual Machines are another,
The Dark Web, because Ninety Percent of
what is on DuckDuckGo is Zionist Jew
Controlled Propaganda from Six Companies
and those six companies are TV Radio.
From being Targeted and Stalked by
Freemasons as a TI I have learned you
gotta ignore it and change the script,
that is the best way to deal with it,
these karens get triggered over words,
they are Liberal Communists and we all
know this, The Freemasons and Zionists
and Martians Run Earth not the Goyim.
Kyle Odom Pointed out the martians
also, KMFTF is a Communist Liberal
Band, again we need to wake up to this
fact, The O9A would not approve of that
music, you gotta ignore any and all
stalking and harassment by Freemasons
they know what makes people tick, they
will try harder to gaslight you, the
stalkers will then fail and you will be
saying Voyeurism is a Mental Illness,
Global Warming is a Hoax, Masks and Vaccines
Do Not Work, you gotta realize this Stuff.
KMFTF is a Liberal Democrat Communist
Zionist Band that these Actors Listen
to, also Columbine of 420 was done by
Israeli Mossad Agents if you look at
the actual Fourteen Gigabyte Footage.
The Mossad is doing all of it and then
justifying the taking of constitional
rights, not just guns, but even censorship
of speech, more people are moving platforms
due to extreme Liberal Democrat Zionist
Censorship, I am telling you know do not
believe Google Searches, The Surface Web,
Television, Radio, or any of those Jew
Controlled Platforms, this is how they
do their MKULTRA Mind Control, The Zionist
Media Censors our Internet also and the
rest of the internet aka The Dark Web,
Those Online Virtual Machines, talks
about everything else, what happens when
we die, psychic ghosts, information on
Freemasonry, Telepathy, Remote Vieiwng,
Free Energy Patents, stuff that the Zionist
Surface Web Internet does not allow.
--Scott Asshole Barry , The Atheist Holocaust Denier ... ;

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