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1. Complete with the correct history period .


________________________________October 12th 1492, Spanish conquistadors arrived

in Colombia and established in our territory. They founded cities and explored our land.
Many indigenous communities were slaved and oppressed.

________________________________ Since independence Colombia is a free country

and we can vote to choose our governors and also to make changes in our territory.

_________________________________ The children of Spanish people born in our

territory were called creole. They didn’t like the government of the time. They started a
revolution on July 20th 1810 and finally defeat the Spaniards on August 7th 1819 in the
Boyaca’s Bridge.

________________________________ Spanish people decided to stay in our territory.

They build houses, churches and schools. Members of the Spanish government ruled our
country, it was called New Granada’s Kingdom.

_______________________________ During this time, Indigenous people lived in our

country. They lived by fishing, hunting and farming. Some of the groups in Colombia were
the Muiscas and the Taironas.

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