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n of Use
e of Haazardou
us Sub
bstancees (RoH
ective 2011//65/EU of th
he European
n Parliamentt and of the Council of 8 June 2011

Dwyeer Instrumentts, Inc. certifies that to thee best of its kn

nowledge thee Series 605 M Magnehelic® Differential P Pressure
Indiccating Transmmitter meets the substance e restrictions of
o the Europeean Union’s D Directive 20111/65/EU of thhe European
Parliaament and off the Council of o 8 June 20111, on the restriction of thee use of certaain hazardouss substances in electrical
and eelectronic equ uipment. Meeting the resttrictions means it does nott contain anyy of the follow wing substancces in excess
of the maximum concentration
c n values in an
ny homogeneous material,, unless the su ubstance is in
n an application that is
exemmpt under the e Directive: (aa) 0.1% by weeight for lead, mercury, hexxavalent chro omium, polyb brominated biphenyls, or
polybbrominated diphenyl
d ethers, or (b) 0.01
1% by weight for cadmium m. Unless otheerwise stated d by Dwyer Insstruments,
Inc. in writing, this information n represents Dwyer
D Instrumments, Inc. knnowledge and d belief based
d up on informmation
proviided by third party supplie ers and intern
nal research.

Compliance coverrs:

Stand dard Series 60

05‐xxxy and 605‐xxxPA
6 cattalog numberrs and configuured models of the same ccatalog numb
ber form,
Seriees Specials beginning with 16XXXX, 17XXXXX, and 19X

Compliance applie
es to productt manufacture
ed on or afterr May 16, 20114, Date Codee _20Z.

Dougg McCall
orized Signatory

or Regulatorry Engineer Dwyer In
nstruments, In nc.
Title o
of Authorized Siggnatory 102 Indiaana Highway 212
16/2014 Michigann City, IN 46360 USA
Date o
of Signature +1‐219‐8

HSComp v6

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