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November 24, 2023

Ms. Theresa D. Lacson

School Principal
Kingsville Advanced School
#7 Quezon Blvd., Poblacion D
Tayug, Pangasinan 2445

Dear Ms. Theresa D. Lacson:

Warmest Greetings!

We hope this letter finds you well. We’re Grade 11 Manchester II students at Kingsville
Advanced schools Inc. We are currently undertaking a research project on “Comprehensive
Sexuality Education Republic Act 10354, The RP-RH Act of 2012 among Senior High
School students of Kingsville Advanced Schools Inc. S.Y. 2024-2025” As part of this
research, we are contacting all Senior High School students of Kingsville Tayug to gather
insights through a carefully designed questionnaires.

Our research aims to gather the knowledge of Senior High School students about Comprehensive
Sexuality Education.

We aim to survey and interview all of the Senior Highschool Students of Kingsville Tayug while
strictly sticking to ethical guidelines and maintaining confidentiality. We aim to gather personal
information while ensuring the privacy and protection of participants’ data.

We’d be honored to research this topic at Kingsville Advanced Schools Inc. with your
permission. Our gathered data will contribute significantly to the academic community. We are
looking forward for your response on this. Thank you.


Batin, Hannah Chloe Angeline L. Serquiña, Precious Ann S. Manantan, Ruth Abigail C.
Researcher Researcher Researcher

Fabros, Mikaela H. Quinto, Kenn Francis Jude S.

Researcher Researcher

Noted By: Approved By;

Mr. Randolph Glenn G. Tingco Ms. Theresa D. Lacson

Research Adviser School Principal of HS Dept.

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