Group 4 The Beginning of Life

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The Beginning

of life

Group 4
Gelyn C. Patoc
Ronalyn B. Hampac
Wehilmina D. Guadalquiver
Leonisa D. Apatan
Cindy F. Acain
 Facts
 Introduction
 Big Bang Theory
 Theories on Origin of life
 Conclusion

 The earth was formed around 4.5 billion years
 It took 500 million years for the crust to
 Earlier life was thought to be created by super
natural power.
 The fragments of the fireball expanded and
cooled to give rise to many celestial bodies.
 It is presumed that the universe came into
existence with a single titanic explosion called “big
bang” about 15,000 million years ago.
Big Bang Theory
 It is the most popular theory about the creation
of the universe.
 According to this theory, it is assumed that in
the beginning, whole energy of universe was
concentrated at a point.
 Due to a huge explosion this energy got
distributed which formed the present day

Theories on Origin of life

 Theory of Creationism
 Theory of Extraterrestrial Origin
 Theory of Evolution
 Life was put here, on Earth by divine forces
 This is based on faith, not fact.
 It relies on stories that have been passed down
over the years
 Cannot be proven scientifically

Extraterrestrial Origin

This theory states that life originated on

other planets outside of our solar system
and was carried here on meteorite,
asteroid or comets. It is called “alien life”
is life which may occur outside Earth and
which did not originated on Earth.
Theory of Evolution
Human Evolution is the lengthy process of
change by which people originated from
apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence
shows that physical and behavioral traits
shared by all people originated from
apelike ancestors and evolve over a period
of approximately six million years.

What is the Evolution of Man?

 Evolution is the slow and gradual process of
living organisms evolving from earlier,
simpler organisms.
 Evolution is the outcome of the interaction
of mutation genetic recombination,
chromosomal abnormalities, reproductive
isolation and natural selection.
 Human beings belong to a Hominidae family
including a single genus Homo.
Stages of the Evolution of Man


 means “Southern Ape” it is based on “Australo” a latin

word and meaning “southern and pithecus” a Greek
word meaning “ape”
Lived: 3.7 million to 3 million years ago
Where: East Africa

Appearance: a projecting face, an upright stance and a

mixture of ape-like and human-like body features.
Brain size: about 385-550 cm3
Height: about 1-1.17 m (females were much shorter
than males.
Homo Habilis

 Known as “hardy man” because stone tools were found near its
fossil remains and it is assumed this species had developed the
ability modifies stone into tools.
Lived: alive roughly 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago
Where: Sub-Saharan Africa
Appearance: they were hairy, big hands and feet, opposable
thumbs and had long arms.
Brain size: about 385-550 cm3
Height: about 3feet and 4inches to 4 feet and 5 inches
Foods: they ate many things, like mice, snakes, wildcat, etc.

Homo erectus

 Scientific names for species come from Latin and

Greek. Homo means “man” in Latin and erectus
means “erect” or “upright”.
 Was capable of walking upright. Much like modern
 Is the name of the genus to which humans and all
of our immediate ancestors belong to, like Java
Man and Peking Man.
Java Man

 Refers to representative of Homo erectus that inhabited

Java, Indonesia during Pleistocene. They were less intelligent
as compared to human. They used an ancient language to
Appearance: large teeth, heavily built jaws, heavy eye ridges,
and their chin was less prominient. Facial feature are much
like apes, had long legs and lean arms
Brain size: about 850cc-1100cc (refers to chranial capacity of
the brain)
Height: shorter in height than humans

Peking Man

 Was formerly known as “Sinanthropus pekinensis”. They are

considered to be ancestors of the Chinese people.
 They stood upright to a height of 150cm.
 They had receding forehead with prominent brow ridges
 The jaws were prognathous without a distinct chin.
 The cranial capacity was 900cc. they were hunters and food
gatherers, used stone tools for hunting, lived in caves,
learned the use of fire for cooking and used animal skin for
clothing themselves and probably use sign language.
Homo sapiens
 From Latin word “wise man”
 The species to which all modern human beings
 Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon man

Neanderthal man

 One of the ancient people who lived in Europe

and Asia from approximately 30,000 to
150,000 years ago.
Where: across Europe and Southwest and
Central Asia
Appearance: large nose, strong double-arched
brow ridge, relatively short and stocky bodies.
Brain size: at least 1,200 cm to 1,750 cm
Height: about 1.50 – 1.75m
Weight: about 64 - 82 kg
Cro-Magnon man

 They were the oldest known modern humans in Europe.

 They were tall and estimated to have been around 166 to
171 cm or 5’5” to 5’7”. They had a more robust physique
and slightly larger cranial capacity than modern-day
 Had long, fairly low skulls with a wide face, a prominent
nose and medium to tan skin. They may have straight hair.

 All the evidence gathered thus far has revealed a great deal about
the origin of life, but there is still much to learn.
 Numerous scenarios have been explored for many years, but there is
still a large gap between what is known and what is unknown.
 Because of the enormous length of time and the tremendous change
that has occurred since then, much of the evidence relevant to origins
has been lost and we may never know certain details.
 Nevertheless, many of the gaps in our knowledge (gaps that seemed
unbridgeable just 20 years ago) have been filled in recent years, and
continuing research and new technologies hold the promise of more

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