The First Settlers of The Americas

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Formamos personas nuevas para un mundo nuevo
Name: _____________________________________ Class: __________________ Date: ____________________

Skill with performance criteria: CS.4.1.16. Analyze the origin of the first settlers of America and its ways of survival, based on material evidence have been


The peopling of the Americas began when hunter-gatherers (Paleo-Indians) entered North America from the North Asian
Mammoth steppe via the Beringia land bridge, which had formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to the
lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum (26,000 to 19,000 years ago).

These populations expanded to both North and South America, by 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. The earliest populations in the
Americas, before roughly 10,000 years ago, are known as Paleo-Indians. Indigenous peoples of the Americas have been linked
to Siberian populations by linguistic factors, the distribution of blood types, and in genetic composition as reflected by
molecular data, such as DNA. They probably followed grazing animals across a land bridge that connected Alaska to Siberia
during the Ice Age. This land bridge disappeared when the ice melted; the area is now covered with water and is called the
Bering Strait.

ACTIVITY No 1: Watch the video and answer true (T) or false (F)
1. First Americans were hunter gatherers which means they hunt and gather things to survive (___)
2. First Americans originally lived in Eurasia where America and Asia connect in a giant land mass. (___)
3. Hunters and gatherers where always searching for food and shelter and all the things they needed to survive. (____)
4. The Bering Strait refers to the waterway between Asia and Alaska. (____)
5. During the ice age the Bering Strait was covered with water so it was possible to walk across. (____)
ACTIVITY No 2: Draw in each text as you understand it.
The first people were Native Americans used Native Americans Native Americans lived In general, women had
excellent hunters. They the natural resources adapted to their in tribes, or social more power in Native
probably hunted large around them for all their environments and groups. Each tribe spoke American tribes than
animals, such as wooly needs. They made climates. In the forests its own language. There European women of the
mammoths and bison weapons and tools from of the Northwest, Native were more than 1,000 same period.
using nothing but spears. bone, stone, and wood. Americans built wooden languages and dialects.
They made clothing homes and became Tribes had their own
from animal skins and skilled fishermen. specific traditions and
plant fibers. They ate Native Americans culture.
wild roots, seeds, and learned how to grow
berries, and of course, crops. They cleared
fish and game. forests for farmland.

ACTIVITY No 3: Color the emotion, how did you feel in this lesson?

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