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Reading and Writing

Activity 1: Call to ORDER

Number the sentences in an appropriate order to form a coherent and cohesive paragraph. Write
the numbers in the spaces provided for.

1) _____a. Therefore, I wake up two hours before leaving for work

_____b. Otherwise I wouldn’t be well enough rested
_____c. I dislike being stressed in the morning
_____d. This means having to go to bed very early in the evening
2) _____a. The set, sounds, and actors in the movie captured the essence of horror
_____b. The sounds, too, were appropriate; especially terrifying was the hard, hollow
sound of footsteps throughout the film.
_____c. The set was ideal: looming shadows of large and unlighted houses, deserted
streets, trees dipping their branches over the sidewalks, and mist hugging
the ground.
_____d. But the best feature of the movie was its actors, all of them, tall, pale and
extremely thin.

Activity 2: Get LOGICAL

Read and analyze the given sentence in each item. Tick off (√) the sentence which follows
logically from the first sentence.
1. Studying when you’re older should not be a problem.
____a. In fact, some say that the additional experience older people have is a plus.
____b. Despite this, there are many benefits to being a mature student.
2. Colleges recognize that not everyone can physically attend a course of study.
____a. For instance, online courses are now very popular.
____b. For this reason, many now offer study-at-home courses.
3. Going back to studying after a long gap can be problematic.
____a. As a result, people can greatly improve their job prospects.
____b. Mature students often have family commitments as well as academic difficulties.
4. Distance learning has been greatly helped by the internet.
____a. Due to its popularity, television soon became a popular medium for education.
____b. Advantages such as real-time communication make it much more effective than
using the radio, television or the postal service.
5. Subjects such as philosophy and sociology are popular choices at degree level.
____a. Nevertheless, these subjects do not lead directly to a job.
____b. In addition, it is difficult to find work with a degree in either of these.

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