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PRIMARY GRADES – English Department

September 27, 2019@ So Seng Auditorium

Voice Over:

May we request everyone to please settle down as we are about to start the program in a few minutes.

Thank you and enjoy the day!

I. Introduction:

Good morning everyone! Grace and peace remain with us always!

Curriculum is designed and implemented to provide learning opportunities for all students according to abilities, needs,
and interests. Teachers must be aware of and responsive to the diverse range of learners in their classes. Differentiated
instruction is, therefore, used as a tool in addressing this diversity. Differentiated instruction responds to different
readiness levels, abilities, and learning profiles of students. It involves actively planning so that the process by which
content is delivered, the way the resource is used, and the products students create are in response to the teacher’s
knowledge of whom he or she is interacting with. Learning environments should be flexible to accommodate various
learning preferences of the students. Teachers continually make decisions about selecting teaching strategies and
structuring learning activities that provide all students with a safe and supportive place to learn and succeed.

Children learn and develop skills at different levels because no two children are the same. Learning happens when
children are engaged and when their senses are stimulated. With the right dose of motivation, proper learning
environment, readiness and intervention, learning will surely transpire.

(Invocation & Phil. National Anthem)

A bright morning to one and all and welcome to the Primary Level’s Skills Exposition Program with the theme, “I am
Learning”. To start our program, please rise for the invocation to be led by selected second graders to be followed by the
singing of the Philippine National Anthem with Xin Yi Zhang conducting.

Thank you to our prayer and anthem leaders, everyone may now take a seat.

(Welcome Remarks)

Three years ago, a respected lady in this institution thought about the idea of coming up with an activity that will not
only showcase the talents and skills of our students, more so to empower them. True enough, with the collaborative
minds and creativity of our hardworking teachers and support from the administration, we were able to hold our first
ever skills exposition here at this very same venue. Today, we continue the tradition of empowering our children
towards achieving their fullest potential. Hearing some words from no less than the lady with a great deal of passion in
learning will definitely steer the wheel of this program. So dear parents, help me welcome our School Head, Ma’am Sally
for some welcoming remarks. A big hand for her.

Thank You Ma’am for those warm words of welcome.

We are now at the highlight of today’s event, the presentation and display of knowledge and skills.

I. First group

To kick off we welcome our first facilitator for the day who is no less than our Mathematics Teacher, Teacher Clariz who
will be tackling Math lessons and skills particularly Adding 1-3 digit numbers with and without regrouping and Mental
Addition. Let’s give her a big hand.

(Teacher will say hello to the kids)

(List of students and tasks with a short introduction…)

Our first set of presenters are Minyoung, Richmond, Taein, Angel and Shi Ying who will do tasks on Adding 1-3 digit
numbers with and without regrouping and Mental Addition. Let’s give them warm applause.

(Teacher Clariz tells about the concept of Addition, Mental Addition (2 digits) and facilitates the activities.)

Thank you Minyoung, Richmond, Taein, Angel and Shi Ying, how about a big hand for them.

Thank you Teacher Clariz and great job to our first set of kids…Let us all give them a big hand.

(Students will go to the center and bow)

II. Second Group

This time, we welcome our next facilitator, Ma’am Sally, to work with our second batch of kids namely San, Eunji and
Ain. The kids will execute their mathematical skills. Let’s give them a big hand.

(Ma’am Sally will introduce the topic, tasks and shall facilitate the activities.)

Thank you San, Eunji and Ain.

We now move on with our next presenter, let me call Junseo to perform review lessons on counting numbers up to
1000, skip counting, odd and even numbers, ordinal numbers, solving one-step word problem. How about a big hand for

Thank you Ma’am Sally and great job to our second set of presentation…alright friends, a warm round of applause to our
second set of presenter.

(Junseo will go to the center and bow)

III. Third Group

This time let us call Marc Ryzen, Kean Marcus and Angel Kate to arrange the given words in Alphabetical Order. How
about a big hand for them.

(Sir Gian introduces tasks and facilitates the activities.)

Thank you Sir Gian and great job to our third set of kids…Let us all give them a big hand.

(Students will go to the center and bow)

IV. Fourth Group

We move on to our next group of presenters, Monika, Yerin , Dee and Tatiana Alysse who will do grammar skills by
Identifying the Types of Sentence with Teacher Brian. How about a big hand for them.

(Teacher Brian will introduce the topic, tasks and shall facilitate the activities.)

Thank you Monika, Yerin , Dee and Tatiana Alysse and Teacher Brian. How about a warm round of applause for our

V. Fifth Group

Now, allow me to facilitate the next set of activities for our kids. I would like to call Alejandro Christoffer to join me in
front for the next skills to be demonstrated.

(Teacher Vien will introduce the topic, tasks and shall facilitate the activities.)
Thank you Alejandro Christoffer, how about a big hand for him.

This time let me call Kyla to perform by Reading a Poem which is entitled All Things Bright and Beautiful. Let us give her a
deafening applause.

Our next kid to present is no other than Ga – ram who will be showing his skills in grammar and spelling specifically
Singular and Plural of regular and irregular Nouns. How about a warm applause to him ladies and gentlemen.

VI. Sixth Group

We now move on with the tandem of Jessie and Kendall Cassandra as they demonstrate grammar skills and Spelling
Vocabulary Words. Friends, let us give them an enlivening applause.

(Teacher Grace will introduce the topic, tasks and shall facilitate the activities.)

Thank you Teacher Grace and students for a job well done! Once again a big hand for them.

VI. Seventh Group

Sa dakong ito ay aking tatawagin ang ika-anim na grupo ng mag aaral upang ipakita ang kahusayan sa Pagsusunod –
sunod ng Alpabetong Filipino at Pagpapantig. Bigyan natin ng masigabong palakpakan si Bb. Kimberly kasama sina
Alexandria Xerendria Monalisa, Christine Faith at Xin Yi.

(Magsasalita si Bb. Kimberly tungkol sa paksa)

Maraming salamat Alexandria, Christine at Xin Yi. Muli bigyan natin ng masigabong palakpakan ang mga bata at si Bb.
(Ang mga mag-aaral ay pupunta sa gitna ng entablado at yuyukod sa mga manonood.)

VI. Eighth Group

Ngayon naman ay aking tatawagin sina Yianlong, Dave Angelo, Johansen Rich at Jenny Bella para sa pagtukoy ng mga
pangngalang ginamit sa pangungusap at pagtukoy sa mga katawagan: kung ito ay pambabae, panlalaki, di – tiyak o
walang kasarian.

(Magsasalita si Bb. Ruth tungkol sa paksa.)

Maraming salamat sa ating ika-walong grupo ng mag-aaral at sa ating guro na si Bb. Ruth. Bigyan natin sila ng
masigabong palakpakan.

(Ang mga mag-aaral ay pupunta sa gitna ng entablado at yuyukod)

VI. Ninth Group

We have come to our ninth and last group of presenters compose of Flor McQueen, Jun Hee and Iyana Krystalle
Angelique who will Read Story and check their Comprehension through Question and Answer with Teacher Allenly
facilitating. Thank you children. How about a big hand for them.

Thank you Teacher Allenly and kids. Around of applause, please.

That completes our final set… Thank you Teachers and congratulations to our Grade 2 students for a great job. Keep up
the good work!

We shall now have the distribution of certificates to all our participants by our principal Mrs. Salome D. Bondoc assisted
by Mr. Gian Carlo Bondoc, our asst principal.

Beginning with…

Again to all our Grade 2 students, congratulations! Let us give them a big hand!

Well friends that concludes today’s affair. This has been your master of ceremony, Ms. Vanessa Ruth de Ocampo saying,
“May today leave another mark as we continue the partnership we have in our effort to providing our children the right
venue for learning.

And well, wherever life leads us here on, we continue to be one with you in our aspiration to opening a wider horizon
for our little ones.

Every child is a bundle of potentials, may we never fail to help them realize the same. Thank you so much for your
untiring support and together let us endeavor to make our children learn today, tomorrow and in the future. A
wonderful day ahead!

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