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He théng Hoc trye tuyén UEH UNIVERSITY 4 ® VAN 31221022904 - MAITHI CAM~ na cla t8i > Cickhos hoc ela t6i > 24D1ACCSO7O6203 - KTQTT -S3-020%24 > Chung *. NAumg vind chung v8 KTQT > Trécnghiém 1.2-quie question Bit du vio Ide Sunday, 7 January 2024, 8:11 PM Trang thai 03 xong ét thc lie Sunday, 7 January 2024, 8:17 PM Thoi gian thyc hign 5 phir 54 py im 14,00tren 15,00 (83%) CaUHOIT — bung oat aiém 1.00%r8n 1.00 ‘The Chief Financial Officer of an organization is responsible for ensuring that line operations run smoothly. Hay chon moe ping Sal ‘Sp Sn chinh xd 1a "Sa CaUHdIZ — bung Sat aiém 1.008 1.00 Process Reengineering emphasizes a team approach involving frontline workers, whereas Total Quality Management is usually Implemented using outside specialists and is imposed from above, ay enon moe ping say ‘5p 4 chin xd la "Sa" cau Hai 3 ung im 1,00 8n 100 ‘The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants promulgated by the Institute of Management Accountants specifically state that management accountants’ sole ethial responsibilty isto not break any laws. ay enon mot Bing sai ‘5p chinh xéc I “Sa Cau Hdi4 — Bing oa aig 1.008 1,90 Managerial accounting places greater emphasis on the future than financial accounting, which is primarily concerned with the past. Hay chon moe Ding sai ‘Bp dn chinh xdc 18 "Bang” CauUHdI5S — dung ost aiém 1.008 1.00 Ifethical standards were not generally followed, one of the results would probably be fewer goods and services available in the marketplace, ay enon moe ping sal 5p 4m chin xa la “Bang” CAUHGIG — Bung Bat siém1,00.reN 1.00 A firs’ organization chart will normally show bot the formal and informal lines of reporting and communication Hay chon moe bing sal 5p 4m chinh xa la "Sar cauHai7 — bine im 1,00 8n 100 When carrying out their planning activities, managers obtain feedback to ensure that the plan is actually carried out and is appropriately ‘modified as circumstances change. ay enon mon Bing sai ‘5p chinh xéc I “Sa Cau HdiB — Bing Oe aém 1.008 1.90 ‘Although financial and managerial accounting afer in many ways, they are similar in that both rely on the same underlying financial daca Hay chon moe Ding sai ‘Bp dn chinh xdc 18 "Bang” CauUHEI9 — vung ost iém 1,00 een 1.00 Traditionally, companies have maintained large amounts of raw materials, work in process, and finished goods inventories to act as buffers so that operations can proceed smoothly even if there are unanticipated disruptions. ay enon moe ping sal 5p dn chin xa la “Bang” CBUHSI 10 — ssi xx igmo.o0.ren9.00 Process Reengineering is generally considered to be a more radical approach to improvement than Total Quality Management. Hay chon moe ping sal 5p 4 chinh xac la “Dang” CaUHdITT — bung Bsr dm 1001ren 1.00 ‘The controller occupies line position in an organization Hay chon moe ping sal ‘5p Sn chin xd 1a "Sar cauHdi12 — bing ot im 1,00 rn 1.00 Decentralization means the delegation of decision-making authority throughout an organization by allowing managers at various ‘operating levels to make key decisions relating to their own area of responsibilty, Hay chon moe bing sal Sp dn chinh xac la "Duing” CBU HSI 13 — bang 83x dé 1.001780 1.00 When carrying out their planning activities, managers select a course of action and specify how the action will be implemented. ay chon mou ping sai 5p an chinh xéc la "Dcing” Cau Hd 14 — pang 83x am ,001r60 1.00 Managerial accounting is not needed in a non-profit or governmental organization, ay chon mot ping sal 5p Sn chinh xd la “Sa CaUHBIIS — bung —Bpraémn.001ren 100 Managerial accounting isa branch of financial accounting and serves essentially the same purposes as financial accounting Hay chon mot Ding sai 5p Sn chinh xéc la "Sar 4.30 dite nghé nghiép Chuyén t Video - Chung chi ké todn quiin tr (IMA) >

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