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Thank you for taking the time to participate in this short questionnaire for my School Based Assessment.

1. What is the nature of your business?

☐ Manufacturing
☐ Retail
☐ Service-Based
☐ Other (Please specify)


2. How often does your business rely on road transportation for its daily operations?
☐ Daily
☐ Several times a week
☐ Once a week
☐ Rarely
☐ Never

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 extremely poor and 5 being excellent, how would you rate the overall
road conditions in your area?
☐ 1 (Extremely poor)
☐ 2 (Poor)
☐ 3 (Average)
☐ 4 (Good)
☐ 5 (Excellent)

4. Have you encountered any road-related issues affecting your business productivity in the past
year? If yes please specify.
☐ Yes
☐ No

5. If you answered “Yes” in question 4 please explain the impact of the road-related issues on your
business productivity.
6. How has poor road infrastructure or maintenance affected your business productivity? (Select all
that apply)
☐ Delayed deliveries or supply chain disruptions
☐ Increased transportation costs
☐ Damaged goods during transportation
☐ Decreased employee punctuality
☐ Customer dissatisfaction or loss of business due to delayed services
☐ Other (Please specify)


7. Do you believe investing in road infrastructure improvements would positively impact your
business productivity?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Not sure

8. In your opinion, how crucial is it for the government or local authorities to prioritze road
maintenance and infrastructure development for businesses?
☐ Very crucial
☐Somewhat crucial
☐ Neutral/No opinion
☐ Not crucial

9. Based on your experience, what recommendations do you have for improving road infrastructure
to enhance business productivity?


Thank you for your participation!

Your feedback is valuable for my School based Assessment.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!
To calculate

1. Organize the responses:

- Review the completed surveys and tally the responses for each question.
- Note the number of responses for each option.

2. Create a chart/graph for each question:

- For question 1: Create a bar chart showing the distribution of businesses by nature (manufacturing,
retail, service-based, other).
- For question 2: Create a bar chart showing the frequency of reliance on road transportation (daily,
several times a week, once a week, rarely, never).
- For question 3: Create a bar chart or histogram showing the rating of road conditions (extremely poor,
poor, average, good, excellent).
- For question 4: Create a pie chart showing the percentage of businesses that encountered road-related
issues affecting their productivity.
- For question 6: Create a stacked bar chart showing the impact of poor road infrastructure on business
productivity (delayed deliveries, increased transportation costs, damaged goods, decreased employee
punctuality, customer dissatisfaction, other).
- For question 7: Create a pie chart or bar chart showing the percentage of businesses that believe
investing in road infrastructure improvements would positively impact their productivity.
- For question 8: Create a pie chart or bar chart showing the importance of road maintenance and
infrastructure development according to businesses (very crucial, somewhat crucial, neutral/no opinion,
not crucial).

3. Present the recommendations (question 9):

- List the recommendations provided by the businesses in a separate section or create a word cloud to
visually represent the common themes or ideas.

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