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It is fulfilled for finishing Training Class (TC) Program



TC 15/A/02/2022



MAY 2022

This report has been approved by the advisor.

Tulungagung, May 20th 2022


(Nofalia Rohmawati, M.Pd)

Acknowledged by

Intensive English Program


(Dr. H. Nursamsu, M.Pd.)


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Praise and Gratitude unto Allah SWT for His Mercies and Guidance, the
author has been able to complete the final report activities in Yogyakarta properly
and on time.

May Sholawat and Salam always be given to our beloved Prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the true religion and may we get his
syafa’at fi yaumil qiyamah, Aamiin.

This final report is prepared and submitted to fulfill the requirements for
passing English program in Intensive English Program of Diponegoro Islamic
College of Tulungagung. The report can only be completed because the author
received a lot of help and support, special gratitude goes to:

1. The head of Diponegoro Islamic College of Tulungagung, Mr. Dr. H.

Sukarji, M.Pd.I.
2. The director of Intensive English Program, Mr. Dr. H. Nursamsu, M.Pd.
3. All the tutors or lecturers of Intensive English Program especially Mrs.
Nofalia Rohmawati, M.Pd as the advisor in finishing this report.
4. My parents and my older sister who always pray for and support me
wherever i am.
5. The big family of the Anwarul Haromain Islamic Boarding School, whom I
always hope for the blessing of their knowledge.
6. All the member of KOPI groups that are great in collaboration are not only
high collaboration but also the affection between meembers that can be an
inspiration to continue to realize a dream in the heart.


The author realizes that this report is still far from perfect due to limited
knowledge and experience, therefore, suggestion and constructive criticism will be
gladly accepted. The author hopes that this report can be useful for all parties who
need it.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Tulungagung, May 20th 2022


Aida Nil Nal Muna


a. Personal Data
Name : Aida Nil Nal Muna
Place/Date of Birth : Tulungagung, December 26th, 2000
Gender : Female
IEP Class : A class of TC
Department : Islamic Religious Education (PAI)
Faculty : Education (Tarbiyah)
Mobile Phone : 085236208941
Email address :
Address : RT. 03/RW. 01, Tanggul Kundung Village, Besuki
Sub-district, Tulungagung District, East Java Province

b. Formal Education
1. Kindergarten : RA Al-Ikhlas Tanggul Kundung
2. Elementary School : MI Miftahul Huda Tanggul Kundung
3. Junior High School : SMP Terpadu AL-ANWAR Baruharjo
4. Senior High School : MA Terpadu AL-ANWAR Baruharjo
5. University : STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung

c. Informal Education
1. Anwarul Haromain Modern Islamic Boarding School Baruharjo


COVER ................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iii

CURRICULUM VITAE ....................................................................................... v


LIST OF PICTURES..........................................................................................viii

LIST OF APPENDICES......................................................................................ix

CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

A. Background of The Report ........................................................................ 1

B. Objectives of The Report ........................................................................... 2

CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 3

FINDINGS AND REPORT .................................................................................. 3

A. FINDINGS .................................................................................................. 3

1. Dairy of the Trip ..................................................................................... 3

2. Description of visited objects ............................................................... 12

2.1. Borobudur Temple.....................................................................12

2.2. Breccia Cliffs.............................................................................17

2.3. Malioboro ..................................................................................19

B. REPORT ................................................................................................... 25

1. Having opening of the vlog in the Boarding School .............................. 25

2. Having vlog in the campus ..................................................................... 26

3. Having vlog in the Borobudur Temple ................................................... 27


4. Having conversation with foreighner ..................................................... 28

5. Having vlog in the Breccia Cliff ............................................................ 29

6. Having vlog in the Malioboro ................................................................ 30

7. Having closing of the vlog in the University ......................................... 31

CHAPTER III...................................................................................................... 32

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................................................. 32

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 32

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 32

REFERENCE ...................................................................................................... 34

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 35

Picture 1. Togetherness in the grave of Raden Santri, Gunung Pring................... 4

Picture 2. Togetherness after having breakfast in the Progosari restaurant .......... 5

Picture 3. KOPI group togetherness with tutors.................................................... 5

Picture 4. Togetherness in Borobudur Temple garden.......................................... 6

Picture 5. KOPI group with foreigners at Borobudur Temple .............................. 7

Picture 6. Togetherness in Breccia Cliff ............................................................... 9

Picture 7. KOPI group with tutors on the top of Breccia Cliff ............................. 9

Picture 8. Having picture with Mr. Ardi in Malioboro ....................................... 10

Picture 9. Having picture in front of the BNI building ....................................... 11

Picture 10. Having dinner together ..................................................................... 11

Picture 11. Having picture in Borobudur Temple ............................................... 12

Picture 12. Having picture in the dragon snake of Breccia Cliff ........................ 18

Picture 13. A picture of Malioboro Street ........................................................... 21

Picture 14. Having opening vlog in the Boarding School ................................... 25

Picture 15. Having vlog in the campus ............................................................... 26

Picture 16. Having vlog in the Borobudur Temple ............................................. 27

Picture 17. Having conversation with foreighner ............................................... 28

Picture 18. Having vlog in Breccia Cliff ............................................................. 29

Picture 19. Having vlog in Malioboro street ....................................................... 30

Picture 20. Having closing of the vlog in the University .................................... 31


Picture 1. Togetherness in the Borobudur Temple.............................................. 35

Picture 2. KOPI group enjoy the beauty of panorama in the Breccia Cliff ........ 35

Picture 3. Enjoy of panorama in the Borobudur Temple with another group ..... 36

Picture 4. Cohesiveness of KOPI group at Borobudur Temple .......................... 36

Picture 5. What is that? ....................................................................................... 37

Picture 6. Happiness with KOPI group ............................................................... 37



A. Background of The Report

English is one of the most widely used international languages

widely studied and used in communication between nations. It fits with the
role of English as a global language as stated By Crystal (2003: 3) that
English acts as a global language or World because English is learned and
used as a means of communication in Various countries, either as a first
language, a second language, or as a Foreign language. In Indonesia,
English as the first foreign language Studied as a compulsory subject from
junior high school to College.

By having the ability to speak English, we can easily Access and

obtain information because most of the information Written in English. And
definitely STAI Diponegoro is the only Islamic tertiary institution in
Tulungagung that has an intensive English language learning program
which is mandatory for all students. The program is packaged nicely and
interestingly in a container called the Intensive English Program (IEP).

The IEP itself, at STAI Diponegoro is required for all students,

especially semester one and two. And the certificate that be obtained later
will be one of the requirements in the stages of obtaining a bachelor’s
degree. Learning in the IEP is divided into three stages, namely: BTC (Basic
of Training Class) as the first stage, CTC (Candidate of Training Class) as
the second stage, and TC (Training Class) as the last stage. And in each
stage will be given an oral and written test to go to the next stage.

And for the IEP final examination, that is going to some tourism
places in Yogyakarta, such as Borobudur Temple, Breccia Cliff, and
Malioboro Street. There the students make a video and report of their trip in


B. Objectives of The Report

As for the objectives to be achieved in this report are as follows:

1. To know about travel activities in Yogyakarta
2. To know the description of Tourism Places in Yogyakarta
3. To practice english

1. Dairy of the Trip
It was Friday night, March 18th, 2022, I was going to Yogyakarta to
complete my final examination of Intensive English Progam and went on
vacation to some tourism places there. I heard the latest information that we
had to gather on campus at 09.00 pm for the departure ceremony. But I left
my boarding school at 02.00 pm because there was something to do but it
doesn’t happen because of a situation and condition also the distance of my
boarding school to the campus was quite far, so I chose to come earlier. I
arrived at the campus at 02.45 pm and there was quite. I waited my group for
about a few hours. I spent my time for praying in the mosque Al-Munawwar
and dinner together with my beautiful partner seat. I was so happy and curious
because I was going to visit one of tourism places in Yogyakarta that I had
never visited before. While waiting for the bus that hasn’t arrived yet, we
talked fun things together to fill the time and eliminate saturation.
Finally at 09.00 pm the departure ceremony began which was led
directly by Mr. Dr. H. Sukarji M.Pd.I as the head of STAI Diponegoro.
During the ceremony he gave us spirit and adviced us to be carefull and be
happy. After departure ceremony was finished the tutors gave us ID card and
we immedietly went to the bus. At 09.24 pm I was on the bus. Finally our trip
began, we did not forget to pray before leaving campus, so that the trip was
smoothly and safely arrived at our destination even until we returned to
Tulungagung again. I sat on a bench lined with my partner, Afif . We talked
fun things, sang song, listened our friends voices together, and enjoyed the
trip. About half an hour away, we stopped at the jami’ mosque Nurussobah
Kras, Kediri to approach friends who live in the Kediri area. Then at 09.56
pm we stopped again for pumping bus tires.


Finally, the trip was continued and I spent my time on the bus by
writing my activity time record during the trip and taking a short nap. During
the trip, I couldn’t sleep well because the driver who was driving the bus
surprised me along the way.
Our journey continued until at 00.11 am, the bus stopped in KM 519
rest area Sragen. We took a rest. Afif and I wanted to go to toilet, we went
there and we were surprised because we saw a long line in front of the toilet,
but we were waiting patiently. After finishing our necessary, we walked
around the bus area while talking each other, taking photos and videos
together. Then we sat in the side of the road while waiting for our friends.
After that, we continued our trip. At that time, our journey was different from
the previous senior brother and sister. Before we headed to the destination for
the english tour exam, we visited the grave of Raden Santri who was on
Mount Pring first. At 04.02 am we arrived in the Gunung Pring, Muntilan,
Magelang, Jawa Tengah to take a bath and did shubuh prayer. After that we
visited the grave and prayed together. Then we took a picture together and
returned to the bus area.

Picture 1: Togetherness in the grave of Raden Santri, Gunung Pring

Before arriving at the bus area, while on the road I looked around
because there were many traders along the road to the tomb area. And at that
time I bought dodol jogja with my friends. At 06.42 am, we left the place and
headed to the restaurant to breakfast.

The bus stopped in Progosari Restaurant at 07.02 am. I had a breakfast

and prepared for changing tour uniforms. I wore black dress and mustard
hood that were matching with my friends clothes. After having breakfast, we
took pictures together. At that time, Afif and I almost missed taking a pictures
together because it took us a long time to change our clothes. But that was
okay. After took a pictures with a generation, My group and I asked the tutors
for taking picture togeter. Before leaving the restaurant area, we took a group
video there. Then we returned to the bus area and we continued our trip to
Borobudur Temple at 08.12 am.

Picture 2: Togetherness after having breakfast in the Progosari restaurant

Picture 3: KOPI group togetherness with tutors


It was 08.21 am, we arrived in Borobudur parking area. It was located

in Magelang, East Java. After the bus was parked neatly, I got off the bus and
immediatelly joined my group. “KOPI” was name of my group, the second
group. They were Yusuf, Mr. Ikhsan, Ikhsan, Afif and I. We were given time
until 11.00 o’clock. Then we went to the entrance of the Borobudur temple
area. At that time, we thought we would be asked about “have you been
vaccinated or not” but it wasn’t. And I received a green sticker from officer
then I could get ticket at counter ticket. During going to temple area I took
some videos and pictures. There we cooperated each other, because we were
too focused on making a video of our assignment, we almost missed a picture
together again. At that time, my group and I ran to the picture location with
whole generation members and tutors.

Picture 4: Togetherness in Borobudur Temple garden

After that we continued our assignment again on the road before

heading to the temple location. Seen from there the temple was beautiful and
amazing. At that time the weather was very hot, my group and I wore
sunglasses, hats, and umbrella to escape the hot weather slightly.

We continued to go to the temple location, we went to upstairs to go

to the top of Borobudur Temple, but we could’t go up to the top of temple
location, because it was forbidden. And I heard a little from the news, now it
was a place of worship for Buddhists. So I only was in temple coutyard. That
was no problem for me because the most important for me was our
togetherness. I looked around, I saw my friends taking pictures, videos and
so did we. we taked rest for a few minutes. Suddently I saw foreigners, I tried
to greet them and they welcomed us friendly, but they were in hurry. we had
conversation with them a moment and we asked them for taking picture
together, we wanted multiple pictures but they only wanted one picture. But
it wasn’t matter.

Picture 5: KOPI group with foreigners at Borobudur Temple

After that we continued to take pictures, videos and prepared to go

down. At that time we were a group of five, because Afif and I took a photo
with other group members before going down, yusuf as the chairman was
waiting for us but double Ikhsan left us. So we came down from the temple
area only three and with other group members. In the middle of the trip,
suddenly it was raining. Yusuf, Afif and I ran for shelter. And when we took
shelter, in front of us there was a sayo (small train) and the driver offered us
to ride it, because it was raining we accepted the offer, one person for 15

thousand. It was very expensive. At first we preferred to walk of course and

because the exit is still far away and it’s raining heavily in the end it doesn’t
matter. At that time we were not just the three of us, we were also waiting for
friends from other groups. At that time those who rode the Sayo Yusuf group,
the Bahrur group and the Rohmah group. On the way we took photos, videos,
and had fun together.

After arriving at the exit the rain that initially subsided heavily again.
We took shelter for a while and finally ran down the road to the right, about
a lot of sellers of various merchandise. Actually, I really want to stop to buy
because the prices are known to be cheap. But because the condition is
impossible, finally it was okay. Time is running out, and we haven’t arrived
at our bus parking lot. All friends called us. Before exiting the trading area
the three of us found 2 members of our group who had previously left us. And
we headed for the parking lot together. After all the members were complete,
we left the Borobudur temple area and headed to the restaurant for lunch and
prayed jama’ taqdim qosr dhuhur and asyar.

At 12.25 pm, we arrived in the restaurant, I had lunch and prayed

jama’ taqdim qosr dhuhur and asyar prayer. After that at 01.42 pm we went
to Pusat oleh oleh Bakpia khas jogja. And at 02.54 pm we arrived there. I got
off the bus and I entered there. I choose some bakpia for my sister and bought
them. Finally at 03.47 pm we left that place and contiuned our trip to Breccia

It was 04.30 pm we arrived in Breccia Cliff. It was located in

Sambirejo, Prambanan. Breccia cliff was the most interesting place that I have
ever gotten during english day in Jogya. Because it was my first time for
visiting it, even thought the time was very limited. After the bus was parked
neatly, I got off the bust and immediatelly joined my group. We spent our
limited time together. At that time, there was a bus horn, when I made a vlog
video. And directly I stopped my video for taking a unique videos of Mr.
Ikhsan danced there. Every where and every time we had fun together.

We took a own videos and pictures of Kopi group, generation and also with
tutors there.

Picture 6: Togetherness in Breccia Cliff

Picture 7: KOPI group with tutors on the top of Breccia Cliff


Compact group, unique members, beautiful places and scenery, the

afternoon at atmoshphere that soothed the heart and soul really made me feel
comfortable there, and I was really enjoy it.

Unconsiously, the time was running out, we immediatelly returned to

the parking lot. While waiting for the rest of the group, Afif and I went to the
bathroom to change clothes, and right at 05.45 pm, we left The Breccia Cliff
area. Limited time but it made me very happy.

We continued our journey to the Malioboro. We arrived there at 07.30

pm. In Maliobro we only had half an hour. Afif and I immediately got off the
bus and rushed to te Malioboro area. We went around the trader’s spot. We
tried to haggle the price and finally we bought it. I bought food for additional
souvenirs and batik clothes for my nephew’s sister, because I remembered
her birthday.We foubd an interested place, so we stopped there. I looked
around the location, unique items, took a videos and picture. Before leaving
the place I asked for taking a picture with the doorman, because at that time
the guard was dressed in the style of Royal Princess. His name was Mr. Ardi.

Picture 8: Having picture with Mr. Ardi in Malioboro

After that we went back to the bus parking lot, we stopped in front of
the BNI building to take our own pictures there.

Picture 9: Having picture in front of the BNI building

At 08.56 pm we left Malioboro area and went to the restaurant for

dinner and prayed jama’ akhir qosr magrib annd isya’. It was raining very
hard there, and luckily I bought an umbrella. We had dinner and prayed

Picture 10: Having dinner together

Finally at 11.05 pm we left Jogyakarta and went back to Tulungagung.

During the return trip, we spent some time by sleeping, but I still coudn’t

sleep well, because I was suprised by the driver who was driving fast, and
that time was raining heavily. We took a short break in the rest area because
the driver was sleepy, after that we continued our journey. After a few hours
the driver was changed. Then, we contiuned our journey again.

At 03.48 am, the bus stopped in Alun -Alun Kediri because there was
a friend who was picked up there. Finally, at 04.30 am right to the dawn call
to prayer subuh. We arrived in the college again, we got off the bus and
directly went to the mosque for praying subuh. After that I waited to be picked
upp back to the boardinng school again. And at 08.30 am, I arrived at my
boarding school.

2. Description of visited objects

2.1 Borobudur Temple

Picture 11: Having picture in Borobudur Temple

a. Forestates

Borobudur is a Buddhist temple and also one of the biggest

Buddhist monuments in the world. In Tiong-Hoa Ethnic, this temple
known as 婆羅浮屠 (Hanyu Pinyin: pó luó fú tú) in Mandarin language.
There are many theories that trying to explain the name of this temple.
One of them stated that this name maybe originated by the word

“Sambharabhudhara” which means “mountains” (bhudhara) with

terraces lays on its gradients (Casparis, 1981, 70 and 83).

As Historical residual, Borobudur nor only be the heritage for

Indonesia, but also for the world. The restoration that realized since
before and after colonial by involving many side, it is not yet perfectly
brought it into the original manifestation, but the efforts at least, has
saved Borobudur for the next 1000 years.

According to a theory that widely accepted, Borobudur built

around the end of 8th century – the early of 9th century, and built in the
age of Syailendra dynasty. The founder of Borobudur, King
Samaratungga whom comes from Wangsa or dynasty of Syailendra is a
king of Medang kingdom from Wangsa that empowered in the years of
792- 835 AD (Munoz, 2006, 171). For the architect that honored in
designing this temple, as told by hereditary tales, is named Gunadharma.
The possibilities of this temple built around the years of 824 ADand
finished around the years of 900 AD in the governance of Queen
Pramudawardhani, the daughter of Samaratungga.1

Not only about the fact that this temple is located far up in the
hills in rural of Java, But also the history of the temple’s presence is still
full of obscuring haze of mystery. The absence and the lack of epigraph
or inscription that clearly stated about by whom and when the temple
constructed adds the uproar sense to the drama of Borobudur existence.
By the myths and folklores that written above, it is the Syailendra dynasty
that in responsibility, but the empirical truth about this news historically
is remain unknown.

Enlargement Few theories revealed by the experts about why

Borobudur temple was abandoned and left unknown by Buddhist
civilization in this area. One of the theories which proposed is Borobudur

Soekmono says that the inscription carved above the foot of the hidden temple reliefs
have characteristics similar to writing graphics commonly used in royal inscriptions in the late 8th
century and early 9th century, so it is clear that the temple of Borobudur likely founded around the
year 800 AD

originally built around swamped habitat and then drowned by the

eruption of Merapi volcano. That argument was taken from the Kalkutta
inscription that written “Amawa” which means “Sea of Milk”. That word
then translated as lava of Merapi, the possibilities of Merapi buried by
cold lava (mud-like materials) around the year of 800 AD, along with the
end of Mataram Empire in the year 930 AD the next central civilization
and culture of java moving to the east side in the year of 1006 AD.
(Murwanto, 2004, 459-463) Basic materials of Borobudur Temple
are 2.000.000 pieces of stones, and for each one stone, it has hundred
kilogram of weight. Amazingly, there is no cement used to agglutinate
these stones. Stone by stone are just hooked up each other, which is up
and bottom stone, left and right stone, and also front and back stone. If
the temple projected from the sky, the result is Borobudur temple and its
sculptures relatively symmetric. Borobudur construction formed a
gradient leveling ground which has 10 floors. The temple sized 123 x 123
meters. The height is 42 meters before renovation and then 34, 5 meters
after renovation. It is because the lowest floors used as ground holder.

This Buddhist Temple has 1460 reliefs and 504 Buddhist stupas.
Borobudur temple built used the Andesite rock material (Kartapranata,
Kompas, Juni 1th, 2007), amount 55.000 M3 , the construction of the
temple formed leveling pyramid with stairs in its four side (north, south
east and west), there is no room in Borobudur where people just able to
climb up and down only. On the real fundamental part, it is covered by
12.750 M3 Andesite stone as the breezeway of its level.

b. The Origin Of The Name “Borobudur”

There is no any written evidence which older that gave the name
“Borobudur” to this temple. The only old document that directing the
existence of this temple is the book of Nagara Kertagama, which written
by Mpu Prapanca in the year of 1365 AD. It’s written this book, that this
temple used as place for meditation of Buddhism believer. Beside that,
there are some other folks etimology, as example, the word of

“Borobudur” originated from the phonetic sound of pronounce “para

Buddha” (The Buddhist Believer) then audioly dragged turned to be

Other explanation is this name come from two words; “Bara” and
“Beduhur”. This word originally from the word “Vihara”. There is also
any another explanation which saying that “Bara” come from the
Sankskrit language which means temple area and “Beduhur” means
“High”, or reminding that, in Balinese language it also means “up in the
high”. So, it could be means as “a vihara or dormitory in the hills”. Beside
that according to another source, it means “a terracering mountain
(Budhara)”, and also there is other source that stated it means “a vihara
in high place”. Borobudur is not only a manifestation of a temple but as
a symbol of the Buddha Mahayana totality of life doctrine (Wagner,
1959, 104).

Borobudur, the temple that becoming the world’s wonders,

excrescence highest among the valleys and the lower grounds because of
it’s high. It is obvious that it was a truth the Borobudur temple was
abandoned in a very long gap of time, even until few centuries this epic
building face the ruining progress. About only 150 years this temple used
as the central of religion pilgrimage, a very short time compared with its
age when the workers working on its decoration or constructing the
nature hill Borobudur Temple with stones under the famous governance
of Samaratungga, until the earlier of 19th century, the abandoned and
forgotten Borobudur Temple successfully evacuated (Kempers, 1959,

c. Colonial Era

The word “Borobudur” it self leads to the name that used by Sir
Thomas Stamford Raffles, the General Governor of Great Britain in
1814, when English ruled the NetherlandsIndie (Hindia Belanda) in Java
that rules until 1816. When he heard a discovery of giantancient-kitchen-
matters in Bumisegoro village near Magelang, so Raffles is the first

person who care about this news, Raffles, after that commanding for
digging the soil of Java to bring back another temples, which has a same
path like Borobudur that buried by volcanic materials in the year of 1006
AD (Bemmelen, 1970). Because of his big interest with Java’s history,
so Raffles immediately order H.C. Cornelius, a Netherlands engineer, to
investigate the location of discovery at that time was as hills that covered
by plants and bushes, start from that time, Borobudur temple pops out
from the darkness of the past. Cornelius with the helps of 200 mens,
cutting down the trees and eliminate the bushes that covered this mega-

Because deciding about the old, fragile and about to crumble

building, Cornelius reported to Raffles about this discovery with some
pictures. By this discovery Raffles earned an honor as the first person
who start the revitalization of Borobudur temple and earned the world’s
attention (Soekmono, 1991, 14). In 1835, by the command of Hartman,
Second Residence at that time, because his big interest in Borobudur
temple, he command the entire citizen to clean all the area so the temple
successfully dig and free from any view boundaries.

After that, this temple continues to be recovered under the

colonial of Netherland, and finally at the first sight, Borobudur is back to
its old royal form. In 1930’s, Niewenkamp ever deliver his science
proposal for Borobudur Temple. Supported by geology research,
Nieuwenkamp said that Borobudur Temple is not aimed to be as
stupa/statuettes only, but also as a figure of lotus flower that floating in
the lake. The lake that now was drained for such a long time; it was half
of the field of Kedu, around the hills of Borobudur.

Historian J.G. de Casparis in his doctor degree dissertation in

1950 stated that Borobudur is a place for worship. According to the
inscription of Karangtengah and Kahulunan, Casparis estimated that the
founder of Borobudur is the King of Mataram, from Syailendra dynasty
named Samaratungga, whom did the construction around 824 AD

(Moertjipto, 1993, 18). This Enormous building finally could be

finished by the era of her daughter, Ratu Pramudawardhani. The
construction of Borobudur (his) calculated earned half century of
duration. Inside the inscription of Karangtengah also mentioned about a
honorisation Land Sima (free taxes land) by Çrī Kahulunan
(Pramudawardhani) to save the Kamūlān which called Bhūmi Sambhāra
(Soekmono, 1988, 46). This phrase “Kamūlān” originated from word that
means “origin”, “holy building” to respect the ancestors, probably the
ancestor of Syailendra dynasty. Casparis predicted that Bhūmi Sambhāra
Bhudhāra in sanksksrit means “hills of group of goodness ten levels of
boddhisattwa” is the real name of Borobudur. On the relief, Borobudur
tell a story about a legend, with various in its story, there are the story of
Wiracita Ramayana, reliefs of Jātaka story, and also Lalita Vistara.
Beside that, there are also reliefs that picture the civilization condition at
that time. For example, the reliefs about farmer’s activities, that
represents the development of farming technologies at that time and
reliefs of ships, as representation of development of sailing at that time.2

2.2 Breccia Cliffs

When exploring Yogyakarta City, tourists should not forget to

drop by in Prambanan Sub-District of Sleman Regency. A side from
offering beautiful temples, that area is also known for its Tebing Breksi
or the Breccia Cliff. The exact location is in Sambirejo Village and it
resides near to several famous temples like Prambanan, Ratu Boko,
Candi Ijo, and Kalasan Temple. This majestic cliff is popular among
tourists due to the excellent nuance and amazing landscapes, actually. No
wonder, all visitors are likely to enjoy sightseeing and photography there.
Some tourists also take advantage of the site for an exploration!


Picture 12: Having picture in the dragon snake of Breccia Cliff

a. The Nuance

For the information, Breccia Cliff was once used as a mining site.
However, it was abandoned and left an amazing landscape for tourism.
The local government also takes a good care of it and provides several
improvements, especially when it comes to ornaments. For example,
tourists may find a unique dragon carving located on the top of the cliff.
From that spot, they can also witness an amazing panorama! Have no
worries. Iron fences surround the cliff, so tourists can explore the site

b. Exploring Breccia Cliff

The first benefit that tourists can get when visiting Breccia Cliff
is definitely the history. According to the locals, the cliff was formed due
to the volcanic ash deposits of Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano. The local
government also conducted a mining activity there back then. However,
they stopped it in 2015. These days, instead of being a mining site,
Breccia Cliff has become a new attractive place to spend a vacation with

families. The parking area is vast and it features several basic facilities
as well. No wonder, lots of tourists keep coming either during weekends
or regular days.

The best part is indeed the peak of Breccia Cliff It offers spending
panoramas and great landscapes for sightseeing too! Not to mention
tourists may find several beautiful carvings up there. Both local
government and artists made those! Numerous shapes of carvings can be
seen including dragons, wayang, and much more! Don’t forget to take
photos of these later! In the afternoon, visitors can also watch the
beautiful sunset! Other amazing views are Prambanan and Baron Temple
on the horizon. Everyone won’t feel bored there, for sure.

It is true that tourists must pay an entrance fee in order to explore

Breccia Cliff. The price is considered cheap, though, so don’t worry. As
for the best times of the visit, it can be either early in the morning or
afternoon. The purpose is to witness either the soothing sunrise or sunset.
Actually, it is also recommended to come in the evening due to a merrier
nuance. In fact, sometimes, the locals conduct a musical performance in
that area!3

2.3 Malioboro

Malioboro is one of the most popular streets in Yogya. For most

tourists both local and foreign tourists, Malioboro is familiar as the most
popular shopping place in Yogyakarta. Even for some people, it seems
not yet to go Yogyakarta if they haven’t set foot to Malioboro. Besides
located in the heart of the city, Malioboro became quite known for its
accompanying historical story.

The existence of Malioboro often associated with the three sacred

places in Yogya, they are Mount of Merapi, Kraton (Ngayogyakarto
Hadiningrat Palace), and the Pantai Selatan (the call name

Breccia Cliffs in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta (indonesia- accessed on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 02.01 a.m

of Javanese people for Indian Ocean). But did you know about the
history of Malioboro Yogyakarta?

a. Malioboro was built by the Dutch

In the beginning, the Malioboro area is part of the city concept in

Java. Malioboro streets laid out as a north-south imaginary axis that
correlates with the Keraton to Mount Merapi in the northern and southern
seas as a supernatural symbol. In the colonial era (1790-1945), the urban
pattern was disrupted by the Dutch who built the Vredeburg castle (1790)
at the southern end of Malioboro streets.

In addition to building the fort, the Dutch also built Dutch Club
(1822), the Dutch Governor’s Residence (1830), Java Bank, and Post
Office to maintain their dominance in Yogyakarta. Rapid development
occurred at that time caused by trade between the Dutch and the Chinese.
There is also a sub-segment of Jalan Malioboro by Sultan to the people
of China. In the end, it is known as the Chinese District.

The “axis” is manifested in the form of a building, Tugu (Pal

Putih) in the north, to the south of Margatama (Mangkubumi) and
Margamulya (Malioboro), Kraton Yogyakarta, Jl. IN. Panjaitan, ends at
Panggung Krapyak. If the starting point (Tugu) is passed to the north will
get to Mount Merapi, while if the end point (Panggung Krapyak) forward
will reach the Indian Ocean.

The second version, the name of Malioboro was taken from

Sanskert language. In Sanskrit, Malioboro means “bouquet of flowers”
in because this place was once filled with bouquets whenever the Kraton
(palace) carried out a celebration.

b. The Historical name of Malioboro

Picture 13: A picture of Malioboro


In 1912, the British Empire under the leadership of Stamford

Raffles attacked the Sultanate of Yogyakarta which was then ruled by
Sultan Hamengku Buwono II. In order to arise the British troops to
conquer the forces of Yogyakarta at that time, Raffles instill the soul and
spirit of the British royal hero of the Duke of Malborough.

The Duke of Malborough is the British royal commander who

managed to defeat the Spanish and French forces in dozens of battles.
Courage and strength of Malborough that is pumped into the British
troops. Since then, the people of Yogyakarta are no stranger to the name
Malborough. Often Malborough troops pass through an anonymous road
to the city center of Resident and Benteng Building, making the
Yogyakarta community name the street Malborough street. It was
difficult for Javanese people to pronounce the Dutch and English
sentence then adjusted to the tongue of Java. Therefore, until now the
Javanese people call that street Malioboro Street.

c. The function of former Malioboro


The development at that time was dominated by the Dutch in

building facilities to improve their economy and strength. It is closely
related to the growth and development of sugarcane plantations, various
types of factories, banking, insurance, hospitality, and education. Rapid
development also occurred during that period caused by the trade
between the Dutch and the Chinese. There is also the Chinatown area
near Malioboro.

Starting from the Chinatown which has emerged since Sultan

Hamengkubuwono I raised the captain of a Chinese, Tan Jin Sing, in
1755. His Javanese name, Setjodingrat, and lived in Setjodingratan
Ndalem (now located east of the Post Office). Since 1916, the southern
Malioboro region is known as the Chinatown settlement of Yogyakarta,
which is marked by store houses selling groceries, gold and clothing.

This area is increasingly crowded after the Kraton built Pasar

Gedhe (now Beringharjo Market), which operated since 1926.
Chinatown began to expand northward, to Tugu Station (built in 1887),
and Grand Hotel de Yogya (established in 1911, now Garuda Hotel).
Malioboro connects the station point to Rusternburg Fortress (now
Vredeburg) and Kraton. Shop houses are a common sight along this road.
Therefore, culturally, Malioboro space is a combination of two dominant
cultures, namely Java and China.

d. Malioboro as the witness of the struggle for independence

Malioboro Street also has an important role in the struggle for

Indonesian independence. On the south side of Malioboro streets, there
had been a fierce battle between the homeland fighters against the Dutch
colonial troops who wanted to occupy Yogya. The battle then became
known as the General Offensive of March 1, 1949, the success of the red
and white troops occupied Yogya for six hours and proved to the world
that the Indonesian armed forces remained.

e. Malioboro in the past

Before turning into a crowded street, Malioboro was just a quiet

road with acidic trees growing on the right and left. This road is only
passed by the people who want to the Royal Palace or the first Indische
complex in Jogja such as Loji Besar (Benteng Vredeburg), Loji Kecil
(the area next to Gedung Agung), Loji Kebon (Gedung Agung), and Loji

However, the existence of Pasar Gede or Beringharjo Market on

the south side and the presence of Chinese ethnic settlements in Ketandan
area are slowly boosting the economy in the region. The Chinese group
made Malioboro its business channel, so the trading area initially
centered in Beringharjo and Chinatown eventually expanded northward
to Tugu Station.

f. Malioboro Today

Today Malioboro street is the center of the largest tourist area in

Yogyakarta, with a history of Dutch colonial architecture blended with
Chinese and contemporary commercial areas. The sidewalks on both
sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of

In the evenings there would be many restaurants. They are

called lesehan which operate along the way. The road for many years
became a two-way street, but in the 1980s it had been a one-way course,
from the railway to the south to the Beringharjo Market. The largest and
oldest Dutch hotel, Hotel Garuda, is located at the north end of the road
on the East side, adjacent to the railway line. There are also houses of
former Dutch-era complex, Prime Minister, Kepatihan which has now
become the provincial government office.

Those are the history of Malioboro Yogyakarta. Now you might

be amazed with Malioboro. For those who have visited Malioboro, you

will feel a half of your heart left in this city. The beauty of Yogyakarta is
always charming your heart that wants you for coming back there.4

An Amazing History of Malioboro Yogyakarta - accessed on
Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 02.17 a.m


1. Having opening of the vlog in the Boarding School

Picture 14: Having opening vlog in the Boarding School

Hello guys... Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh

How are you my viewers? I hope you’re fine all. Okay i make this video for
completing my final examination intensive english progam. Before that, i
wanna tell you about my self. Well, my name is Aida Nil Nal Muna i’m the
students of intensive english progam STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung.

Okay guys,,, after days of preparation, i have waited for this time. And now i
get it. So, enjoyed the trip and see you in the next part.

2. Having vlog in the campus

Picture 15: Having vlog in the campus

Hello my viewers..... this i just come to my university. And do you know

guys? This situation is still very-very quite. Because of what ? because my
trip to Yogyakarta will start at 09.00 pm, in the night guys. But I chose to
come here to fast because I stay in the boarding school, so imposibble if I go
in the night. So I chose spend my time in the university until next time.

A few hours later..................


3. Having vlog in the Borobudur Temple

Picture 16: Having vlog in the Borobudur Temple

Okay guys...
Welcome to the most visited tourist attraction in Indonesia
It is “Borobudur Temple”
Borobudur is one of historical buildings in Indonesia. It is considered to be
the world’s largest Buddhist temple for its size 15129 m2 and height 34,5.
Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java.
Look at guys.. it is very beautiful look from here. And now the weather is
very hot.
Not only it became a well known tourism destinationto a lot of travelers
around the world, Borobudur temple is also included in UNISCO list of world
heritage site.

4. Having conversation with foreighner

Picture 17: Having conversation with foreighner

Aida : Excuse me Sir, I’m sorry to disturb you.

Foreighner : Oh, yes. (Looks in a hurry)
Aida : We wanna take pictures with you, can you?
Foreighner : Oh, Just one picture okay?
Kopi : Many-many picture Mr.
Foreighner : Just one picture.
Aida : It’s okay Mr. It’s never mind.
Foreighner : Okay, Let’s!

Kopi : The beground is Borobudur Temple.

Foreighner : Oh, it is.
Aida : By the way, where are you come from Sir?
Foreighner : We come from Austria.
Aida and Kopi : Oh.. Austria..... Thank you very much Mr.
Foreighner : You’re welcome. Good Bye
Aida : Have a nice journey Sir.

5. Having vlog in the Breccia Cliff

Picture 18: Having vlog in Breccia Cliff

Well guys....
Breccia Cliff is a tourist spot that has been open since 2015. Breccia Cliff is
a boulder that used to be a mining site. Now the farmer mining site has been
developed in to a good tourist attraction. Breccia cliffs which are located in
Sambirejo, Prambanan. Have became increasingly well known and crowded
with tourists.

6. Having vlog in the Malioboro

Picture 19: Having vlog in Malioboro street

Okay guys......
This i am in the Malioboro. This place is located in the heart of Yogyakarta
and this the biggest shop in the Yogyakarta.
See you....

7. Having closing of the vlog in the University

Picture 20: Having closing of the vlog in the University

Okay guys.... After i have tour to Yogyakarta, and now I have stayed to my
university. And last time, I arrived from there ad adzan shubuh guys.. and
now I’m waiting for my friend to pick up me to my boarding school. Okay
guys.. thank you for your nice attention. See you in the next my video...
thank you....

Wassalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh...



A. Conclusion

Intensive English Program is the one of fantastic program in STAI

Diponegoro Tulungagung. In this program we can learn more about English
form the basic. In this program all members are supposed to be able to speak
English fluently or they have courage to use English not only knowing the
theory but also practicing in their daily.
For the final examination in this Intensive English Program is going
to Yogyakarta to visit some tourism places there, making a video vlog to
practice our English skill. Chosing Yogyakarta as the destination for the
exam, Because Yogyakarta is one of the the most popular place in the
Indonesia that foreigners know and the place that is possible to visit during
pandemic. That is a comfortable place to spend our English day.
In this final examination, we really get the most impressive
experience, knowledge, important information about Yogyakarta especially
Borobudur Temple, Breccia Cliff and Malioboro. And something that really
very important in this precious moment is that we know how much our
ability in English.


B. Suggestion

During Intensive English Program learning, starting from BTC,

CTC and TC I went through a lot of problems. Even though I was already
in the language environment, but if we don’t like the program and don’t
want to practice it, yes we still can’t. Starting with liking their teaching, we
will like what is learned and that way we will develop a sense of wanting to
practice it. Maybe because we like and are used to practicing it, besides that
knowledge is also obtained by being civilized, disciplined, diligent,
istiqomah, confident, not lazy and not immoral.Hopefully the next this
program will be better and more extraordinary than before. Aamiin.

An Amazing History of Malioboro Yogyakarta - accessed on

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 02.17 am.
Breccia Cliffs in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta (indonesia- accessed on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 02.01 a.m



Picture 1: Togetherness in the Borobudur Temple

Picture 2: KOPI group enjoy the beauty of panorama in the Breccia Cliff


Picture 3: Enjoy the beauty of panorama in the Borobudur Temple with another group

Picture 4: Cohesiveness of KOPI group at Borobudur Temple


Picture 5: What is that?

Picture 6: Happiness with KOPI group

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