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According to George Dyson’s view, which of the following is the rate of growth for the digital age in
terms of storage?
A. 5 trillion bits per second
B. 2 trillion bits per second
C. 5 billion bits per second
D. 2 billion bits per second

2. In George Dyson's analysis, which of the following is the growth rate for the digital age concerning
processing, specifically in transistors per second?
A. 5 trillion transistors per second
B. 2 trillion transistors per second
C. 5 billion transistors per second
D. 2 billion transistors per second

3. How does George Dyson characterize the growth of the digital age or digital universe?
A. Rapid and exponential growth
B. Slow and linear growth
C. Stagnant growth
D. Unpredictable and erratic growth

4. In George Dyson's perspective, which of the following unit is used to measure the growth rate in
storage for the digital age?
A. Kilobytes
B. Megabits
C. Terabytes
D. Trillion bits per second

5. Which of the following is the unit of measurement for the growth rate in processing for the digital
age according to George Dyson?
A. Mega transistors
B. Gigabits
C. Trillion transistors per second
D. Terabits

6. Which of the following is a common requirement for gaining full access to many online websites?
A. Providing physical address
B. Sharing medical history
C. Signing up for an account
D. Offering financial details

7. When signing up for an online account, which of the following typical information is often
requested from the user?
A. Blood type and DNA sequence
B. Name, age, and email address
C. Favorite color and movie
D. Social security number and bank account details

8. Apart from basic information, what other characteristics may be included in one's online identity?
A. Political affiliation only
B. Educational history only
C. Favorite food and music genre only
D. Preferences, personality, and skills only

9. Why do websites often request personal information when creating an online account?
A. To tailor content online
B. To share information with third parties
C. To display ads without relevance
D. To compromise user privacy

10. A website asks for extensive personal information beyond the usual details during the account
creation process. How would you analyze this situation?
A. Consider it a positive approach, ensuring a more personalized experience
B. Assume it is a standard practice for all websites and proceed without concerns
C. Ignore the request and proceed with the account creation process
D. View it as a potential invasion of privacy and reconsider providing such information

11. An internet site incorporates user preferences and skills into their content recommendations, how
does this impact the user's online experience?
A. Has no impact on the user experience
B. Enhances the user's experience by providing relevant content
C. Hampers the user experience by limiting content variety
D. Exposes user preferences without their consent

12. An online site uses the provided personal information to display targeted ads based on the user's
preferences. How might a user analyze this situation?
A. Appreciate the tailored advertisements for a more relevant browsing experience
B. Feel concerned about privacy and reconsider sharing personal details
C. Assume it is a common practice and ignore the targeted ads
D. Disregard the ads as they have no impact on online activities

13. In a certain scenario where a web page uses physical traits for personalized features, how might
users analyze this approach?
A. Consider it an unnecessary invasion of privacy
B. Assume it is a standard practice and proceed without concerns
C. Appreciate the effort to create a more personalized experience
D. Ignore the physical trait aspect as it does not impact online interactions

14. Which of the following refers to a set of characteristics or qualities of an online user?
A. Virtual Identity
B. Virtual Behavior
C. Virtual Attitude
D. Virtual Personality

15. Which of the following refers to the presence and attributes of a person online.
A. Virtual Identity
B. Virtual Behavior
C. Virtual Attitude
D. Virtual Personality

16. In what online environments are virtual identity commonly utilized?

A. Social media platforms only
B. Email communication only
C. Online shopping websites only
D. Chat rooms or internet gaming platforms only

17. Which of the following distinguishes virtual personality from virtual identity?
A. Virtual personality involves offline characteristics, while virtual identity does not
B. Virtual identity is specific to social media, while virtual personality applies to online gaming
C. Virtual personality focuses on professional aspects, while virtual identity
encompasses presence and attributes
D. There is no distinction; both terms are used interchangeably

18. Maria Sophia uses a different set of characteristics online compared to her offline self. How might
this impact her virtual identity and personality?
A. Assume it has no impact on her virtual identity and personality
B. Recognize it as a common practice, understanding the need for her anonymity online
C. View it as a potential inconsistency and question the authenticity of her online persona
D. Encourage the differentiation between her online and offline selves for enhanced

19. Someone curates a highly professional virtual personality on educational platform but maintains a
casual and humorous virtual identity on a gaming platform. How would you evaluate this dual
A. Encourage a consistent approach across all online platforms
B. Recognize it as a strategic adaptation to different online contexts
C. Consider it a potential authenticity issue and question the consistency
D. Assume it is a common practice and has no impact on online interactions

20. Which of the following involves the selective self-presentation?

A. Protecting against online scams and phishing attacks
B. Sharing all personal details without considering the consequences
C. Using two-factor authentication for online accounts
D. Intentionally disclosing specific information to shape one's online image

21. Jerald has a goal to improve her fitness. Which statement aligns on setting specific goals?
A. Jerald's goal: "Improve fitness”
B. Jerald's goal: "Get in better shape”
C. Jerald's goal: "Exercise regularly”
D. Jerald’s goal: "Run for 30 minutes every day for the next month”

22. Dhan Lord wants to learn a new language but is unsure about his abilities. Which statement aligns
on setting attainable goals?
A. Dhan Lord's goal: "Become fluent in a new language within a week”
B. Dhan Lord's goal: "Learn basic conversational phrases in three months”
C. Dhan Lord's goal: "Speak multiple languages fluently in a month”
D. Dhan Lord's goal: "Try to learn a new language at some point”

23. Ruffa has set a goal related to her career but is uncertain about its relevance. Which statement
aligns on setting relevant goals?
A. Ruffa's goal: "Learn to play a musical instrument”
B. Ruffa's goal: "Complete a professional certification relevant to his career within six
C. Ruffa's goal: "Start a new hobby”
D. Ruffa's goal: "Read more fiction books”

24. Rachel wants to start a small business. Which statement aligns on setting time-bound goals?
A. Rachel's goal: "Start a small business when the time feels right”
B. Rachel's goal: "Launch the business within the next six months”
C. Rachel's goal: "Think about starting a business someday”
D. Rachel's goal: "Consider starting a business”

25. Regine is feeling low and notices a habit of self-bullying in her thoughts. What is the first step that
she should take to address this?
A. Regine should ignore her inner thoughts and continue with her day
B. Regine should write down the positive aspects of her day
C. Regine should tune in and write down the self-bullying thoughts she experiences
D. Regine should immediately try to change her mindset without reflection

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