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Inglés para los negocios


Week 7b
Teacher Jacqueline Riverol Lira

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Contenido temático

9.0. Ventas
9.1 Establecimiento de precios
9.2. Gestión de inventarios. Inicial, final, intermitente y perpetuo
9.3. Logística de distribución

Aprendizaje esperado

El estudiante identifica la terminología adecuada en el idioma inglés en temas

como las ventas y logística.

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Al finalizar sus estudios el alumno será capaz de:

• Aplicar la terminología adecuada en el idioma inglés, para la comunicación

efectiva en las diversas áreas y ambientes de negocios relacionados ventas.
▪ Conocer la terminología en inglés.

Al término de la unidad, el alumno podrá:

-Conocer el proceso de ventas y seguimiento de la logística necesaria.

-Identificar el proceso de adquisición de producto para acercarlo al cliente final.

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9. Ventas (Antecedentes)
The sales activity is one of the oldest professions, for more than
from 4,000 B.C. the Arabs traded among themselves and then to
the world. What first stage all this evolution was generated by
the first human settlements, sedentarism, agriculture and work
with soft metals (pottery).

A next stage arises between 3000 to 1200 BC where pottery and

agriculture with livestock are perfected.

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Finally then enter the years 1100 B.C. the deed appears and the sale
through it takes a transcendental turn, the maritime routes are used
and specialized trade. In a fourth stage, monetary systems emerge and
credit from the use of paper money.

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A fifth stage in the Age Media (1480 AD) is already full of
associations, protections through insurance, the first banking
activities arise, crusades, discovery of America, World Wars,
among others events from the fourteenth centuries to the
present in which it begins to shape marketing activities as we
know them.

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1.2.Elements of the sale

1. Preparation
2. Arrangement of the visit
3. Contact and presentation
4. Survey and needs
5. Argumentation
6. Objections
7. Close

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Preparation must be made to serve real customers and potential,
although with the latter the process is more complex since knows
little about them.

Arrangement of the visit

The pertinent contacts are made, choosing the means of
communication according to the client. Usually a phone call is
made, email or make a preliminary appointment.

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Contact roles objetives
and presentation
Information is exchanged and interest is aroused. It is essential for
the seller.

Survey and needs

Exploration of true customer needs to decide the attitude to make
the sale.

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If this stage is reached, the client has shown interest and the request
must be generated. It is necessary explanation of the benefits and
advantages offered by the product and service over other offers

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In this stage, the "negatives" or "buts" expressed by the client, a
good argument can overturn an objection.

Stage in which the sale can be closed or a later appointment is
made to close it. It can also happen that the process does not close
and the client state not to close the sale.

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Elements of a good sales system

1. Define Goals
2. Apply Policies
3. Establish procedures
4. Brainstorm Strategies
5. Direct Tactics
6. Design Controls

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Sales Agents skills

❑ Autonomy
❑ Flexible
❑ Permanence in the performance
❑ Communication
❑ Character
❑ Collaborator
❑ A person that adapts easily

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Objectives of Sales Agents
As an objective, sales
agents are mainly directed
to sell by volumes, by
earnings, by expenses and
by types of activities,
whether before daily,
weekly or monthly. Thus, it
is susceptible to
measurement and
evaluation by their

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9.3. Logística de distribución

Establishing the sales zone

The main reason for defining a sales zone or route is to make an
efficient planning and control of the sales function. An area or route
sales is conceptualized as a space defined according to customers
actual or potential, located in a geographic area and served by one or
more vendors.

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Steps to define sales territories
1. Choosing the Basic Control Unit
2. Calculate the Market Potential
3. Configure Territories
4. Classify Territories
5. Adjust Territories
6. Assign Territories to executives

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Acosta Véliz, Marjorie (2018). “La administración de ventas”. Editorial Área de
innovación y desarrollo, S.L. S.A. de C.V. México.
Montaña, Jordi (1989) Cómo diseñar un producto. IMPI. Madrid.

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