Ogl 481 - Critical Thinking Paper

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By Christi Gram

A meta-analysis of several articles listed below collectively paints a picture of a society

being manipulated through fear, misinformation, and suppression of dissent. The push
for a globalist agenda is confronted by a growing resistance that seeks to uphold
national sovereignty, personal freedoms, and unbiased access to information. The
narrative underscores the importance of critical thinking and vigilance against e orts to
control individuals, as well as, the public mind (Mind Control News, 2024).

There is a common thread of a deep mistrust of elite institutions and a call for
individuals to question the narratives presented by authoritative bodies. It is evident
that critical thinking is no longer being practiced and there is a major concern about
the erosion of independent thought and the increasing reliance on technology, which
may further exacerbate this issue. An ongoing battle exists for control over public
opinion, with implications for personal autonomy, democracy, and societal well-being
(Mind Control News, 2024).

The media's role is explicitly perpetuating bias and control as Wikipedia co-founder
Lawrence Mark Sanger revealed how U.S. intelligence agencies have exploited the
online encyclopedia for decades to spread left-leaning ideologies. This manipulation
extends to the suppression of alternative viewpoints and bolstering mainstream media
narratives. The implication is that this distortion of information has led to an erosion of
trust in traditional knowledge sources. *Mind Control News, 2023). Furthermore,
through censorship of search results by platforms like Google, search engines can no
longer be trusted to provide unbiased results. Just try doing a search on anything that
is a hot topic in today’s society and you will quickly nd out the narrative that is being

The current discussion on bias and mind control is heavily in uenced by concerns over
the manipulation of public perception and opinion. Various articles from Mind Control
News and related sites suggest a concerted e ort by authoritative bodies, such as
governments and globalist think tanks, to shape the narrative and subdue dissenting
views. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a key player in the globalist agenda,
striving to maintain and increase its supremacy as the international overlord amidst
rising anti-globalist sentiments. Since governance has been handed over to global
health authorities, the United States is no longer considered a sovereign nation (Mind
Control News, 2024).

The in uence of technology and arti cial intelligence is a recurring theme, with
concerns about the potential redundancy of humans as AI becomes more capable.
Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari has overtly discussed the creation of a "useless
class" of humans and the potential future struggles due to technological advancements
outperforming human capabilities (Mind Control News, 2024).
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, why did the majority of the population
willingly accept government mandates without critical analysis? Over many years,
through the educational system, and social media there has been a purposeful
dumbing down of the population, where individuals are too unhealthy, distracted or
unmotivated to question the e cacy and safety of masks, vaccines, and other
interventions (Mind Control News, 2024).

The global economic landscape is portrayed as increasingly polarized, with the IMF's
Kristalina Georgieva noting a "dangerous divergence" in economic performance
(Disinfo News, 2024). This divergence is seen as a precursor not only to economic
issues but also to potential security threats. The suppression of anti-globalist
viewpoints and the pursuit of a rules-based international order are seen as strategies to
manage this divergence (Disinfo News, 2024).

Further criticism is directed at the Democratic party and mainstream media for
projecting fears about President Trump's potential actions that are now being realized
under President Biden. The claims include warnings of new wars, economic
destruction, censorship of the free press, and forced vaccinations, all of which have
been happening under the current administration. There are countless concerns about
the lack of transparency and potential fraud in the 2020 election, highlighting the need
for independent thinking to question the “o cial“ accounts (Propaganda News, 2024.)

The debunking of false climate change narratives is another focal point, with media
reports about record heat temperatures in 2023 being labeled as fake news. Skeptics
highlight the impossibility of accurately assessing global temperatures throughout
Earth's history and the manipulation of climate data to drive fear-based policies (Mind
Control News, 2024).

Dr. Michael Nehls, in an interview with Mike Adams, speaks on the attack on the
human mental immune system, particularly through health policies and the mRNA
injection program. While this seems far fetched, he emphasizes the importance of
unblocking neurogenesis in the brain to counteract these attacks and restore full
brainpower (Mind Control News, 2023).

Overall, these articles paint a picture of a society where critical thinking is under severe
threat due to a combination of misinformation and manipulation controlled by powerful
global elites, and a general complacency among the public. The authors of these
articles advocate for a return to rigorous independent thought and skepticism as
essential tools for safeguarding personal freedoms and maintaining a healthy
democratic society. The underlying message is a call to action for individuals to
question authority, seek out diverse sources of information, and engage critically with
the world around them to resist being controlled by biased narratives.

Disinfo News. (2024, February 7). Fact-checking anti-disinformation in the global

boiling era. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from http://www.disinfo.news/2024-02-07-

Disinfo News. (2024, February 7). Trillions wasted on climate change due to faulty
temperature data. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from http://www.disinfo.news/

Mind Control News. (2023, December 25). Michael Nehls on the indoctrinated brain
and global mind manipulation. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://

Mind Control News. (2023, December 20). Harari admits globalists created 'useless
class' of humans. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://www.mindcontrol.news/

Mind Control News. (2023, December 10). CFR waging war on anti-globalism:
everyone who opposes enslavement must be subdued. Retrieved February 20, 2024,
from https://www.mindcontrol.news/2023-12-10-cfr-waging-war-anti-globalism-

Mind Control News. (2023, September 8). The incredible dumbing down of Americans.
Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://www.mindcontrol.news/2023-09-08-the-

Mind Control News. (2023, September 8). Wikipedia co-founder reveals U.S.
intelligence exploited site. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://

Mind Control News. (2024, February 2). They don't want a nation of critical thinkers.
Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://www.mindcontrol.news/2024-02-02-they-

Mind Control News. (2024, January 5). Governments use controlled chaos to maintain
power. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://www.mindcontrol.news/2024-01-05-

Propaganda News. (2024, January 21). Top 6 claims Democrats said would happen
under Trump happening under Biden. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://

Hoax News. (2024, January 17). Debunked media reports about 2023 record heat
temperatures are fake news. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://hoax.news/

The Mind Collection. (n.d.). Propaganda techniques. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from

Wapoop News. (2024, January 17). Climate cultists claim indoor house plants are bad
for the planet. Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://www.wapoop.news/

Wapoop News. (2024, January 8). Slow collapse of MSM: Americans waking up.
Retrieved February 20, 2024, from https://www.wapoop.news/2024-01-08-slow-

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