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Diana: Hi Naya, I have some great news!

Naya: Oh, tell me!

Diana: I finally found a cheap apartment, just how you want to.

Naya: I'm happy to know that, thank you for your help, whow is it?

Diana: Well, It's very old and there are many things to repair.

Naya: So many? Well, I think I can repair some things but I'm going to need your help again,

Diana: Sure, don't worry! I'll help you!

Naya: Thank you, you can tell me what are the problems?

Diana: Yes, here are some pictures! The windows are broked, the floor is cracked, the furtinure is
broken, the paint of the walls is worn and the table and the chairs are broken.

Naya: There's a lot of problems, I don't know how to start with this!

Diana: Don't worry, first, I'm going to make some suggestions and you are going to tell If you are

Naya: That sounds good for me!

Diana:With the windows, I was thinking about that you should ret it off and replace them for new
ones more resistants for make sure that this isn't going to happen again, it looks very bad!

Naya: Well, it can be, but it's good your idea!. But there's a problem, I don't know how to repair
the floor and it's really dangerouos!

Diana: Try calling my friend Esteban! He can help you to repair it!

Naya: Yes, I'm going to do that!

Diana: What more... The furtinure is broken, so, may you can repair the furtinure or ret it off and
buy another one!

Naya: Yes, I'm planning to buy a furtinure with bright colors! I like the combination of green with

Diana: Oh, well I hope you change your mind about that for the walls, you need to repaint them.

Naya: Oh, sure! I'm thinking about repaint them with neutral colors.
Diana: I'm so happy to heard that, the other think is the chairs and the table.

Naya: They look very old, I would like to get new ones, repairt them it's not a good option for me.
By the way, do you think I can add other things like mirror and plants?

Diana: That's a great idea, Naya! You know.. actually I think we can go right now to see Esteban,
I'm gonna call him!

Naya: That would be amazing, I want to know If he actually can hepl me.

Diana: Yes, I haven't tell you but if you want to, I can call more friends for tell them If they can
help you more with your selection of colors.

Naya: Oh, I really like red with red, but call them anyways!

Diana: Right, let's go!

Naya: Are they you friends? They look friendly.

Diana: Yes they are, their names are Esteban, Lucia, Marco, Jose, y Carol.

Naya: Oh! Is Esteban the man with black glasses?

Diana: No, he isn't, he's Jose, he knows about desing.

Naya: So cool! Is Esteban the man with the white shirt?

Diana: Oh no! He isn't, that guy is Marco, he's very nice!

Naya: Okay, so is Esteban the man in the siut?

Diana: Yes! He's the guy who can help you.

Naya: Oh right, is the blonde girl Carol?

Diana: She ins't, she's Lucia, she's the best!

Naya: Finally, now I know them.

Diana: Yes, you should go and introduce yourself!

Naya: Right! Excuse me, you are Esteban, right? May I interrump for a moment? I'm Diana's
friend and he told me that maybe you can help me with my problem, also I think she said taht
the other can help me with the selection of colors that I want.

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