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ID: 1023370255


I live in El Barrio Altico in Soacha. In my neighborhood, there are many parks

where I spend much of my time. It's a very nice place, and there are also
many fast-food restaurants. Additionally, we can find many beauty salons
where I get my nails done. It's a very beautiful place. I would like for people in
my neighborhood to learn to organize the trash since there is much pollution.

Family Reunion

Good afternoon Aunt Liliana

I hope you're doing well in France. I wanted to let you know that next month,
we're planning a family gathering to celebrate Grandma's 50th birthday.
Although her birthday was on August 13th, we'll be celebrating it on the 18th. I
will be waiting for you at the airport with Maicol. I'll be wearing a red jacket and
sunglasses. My friend is taller than me; Maicol has dark brown hair and will be
wearing gray pants. I hope to see you soon.

Love, Hary

Good morning Nico

I hope this email finds you well. It's been a while since we last talked, and I
wanted to write to you to share some updates. In December, I went on a trip to
Villa de Leyva with our mother. She was very happy, although she caught a
cold, but she's feeling better now.

Starting this year, I will begin the second semester of university, and I'll also be
starting a job at a clothing store soon. I'm a bit nervous but excited.

Goodbye, Hary


On Monday, the third of January, my family and I tried "EL ESTABLO," a

restaurant in the shopping center GRAN PLAZA. We ordered combos with two
hot dogs and burgers that included sodas. They were a good size and had a
variety of sauces and options. The French fries were delicious. Honestly, it's a
good restaurant; the food was very tasty. I highly recommend this restaurant,
and I'll be back very soon.

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