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Examen de Gramática Inglés 3

Bloque 1 “Used to”

Name:_________________ Group:______________

Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

1.- What is the correct answer?

a) Armando used to play soccer in the park

b) Armando used to do homework everday
c) Armando didn´t use to play soccer in the park
d) 1 an 2
e) All of them
f) b and c

2.- What sentence is incorrect?

a) Carlota didn´t use to smoke cigarrettes.

b) Carlota did not use to smoke cigarrettes.
c) Carlota used to smoked cigarrettes.
d) Carlota used to esmoke cigarrettes.
e) None of them
f) c and d

3. - Which option answers correctly to the question: “Where did you use to go 5 years

a) I didn´t use to go to the museum

b) I did not use to go to the school
c) I used to run to my grandpa´s house
d) I used to go to my carrots
e) None of them
f) C and D

- Write correct sentences using used to or didn't use to.

They / not / like this city, but now they love it. ___________________________________________________

People / read books, but now they use the Internet more. _______________________________________

My children / play outside, but now they play video games.______________________________________

Complete, using last or ago.

We saw him ______________year. Rose told me about it____________week.

They didn't call me________________Sunday.

Complete the phrases with the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ in the past: (toda el ejercicio debe estar correcto
para otorgar el punto.)

She__________________ It________________ Julia and I______________ The cat___________

Good luck..

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