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6t24t2020 -

NIitag Northwestern Pacific Ocean - Hurncane And Typhoon Updates

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The GPM's core satellite passed over Tropical Storm Mitag on Oct. 2 at 8:[,6 a.m. EDT (1246 UTC). GpM
foundheaviest rain (orange) falltng in scattered areas over the eastern and southern coasts of SouthKorea
and Sea of Japan. GPM found light rain (light blue) t'alling over the rest of South Korea at araund o.2
inches (s millimeters) per hour. lapan's Htmawari-| satellite provided the cloud imagery. Credit:

?he GFM's core satellite passed over Tropical Storm lWitag on Oct. 2 at 8:d6 a.r*.
EDT {tz4'6 UTC). GpM found heaviest rain falling in scattered areas over the
eastern and southern cCIasts of South Korea and over the Sea of japan. GpM found
light rain falling over the rest of South Korea at around o.z inches (5 mitrlimeters)
per h0ur.

On Oct. 2 attl a.m. EDT (r5oo U'fC), Mitag was located

near latitude 34.4 degrees
north and longitude 7263 degrees west. Mitag was centered about 91 nautical

https://blogs.nasa.govlhurrican esl2019l10lA2lmitag-northwestern-pacific-ocean-31 ) 11,

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