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PCB Functional Testing Vs. PCBA Functional Test

PCBs are now an important part of our consumer electronics. These are

highly crucial for the fine performance of our devices so that our lives can

be at ease. PCBs need an extensive production process that involves

various steps. However, the production of PCBs is not enough. The testing

of PCBs also matters here. It comes in handy to rule out defective PCBs

and deliver industrial-grade PCBs to the users.

These testing methods basically enable the technicians to check if the

PCBs are functional and safe to use. Or else a damaged and defective PCB

can ultimately ruin the whole electronic device in the future. We are going

to have a detailed look at the testing of PCBs so that you can easily learn

about it through our post. Let’s get on with it!

Table of Contents

Common Functional Testing Techniques

One of the most common methods is functional testing, aka FCT. If you do

FCT, precisely meeting all its requirements and executing on the basis of

its guidelines, it will help you test your PCBs on a deeper level. Now FCT is

for testing each component individually. An FCT test is also reliable for the

verification of the optimum atmosphere for the PCBs. In the end, the

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results of this FCT will give you a clear knowledge and idea about the

health of your PCBs. Such tests are important in the domain of PCBs,

where producers are able to produce exceptional PCBs for the users.

There are some tools that you need to do this test:

1. Monitors

2. Cables/wiring

3. Connective interface

4. CPU

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Factors affecting FCT:

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When we consider FCT, we need to have some factors in mind so that we

can drive positive results. The factors affecting FCT are:

1. How much area of a PCB undergoes testing

2. What type of results are needed

3. What is the type of input and stimuli

4. Which parameters are under consideration

The correct way to do FCT:

By far, you have a clear idea that FCT is important for PCBs. There is no

margin of negligence since it can alter the results. In FCT, the goal is to

analyze and test all the components. There are also other alternative

methods that you can use in place of FCT. However, if you are going for

FCT, you need to do it in the correct way. In this section, let’s talk about the

accurate method of doing FCT on PCBs!

Test Procedure List Creation

You need to properly plan the FCT procedure so that each and every PCB

part undergoes testing. Or else hidden defects create future problems in

most cases. You need to write down all the methods that you are going to

opt for in this process. Also, what PCB parts will undergo testing? Make a

list and stick to it till the procedure ends. It is an expert recommendation

and comes in handy for the desired results.

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Let’s see what PCB parts need proper testing:

1. Resistors: Resistors are important to the current transmission that

basically gives power to the PCBs. A multimeter is a good option

when you want to test the resistors. Make sure to get proper

readings and analyze your results on that basis.

2. Sensors: These are for working with the environmental changes

around them, and due to this, they produce electrical signals based

on these changes. A multimeter is beneficial to test a sensor and

identify its defects.

3. Capacitors: These are for controlling the electric charge or voltage in

a device or PCB. You can also test the capacitors to see if they are

working just fine for your devices or not.

Voltage Meter Testing

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PCB E-test machine

The correct voltage holds great importance in the fine performance of

PCBs. Changes and problems with the voltage create a negative impact on

PCBs on the whole. The voltage and power work together in a PCB to

make it work. In case you are using low voltage and high-voltage, you need

to always test it. So that it will make your PCBs much safer to use, to test

the voltage, you can use a voltage meter. The reading of the voltage meter

is for indicating the performance of the voltage. Later, you can also

determine the performance based on the voltage readings.

Load Testing

The loads are an important part of PCBs because they help them fight

against unfavorable conditions. Also, loads endure pressure and strain,

which greatly helps PCBs in performance. When we test a load, we want to

make sure it endures pressure and strain to a large extent or not.

However, the result of the test can vary as to the following factors. These


 Temperature: Temperature is also important for PCBs. In case of

overheating, the PCBs can melt down and undergo full failure. The

materials used in the board basically determine its temperature.

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Therefore, while testing the load, you need to maintain the

temperature on all counts.

 Current: The current changes can also alter the results. Therefore

reading the current precisely is important in load testing. It will help

you verify the performance of PCBs on the whole as well.

 Operating frequency: PCB’s operating frequency also needs your

attention. The PCBs usually work with high frequency and low

frequency since there is no in-between. When you do FCT, you can

deeply check the operating frequency as well.

QC Testing

QC testing is another important type of PCB testing method. It helps you

know that the PCBs are of industrial grade and meet industry standards as

well. This test is basically for the verification of the final product. These are

different from FCT since it does not test the final product. The QC test

verifies the PCBs on a deeper level. From their design to components and

performance, a QC test will give you all the insight about your PCBs. QC

tests also rule out defective PCBs and highly hidden defects in PCBs so

that they will remain intact and safe to use in consumer electronics.

Defective PCBs are not only harmful but also can lead to loss of money by

ruining the entire electronic device in the future.

Why Testing Is Crucial and How It Matters to You

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Now we are going to see the major benefits of FCT and other PCB testing


 Power issues: PCBs need a stable and consistent supply of power to

perform nicely. With the PCB tests like FCT, we can make sure that

PCBs are getting the optimum amount of supply. It prevents

chances of mishaps and problems.

 Signal distortion: Tests come in handy to identify the signal

distortion and treat it in time to avoid major setbacks.

 Inaccurate voltage: Some PCB tests, like voltage testing, makes sure

that the voltage supply is accurate and that there are no issues with

it. It detects voltage issues in real-time so that you can make the

changes successfully.

PCBA functional testing

The PCBA is a type of PCB testing method that is normally for testing

complex circuits and PCBs. Now any negligence in doing the PCBA can

falsify the results. Also, any human error can change the results, which is

not acceptable, however, despite the fact that PCBA is a powerful testing

method. In some cases, it can leave some defects hidden. Therefore

pairing PCBA with FCT and ICT proves to be beneficial in analyzing the

PCBs intensely.

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Benefits of PCBA Testing

PCBA testing is beneficial for detecting life-threatening faults in PCBs to

save the life of users. In case of short circuits and current leaks, the users

might face an irreversible situation. Therefore, it is important for a PCB

producer to rigorously test the PCBs before delivering them to its clients

to ensure their safety on all counts. Plus, doing the PCB tests in time will

give enough room to reverse the faults and defects before delivering.

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Most Popular PCBA Testing Methods

We have picked some popular PCBA tests:

1. Visual Inspection

VI is mainly for detecting the issues with PCB soldering. It is a basic PCB

testing method in which you will analyze the PCBs with the naked eye

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without using high-end equipment and machinery. It is not good for

detecting small PCB parts. Only big and visible solder joints can undergo

visual inspection. However, skills are needed for visual inspection and to

drive positive results from it.

2. Flying Probe Testing (FPT)

The FPT is an affordable testing method and useful to replace the ICT,

which is an expensive option. The probes basically identify the PCBs by

penetrating through them and only test special areas on the board. It is

easy to conduct as well.

3. Burn-in Testing:

This method is intense as compared to other PCB testing methods

available. It exerts extreme stress on the PCBs. Now, problems can occur

during burn-in testing. It can include catching fires, overheating, and

damage to the PCBs. However, if handled professionally, burn-in testing

shows great results. There are some downsides of this testing, including

risks of PCB damage, overheating, and high price.

Functional testing (FCT)

An FCT is highly beneficial for the performance of PCBs. It rules out small

to big PCB defects impressively. Moreover, it normally takes place at the

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end of the PCB production. It is also affordable, which means many PCB

producers can do this test to ensure the quality and performance of their

PCBs. However, skillful workers are important in order to get desired

results from FCT. It is a much less rigorous test and might still leave some

defects undetected.

Raypcb As Your Contractor’s PCB Testing Capabilities

If you ever get confused between the PCB tests, then RayPCB will help you.

We will analyze your PCBs and recommend suitable tests for them.

Therefore before making any decision, it is important to seek professional

assistance to avoid future complications.

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