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Life and Times of William Shakespeare

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. His birthday is most likely April 23, 1564 He died April s3, 1616 He attended the Strafford Grammar school There, he learned grammar, Latin, and literature In 1582, he married Anna Hathaway who was 8 years older In 1583, first child Susannah was born In 1585, twins Hammet and Judith were born. By 1592, he had became an actor and playwright Actors were held in disrepute at this time London Theaters were closed for long periods during the plague years of 1592-1594 In 1594, Shakespeare became a character member of a theatrical group called lords chamberlains men, which became the kings men The patron of the group was king James He acted and wrote until 1612 By 1612, he had written 37 plays: comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances In 1623, 2 men brought out the true original copies of all Shakespeare plays this is called the first folio The area on the stage separated from the audience by a velvet curtain is called, The Prosaclem Stage The basic, lowest amount of money you could pay is a penny In the plat Henry V. Shakespeare calls the globe This Wooden O All male actors Recruited chois school boys were recruited for female roles In 1997, a new globe theatre opened on London south bank Shakespear drew the materials for this play from the ancient biographical text called the parallel lives, which first appeared under the titke the lives of the noble Grecians and romans in England in 1579. This work was written by Plutarch (AD46_AD120) a greek writer and Biographer.

A. Leaders after Caesars Death 1. Octavious Ceasar 2. Mark Antony Conspirators against Julius Caesar 1. Brutus 2. Cassias 3. Casca 4. Trebonious Friends to Brutus and Cassius 1. Lucilius 2. Titinius 3. Messala Servants To Brutus 1. Varro 2. Clitus 3. Cladius Pindarus is a servant to Cassius Calpurnia is Caesars wife Portia is Brutuss wife 3. Lepidus


5. 6. 7. 8. 4. 5.

Ligarious Decious Brutus Metellus Cimbar Cinna Young Cato Volumnious



4. 5. 6.

Strato Lucius Dardanious


1. 2. 3. Ides in ancient roman calendar were 15th of may, march, July, and October and 13th of all other months Plebeians or common people are depicted as a group. They are fickle, very gullible and easily led. Lupercal- an old Roman fertility festival celebrated on February 15th.

Literary Definitions
1. 2. 3. Blank verse- duplicates the natural rythems of English speech It is unrhymed iambic pentameter, meaning each line of poetry is built of 5 iambs. An iamb consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Pentameter means that there are 5 iambs in a line Lines that end with a punctuation are called end stopped lines Run-on lines DO NOT end with a punctuation mark Julius Caesar, the grat Shakespearean Tragedy, explains the conflict between power politics and personal conscience. Protagonist: Leading character/Tragic hero Climax: High point of play/literary work Globe Theatre: The theatre in which Julius Caesar was first performed Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar in 1599

Major Characters
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Julius Caesar: was a great conqueror and politician. He gained territory for Rome and Frequently sent money back to the city o be used for public works or to help the common people given the honor of public ruling Rome as long as he lived. Calpurnia- Caesars wife. She has born him with no children yet. Marcus Brutus- a quiet idealist who enjoyed reading and studying, also supported Pompeys, one of Caesars chief rivals for power. After Pompeys defeat, Caesar pardoned Brutus and the 2 resumed their friendship Portia_ Brutuss wife. Her father killed himself rather then submits to Caesars Rule. Calius Cassius- Held a grudge against Caesar. Brutuss brother

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