AllergyKnight Possible Questions

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“Savor the sea, Allergen-free”

Possible Questions

1. What is your problem?

- The problem that we wanted to solve is the allergic reaction of seafoods to people who have
seafood allergies. As we all know allergies make people uncomfortable and for some it can
become a hindrance for life. Allergic reaction to seafoods ranges from mild hives or itchiness on
skin to severe anaphylaxis. That is why we created an anti-allergy food seasoning mix to lessen
and mitigate allergic reaction for people who had seafood allergies.

2. What was your product all about?

- We innovators wanted to create a hassle-free product to our consumers. An anti-allergy
seasoning mix that can be mixed with any seafood cuisines to lessen and prevent allergic
reactions. We are very much aware that there are already existing products for allergies BUT
those products are taken after eating food that they’re allergic to, or it is only taken after an
allergic reaction occurs. So, we thought of a way to prevent these allergies in the form of anti-
allergy seasoning mix, taking into account that there are people who are too lazy to take their
meds especially people who has only mild allergy symptoms like itchiness of throat and nose that
oftentimes they only ignored.
- What makes our product unique to other anti-allergy products is that, first it is taken before an
allergic reaction occurs since it is mixed on the seafood. Second, people WITHOUT allergies are
safe to consume this product and no side effects to pregnant and lactating women since our
product is only pure seasoning mix with Loratadine and (nalimot ko unsa tong isa huhu, Quercin
ba to? >o<) which is only an antihistamine anti-inflammatory that prevents histamines and other
immune chemicals that caused allergic reactions to the body. Third, is that it will prevent acquiring
possible seafood allergy since it is proven in the study about Allergy and immunology says that
allergies are not only passed through genes but it can also be acquired on the later part of our
3. Is that even possible?
- Yes, it is likely to be possible, because first there are many herbs and spices are naturally allergen-
free, like onions, turmeric, ginger, and Himalayan pink salt which is just a few of our product’s
ingredients. And our main ingredients to prevent allergic reaction are Loratadine and Quercin.
Which is a histamine blocker.

- To further explain how our product works inside the body. Let us explain the source of allergic

• The body has antibodies that kills any foreign substances that had entered the body. It cannot
distinguish a substance if it is harmful or not.
• On the other hand, there are protein substance that our body identifies as a foreign substance,
and once this protein entered the body our immune system will release an antibody called
Immunoglobulin E.
• Then the immunoglobulin E will attach to the near white blood cell and they will attack the protein
• After that the white blood cell will then release histamine, enterferon and other chemical
• These chemical substances will attach to the blood vessel, and this attachment will cause dilation,
stimulation of sensory nerves and contraction of muscles.
• Once our muscles, nerves, and blood vessel disrupt that will lead to allergic reaction like sneezing,
itching, runny nose, rashes and difficulty on breathing.

Our product’s main ingredients, loratadine and Quercin, are good histamine blocker. They will attach to
muscles and blood vessels first before histamine, once the histamine cannot attach to any cells it will
immediately be inactive.

That is why our product is mixed together with seafoods so that even if the antibodies on our cells
produced histamine the consumer will less likely to have an allergic reaction since it also had an
antihistamine from our seasoning product.

4. Is your product safe for people who have severe allergic reaction on seafoods?
- They can consume food with our anti-allergy seasoning for people who have severe allergic
reactions but we cannot stop their allergic reactions since that was beyond our product’s
limitation, since we mainly focus lessening the reaction by blocking histamine and some people
releases much greater histamines that the effectiveness of loratadine will decreases.
(kung sa Bisaya pa ma outnumbered and loratadine and quercin that is why manaig gyud ang
histamine and mo attack gyud sila sa blood vessels and nerves.)

- They must seek for professional/doctors if their allergies persist.

5. Why should we buy your product?

- You should buy our product since it is not only for people who has seafood allergy but for
everyone with or without allergies. Since there are already allergy tablets and syrups but those
are taken after an allergic reaction. Our product on the other hand, is consume along with
seafood. So, you don’t have to worry for any reactions since the remedy is already with the food.

6. There are so many allergies, why did you choose seafood allergy?
- We choose seafoods since our country is rich in seafood supply because of our coastal
geographical location. Also on the latest study seafood allergy between three southeast Asian
country; Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, its result shows that Philippines has 81.1% of their
Filipino respondents has seafood allergy. Additionally, We conducted a random telephone survey
here in Cagayan de Oro and among all 150 people we survey, 85 people said that they have
seafood allergy, most of them has shrimp and lobster allergy, a few said that they are allergic to
crabs and oysters. Their allergic reaction ranges from sneezing to rashes, and fortunately no one
answered that they experience difficulty in breathing.
- That is why we decided to choose seafood allergy since one of our members had also seafood
allergy, we wanted them to enjoy the delicious seafood cuisine without worrying for their health.

our fears

• We fear that our product’s effectiveness will decrease if we consider these factors:
1. Temperature - because there are certain drugs that if heated will lessen its effectivity.
2. Product might not be enough for people who has severe allergic reactions.
3. Concerns about alterations to the taste and flavor of their food when using the product.
4. The effectiveness might decrease when product is not balanced to the amount of seafood
they’re cooking.

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