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March 2017 (Matthew 3)


30 years had passed between Matt. 2 and Matt. 3.

- When the time came for Jesus to begin His public ministry, God sent John
the Baptist to “prepare the way of the Lord.”
- For over 400 years, since the close of the OT, the nation of Israel had not
heard the voice of a prophet … John appeared to spark a great revival!


Matt. 3:1-2 John started preaching on “repentance,” without which the

Savior could not be revealed to them.
- Without repentance, there can never be true faith (Heb.
6:1-2). (That is why repentance is so important!)

The first sermon John the Baptist preached was repentance.

The first sermon Jesus preached was repentance (Mark 1:14-15).
The first sermon the apostles preached was repentance (Acts 2:37-38).

Repentance is more than merely feeling regrets, sorry or remorse. (“I feel
terrible for being discovered or caught doing this!”)
- Such soulish feelings have a tendency to fade away, and they won’t
produce a permanent change in our lives.

Repentance is an inner change of mind toward sin followed by an outward

change of action in our lifestyle.
- We must be sorry enough to make a 180-degree turnaround!

v7-10 There has to be evidence of a changed mind and a changed life.

- John was not satisfied with just mere regrets or remorse over sin;
he wanted “fruits worthy of repentance” (v8).

DISCUSSION: In groups of two or three, discuss:

- What do you think should follow repentance? Why do you think true
repentance comes before true revival?
- Get a few members to share with the CG.


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v3-5 John fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah the prophet.

- He was the last of the OT prophets (Luke 16:16), and the greatest
among them (Matt. 11:7-15; 17:9-13).
- Yet, notice 2 unconventional things about John:
1) He was “clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around
his waist.”
2) His food was “locusts and wild honey.”

POINT: Spiritual authority does not come from outward appearance; real
authority and power come only from God (1 Cor. 2:1-5).

v11 John (and other pastors/ordained ministers) baptized with water, but
Jesus is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit.

To be “baptized in/with the Holy Spirit” means to be “fully immersed,

saturated and overflowing with the presence and power of the Spirit.”

Jesus calls this baptism “the Promise of the Father” (Luke 24:49).
- This baptism opens the door of the miraculous for Him … from this point
on He started working signs, wonder and miracles.
- For His disciples, it was also the gateway into the supernatural!

Acts 1:8 Jesus told the believers not to start ministry until they were all
baptized in the Holy Spirit.
- The purpose of the Spirit baptism is for “power” ―
supernatural, divine abilities of God!

Supernatural experiences and powers are an integral part of our Christian

- If we remove the supernatural from the Gospels and the Book of Acts, we
will be left with nothing!
- As Christians, we should always be supernaturally guided, supernaturally
empowered, and supernaturally protected!

Acts 2:1-4 On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came.

- The 120 in the Upper Room were fully immersed, saturated
and overflowing with the presence and power of the Spirit!
- From this point, the Church was born … and signs, wonders
and miracles became their distinctive!
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The key to open the door to the supernatural realm is speaking in tongues by
- Some believers erroneously think that the Holy Spirit will force them to
speak in unknown tongues, and they will lose control of themselves!

v4 The disciples themselves must first decide to speak, only then will the
Holy Spirit give them utterance.
 Speaking in tongues requires cooperation on our part with the Holy

DISCUSSION: In groups of two or three, discuss:

- In what ways could we possibly have ignored the Holy Spirit in our lives?
- What can we do to develop and practice a deeper consciousness of the
Holy Spirit’s Presence in our lives?
- Get a few members to share.


Matt. 3:11 “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

v12 John the Baptist talked about the “winnowing fan,” “threshing floor,”
“wheat,” “barn,” “chaff” and “unquenchable fire.”

During harvest time, the farmers would bind the grain into sheaves or
bundles, and immediately bring them to the “threshing floor.”

Then there was a 3-step procedure:

(1) Threshing: they repeatedly struck the grain on the hard surface of the
floor ― to loosen the good grain from the useless stalks.
(2) Winnowing: they tossed the grain into the air ― allowing the wind to
blow away the straw and the worthless covering or “chaff.”
(3) Burning: they used fire to burn away the useless stalks, worthless
chaff and the bad grain.

The “threshing floor” is a wonderful picture of the refining work that the Holy
Spirit seeks to do in our lives.
- He brings us to the “threshing floors” of difficult challenges and allows us
to be repeatedly struck down (2 Cor. 4:8-9).
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Heb. 12:27-29 The Holy Spirit desires that everything that is impure in us
will be shaken away.
- The wind of the Spirit then blows to separate the
worthless things of the flesh that hinder growth.
- The fire of purity then takes all the useless “chaff” and
burn them away ― the Holy Spirit is a refining fire!

• One of the worst epidemics in history was the bubonic plague or “the
Black Death” … it lasted 400 years and killed up to 200M in Europe!
- 15% of London’s population was wiped out!
- What stopped the plague was the “Great Fire of London” ― from
that time until today, there is not another plague in England!

REASON? The plague was caused by fleas carried by rats in the sewers.
- The fire went down deep into the sewers and burned so hot, all the
rats and fleas were killed.
- That is what the Holy Spirit does ― He burns away all the “rats” and
“fleas” inside the “sewers” of our souls!

The reason why Jesus could remain sinless is because He was totally
empowered by the Holy Spirit!

Rom. 1:4 Jesus was empowered by “the Spirit of holiness” to have

continual power over sin!
- Jesus says, “The prince of this world is coming. He has no hold
over me” (John 14:30 NIV).

If Jesus Christ, who was born without sin, needed the Holy Spirit for
sanctification … how much more you and I, who were born in sin!

2 Tim. 1:6 “To stir up” in Greek means “to keep the fire alive.”

God doesn’t want us to be passive … He wants us to engage the Holy Spirit by

- While He has come to ignite the fire of divine purity, passion and
presence in us, we must actively keep the divine fire alive and burning.
 Fan the fire of God by our praise, prayer, proclamation and positive
conversation … don’t quench it by fear, doubt and unbelief.

DISCUSSION: In groups of two or three, discuss:

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- How else can we keep the fire of God burning in our hearts and lives?
- Get a few members to share.


v13-14 Jesus was not water baptized because He was a sinner in need of
repentance ― He had no sin to confess or repent of!

v15 Jesus was setting an example for all of us!

- Yes, we are made righteous through faith in Jesus Christ.
- But our inward righteousness is not complete until there is this
outward act of obedience ― water bap sm!

v16-17 The result of His obedience and consecration:

(1) Open heaven ― we will walk under a constant open heaven.

(2) Holy Spirit’s presence ― His gentle presence (“dove”) will always be
tangibly felt.

(3) Voice of God ― we will never be “dry” of divine revelation.

(4) Sonship ― God the Father personally announced His Sonship!

This word “Son” (Gr. huios) means “a mature son” or one who can handle
revelation, power and dominion.
- From this pronouncement, the Holy Spirit came migh ly upon Jesus ―
the people never saw power like they saw in Jesus (Mark 2:12)!

Rom. 1:4 Sonship comes with tremendous supernatural “power”!

Acts 2:22 How can we know that Jesus is the “Son” of God?
- The evidence is in the “miracles, wonders, and signs which
God did through Him.” (Not just because He’s wise or caring!)
- It must be the same for us!

DISCUSSION: In groups of two or three, discuss:

- What do you think was the motivation for Jesus’ obedience and
- How can we apply that in our own lives? Get a few members to share.
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Spend some time worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ.

- Allow members to respond and repent from any hidden sin, and to
rededicate their lives to Jesus.
- Pray for those that need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the
evidence of speaking in tongues.
- Lay hands and pray for the members to live in the Spirit of holiness and

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