CFD EM C2 BasicConceptsInFM

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Nguyễn Thanh Nhã 9/22/2020

Lecture note



Nguyễn Thanh Nhã, PhD

Department of Engineering Mechanics – Faculty of Applied Science – 106B4
Phone: Office: (84.8) 38 647 256 – Ext: 5306; 0908.568181
FB: Nhã Nguyễn

Ho Chi Minh city, 2020 2020


Chapter 1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

Chapter 3. Fundamental of Fluid Dynamics

Chapter 4. Finite Difference Method

Chapter 5. Finite Volume Method

Chapter 6. Solve CFD problems with ANSYS/CFX

Chapter 7. Create CFD mesh with ICEM

Chapter 8. Apply CFD in engineering

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Chapter 2.
Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators

2.2. Characteristic flow structures
2.3. Control volume
2.4. Transport theorem


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
• The Nabla-operator is a pseudo-vector
    
  x ,  y , z    , , 
 x y z 
Gradient of a scalar quatity
• Gradient of a scalar quality is a vector describing the change of that quantity
in space
• Gradient of the density Φ(x,y,z,t)
    
grad         , , 
 x y z 
• Gradient vector is always normal to the iso-surface of that quantity (Φ
• Gradient vector points towards the direction of inceased scalar quantity
(increased Φ)

Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Gradient of a scalar quatity
• By computing the gradient of a scalar quantity, a vector field is obtained.
• By plotting this vector field, one gets directly a very good feeling concerning
the spatial evolution of Φ :
 the resulting vectors show the direction of fastest changes of Φ;
 the magnitude of these vectors tells us how fast these changes are

density gradient of density

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Scalar product (tích vô hướng)
• Scalar product between two arbitrary vector a and b is a scalar quantity
a  b  a1b1  a2b2  a3b3
Vector product (tích có hướng)
• Vector product of two arbitrary vector a and b is a vector quantity

a  b   a2b3  a3b2 , a3b1  a1b3 , a1b2  a2b1 

Divergence of a vector
• Divergence of a vector u is the scalar product between that vector and the
     u v w
divu    u   , ,   u, v, w    
 x y z  x y z


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Divergence of a vector

• In Fluid Dynamics, the divergence of the flow velocity, the vector quantity u

     u v w
divu    u   , ,   u, v , w    

 x y z  x y z

• The divergence of the flow velocity is particularly interesting, for an

incompressible flow local mass conservation can be simply written

u  0

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Divergence of a vector
• The divergence will be mostly introduced to determine if vectors tend to
+ “diverge” (pointing in various directions starting from a common origin)
+ “converge” (pointing onto the same point starting from different origins)

velocity divergence of velocity


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
• In Fluid Dynamics, the Laplace operator or Laplacian is used to quantify
diffusion processes, in particular diffusive transport of momentum
• The Laplacian acts mostly on a scalar quantity Φ and delivers again a
scalar quantity 2
  
2 2
 2         

x 2 y 2 z 2

density Laplacian of density

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Convective components of acceleration vector
(các thành phần đối lưu của véc tơ gia tốc)
 u u u 
 u x  v y  w z 
u  
        v v v 
u    u   u  v  w    v    u  v  w 
 x y z    x y z
 w   w w

w 

 u x  v y  w z 
 
• The overall acceleration vector:

Du u
a  x, y , z , t      u    u
Dt t
 u / t 
u  u( x , y , z , t ) u 
  v / t 
u  ( u , v , w) t  
 w / t 

Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Rotation of a vector field
• In Fluid Dynamics, the rotor operator (or curl) is introduced to quantify the
importance of vortical structures in a flow.
• The curl of the flow velocity u is a vector quantity
 w v u w v u 
rot  u     u    ,  ,  
 y z z x x y 

velocity curl of velocity

• Rotation of a fluid particle is described by a rotation vector: ω rot  u 
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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Time derivatives
In Fluid Dynamics, two different styles of time derivatives are introduced

• For Euler, a flow is nothing special, so that the time derivative should be
defined there as for any other field of physics.

 The observer is “sitting” at a fixed position x within the fluid, measures

there the evolution of some interesting quantity with time, and just
computes the time derivative by deriving the resulting curve.

 This is just the standard partial derivative in time at position x!

 The (Eulerian) time derivative of a variable Φ is simply written

   
  or
 t  x const t


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.1. Mathematical operators
Time derivatives
In Fluid Dynamics, two different styles of time derivatives are introduced

• For Lagrange, the key property of a flow is that. . . it flows! Lagrange

chooses an observer moving with the flow, and therefore behaving himself
like a fluid element.

 This observer again measures the evolution of quantity with time, and
now computes the time derivative by deriving the resulting curve.

 The resulting time derivative at the same position and at the same time
will nevertheless not be the same, since the frame of reference is
different! Therefore, this alternative definition of the time derivative will
be written differently, as

D ( x, y , z , t )    
 u v w
Dt x y z t
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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.2. Characteristic flow structures


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.2. Characteristic flow structures
Pathline (or trajectory)
• Corresponds to the line obtained in the 3D space by following an
individual fluid particle during its displacement with time.

• It is sometimes described also as a long-exposure “photograph” of one

and the same particle. An infinity of different pathlines can be defined,
each associated to another fluid particle.

• Mathematically, if xp is the vector containing the three components of the

pathline position, the geometry of the pathline can be obtained by
integrating in time the vector relation

dx p
 v( x p , t )

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.2. Characteristic flow structures
• A streak line is the locus of the temporary locations of all particles that
have passed though a fixed point in the flow field at any instant of time



Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.2. Characteristic flow structures
• A line that is at any point tangent to the local flow velocity v(t). It is quite
easy to draw a streamline by hand on top of a plotted field of
instantaneous velocity v(t)
• The mathematical definition of a streamline relies on the fact that the
vector product between two collinear (i.e. “tangential”) vectors is 0.
Therefore, if xs defines the geometry of the streamline in space, its
computation is based on integrating the differential relation
dx s  v  x s , t   0

velocity velocity streamlines

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.3. Control volume


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.3. Control volume

• In order to derive conservation equations for the most important flow

variables, it is now necessary to introduce control volumes
• A control volume VC is a 3D volume bounded by a closed surface AC and
placed in a fluid.
• It exists only as a theoretical object and is not a real body. As such, this
control volume does not lead to any modification of the fluid properties;
fluid elements can move freely through the boundary AC of a control
volume VC.

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.3. Control volume

Two specific sub-families of control volume

• Fixed control volume VCf

 is a control volume that does not move, i.e., with w = 0, the geometry
of control volume cannot change with time;
 fluid entering and leaving freely through the outer surface ACf


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.3. Control volume

Two specific sub-families of control volume

• Material control volume VCm

 Control volume containing always the same fluid elements

 By adapting the velocity w of the control volume to the local fluid

velocity v, choosing w = v at any point of the material control volume
VCm, fluid elements cannot enter or leave the control volume

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.4. Transport theorem


Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.4. Transport theorem

In order to develop conservation equations, do integrate some important

flow quantity Φ over a control volume Vc, compute the evolution of this
integral with time.
dt 
 dV

• the variable Φ (perhaps the density, or velocity) may change with time in
an unsteady flow (Φ = Φ(t))

• a control volume VC may freely move within the fluid with a velocity field
w; it might therefore freely expand, shrink, incorporate a changing amount
of variable Φ

d  ( x, t )
dt VC
 ( x, t )dV  
 t
dV    ( x, t )( w  n)dA

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Chapter 2. Basic concepts in Fluid Dynamics

2.4. Transport theorem

• For a fixed control volume VCf , since w = 0, one obtains simply

d  ( x, t )
dt VC
 ( x, t )dV  

• For a material control volume VCm, since w = v (the local fluid velocity)

d  ( x, t )
dt VC
 ( x, t )dV  
dV    ( x, t )( v  n)dA

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