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Miss Antonio.

Types of letter:
Formal letter: Formal letters or Business letters should be clear and concise.
You should always remember that formal letters are written to bring important
information into consideration, so you should always take care to draft the
letter carefully by providing only the necessary information.

The language used in formal letters is a lot more professional than informal
letters. The format of formal letters is the same as explained above, with a few
additions, viz., ‘the Receiver’s Address’, ‘Subject’ and ‘Signature’.

Examples of formal letters:

letters of complaint;

travel reservations;

job applications

enquiries about work experience.

You'll need to write a formal letter if you're writing to one of the

following people:



government officials;


insurance companies;
Informal letter:

Letters to friends and family can be written in a conversational style. They are
just a composition of spontaneous thoughts, and they are easy and personal.
When writing an informal letter, you are free to use colloquial language,
which would be quite out of place in a formal letter. This does not mean that
you can pen down random thoughts that are totally disconnected and make no
sense. Wrong spelling, punctuation and grammar are not allowed even though
the letter is informal and personal.

Exaple of informal letter:

An informal letter can be written by following a basic format

that includes the sender’s address, date, greeting, body of the
letter, subscription and signature.
144, Stark Lane
Mumbai – 400054
Dear Sreya,
It is extremely thoughtful of you to plan a get-together for all of
us. I wish I could join you, but I am sorry to say that I have a
project starting next month, and it would not be possible for
me to be there. If there is any way of preponing the get-
together to any time before the month-end, I can definitely
make it to our gathering.
I hope we can reschedule the get-together and not miss the
chance to meet up. Waiting to hear from you.
With love,
Bussines letter:

Whenever you need to communicate with another company or share important

news, business letters can present your message in a classic, polished style.
Unlike internal memos, business letters are usually written from one company
to another, which is why they’re so formal and structured. However, letters
are also quite versatile, as they can be used for official requests,
announcements, cover letters, and much more.

Despite the formality, letters can still have a friendly tone, especially because
they include brief introductions before getting to the main point. Regardless of
the tone you use in your letter, your writing should remain concise, clear, and
easy to read.

Example of bussines letter:

Rachel Gomez, Sr. Project Manager

555-555-5555 | | Seattle, Washington98128

July 1, 2023

Vincent Prasad, Sr. Data Analyst

123-456-7890 | | New Orleans, Louisiana


Dear Vincent Prasad,

It's my pleasure to strongly recommend Ashley Singer for the Jr. Data
Analyst role with Clouddatanow Tech. I'm Rachel Gomez, a project
manager at Asomtech Solutions. I have 12 years of experience working in
the tech industry and have seen many young people come and go.
Ashley Singer is one individual I have worked with who has always
distinguished herself as a team member.
During our time together, Ashley displayed great talents in data
analytics. When we first met, I felt immediately impressed with Ashley.
During the time we worked together, her understanding of analyzing
data to achieve results for our company grew far more than that of her

It's not just her technical skills that impress me. Ashley was a joy to
work with because of her amazingly positive attitude and ability to
communicate across teams. Her focus and attention to detail were also
necessary and valued not just by me, but also by her peers, who often
relied on her to get the job done. I'm absolutely confident that Ashley
would be a great fit at Clouddatanow Tech. She can bring the skills and
experiences you're looking for in a candidate, and she can quickly
become an asset and help your company grow.

If you need more information or specific examples, please don't hesitate

to contact me. As a recommendation letter likely only provides a
snapshot of her talents and achievements, I'd be happy to further
elaborate on my time working with her.


Rachel Gomez

Sr. Project Manager

Official letter:

One way to express an opinion or provide important information to others can

be through an official letter. This is a professional way to explain yourself
while using simple, concise sentences to avoid taking up the reader's time.
Official letters follow a specific structure or format that must be maintained
throughout the entire document.

Examples of official letter:

Avery May

123 Kansas Ln

Kansas City, MO 64105

Roberts Media Group

334 Sunflower Ln

Kansas CIty, MO 64105

December 17, 2019

Cameron Jones

Account Manager

Dear Ms. Cameron Jones,

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from Roberts Media

Groupas the Account Coordinator, effective two weeks from the current

I appreciate all the support, encouragement and motivation I've received

during my time in this position. I have decided to pursue a position
where I can apply more of my team building and leadership skills. Over
the next two weeks, I will continue to dedicate my time toward finishing
the rest of my projects and will provide any necessary training to ease
the transition process.

Thank you again for the support you've given me and thank you for
taking the time to read this. If you would like to schedule a meeting to
discuss this further, I would be happy to talk when you are free.


Avery May


List of my current projects

Schedule to complete them all

Sicial letter:

The Social Letters which are written to relations and intimate friends should
be written in an easy, conversational style. The Social letters are really of the
nature of friendly chat: and, being as a rule unpremeditated and spontaneous
compositions, they are informal and free-and-easy as compared with essays.
Just as in friendly talks, as in friendly letters, we can touch on many subjects
and in any order we like. And we can use colloquial expressions which would
in formal essays be quite out of place. But this does not mean that we can be
careless and slovenly in dashing off our letters. For, it is insulting to ask a
friend to decipher a badly written, ill-composed and confusing scrawl.

Examples of sicial letter:

Dear Father,

Dear Mother,

Dear Brother,

Dearest Sister,

Dear Edward,

My Dear Bill,

But if you are writing to an ordinary person who is much older than
you are, or of superior rank, it is respectful to use a prefix like Mr.,
Mrs., Ms. Etc…The Social-letters which are written to relations and
intimate friends should be written in an easy, conversational style.
Circular letter:

Circular letters can be defined as letters used to circulate any

message to a huge number of audiences simultaneously. It is one of
the cost-effective methods of circulating information among many
people or can also be used to introduce a new product in the business
product portfolio.

Examples of circular letter:

Dear Patron, we have for you some


It is so hot,

I can’t hold it

I am looking to forward this news to you as soon as possible.

Let me first tell you something about the past. As you know,
with a view to expanding our line of products, we started to
manufacture ‘Lexmart’ Printer. We had many problems to
face because we always wanted to keep our reputation high
in the market.

As the printer printed five papers in a minute, it raised

questions from the aspect of modern technology. Now you
can get printed 15 papers in a minute from our new machine
‘Lexmart-100’ which is designed and manufactured by us
recently. Such a machine is now available in every shop
selling computer accessories.

This is the hard work of our research and development (R &

D) division whose technical concept has really created an
impression in the world of technology. The new printer has
an artistic look with the finest quality of output. Such a
machine will play a vital role in the office as well as for
personal use.

If you are planning to, buy a new printer, please visit is not
usually followed by to, e.g.: I visited my mother on the
weekend.”>do visit our showroom or our authorized outlets
and justify your need for the performance of our new

Yours sincerely

Printer’s World Ltd.

Employment letter:

A letter of employment — sometimes called an employment

verification letter — is written by an employer to verify an employee's
working status. It confirms the employee's job title, salary, history at
the organisation and the organisation's contact information.

Example of employment letter:

Bingo Creations

112 Burton St.

Cleveland, Ohio 44101


Fairview Loans

1562 Bright Ave.

Cleveland, Ohio 44101

To whom it may concern,

Please accept this letter as verification of Ben Fisher's employment. Ben started
working at Bingo Creations as a content creator in 2018 and is currently one of our
top performers. Ben works full time and earns a salary of $50,000 per year.

Please reach out to me at 333-333-3333 with any further questions you have about
Ben's employment.

Kay Platt.

Content manager.

Bingo Creations.

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