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Part 1: Rewrite the sentences.

1. You don’t water the trees. The trees die.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
2. It rains. We cancel the meeting.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
3. I go on a trip. I buy some gifts for my friends.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
4. My parents do exercise regularly. They are healthier.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
5. We win the lottery. We buy a new house.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
6. Tom uses his phone in class. He doesn’t understand the lesson.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
7. Tomorrow isn’t Sunday. They don’t get up late.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
8. He won’t win the competition. He won’t receive a lot of money.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
9. She won’t appear. He won’t recover quickly.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
10. John won’t know her telephone number. He can’t call her.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
11. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
12. Fail to pay and they will cut off the electricity.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
13. Don’t touch that wire or you may get an electric shock.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .

14. You’re unhealthy because you don’t do exercise.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .
15. Hurry up or you will be late for school.
 If _____________________________________________________________________ .

Part 2: Complete the sentences.

1. If ____________________ (the weather/be) beautiful tomorrow, ____________________
(we/drive) to the beach.
2. If ____________________ (she/send) the letter now, ____________________
(they/receive) it tomorrow.
3. ____________________ (Fred/be) angry if ____________________ (Jack/arrive) late again.
4. __________________ (I/come) to your house if __________________ (I/have) enough time.
5. If ____________________ (she/not/pass) this exam, ____________________ (she/not/get)
the job that she wants.
6. ____________________ (you/learn) a lot if ____________________ (you/take) this course.
7. If ____________________ (I/get) a ticket, ____________________ (I/go) to the cinema.
8. __________________ (I/buy) that machine if __________________ (it/not/cost) too much.
9. ____________________ (you/run) very fast, ____________________ (you/catch) the taxi.
10. _______________ (I/go) to the doctor's if _______________ (I/not/feel) better tomorrow.
11. If I ____________________ (study), I ____________________ (pass) the exams.
12. If the sun ____________________ (shine), we ____________________ (walk) to the town.
13. If he _________________ (have) a temperature, he _________________ (see) the doctor.
14. If my friends ____________________ (come), I ____________________ (be) very happy.
15. If she _________________ (earn) a lot of money, she ________________ (fly) to New York.
16. If we ________________ ( travel) to London, we _________________ (visit) the museums.
17. If you _______________ (wear) sandals in the mountains, you ______________ (slip) on
the rocks.
18. If Rita ________________ (forget) her homework, the teacher ________________ (give)
her a low mark.

Part 3: Choose the correct answer.
1. She couldn’t attend the party __________ she had a prior commitment.
A. because B. and C. but D. so
2. He was both tired __________ hungry after the long journey.
A. and B. or C. but D. because
3. Mark forgot his umbrella at home, _____ he got completely soaked in the rain.
A. if B. but C. because D. so
4. Would you talk about the last homework _____ discuss the next exam in our next meeting?
A. or B. so C. yet D. and
5. John wanted to go to the concert; _______, he couldn’t get a ticket.
A. but B. although C. however D. and
6. He didn’t go to the concert __________ he had already seen the band perform.
A. but B. unless C. because D. If
7. Guy is a contractor, _______ he knows the construction business.
A. so B. and C. but D. or
8. It’s raining hard, _____ we can’t go to the beach.
A. or B. but C. So D. though
9. Nam was absent from class yesterday ____ he felt sick.
A. so B. because C. although D. but
10. Tom has a computer, _____ he doesn’t use it.
A. or B. as C. because D. but
11. The boy can’t reach the shelf ____ he’s not tall enough.
A. because B. although C. even though D. and
12. The film was boring, ____ we went home.
A. so B. when C. but D. if

Part 4. Rewrite the sentences.

1. She recommended that he should see a doctor.
 She suggested _______________________________________________________ .

2. They proposed going on a trip to the beach.
 They suggested ______________________________________________________ .
3. The teacher advised studying for the exam.
 The teacher suggested ________________________________________________ .
4. He proposed that we should have a meeting to discuss the issue.
 He suggested ________________________________________________________ .
5. My friend recommended that I try the new restaurant in town.
 My friend suggested __________________________________________________ .
6. The boss advised taking a break to relieve stress.
 The boss suggested ___________________________________________________ .
7. The travel agent recommended booking the hotel in advance.
 The travel agent suggested _____________________________________________ .
8. The doctor proposed changing the medication to improve the patient’s condition.
 The doctor suggested _________________________________________________ .
9. They recommended that we should hire a professional for the job.
 They suggested ______________________________________________________ .
10. The teacher advised practicing speaking English every day.
 The teacher suggested ________________________________________________ .
11. "Peter should learn English." The teacher said.
 The teacher suggested Peter ___________________________________________ .
12. "It's a good idea that you take a rest from work." My sister said to me.
 My sister suggested that I ______________________________________________ .
13. "How about going to the sea this weekend? " Tom asked.
 Tom suggested ______________________________________________________ .
14. "Jim, you should never play truant again." Jane said.
 Jane suggested that ___________________________________________________ .
15. “Why don't we go out and enjoy the weather?" My mom said.
 My mom suggested ___________________________________________________ .
16. "If you visit Hanoi, you should go to Hoan Kiem Lake.” My friend told me.

 My friend suggested that I _____________________________________________ .
17. "Jane, why don't you finish your homework before going out?" Jane's mother said.
 Jane’s mother suggested that she ________________________________________ .
18. "Let's work out the solution together! " Peter says.
 Peter suggested ______________________________________________________ .
19. “What about having dinner together?” My neighbor asked.
 My neighbor suggested ________________________________________________ .
20. My father advised me to take any opportunities that I had.
 My father suggested that I _____________________________________________ .

Part 5: Complete the sentences.

1. I suggest ______________ (visit) a museum during our trip.
2. She suggests that he ______________ (try) a new recipe for dinner.
3. We suggest ______________ (take) a walk in the park this evening.
4. He suggests that they _______________ (watch) a movie tonight.
5. They suggest _______________ (start) a new project at work.
6. I suggest that you _______________ (read) this book for more information.
7. She suggests _______________ (invite) them to the party.
8. We suggest that he ________________ (attend) the meeting tomorrow.
9. He suggests _________________ (buy) a new car.
10. They suggest that we __________________ (go) on a vacation together.


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