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She is a good English speaker.

She speaks English well.

Công thức:
It + be + adj + ____________________ + ___________________________

= It + be + adj + that + ___________________ + __________________

= _______________________ + be + adj + __________________________

= I + find + _____________________ + adj + _______________________

E.g.1: - It is necessary for all of us to do homework.
= It is necessary that all of us do homework
= Doing homework is necessary for all of us.
= I find doing homework necessary for all of us.

E.g.2: It is not safe that kids go to school alone.

 It is
 Going
 I don’t find
E.g. 3: Doing exercise every day is good for students.
 It is
 It is
 I find



1. Thêm sau tính từ bad  , beautiful 

2. Thay đuô i bằ ng đuô i happy  , easy 

3. Thay đuô i bằ ng đuô i gentle  , simple 

good  , fast 
4. Mộ t số trạ ng từ bấ t quy tắ c late  , early 
hard  , far 


1. Đứ ng sau E.g.: I always behave politely.

2. Đứ ng độ ng từ và chủ ngữ E.g.: She angrily told me not to eat her food.

3. Đứ ng sau củ a mộ t . E.g.: You must give this letter directly to him.

4. Đứ ng câ u, dù ng để gâ y sự
E.g.: Slowly, she opened the box.
, củ a ngườ i đọ c


1. Peter plays soccer very well in my class.

 Peter is
2. Hoa and Lan are excellent students in our school.
 Hoa and Lan
3. Nam cycles very fast in the competition.
 Nam is

1. The play’s ending is romantic.

 The play ends
2. These kids study English very well.
 These kids are
3. My brother is not good at skateboarding.
 My brother does not
4. Studying Chinese and Japanese isn’t easy.
 I don’t find it
5. Heavy traffic annoys the local residents.
 The local residents find
6. O Sen is a very sweet singer.
 O Sen sings
7. Protecting the environment is necessary for all of us.
 It’s
8. To use solar energy for a number of days is possible.
 It is
9. You needn’t finish this assignment by Saturday.
 Finishing
10. One of my uncles, Mr. Ba, plays bass very well.
 My uncle, Mr. Ba is a
Pug is as cute as Corgi.

Pug is smaller than Corgi.

Golden is the biggest in three kinds of dogs.




- Là nhữ ng tính từ có
- Cá c tính từ hai â m tiết trở lên nhưng tậ n cù ng là - Là nhữ ng tính từ có

E.g.1.: big, short, fast, slow, sweet,...

E.g.2.: ______________________________________________________ E.g.: useful, intelligent, important, careless,...


Với tính từ/trạng từ:

E.g.1.: The party is what Bao expected. (fun)
E.g.2.: She speaks English a native speaker.

Với danh từ:

E.g.1. : This apple is the same size as that one.
E.g.2. : His hat has the same color as hers.
Với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn:
E.g.1. : My ruler is________________________________yours. (long)
E.g.2. : She studied________________________________her friends did. (hard)

Với tính từ/trạng từ dài:

E.g.1.: This hat is ________________________________ the others. (expensive)
E.g.2.: My father drives __________________________________ I do. (careful)

Với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn:

E.g.1.: Nam is ________________________________ student in his class. (tall)
E.g.2.: Who jumps ________________________________ will win. (high)
E.g.3.: Today is ________________________________ day in my life. (happy)

Với tính từ/trạng từ dài:

E.g.1.: This is ________________________________ problem in the book. (difficult)
E.g.2.: She sings ________________________________ in my class. (beautifully)


TRƯỜNG HỢP Cách thêm Ví dụ

1 Hầ u hết tính từ / trạ ng từ ngắ n fast – –

2 Tính từ /trạ ng từ ngắ n kết thú c bằ ng “e” late – –

3 Tính từ /trạ ng từ ngắ n kết thú c bằ ng “y” funny – –

Tính từ /trạ ng từ kết thú c bằ ng

4 big – –
“phụ - nguyên – phụ ”


good _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

bad _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

much/many _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

little _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

E.g.1. : The grades I get this semester is (good) than the last time I got.
E.g.2. : This tree is the (old) ones in this garden.


1. In Viet Nam, it is normally (hot) in the South than in the North.

2. Children have tendency to learn and take after things around them (quick) than adults.
3. He feels (cheerful) than last year because his study results are (good).
4. In my opinion, detective books such as Sherlock Holmes are as science fiction ones.
5. Food becomes (scarce) of all necessities during the time of the flood.
6. My bedroom is (tidy) room in my house, so my mom is highly delighted with mine.
7. Of the four dresses, which is (expensive)?
8. Why did you buy these oranges? – They were (fruitful) I could find.
9. You must explain your problem you are facing (clearly) as you can.
10. Which woman are you going to vote for? – I’m not sure, everyone says that Joan is


1. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.

 Oranges
2. City life is not as peaceful as country life.
 Country life is
3. I can run faster than my friend.
 My friend


1. Thu is the best tennis player in the club.

 No one else
2. No members in the class are as tall as Lucie is.
 Lucie is
3. Peter is the most handsome boy in his class.
 No one

1. This coffee shop is not as cozy as that bookshop.
 That bookshop is
2. No other countries in the world are as overpopulated as China.
 China
3. My sister uses computer more competently than me.
 I don’t use
4. Bitexco is the highest building in Vietnam.
 No other buildings
5. His book is not as thick as mine.
 My book is
6. My best friend is the most humorous person in my class.
 No one
7. To my knowledge, listening to conversations in English is not as easy as speaking English.
 To my knowledge, speaking
8. This is the most delicious lunch dish in her French restaurant.
 No other lunch dish
9. There is no better doctor in this hospital than Mr.Long.
 Mr. Long is the
10. The company’s revenue in May is the highest compared to the previous months.
 In the previous months, the company’s revenue is not
11. Summer in the North of Vietnam is hotter than in the South.
 Summer in the South of Vietnam is not
12. The life expense in the countryside is cheaper than that in big cities.
 Big cities’ cost of living is not
13. Russia is far larger than any other countries in the world.
 Russia is the
14. This park is not so colorful as my garden.
 My garden is a lot
15. Art-related subjects are much interesting than science classes.
 Science classes are
16. I currently live in a more comfortable apartment than the one I rented two years ago.
 The apartment I rented two years ago is not
17. The nearby one doesn’t sell products as natural as these in this grocery.
 These products in this grocery is
18. A holiday in the sea doesn’t give me as many memories as one in the mountain.
 A holiday in the moutain is
19. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive than a beer.
 It is surprising that a beer is not
20. I’ve never met any person as dependable as George.
 George is
Liên từ là từ đượ c sử dụ ng để 2 từ , liên kết cụ m từ hoặ c mệnh đề lạ i vớ i nhau.


We reviewed all the lessons, so we got flying colors for the final tests.

Because we reviewed all the lessons, we got flying colors for the final tests.

Because of reviewing all the lessons, we got flying colors for the final tests.


LIÊN TỪ CHỈ E.g.1: Because we do exercise regularly, we have a healthy life.

NGUYÊN NHÂN E.g.2: Since the rain was heavy, the picnic was cancelled.

(_________________) E.g.3: As there is so much noise, I couldn’t hear you.


E.g.1: Because of doing exercise regularly, we have a healthy life.

E.g.2: Because of the heavy rain, the picnic was cancelled.

E.g.3: Because of the noise, I couldn’t hear you.

LIÊN TỪ CHỈ KẾT QUẢ (________________________)


E.g.: She had studied hard, so she passed the exam E.g.: She had studied hard./; therefore, she passed
successfully. the exam successfully.
The test was hard, but I managed to finish it.

Although the test was hard, I managed to finish it.

Despite the hard test, I managed to finish it.


E.g.1: Although we were tired, we continued working.

E.g.2: Even though there is traffic jam, we manage to go to school on time.

LIÊN TỪ CHỈ SỰ E.g.3: Though her family is poor, she gets high grades at school.


E.g.1: Despite being tired, we continued working.

E.g.2: In spite of the traffic jam, we manage to go to school on time.

E.g.3: Despite her family’s poverty, she gets high grades at school.

LIÊN TỪ CHỈ SỰ ĐỐI NGHỊCH (________________________)


Lưu ý: but + _________________:

E.g.1: It rained hard, but she went to class on time. E.g.1: It rained hard./; However, she went to class on
E.g.2: I don’t see anybody but you. time.

We will pass our tests with flying colors, and then we will enter our dream high s

We will go to school by bike, by bus or on foot.


Dù ng để nố i 2 hoặ c nhiều từ , cụ m, câ u,….: Dù ng để nố i 2 hoặ c nhiều từ , cụ m, câ u,….:

* both……….. and * either……….. or………….: _____________________________

E.g.1: He spoke loudly and clearly. E.g.: Is it Tuesday or Wednesday today?

E.g.2: I like Mathematics, History and English. E.g.2: You can get that blouse in blue, gray or white.
E.g.3: I ha ve breakfast, and then I go to school. E.g.3: She can go to the party, or go to the concert.
E.g.4: She is both attractive and intelligent. E.g.4: She was born either in either 1990 or 1991.


A, ___ B A; ___, B _____ + S + V, ... _____ + NP/ V-ing, ...

Nguyên nhân
Kết quả

Nhượng bộ
(Đối nghịch)

Song song

1. I didn’t want to wake anybody up, I came into my house very quietly.
A. so B. and C. because D. but
2. we hadn’t seen Lisa for a long time, we didn’t recognise her.
A. If B. Although C. As D. Because of
3. We watched television all evening we had nothing better for recreation that night.
A. so that B. despite C. because D. therefore
4. We decided to go out for a meal we had no food at home.
A. in spite B. because C. or D. however
5. He has a very important job, he is particularly well-paid.
A. and B. therefore C. so D. if
6. Can I borrow that book you’ve finished it?
A. when B. because C. although D. unless
7. You can’t drive a car you’ve got a license.
A. so B. or C. unless D. because of
8. No one was watching the television; , I switched it off.
A. therefore B. however C. if D. and
9. I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you I get back.
A. because B. although C. when D. so that
10. You should inform the police your bicycle is stolen.
A. because of B. if C. and D. however
11. I won’t be able to attend the ceremony I’ll be on vacation in Hawaii.
A. if B. though C. when D. since
12. Polly’s watch was broken, she borrowed mine.
A. and B. or C. but D. so
13. My family went to Africa we wanted to study about the wild animals.
A. so B. therefore C. unless D. because
14. Melissa tried to read the book she couldn’t understand it.
A. despite B. because C. if D. even though
15. She isn’t Engish. , she speaks English perfectly.
A. as a result B. so C. however D. but
16. They went to town bought a lot of clothes for the upcoming journey.
A. when B. and C. so D. although
17. The road was under water. , the police closed it to traffic.
A. however B. while C. therefore D. unless
18. I was hungry but didn’t eat anything on the plane its distasteful food.
A. because of B. because C. despite D. so
19. We wanted to go to the beach; , we decided to
stay at home the rain.
A. however/because B. therefore/despite C. however/because of D. therefore/although
20. Someone switched the freezer off. , all the food was spoilt.
A. so B. therefore C. although D. however
21. Solar domestic heating systems are economical to use its high cost of installation.
A. in spite of B. though C. but D. unless
22. I find it difficult to remember everything I study not getting many opportunities to practice my
A. because of B. since C. if D. and
23. We’d better not waste water we won’t have enough to drink sooner or later.
A. in order that B. or C. so D. but


E.g.1. He is very talented, so he is chosen for studying abroad.
 Because he is very talented, he is chosen for studying abroad.
 Because of his talent, he is chosen for studying abroad.
E.g.2. He is good-looking, but she doesn’t like him.
 Although he is good-looking, she doesn’t like him.
 Despite his good looks, she doesn’t like him.


My key w as lost, so it will be reformed tomorrow.

 Because
There is a storm, but they still hold a fan meeting outside.
 Although
You are young, but they believe that you can make your dream come true.
 Although
The rain was heavy, so we had to cancel the camping.
 Because
His fathe

r composed excellently, so he is famous among his friends.

 Because


BECAUSE + ___________________________________________________________________
 BECAUSE OF + ____________________________________________________________

1. Because I woke up late this morning, I went to school late.

 Because of
2. Although he has a lot of money, he can’t find his true love.
 Despite
3. Because she is intelligent, she becomes Miss World 2023.
 Because of
BECAUSE + ___________________________________________________________________
 BECAUSE OF + ____________________________________________________________

S1 + V1 NP
There + be + N
It + be + adj

Sngườ i + be + adj

Svậ t + be + adj

S + V + adv

1. Because there is a trash bin nearby, you won’t have to go faraway to litter your garbage.
 Because of
2. Because there are 5K rules in Vietnam, the epidemic has already decreased much.
 Because of
3. Because it is dark, they have a car crash.
 Because of
4. Although it is hot, we travel around HCM city.
 Depsite
5. Because they were lazy, their parents asked them to stop using phones.
 Because of
6. Although he is tall, his mother still forces him to drink milk.
 Despite
7. Although his house is big, there are not enough rooms for all his stuffs.
 Despite
8. Because the air is polluted, face masks are necessary for all of the people.
 Because of
9. Because our dog barked loudly, our neighbors complained a lot.
 Because of
10. Although he performed badly, they still gave him a chance to the next round.
 Despite
1. It is rain, so we stopped the match.
 Because
 Because of
2. Tom was ill, so he is absent today.
 Because
 Because of
3. She is kind, so everyone loves her.
 Because
 Because of
4. The rain was so heavy, so I couldn't go to school.
 Because
 Because of
5. Her grades were bad, so she failed the University entrance exam
 Because
 Because of
6. Tom was a poor student, but he studied very well.
 Although
 Despite
7. The weather was bad, but she went to school on time.
 Although
 In spite of
8. The price is high, but my daughter insists on going to the movies.
 Although
 Despite
9. She behaves well, but no one loves her.
 Although
 Despite
10. It was hot, but I went to school.
 Although
 In spite of
11. Because of the cheap price, my wife insists on buying the Tivi.
 Because
 The price
13. Despite learning very hard, Tony failed this test.
 Even though
 Tony

My mother suggested that I should take care of my health.

I suggested obeying 5K rules to ensure our health conditions.

E.g.1: She suggested some milk with bread for breakfast.
E.g.2: He suggested a song of his favorite singer to me.

S + SUGGEST + … ___________________________________________________________________.
E.g.1: Her doctor suggested (that) she should reduce her
working hours.
E.g.2: Their teacher suggests (that) they should practice
habits to enrich vocabulary.

E.g.1: He suggested travelling together for safety, since
the area was so dangerous.
E.g.2: She suggested reading more books to broaden the
mind and widen the knowledge.

1. My teacher suggested I (study) harder to pass the exam.

2. The government suggests (travel) by bus to reduce the environmental pollution.
3. Her leader suggested (be) on time so that they could discuss as many stuffs as possible.
4. The coacher suggested that they (have) a Facebook group.
5. The professor suggested he (submit) the research before March.
6. I want to buy a new pair of shoes for the party. How about (go) shopping?
7. What should we do at the weekend? Shall we (have) a picnic? – I’ve bought a new ball.
Let’s (play) soccer.
8. Hello Jenny, I’m going to school. Why don’t we (come) together?
9. Maybe you’ve got the flu. Why don’t you (take) some drugs?
10. Excuse me. Would you mind (put) out your cigarette? It’s a non-smoking area here.


1. I advise her to summarize all of the knowledge.

 I suggest
2. Why don’t we practice English skills by talking to natives?
 I suggest
 I suggest
3. “Let’s eat more vegetable”, my mom said.
→ My mom suggested
4. “I think we should help street children,” said Minh.
→ Minh suggested
5. “Shall we use Perfume Pagoda as a theme of the presentation?”- she said.
→ She suggests
6. “You’d better go to the doctor if you’ve got a pain in your back, Anna.” Henry said.
→ Henry suggested
7. The doctor advised me to rest.
→ The doctor suggested
8. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?” I said to my brother.
→ I suggest
→ I suggest she
9. “You should do more exercises to keep your blood pressure down”, the doctor said to him
→ The doctor suggested
→ The doctor suggested more exercises

If the weather were not hot, we would not use air conditioner.

I could reach the shelf if I were tall enough.

Cách dùng:
LÝ THUYẾT Diễn tả điều kiệnở hiện tạ i.
Nếu, thì


Công thức:

E.g: - If there were no air, we would die.

She would be a Vietnamese Idol if she sang well.
I could buy that penhouse if I were rich.
If he finished his work, he could come to join us.

Lưu ý: Cấ u trú c “If I were you, I would……” dù ng để diễn tả

E.g: If I were you, I would accept the invitation.


1. If I were a bird, I to live my whole life in a cage.

A. would not want B. doesn’t want C. won’t want D. can’t want
2. If you a wallet in the street, what would you do with it?
A. find B. finds C. found D. would find
3. If I had wings, I take an airplane to fly home.
A. didn’t have to B. not have to C. don’t have to D. wouldn’t have to
4. This soup isn't very good. It would taste better if it so salty.
A. isn’t B. hadn’t been C. weren’t D. won’t be
5. If there weren’t so many cars, there so much pollution.
A. wouldn’t be B. weren’t C. aren’t D. could be
6. Where you if you had enough money to go any where in the world?
A. do – go B. will – go C. would – go D. are – go
7. People able to fly if they had feathers instead of hair.
A. would be B. will be C. would D. will
8. If he my friend, I would invite him to my birthday party.
A. was B. were C. is D. had been
9. If we won the lottery, we to London.
A. will fly B. could fly C. can fly D. fly
10. If I home earlier, I would prepare dinner.
A. came B. come C. would come D. had come
11. If I more money, I would buy a car.
A. have B. had C. would have D. will have
12. If the weather is good, we to the beach on Saturday.
A. go B. will go C. would go D. went
13. If the rent isn’t too high, she the apartment.
A. will take B. could take C. would take D. takes
14. The men would have money if they .
A. work B. didn’t work C. worked D. working
15. What would you do if you the lottery?
A. win B. will win C. won D. have won
16. People will understand him better if he a little bit louder.
A. speaks B. will speak C. spoke D. would speak
17. The children would do better if they more time.
A. have B. would have C. were have D. had
18. Where would you if you could go anywhere in the world?
A. go B. goes C. went D. have gone


E.g.1: Because I’m not tall, I can’t join in this beauty contest.
( )
 If
E.g.2: I’m not tall, so I can’t join in this beauty contest.
( )
 If
1. Maria's father is poor, so he doesn’t have enough money to pay for her study.
 If
2. I don’t know him, so I can't tell you anything about him.
 If
3. It's raining heavily, so the kids aren’t allowed to go out.
 If
4. I don’t live in Japan, so I don’t have sushi every day.
 If
5. He never goes to school on time, so the teacher always tells him off.
 If
6. She isn’t happy with her job, so she's looking for a new one now.
 If
7. Sandra can't take a photo because she hasn't got her camera.
 If
8. She buys a lot of clothes, so she has no money.
 If
9. I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can't meet you.
 If
10. It's raining, so we can't have lunch in the garden.
 If
11. I'm often tired in the morning because I go to bed late.
 If
12. We don’t have a calculator, so we can't work this out quicker.
 If

Lunar New Year is an occasion which our family can reunite on.

I and my siblings make a wish to my parents, who have raised us up.

- Mệnh đề quan hệ bắ t đầ u bằ ng cá c quan hệ: who, whom, which, that, whose hay nhữ ng
quan hệ: why, where, when.

- MĐQH dù ng để cho đứ ng trướ c nó .



- Đó ng vai trò là m
- Đó ng vai trò là m
- Đứ ng sau - Đứ ng sau
E.g.1. The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
E.g.1. Ms. Dan is a teacher whom I admire very much.
E.g.2. The man who works for a big company in the E.g.2. The singer whom I saw last night was Son Tung
city is my uncle. MTP.
E.g.3. The girl who is sitting over there is my sister.
E.g.3. He is a man whom we met at our aunt’s party.

- Đó ng vai trò là m - Đó ng vai trò là m
- Đứ ng sau - Đứ ng sau
E.g.1. We like reading books which tell about E.g.1. Tran has found a cat whose legs was broken.
nature. E.g.2. That is the car whose mirrors the thieves broke
E.g.2. The dress which Truc wore last night is yesterday.
E.g.3. The man whose car was stolen calls the police.
E.g.3. This is the television which I
bought yesterday for my parents.
- Đó ng vai trò là m
- Đứ ng sau
E.g.1. The doctor that is fifty years ago is my father.
E.g.2. This is the house that many tourists visited.
E.g.3. We see lots of people and cattle that are going to the field.
E.g.4. My mother, that is a singer, is very beautiful. (dù ng )
E.g.5. Today is the day on that we will celebrate our anniversary. (dù ng )
+ ______________________________________________
E.g.6. He is hiding something that may be surprising for you.
+ ______________________________________________
E.g.7. You are the best friend that I keep in touch until now.
+ ______________________________________________
E.g.8. This is the only solution that you can do for this problem.



- Thay thế và đứ ng sau - Thay thế và đứ ng sau - Thay thế và đứ ng sau

- Là m - Là m - why = for +
- when = in/on/at + - where = in/on/at + which = - E.g.1. She doesn’t know the reason why you go to school
- E.g. Do you remember the day - E.g. I live in the city where I late today.
when we first met? study abroad. - E.g.2. He should be told the
= Do you remember the day = I live in the city in which I reason why you act like this.
on which we first met? study abroad. - E.g.3. Do you know the
= Do you remember the day = I live in the city which I reason why I get high grade?
which we first met on? study abroad in.
- Mệnh đề quan hệ khô ng xá c định phả i đượ c ngă n cá ch bở i .
- Sử dụ ng MĐQH khô ng xá c định khi đằ ng trướ c là cá c danh từ :
1. : Ho Chi Minh President, who had many names while
living, is beloved by all Vietnamese.
2. : This restaurant, which is run by a reputable French
chef, becomes famous for its various menu.
3. : Her mother, whom her family loves so much, has a
good sense of humor.
4. : The sun, which the earth and other planets move
around, spreads a lot of heat and light for living things.
- Lưu ý: KHÔNG DÙNG MĐQH khô ng xá c định khi đạ i từ quan hệ là THAT.
E.g. I have lost my Oxford English Dictionary, which my mom gave me on my birthday.
KHÔNG DÙNG I have lost my Oxford English Dictionary, THAT my mom gave me on my birthday.






1. What was the name of the girl passport was stolen?

A. whose B. who C. which D. when
2. What was the name of the people car had broken down.
A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
3. She told me her address, I wrote on a piece of paper.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
4. We walked down the steps led to the basement.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
5. Hide and seek is a game I liked to play as a child.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
6. The woman son I work with owns this store.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
7. The woman I spoke to is in the next room.
A. whom B. which C. when D. where
8. I have a friend loves to collect Stamps.
A. what B. which C. who D. where
9. Tom lent me book was very interesting.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
10. He showed his father the picture was drawn by his teacher.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
11. The man helped you yesterday is her uncle.
A. what B. where C. when D. who
12. This is the woman can do it for you.
A. who B. which C. when D. where
13. The girl you saw last week is a famous singer.
A. what B. whom C. who D. which
14. The bed I slept in was too soft.
A. whose B. which C. what D. where
15. I recently went back to the town I was born.
A. what B. where C. who D. which
16. 1941 is the year the second world war happened.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
17. Why do you always disagree with everything I say?
A. who B. where C. that D. what
18. The reason I phoned him was to invite him to a party.
A. what B. whose C. why D. which
19. Nora is the only person understands me.
A. which B. that C. what D. whose
20. This is an awful film. It is the worst film I have never seen.
A. who B. that C. what D. whom


1. The song is popular. The song was released last year.

 The song
2. Nam is the best student in my class. All the students love him much.
 Nam
3. Quyên sings very beautifully. She is gifted at singing.
 Quyên
4. We can explore man and other species through TV. They come from Africa.
 We can
5. Our grandmother is very considerate towards us. Her stories impressed us much.
 Our grandmother
6. This is the man. The man gave Peter a dictionary.
 This is
7. The ring was very expensive. He presented it to her on her birthday
 The ring
8. This is an interesting book. It is on wild animals.
 This is
9. The boy is my friend. He is standing over there.
 The boy
10. Do you know the man? The police arrested him yesterday.
 Do you ?
11. Is that the car? You want to buy it.
 Is that ?
12. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate.
 There are
13. She took the dress back to the shop. She had bought it yesterday.
 She took
14. Do you know that girl? Tom is talking to her.
 Do you know ?
15. The teacher has a good voice. I can never remember that teacher’s name.
 The teacher
16. The party was not enjoyable. We went to the party last night.
 The party
17. Tom tells many stories. They are usually very funny.
 Tom
18. Ann is very friendly. She lives next door.
 Ann
19. This is Mr. Carter. I was telling you about him.
 This is
20. We stay at the Grand Hotel. Ann recommended it to us.
 We stay
21. Norman won 20000. He gave it to his parents.
 Norman
22. I haven’t got a passport. I need it to go travelling.
 I haven’t
23. I have just bought some books about astronomy. I’m very interested in it.
 I have
24. Where did your mother buy these eggs? They were in the fridge.
 Where ?
25. The new stadium will be opened next month. The stadium holds 90000 people.
 The new

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5pt)
1. A. listen B. pesticide C. plastic D. provide
2. A. recycles B. natures C. dissolves D. reuses

II. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. treasure B. second C. pollute D. bottles
4. A. disappoint B. dynamite C. carefully D. natural

III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. Everyone bear the responsibility for protecting the environment and preventing .
A. afforestation B. deforestation C. community D. conservation
6. Our ocean can be polluted by waste chemicals and other domestic .
A. gemstones B. treasures C. pollution D. pollutants
7. It is impossible to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are doing to the .
A. environment B. preservation C. deliberation D. protection
8. People find the water dirty there is much raw sewage pumped into it.
A. and B. or C. so D. as
9. The building burned down when the firefighter came.
A. complete B. completely C. more complete D. incomplete
10. and smoke from vehicles and factories pollute not only the air but the land and water as well.
A. Exhaust fumes B. Perfumes C. Oil spills D. Dynamite fishing
11. If her father doesn’t drink too much wine , he so sick .
A. will be B. aren’t C. is D. won’t be
12. The fishermen made their living by fish in the ocean everyday.
A. to catch B. catching C. catch D. to catching
13. The students in our school participates the “Green Sunday” project to keep the city clean.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
14. The of raw sewage into the river can create a serious health hazard to us.
A. disposal B. display C. disconnection D. dislike

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5pt)
15. What does the sign mean?
A. There is a library ahead.
B. Tourists can ask questions here.
C. Students please gather here.
D. This place is for visitors only.
16. What should we do when we see this sign?
A. Dog walkers please take care of your dogs.
B. We have dogs for sale here.
C. Caution: Bad dogs inside.
D. We are looking for our missing dog.

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5pts)
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings.
Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (17) the water with chemicals and other substances and
damages the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (18)
various other ways. Besides, people ruin natural beauty by (19) garbage and waste products on the
land and in the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. Badly
polluted air can cause illness, and (20) death. Polluted water kills fish and other (21) life.
Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for (22) food.
17. A. poisons B. pours C. puts D. surrounds
18. A. for B. with C. in D. through
19. A. disposing B. filling C. using D. making
20. A. therefore B. even C. neither D. too
21. A. water B. marine C. hydro D. coastal
22. A. grow B. to grow C. growing D. to growing

VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False, and choose
the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for questions 27 and 28. (1.5pts)
Air pollution occurs when wastes dirty the air. People reduce most of the wastes that cause air pollution.
Such wastes can be in the form of gases or particles of solid or liquid matter. These substances result chiefly
from burning fuel to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings. Industrial processes and the burning of
garbage also contribute to air pollution. Besides, there are other polluting substances that exist naturally in
the air. They include dust, pollen, soil particles, and naturally occurring gases.
The rapid growth of population and industry and the increasing use of automobiles and airplanes have
made air pollution a serious problem. The air we breathe has become so filled with pollutants that it can
cause health problems. It also harms plants, animals, building materials, and fabrics.
23. Air pollution happens when wastes dirty the air.
24. Wastes can be found in particles of liquid matter.
25. The natural existence of substances in the air doesn’t contribute to air pollution.
26. The population grow dramatically has made air pollution serious.
27. What are natural pollutants?
A. pollen B. vehicles C. garbage D. industrial processes
28. What does the word “It” in the last sentence refer to?
A. the polluted air B. the burning material C. the health problem D. the plant & the animal

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1,5pts)
29. Unluckily, my favorite team has had a start to this year season. DISAPPOINT
30. I supposed that their frustration needed some form of . EXPRESS
31. It’s common knowledge that these days beaches are covered with . POLLUTE
32. The government is responsible for their of health care. PROVIDE
33. The driver of the car were wounded in this car crash. SERIOUS
34. are making every effort to save the endangered species. CONSERVE

VIII. Rearrange each of the following words or phrases in the correct order. (0,5pt)
35. we work / clean and / make this / beautiful / hard, / place / If / beach a / again
→ If______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
36. amazed that / hurt / It / nobody was / in / was / the accident.
→ It _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0pt)
37. This song’s beginning is so attractive.
→ This song
38. Take full notice of this performance and you will find out their messages.
→ If
39. I’ll be on vacation next week, so I won’t be able to attend the meeting.
→ Because of
40. They started opening this health care center four years ago.
→ They have ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5pt)
1. A. matter B. water C. crack D. standard
2. A. realizes B. saves C. consumes D. stores

II. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. product B. household C. solar D. resource
4. A. energy B. natural C. luxury D. appliance

III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. It’s our policy to the natural resources of our country. They are nearly exhausted.
A. serve B. use up C. waste D. conserve
6. This refrigerator is too old! We have used it for at least 10 years and it a lot of electricity.
A. takes B. consumes C. spends D. gets
7. Back to my village after three years in the city, I’m happy that all the houses have been by solar
A. heightened B. heated C. frozen D. widened
8. When fuel is freely available, we’ll face a(n) , that is, the time of great difficulty with energy.
A. boards B. bars C. panels D. sheets
9. Labeling scheme for refrigerators, washing machines, etc.., is one of the that will save our money
and natural resources.
A. energy crisis B. fuel issue C. capacity trouble D. energy matter
10. It was raining; , the soccer game was going on.
A. and B. but C. however D. therefore
11. How about sheets with single printed page for drafting?
A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. kept
12. I suggest that he a good dictionary so that he can look up new words.
A. to buy B. will buy C. has to buy D. should buy
13. If we go on water, there will be a shortage of fresh water in a few decades.
A. waste B. to waste C. wasting D. wasted
14. If I more help, I would call my neighbor.
A. would need B. will need C. needed D. need
IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5pt)
15. What does this picture mean?
A. Guns are not allowed here
B. You can’t hunt for animals here
C. Hunters are prohibited from entering
D. Please put your guns outside before entering
16. What should we do when we see this sign?
A. Caution: One-way traffic
B. Caution: Look both ways when crossing
C. Caution: Heavy traffic
D. Caution: Two-way traffic

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5pts)
About twenty percent of the world’s present energy already comes from the sun in one form or another.
Special devices have already been made available to put (17) the roofs of houses and flats to catch
the sun’s rays and thus heat water. Thousands of these devices are now being used to provide (18)
in homes throughout the United States while more than a million solar water- heating units have already
been attached in homes in Japan. Other purposes for which (19) energy is, at present, being used include
the (20) of salt from seawater, irrigation and sewage disposal.
For most people in (21) countries, the need is not for air-conditioners or central heating but for
the cheap (22) of cooking food, drying crops, and lighting houses.
17. A. on B. off C. out D. of
18. A. light B. energy C. life D. existence
19. A. sun B. sky C. space D. solar
20. A. passing B. separation C. divorce D. delivery
21. A. developed B. developing C. development D. develop
22. A. manners B. ways C. models D. types

VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False, and choose
the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for questions 27 and 28. (1.5pts)
All forms of energy are stored in the energy sources that we use every day. These sources are divided into
two groups: renewable (an energy source that can be replenished in a short period of time) and
nonrenewable (an energy source that we are using up and cannot recreate in a short period of time).
Renewable and nonrenewable energy sources can be used to produce secondary sources including
electricity and hydrogen.
Renewable energy sources include wind, solar energy from the sun, geothermal energy from inside the
earth, biomass from plants, and hydropower and ocean energy from water. However, we get most of our
energy from nonrenewable energy sources, which include the fossil fuels - oil, natural gas, and coal. They are
called fossil fuels because they were formed over millions and millions of years by the action of heat from
earth’s core and pressure from rock and soil on the remains of dead plants and animals.
We use all these energy sources to generate the electricity we need for our homes, business, schools, and
factories. Electricity powers our computers, lights, refrigerators, washing machines, etc... We also use energy
to run our cars and trucks. Both gasoline used in cars and the diesel fuel in trucks are from oil.
23. Most of our energy we use every day comes from renewable energy sources.
24. Only nonrenewable energy sources are used to form electricity.
25. The heat we get from the interior of the earth is geothermal energy.
26. Energy sources is useful for our daily activities.
27. Secondary energy sources are from .
A. fossil fuels B. renewable energy sources
C. nonrenewable energy sources D. renewable and nonrenewable energy sources
28. Which of the following is NOT renewable energy source?
A. wind B. oil C. biomass D. hydropower

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1,5pts)
29. Mary is leaving the company next month, so we need to find a . REPLACE
30. The from my family and friends make me very unhappy. SEPARATE
31. It is a difficult and time - process. You should consider it. CONSUME
32. The heart responds well to exercise. ENERGY
33. She was not looking forward to spend money on the foreign trip ENORMOUS
34. Scientists are looking for a(n) way to reduce energy consumption. EFFECT

VIII. Rearrange each of the following words or phrases in the correct order. (0,5pt)
35. Solar domestic / are economical, / cost of installation / high. / heating systems / is very / but the /
→ Solar domestic ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
36. The water / river is / can’t go / polluted, / in the / so we / swimming. /
→ It _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0pt)
37. You fail the exam because you don’t study hard enough.
→ If
38. “Why don’t you work harder on your pronunciation?” I told my friends.
→ I suggest
39. Because I wanted to listen to the world news, I turned on the television.
→ Because of
40. The test was too difficult for us to complete.
→ The test was not ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5pt)
1. A. occur B. together C. joyful D. freedom
2. A. expresses B. games C. describes D. loves

II. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. towards B. wedding C. children D. humor
4. A. decorate B. Passover C. important D. festival

III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. People like to play on each other on April Fool’s Day.
A. games B. treats C. tricks D. cards
6. Janice and Mike are getting married soon. They plan to have a small with just a few family
A. marriage B. celebration C. anniversary D. wedding ceremony
7. By Vietnamese tradition, Tet is an occasion which gives us a chance to have family .
A. congratulations B. reunions C. relatives D. disappointments
8. She cried with when she heard the news. It was her joyful time.
A. joy B. anger C. sadness D. amusement
9. The gentle lady her new friend a hug before they said goodbye.
A. gave B. took C. received D. delivered
10. he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it because of his overweight status.
A. Though B. As C. Since D. Despite
11. The children parents are celebrities are reminded not to publish their names.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
12. Tet is a festival occurs in late January or earl, February.
A. which B. who C. whose D. whom
13. Sam always remembers in the garage when he comes to his office.
A. parking B. being parked C. to park D. to be parked
14. I would go to the beach with my friends if I my homework.
A. did B. do C. would do D. will do

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5pt)
15. What does this one mean?
A. You can pay by using any kind of credit cards.
B. You can only pay by cash.
C. You can only pay using certain kinds of credit cards.
D. There is a bank in the area.
16. What should we do when we see this sign?
A. Beware of fast trucks on this road
B. Accidents occur frequently on this road
C. Car drivers should not go into this road
D. Caution: Accident ahead

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5pts)
Christmas is a family (17) and many of the customs center on children. When they go to bed on
Christmas (18) , children hang up a pillow case or a sack for their presents.
Traditionally, it should be a stocking, but a stocking wouldn’t hold enough to (19) today’s kids.
While the children are (20) , so the custom goes, Father Christmas or Santa Claus, comes but only to
children who have been good. He travels from the North Pole in a sleigh (21) is pulled by reindeer.
After landing on the roof, Santa Claus climbs down the chimney and puts (22) in the sacks that the
children have left out.
17. A. tradition B. nation C. internation D. celebration
18. A. Eve B. twilight C. morning D. night
19. A. become B. celebrate C. satisfy D. enjoy
20. A. sleep B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleepy
21. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom
22. A. presents B. food C. drinks D. decoration

VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False, and choose
the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for questions 27 and 28. (1.5pts)
Easter is on a different Sunday each year. But it is always in March or April. Easter is not a national holiday.
It is a religious holiday for Christians. For many people, Easter celebrates the beginnings of spring.
The English word Easter comes from the Old English word Eastre. Eastre was the name of the goddess of
spring and light. In the spring, flowers bloom and trees become green. The earth wears "new clothes" and so
do many people, literally.
Eggs and rabbits are signs of spring and new life. American children believe in an imaginary rabbit, the
Easter bunny. The night before Easter, the Easter bunny visits many homes. He brings children Easter
baskets with eggs and candy. Some Easter eggs are hard-boiled eggs in different colors. Other Easter eggs
are chocolate. The Easter bunt hides eggs in the house or in the yard outside. On Easter morning, children
look for eggs from the Easter bunny.
For millions of Christians, Easter is a religious holiday. Two days before Easter is Good Friday. Christians
believe Jesus Christ died on this day. Many schools and businesses close on Good Friday. Christians also
believe Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. Easter is a really joyful holiday for Christians. Many go to
church on Good Friday and at Easter.
On Easter Sunday, families often come together for a dinner of ham and lamb with fresh spring vegetables.
Dessert is often cake in the shape of a lamb or rabbit. And there is plenty of candy from the Easter bunny!
There is also an important Jewish holiday in the spring. For eight days, Jewish people celebrate Passover.
Passover and Easter are often in the same month.
23. Easter takes place on the same Sunday annually.
24. The earth will put on a new appearance on Easter day.
25. Eggs and rabbits symbolize for spring and renaissance.
26. Schools and offices are still open for Catholics on Good Firday.
27. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The popularity of Easter for Christians around the world.
B. What we should do on Good Friday and on Easter Day.
C. Celebrations and customs people have during Easter holiday.
D. Signs and symbols we see on Passover.
28. Which meal will we have for dinner on Easter Sunday?
A. toast chicken B. rabbit shape C. cake D. spring vegetables

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1,5pts)
29. The movie was so that nobody knew how it was going to end. PREDICT
30. gifts are sent to this orphanage every month. CHARITY
31. Despite the star-studded cast, the film was not successful. COMMERCE
32. “Nothing is more precious than .” FREE
33. His bravery and are what we like about him. GENEROUS
34. They gave us a warm hug and a amount of presents for coming back. CONSIDER

VIII. Rearrange each of the following words or phrases in the correct order. (0,5pt)
35. If you / with your / I suggest / are not satisfied / you should / essay, / rewrite it. /
→ If _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
36. My / a person / mother is / admire / who I / tremendously. /
→ My ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0pt)
37. I was very exhausted, but I didn’t stop working.
→ Despite
38. “Shall we hold a party on New Year’s Eve?” said John.
→ John suggested
39. John is the man. His friends always trust him.
→ John is
40. The car is very expensive. He has just bought it.
→ The car ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5pt)
1. A. fire B. fight C. tsunami D. provide
2. A. covers B. controlls C. complains D. types

II. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. tidal B. typhoon C. earthquake D. snowstorm
4. A. hurricane B. tornado C. tsunami D. scientist

III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. The hottest article in any newspapers today is about the fire the store on last Tuesday night.
A. sweeping through B. hitting by C. striking against D. arriving at
6. After the disaster, there is a significant increase in the number of person.
A. homeland B. homesick C. homeless D. household
7. An eruption of Mount Vesuvius completely Pompeii, where Julius Caesar was killed, in AD 79.
A. discovered B. covered C. spoilt D. destroyed
8. The earthquake that struck Kobe in 1995 caused damage.
A. massively B. seriousness C. severe D. important
9. A is a long period without rain while is not another name for a tropical storm.
A. drought/typhoon B. landslide/hurricane C. drought/tornado D. landslide/cyclone
10. Our neighbors, three small children often make a lot of loud noise, never apologize to us.
A. whom B. who C. which D. whose
11. The pagoda caught fire when it by lightning.
A. struck B. has struck C. was struck D. is struck
12. Tigers are considered to be an endangered species in India now people have hunted them a lot
A. although B. despite C. because of D. because
13. If I 3 years older, I would be accepted into the city basketball team.
A. were B. am C. had been D. weren’t
14. Peter never intends to his parents.
A. lying B. to lie C. lied D. lie

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5pt)
15. What does the sign mean?
A. Caution: Rocks ahead
B. Heavy snow on the road
C. Landslides occur occasionally on this road
D. Dangerous: Don’t drive on the left
16. What does the sign mean?
A. You can only ride your bike into this lane.
B. You can drive your car into this lane.
C. You can park your bike in this lane.
D. There are free bikes to borrow in this area.

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5pts)
El Niñ o is a weather phenomenon of the Pacific Ocean which is (17) by an abnormal part of
water on the surface of the ocean - it becomes a bit hotter. It has the (18) to influence global weather
patterns as it brings drought to some continents and shower rain to others. It was first noticed by fishermen
coming from Spanish ports to the Pacific (19) the 17th century. It got its name (Spanish) for 'boy
child' because it usually takes place near Christmas time. It can cause catastrophic (20) . The 1982
El Niñ o resulted (21) 1,500 deaths, but it can be a lot worse than that. Sea animals, including fish and
birds, also die in large numbers. It is (22) that sailors in the Pacific can smell the dead sea-life
during El Niñ o.
17. A. happened B. resulted C. caused D. taken
18. A. violence B. reason C. power D. energy
19. A. in B. on C. at D. since
20. A. accident B. fire C. pandemic D. damage
21. A. from B. in C. with D. by
22. A. conveyed B. told C. reputed D. made

VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False, and choose
the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for questions 27 and 28. (1.5pts)
The people of Kiribati are afraid that one day in the not-too-distant future, their country will disappear
from the face of the earth - literally. Several times this year, the Pacific island nation has been flooded by a
sudden high tide. These tides, which swept across the island and destroyed houses, came when there was
neither wind nor rain. "This never happened before," say the older citizens of Kiribati.
What is causing these mysterious high tides? The answer may well be global warming. When fuels like oil
and coal are being burned, pollutants are released; these pollutants trap heat in the earth's atmosphere.
Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water by melting glaciers and polar ice
If the trend continues, scientists say, many countries will suffer. Bangladesh, for example, might lose one-
fifth of its land. The coral island nations of the Pacific, like Kiribati and the Marshall Islands, however, would
face an even worse fate - they would be swallowed by the sea. The loss of these coral islands would be
everyone's loss. Coral formations are home to more species than any other place on earth.
23. In Kiribati there were sudden high tides coming when there was no wind or rain.
24. High tides without wind or rain often happen in Kiribati.
25. Global warming is definitely the cause of those mysterious high tides.
26. The loss of coral islands doesn’t affect people on the earth.
27. The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to .
A. scientists B. many countries
C. the coral island nations of the Pacific D. Kiribati and the Marshall Islands
28. In the context of the passage, the word "not-too-distant" can be best replaced by .
A. soon B. fairly soon C. far D. very far

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1,5pts)
29. The flooding in the Mekong Delta last year was . DISASTER
30. The hurricane brought total to the ancient town. DESTROY
31. Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor deforms. ABRUPT
32. It will be rainy in Manchester, which is in the northwest of England. PART
33. Maria Thompson is a(n) . She appears on one of the most watched channels in the UK.
34. Don't any of the books on the shelf. REPLACEABLE

VIII. Rearrange each of the following words or phrases in the correct order. (0,5pt)
35. Do you / shop, / sells good / know this / coffee? / which /
→ Do you _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
36. If only / considerate / he were / to all / friends / in the / of his / class. /
→ If only ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0pt)
37. People don’t trust him because he tells lies.
→ If
38. Mary is standing by the window. She is my girlfriend.
→ Mary
39. Although it is raining heavily, they still go to school.
→ In spite
40. Tokyo and Yokohama were struck by a disastrous earthquake in 1923.
→ The cities ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5pt)
1. A. examine B. exist C. trick D. sight
2. A. subjects B. dreams C. trips D. walks

II. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. circle B. saucer C. orbit D. mistake
4. A. alien B. mineral C. sightseeing D. mystery

III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. The UFO stayed in the sky for about thirty seconds, and then it went .
A. away B. off C. out D. on
6. I suggest having dinner at the airport before departure because the is due to take off at midnight.
A. airmail B. aircraft C. airport D. airline
7. What would you do if you a UFO?
A. saw B. see C. can see D. would see
8. If you go to that website, you some interesting information.
A. had found B. found C. will find D. would find
9. I suggest our environment better by afforesting and not throwing trash on the ground.
A. protecting B. should protect C. to protect D. protect
10. If there were flying , there would be traces of their landing.
A. sausages B. saucers C. sources D. sights
11. The train leaves without us our waking up late this morning.
A. because B. despite C. because of D. so
12. Perhaps Tom won’t his mind. He keep the decision.
A. make up - will B. change - may C. turn - could D. give up – must
13. UFO might just be from people’s imagination.
A. showing B. viewing C. watching D. sightings
14. The earth takes a year the sun.
A. to orbit B. orbiting C. orbit D. orbitted

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5pt)
15. What does the sign mean?
A. Vehicles can move without paying attention to signals.
B. There are now traffic signals ahead.
C. There are traffic signals ahead.
D. Traffic signals ahead are under repair.
16. What does the sign mean?
A. You can go ahead only.
B. You can go any direction but ahead.
C. Vehicles ahead should be careful.
D. You should be careful of vehicles ahead.

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5pts)
Why does Man want to go to other planets (17) the solar system? Just for adventure? True, (18)
is adventure in space travel. But a (19) to other planets would also be practical. For
example, space stations could be built that would give us (20) information about the weather.
In space stations (21) around the earth, Man could live and study the could formation on its
surface. These formations could tell us what weather to expect in any part of the world at any time. Such
information would be useful pilots, to ship captains, and even to farmers (22) must set dates for
planting and harvesting.
17. A. on B. in C. at D. at
18. A. there B. this C. that D. it
19. A. travel B. fly C. trip D. drive
20. A. valuable B. wealthy C. expensive D. amused
21. A. moves B. moving C. moved D. moveable
22. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False, and choose
the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for questions 27 and 28. (1.5pts)
Visitors from space have been talked about for ages. Millions of normal people keep saying that they were
caught and taken into UFOs.
The first case was in the 1950s when George Adamski said a UFO had taken him to the far side of the
moon. Another case took place in 1961, when an American couple, Betty and Barley Hill, were caused by a
UFO while they were driving home one night in New Hampshire. The couple stopped to observe the UFO
through binoculars. To escape from it, they took the back roads and arrived home two hours later. Fourteen
years later, in 1975, one of the most shocking events happened in a small town in Arizona, when a
woodcutter called Travis Walton disappeared with a blue-green light from a flying saucer under his
teammates’ eyes.
Five days later, the missing woodcutter returned home and said, “I woke up on the UFO and found myself
among strangers with no hair and half-formed face. They put a mask over my face and I fell asleep again. I
remembered nothing else until I awoke in the forest where I had been caught.”
23. It was first claimed that someone had been taken away in a UFO about 60 years ago.
24. Betty and Barley Hill is a sibling from America.
25. Travis Walton was caught in Arizona with his teammates’ sighting.
26. The woodcutter returned home after a week.
27. What is the passage mainly about?
A. How the woodcutter returned home B. How an America couple arrested by aliens
C. How UFOs were seen and reported D. How outer space life is researched
28. Where did Travis Walton wake up again after being arrested?
A. on the UFO B. in the forest C. from a flying saucer D. in New Hampshire

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1,5pts)
29. They’re too young and to realize the harms of doing drugs. EXPERIENCE
30. The fact that he committed the crime is an . EVIDENT
31. It was a light apartment at the top of the building. SPACE
32. The story is set in an world. IMAGINE
33. Many people question the of God. EXIST
34. His resignation was an unfortunate for our company. OCCUR

VIII. Rearrange each of the following words or phrases in the correct order. (0,5pt)
35. If / have / Fred didn’t / he / that./ your permission, / wouldn’t do /
→ If______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
36. There / than 1500 / were more / sightings around / UFO / the world. /
→ There ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0pt)
37. Rachel failed her driving test, but she could take it again.
→ Despite
38. Robert doesn’t live near the office, so he doesn’t walk to work.
→ If
39. Would you mind switching the radio on?
→ I suggest
40. Tom is living near the hospital. I went to school with him very often.
→ Tom _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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