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Minions are servitor races created by the Titans to advance their earthly interests. Some minions are evolved from human beings, and others, like the bakeneko, are fashioned from animals but given human intellect, but most are born from the Titans directly.



rickster f perversity that toyed with their According to Japanese folklore, amanojaku were trickster demons, spirits of pe mortal victims, crushing their hopes and destroying whatever the victims loved most. The amanojaku were ade at loved mo The amanojaku adept atever oved most. d m doing so, as they were blessed with powers of telepathy, mental suggestion and eve shapeshifting. mental suggestion and even shape hifting. enta tal gesti tion ven shapeshifting. apes fting inion fashioned by Mikaboshi himself. To create th s n fash oned ashi ikab sh h mself. shi c te thi In truth, amanojaku are a breed of titanspawn minion fashioned by Mikaboshi himself. To create this vile creature, Mikaboshi twisted the forms of evil mortals and then fused them with ichor provided by Ama n Za a nd en fus them with ichor prov de b Ama no Zako, n fused h used h chor provided h e duce ikab h his r glor hi ory. h Scion of Susano-o who had been elevated to godhood only to be seduced by Mikaboshis dark glory. The resulting be seduc seduced y Mik boshis dark glor y. The resu amanojaku are twisted, manipulative things. In their true form, amanojaku are stunted dwarf-like creatures with red skin, tusks and a single horn in the ce creatures wi red skin tusk a single orn reat r a ures with e skin, tusks and sing horn he center n usks ngle ifter , and n assume the form any mortal inde n fters orm y ortal inde de of their foreheads. However, they are talented shapeshifters, and can assume the form of any mortal indenitely assume aku are also telepathic able to read the minds of any mortal ku pathic, h inds with the expenditure of a single Legend point. Amanojaku are also telepathic, able to read the minds of any m also telepathic, le or Scion they encounter. ma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance (varies; in true fo a anipulat o t ppear Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3; Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance (varies; 0 in true form); Appearance (varies; Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 Virtues: Ambition 3, Malice 3, Rapacity 3, Zealotry 2 letic ics warene e omma m Abilities: Academics 3, Animal Ken 1, Art (Any One) 1, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Command 3 Co Athletics Awareness 3, Brawl 4 Command 3, Control Brawl (Automobile) 1, Craft (Any One) 1, Empathy 4, Fortitude 5, Integrity 5, Investigation 1, Larceny 4, Marksmanship de Integrity 5, Investigation 1 Larceny 4, Mark nteg i egri Inve t g tion vest o arceny Mark y rksman 2, Medicine 1, Melee 4, Occult 4, Politics 1, Presence 4, Science (Any One) 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1, Thrown 1 , Science (Any One) 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1 Thrown ien A e ne) teal alth Survival rviv hrown Supernatural Powers: Shapeshifting: An amanojaku can assume the form of any mortal by spending a Leg nd point. The amano Legend amanojaku g Lege can reexively return to his true form without cost, but otherwise, he can remain in his stolen form indenitely. Physically, the amanojaku is a perfect copy of the mortal, although he doesnt have the mortals memories or knowledge. Generally, an amanojaku cannot be identied merely through questioning, since amanojaku are also telepathic, but a clever Scion can identify the imposter by asking him to perform some technical task (reading an ancient language, xing a carburetor, etc.) that would be easy for the real person. Suggestion: An amanojaku can suggest a course of action to a mortal or Scion and compel the victim to follow it. Roll the amanojakus (Manipulation + Command + Legend). To succeed, the roll must garner more successes than the targets opposed (Willpower + Integrity + Legend) roll. This power automatically fails if the amanojaku attempts to nd use it against a target with a higher Legend rating than himself or if al he attempts to use it to compel a suicidal course of action. ttempt In practice, however, amanojaku rarely attempt to use this y power to directly kill their enemies. They usually opt to em humiliate their prey instead and force them to violate their own moral codes. y Telepathy: An amanojaku can reexively read the thoughts of anyone he encounters by rolling ted (Perception + Awareness + Legend), resisted by d). a roll of (Willpower + Integrity + Legend). lly An amanojakus telepathy automatically gs fails against targets whose Legend ratings exceed his own. Join Battle: 6 Attacks: d Clinch: Accuracy 7, Damage 4B, Parry DV , Speed 6, P B, Unarmed, Heavy: Accuracy 6, Damage 7B, Parry DV 3, Speed 5


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