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Records of each weight nextar
Weight of
Weight Histogram


34+ 34+34 +34+34 +34+ 34+35+35+ 36

mean= =34 , 4

standard deviation=
√7 ( 34 , 4−34 ) +2 ( 34 , 4−35 ) +( 34 , 4−36 )
2 2 2
Weight Histogram

Therefore, by utilizing normal distribution curve it shows that the average of the nextar weight is
34.4 with a standard deviation of 0.6992 which has a value used in determining the distribution
of data in a sample and how close the data is to the mean value so that from the data it can be
said that the distribution of the data follows the distribution pattern. normal according to the
curve obtained.
Compares individual measures with nominal amount
weight of
no nextar compare
1 34 0,098837209
2 34 0,098837209
3 34 0,098837209
4 34 0,098837209
5 34 0,098837209
6 34 0,098837209
7 34 0,098837209
8 35 0,101744186
9 35 0,101744186
10 36 0,104651163
Amount 344 1
Compares mean of sample with nominal value
Nominal value of nextar is Rp. 2000 and sampel weight of nextar is 34,4 so compares mean of
34 , 4
sample with nominal value is =0,0172 , if you want to get a profit, the minimum value is
0.0172 because it is a comparison of the average sample with the nominal value.

Describes the distribution – may mention symmetry, bell shape and comment on deviations
The shape of the curve and the probability value of the normal distribution are determined by a
number of parameters. For this distribution, there are two types of parameters that are used as
references, namely the mean (average value) is 34,4 and the standard deviation or standard
deviation is 0,6992. The average value is used as the center of the distribution or other spread of
values. This value will determine the location of the peak point in the bell curve, while the other
values will spread out following the mean. The standard deviation is a measure of the variability
that determines the width of a normal distribution curve. This standard can calculate how far the
trend of the data will widen from the average value which is the center point. The smaller the
standard deviation value, the more pointed the curve will be. In addition, the standard deviation
also describes the distance or general difference between the mean and other observed data.

Based on sample, makes inferences regarding the population of freddos.

Based on the sample of nextar, we conclude that of the 10 samples used, the average is 34.4 with
a standard deviation of 0.6992. It is also seen that from the curve, the data is normally
distributed, which indicates that the data is centered in the middle and not so spread out.
Part B
Based on the regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia number 31/M-
DAG/PER/10/2011, it is stated that the size or height and nominal quantity of a product are
calculated in g/mL. With the criteria of weight or volume as follows:

Nominal Quantity in g or mL minimum height of letters and numbers in

more than 5 to 50 2
more than 50 to 200 3
more than 200 to 1000 4
more than 1000 6

Determines whether sample infringes regulations stated and references based on findings!
Discusses item in sample infringement!

From the criteria above, it can be said that from the sample product used, namely Nextar snacks
from PT Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia, it is said that it does not violate the regulations of the
minister of trade where the net weight of the sample product used is an average of 34 g with a
product height of > 2 mm with the number of samples used is 10.

In this case the sample data used is as many as 15 product samples so that it will be sought
whether the data can be assumed to be normal or not. The data used are as follows:

No. Weight
1 34
2 34
3 34
4 34
5 34
6 34
7 34
8 35
9 35
10 36
11 34
12 34
13 34
14 34
15 34

From the data above, it can be said that the product sample used tends to be normally distributed
by looking at the histogram of the data skewed to the right as shown below:

Weight Histogram


A data is said to be normally distributed if the median and mean values of the data are the same
(Mean = Median). So, from the above, the mean value is 34.27 with a median of 34.5 so that the
median>mean tends to be normally distributed.
Discusses assumptions why population can be assumed as normal and evidences with
calculations/research! Discusses effect on calculations performed! Discusses mean weights
for sample size of 15 and the weights difference and references context!

Since the data obtained tend to be normally distributed, the effect of generalization error is small.
This means that in the product samples used, the violations committed can be tolerated so that
they do not have a major influence on product failure.

The average weight of the product sample is 34.27 where the average is obtained from:

34+34 +34+34 +34+34 +34+ 35+35+36+34 +34+ 34+34 +34

¿ 34 , 27

To find out the difference in weight of the sample, it can be seen by looking at the standard
deviation of the 15 product samples, namely:

√ ∑ ( x−x i)2

2 2
( 34 , 27−34 ) (12)+ ( 34 , 27−35 ) (2)+(34 ,27−36)2
Based on the value obtained, namely the standard deviation of the 15 samples of 0.429 where S
is close to 0, it can be said that the data can be used as a product reference.

Discuses confidence given entire sample and Evidences discussion with statistical
From PART A we get
x=34.4 , σ=0,6992 , n=10∧x=34
x −x 34−34.4
Z= = =−1.81
σ 0.6992
√n √ 10
P (−1 ,80< Z <0 )=0,4649
P ( Z ←1.80 )=P ( Z <0 )−P (−1.80< Z <0 )
¿ 0 , 5−0,4649
¿ 0,0351
So, confidence interval from sample 34 is 35.1%
x=34.4 , σ=0,6992 , n=10∧x=35
x −x 35−34.4
Z= = =2 , 71
σ 0.6992
√n √ 10
P ( 0< Z< 2 ,71 )=0,4965
P ( Z <271 ) =P ( Z <0 )−P ( 0< Z <2 , 71 )
¿ 0 , 5−0,4649
¿ 0.0304
So, confidence interval from sample 35 is 30.4%
x=34.4 , σ=0,6992 , n=10∧x=36
x −x 36−34.4
Z= = =7 , 24
σ 0.6992
√n √ 10
P ( 0< Z< 2 ,74 )=0,4999
P ( Z <271 ) =P ( Z <0 )−P ( 0< Z <7 , 24 )
¿ 0 , 5−0,4999
¿ 0.0001
So, confidence interval from sampel 36 is 10%
Discusses confidence with individual item and Evidences discussion with statistical

x=34.4 , σ=0,6992 , n=10∧x=34

x −x 34−34.4
Z= = =−1.81
σ 0.6992
√n √ 10
P (−1 ,80< Z <0 )=0,4649
P ( Z ←1.80 )=P ( Z <0 )−P (−1.80< Z <0 )
¿ 0 , 5−0,4649
¿ 0,0351

Estimate mean and standard deviation with adequate reasoning

The mean and standard deviation values obtained were respectively 34.4 and 0.6992 which were
obtained from Adeque using the formula in Excel software.

Calculates two confidence intervals (90%, 95%, 99%) and Calculates 3 or more confidence
Confidence Interval 90%
x−x σ σ
Z 0 ,9= ↔ Z0, 9× ± x ≤ X ≤ Z0, 9× ±x
σ √n √n
34.4−1.645 ×0,221 ≤ μ ≤ 34.4+ 1.645× 0.221
34,036 ≤ μ ≤ 34.76
Confidence Interval 95%
x−x σ σ
Z 0 ,95= ↔ Z 0 ,95 × ± x ≤ X ≤ Z 0 ,95 × ±x
σ √n √n
34.4−1.96 ×0,221 ≤ μ≤ 34.4+ 1.96 ×0.221
33 , 97 ≤ μ ≤ 34.83
Confidence Interval 99%
x−x σ σ
Z 0 ,99= ↔ Z 0 ,99 × ± x ≤ X ≤ Z 0 ,99 × ±x
σ √n √n
34.4−2.575 ×0,221 ≤ μ ≤ 34.4+ 2.575× 0.221
33 , 83 ≤ μ ≤ 34.96

Statistical calculations adequately supported

From interval confidence 90%, 95%, and 99% we get interval from μ and and it can be used as
adequately supported with statistical calculation.

Part D

Describes suitable method for random selection of samples! Calculates mean and standard
deviation (CAS) of samples (more than 3 different sized samples) from other students!

A suitable method for selecting a random sample is using the probability sampling method.
Probability sampling is a type of sampling technique that does random sampling or random
sampling. This method gives all members of the population the same probability or opportunity
to become the selected sample. This type of technique is suitable for populations whose members
can be determined first. This method uses statistical analysis to help determine the selected
sample. There are several models or other types of random techniques, namely: simple random
sampling, systematic random sampling, stratified random sampling, and cluster random
sampling. Take 4 product samples with different weights and sizes:

No. Weight
1 25
2 35
3 34
4 24

The mean and standard deviation of the data will be calculated.

25+35+34+ 24

¿ 29 , 5

√ ∑ ( x−x i)2

2 2
( 29 , 5−25 ) + ( 29 , 5−35 ) +(29 , 5−34 )2+(29 , 5−24)2
Compares the distribution of samples
To compare a sample distribution, a hypothesis can be made by comparing the variance with the
average of single data using the formula:

∑ (xi −Me)2
S2= i=1


i = natural number 1,2,..N

x i = i data on single data

Me = mean

N = lots of data

2 2 2 2
(25−29 , 5) +(35−29 ,5) +(34−29 , 5) +(24−29 , 5)
S2 =

S =25 , 41

So that the variance value is 25.41. Based on the variance value obtained, the calculated variance
value is smaller than the sample average. This illustrates that the data points are close to the
mean and to each other. From the data held with other students' data, it can be compared by
looking at the standard deviation value, where the standard deviation of the existing data is 0.429
while the standard deviation of other students' data is 5. This illustrates that if the sample used is
more and more, the standard deviation is getting closer to 0. This means that the product sample
used can be used as a reference for the product.

Comments whether the samples are statistically similar or different!

The data in part B and the data obtained from other students are of course very different because
in part D the data used in each sample is very different so that it has an impact on the acquisition
of the average value, standard deviation, and variance value to compare the distribution of the
sample to the data.

Presents data and calculations and relates to compliance!

In this case the data obtained from other students can be used as follows:

No. Weight
1 25
2 35
3 34
4 24
From these data, the mean, median, standard deviation, and variance that meet the existing cases
can be calculated.

25+35+34+ 24

¿ 29 , 5

Standar d deviation=
√ ∑ (x−x i)2

2 2
( 29 , 5−25 ) + ( 29 , 5−35 ) +(29 , 5−34 )2+(29 , 5−24)2
¿ 34 , 5

∑ (x i−Me)2
S2 (varia nce)= i=1
N −1
2 2 2 2
2 (25−29 , 5) +(35−29 ,5) +(34−29 , 5) +(24−29 , 5)

S =25 , 41

The solution referred to here is a solution for all parts so it must be from part A to part D.

Communicates findings in a systematic way using some mathematical expression and

everyday language! Communicates findings in a systematic and concise way using
mathematical language and relating the solution to the original problem!

By using samples from Nextar products, which have various weights. Mathematically, the
weight of the 15 product samples can be used to find the average value, the median value, even
from the investigation of the product it can be seen whether the product has met the requirements
of the regulation of the minister of trade where the conditions that must be met are the weight of
the product in g. /mL and product packaging height. In addition to food product samples, we can
also investigate beverage products, air fresheners. So, with that we can see the quality, quantity,
and feasibility of the products used whether the products being traded already meet the
requirements or not. This can be a solution to help manufacturers to improve products.

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