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A Beginner’s Guide to

Crypto & Blockchain


Introduction 3

What is Crypto and Blockchain Marketing? 4

What are Popular Types of Crypto and Blockchain Businesses? 5

Why is Traditional Marketing Ineffective

for Crypto and Blockchain Businesses? 10

How to Build a Successful Crypto

and Blockchain Marketing Strategy? 13

Why Should You Invest in Unconventional

Crypto Marketing Strategies? 16

Crypto and Blockchain Marketing Ideas 17

How Does Crypto Email Marketing Work? 24

5 Best Recommended Crypto Marketing Agencies 29

Final Thoughts 32

The crypto and blockchain marketing space is exploding with numerous

information sources and endless opportunities.

But, in the times when every software company is launching their cryptocurrency

and are being snapped up left and right by major corporations, it’s crucial to

navigate the landscape effectively.

Whether you're about to launch a blockchain initiative or rebrand your

crypto startup, you can use this guide to figure out the best approach.

This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about crypto

and blockchain marketing– including why you should invest in it, how to make a

successful crypto and blockchain marketing strategy, and how to convert

customers into advocates.

Let’s get started and see the best approach to building a strong crypto

community across the internet.

Chapter 1

What is Crypto and

Blockchain Marketing?

Crypto and blockchain marketing aims to promote and sell the services of a

crypto or blockchain product. To do this, the marketing strategy and efforts are

focused on raising awareness about the product, engaging the audience, and

driving the growth of the business.

Crypto and blockchain marketing is

different from any other product

marketing because it demands more

data-driven analysis and technical

understanding to shift public perception.

While the world has woken up to

crypto, there are still some who haven't.

Or are confused with the whirlwind of

information. Your efforts should speak

to such customers to stand apart from

your competition.

Chapter 2

What are Popular Types of Crypto

and Blockchain Businesses?

1. Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

The products that allow their users to deal with regular capital and

cryptocurrencies are called exchanges.

They charge a nominal fee for each transaction and let the users convert their

assets in real-time.

Example: Binance, Coinbase

2.NFT Marketplace
NFTs are non-fungible tokens that are crypto-assets created with blockchain
technology. Each NFT asset is identified with its unique identity code and

Platforms that allow the selling and buying of these assets among the public are
called NFT marketplaces.

Example: Blockdaemon, OpenSea

3. Crypto and Blockchain Informational Websites

Since cryptocurrency and blockchain can seem complicated to the audience and

hinder them from taking any action, some businesses set out to tackle this


They create a digital platform, usually websites, where they break the complex

topics into digestible bites. People reach out to them for a better understanding

and insights into the current trends.

Example: Coindesk, CoinMarketCap

4. Cryptocurrency Mining Business

Mining is generating and transacting However, since many countries have

cryptocurrency with the help of banned cryptocurrency ownership and
decentralized computer networks.

mining, the audience needs to be

adequately analyzed.

And some mining softwares lets the

users consume their resources to
scoop verified cryptocurrency.

Example: EZ Blockchain, CGMiner

5. Trading Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies thrive when people buy or sell them. If your business has its own
cryptocurrency, then marketing it becomes even more crucial for keeping it a hot

Example: Dogecoin, Tether

Chapter 3

Why is Traditional Marketing

Ineffective for Crypto and
Blockchain Businesses?

1. Customer’s Skepticism

Technology is anything that wasn’t

around when you were born.

- Alan Kay

It’s clear that technology can’t be stagnant, and every invention will take its time

to become routine for the users.

So is the case with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This relatively new

technology is still warming up its audience, and therefore you can see some

doubts and hesitation among them to invest in it.

And since your prospects aren’t entirely convinced or educated about these

buzzwords, you can’t rely on traditional marketing strategies to convert them

into customers.
2. Inadequacy of Paid Advertising

Due to a significant increase in crypto

Crypto scammers
and blockchain scams worldwide, tech

giants like Google, Facebook, and ripped off a whopping

Twitter have revisited their ad

$14 billion in 2021.
operations for this industry.

It has introduced stricter guidelines and verification checks for ads to reduce scam

instances. But its effects resonate among genuine businesses, too, whose

outreach is significantly restricted due to this.

3. Strict Regulations

Many countries are still deliberating over the effects of introducing

cryptocurrency. That’s why they have implemented restrictions on the advertising

of crypto businesses.

For example– India’s advertising council has banned the terms like ‘currency’ and

‘securities’ from being used in the ads. It has also asked every social media post

to have a disclaimer added that informs the audience about the risks of


In such scenarios, the marketing options get further diminished for the crypto and

blockchain businesses.

4. Unpredictable Market

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are new and undergoing constant

changes because of policymakers.

Amidst the industry's volatility, you can’t wait for a long-term crypto marketing

strategy to work. You have to be quick on your feet and stay updated with the

latest market news to work on a daily plan.

5. Cost-Intensive Process

Cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses need an analytical eye for effective

marketing. That means you have to onboard an expert in your team for this.

The cost of hiring the expert and executing the marketing strategies itself leads

to mighty expenses.

Chapter 4

How to Build a Successful

Crypto and Blockchain
Marketing Strategy?
The Crypto and blockchain market is seeing fierce competition, and you can’t

expect to stay ahead of it unless you have a solid plan.

That’s why it’s essential to take a step back and evaluate your marketing strategy

before you start the execution.

1. Know Your Target Audience

It sounds easier than it’s done. Many crypto

businesses fail just because they aren’t

selling to the right audience.

Start from the basics like gathering

demographics, key purchase drivers, and

aspirations. Then use artificial intelligence

to drill down the behavioral pattern of your

ideal customers.

2. Research and Stay Updated

The best place to start your research is Also, subscribe to industry newsletters

by checking what your competitors to stay up-to-date with the latest

are doing.

happenings in the crypto world.

Explore their website, blogs, and

social media to see what new value

they are offering to the customers.

3. Rely on SMART Goals

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

These are highly important to prioritize your tasks, have more precise goals and

track your progress.

Unless your goals pass all of these parameters, keep working on creating better

ones for yourself and your team.

4. Choose Right Marketing Channels
No matter how much resources you spend, if you are betting on the wrong
marketing channels, it isn’t helping your business much.

Sell where your customers are. Mix and match relevant mediums like emails,
blogs, podcasts, etc., to boost your brand outreach.

5. Leverage Your Creativity

There isn’t a hack to success for crypto businesses.

You’ll have to experiment, innovate, and unlearn certain things to shine through
the competition. Building your crypto marketing strategy around customers will
reap great benefits, so use referral and loyalty programs to attract customers.

6. Track Your Performance

Use clear and accurate metrics to track the performance of each marketing effort
to monitor your progress.

Unless you spare some time for this, you won’t realize what needs improvement
and which strategy works for you.

You can learn in detail about crypto marketing strategies through this link.

Chapter 5

Why Should You Invest in

Unconventional Crypto
Marketing Strategies?
Crypto and blockchain businesses

need to go beyond the product to

make their way among the audience.

Since cryptocurrency and blockchain

enthusiasts rely on community support

for authentic information, it makes

perfect sense for you to invest in

being a part of such online

communities. It will build trust for you

among the audience, eventually

leading to better conversions.

Also, unconventional crypto and blockchain marketing strategies

are highly effective and affordable, making them usable even by

businesses that have just started budding.

Chapter 6

Crypto and Blockchain

Marketing Ideas

Most of the time, cryptocurrency and blockchain customers are updated with the

industry news.

It’s both good news and bad news. Since your target audience is already aware,

you might have to work less, but it also means you’ll have to figure out new ways

to provide them with something new and of value.

Here are some promising crypto marketing tips you can try right now.

1. Optimize Your Website

Your website is the first thing any prospect will visit to authenticate you.

So, start updating your website with the latest information and

an appealing interface

Include vibrant images with structured information blocks

Build an extensive resource section with relevant blogs and

case studies

Include client testimonials to build trust instantly.

2.Write Guest Posts
Collaborating with other crypto and blockchain businesses is a great way to tap
into a wider audience without spending additional resources.

You get a platform where you can connect with the audience to convey your
message effectively.

Research the relevant businesses who aren’t your direct

competition but share the same audience as you
Send requests to write a guest post for them
Prepare a suitable topic that the platform’s audience will enjoy
reading and where you can subtly plug your services
Add necessary hyperlinks to your website to bring the traffic home.

3. Manage Brand Reputation

Since crypto businesses run on trust, it’s essential for you to build and manage a

positive public image.

Regularly check your online reviews. Revert to all positive and

especially negative ones to accept accountability or explain your

side of things.

Provide case studies and customer testimonials on your website

Hold public events, seminars, and social cause campaigns to

connect with the audience

Hire PR for conducting press conferences and publishing

news pieces.

4. Introduce Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is connecting with other marketers or businesses and offering

them a commission for every product sale done by them.

Enroll the marketers who have a significant customer base

Discuss and decide the sales revenue portion you’ll be handing

as commission

Ensure that the marketers are sharing truthful information

about your product.

5. Network With the Experts

Connect with the right professionals in your industry to learn and upskill yourself.

Use social platforms like

LinkedIn and Twitter to find

like-minded people

Attend fairs and events to

meet new people

Invite experts for an

interview session or a quick

discussion about

cryptocurrency or blockchain.

6. Use SEO

Search engine optimization is a skill you can learn to improve the visibility of your

content and website to make it rank higher in the web search results.

It helps your audience find you easily before clicking on a competitor’s link.

Investigate the search terms and keywords

Analyze your competitors for their keywords

Use long-tail keywords to build more relevancy.

7. Record Podcasts

People might get bored and overwhelmed with all the written words. So, you can

amp up your marketing efforts with different content formats, like podcasts.

Bring the relevant people to share their opinions and insights

Keep the podcast exciting and short for easier consumption

You can promote your business in the podcasts to boost


8. Create Message Groups

Chat groups on platforms like Telegram are popular among crypto and blockchain

users to get instant updates and information.

Telegram bots can help you quickly answer the user’s queries if

combined with FAQ banks

You can even blast information to all the subscribers with a click

Telegram keeps your communication secure and safe

from snoopers

For inspiration, some telegram channels you can follow are, DeFi million, and Binance English.

9. Maintain Regular Communication

If you want to instill trust among the audience, it’s

important to maintain frequent customer engagement.

It not only keeps you fresh in their memory but also

helps you share relevant information on a timely basis.

Use email marketing or email blasts to reach your audience quickly

Share your success and news about upcoming projects with


Engage on platforms like Reddit and Quora by answering

cryptocurrency or blockchain questions

Post on social media platforms like Twitter, Discord, and Medium,

and use available features to churn popular forms of content.

10. Announce Airdrops

Airdrop is a popular crypto marketing tactic where free crypto tokens are

distributed to some people if they have completed some tasks or are just part of

the community.

It’s a great initiative to build

loyalty and brand awareness

Keep the tasks short and simple

so that more people can engage

and participate

Use Twitter or other public

platforms to announce airdrops

with necessary details. It will give

more coverage to the contest.

Ensure that you are delivering your promise

You will see a lot of freeloaders engaging with the announcement

who might not be serious customers. You’ll have to be cautious

and filter the leads accordingly.

By no means is this an exhaustive list. These are some of the ways you can build

your brand credibility and reach your target audience.

If you want to dive deeper and explore some more tips, you can check the

details here.

Chapter 7

How Does Crypto Email

Marketing Work?
You must have heard a lot about the

benefits of email marketing, and chances

are you must already be using it for your

crypto business.

But unlike other businesses, crypto email

marketing needs special attention

because of the following reasons.

Many ESP (email service providers) don’t support

complete services for crypto businesses

You might not have an updated mailing list of your

subscribers because crypto users don’t trust
unknown brands with their personal information

And even if you get the above two sorted, you

might get stuck when it comes to actually
designing an email that drives conversions.

First of all, let’s start with the right tools.

Research the market for the ESP that provides a fully functional system to crypto

businesses. You can try Sendx, which can help you automate your email

sequences and send unlimited campaigns in a few simple steps.

It can also integrate your landing page forms and pop-ups to

collect authentic email addresses.

Now, let’s go to the tricky part of creating an email campaign

that is opened, read, and acted upon by the customers.

1. Decide the Email Objective

Customers aren’t always interested in buying more.

So, sending only offers and discounts can quickly irk them. To ensure customers

look forward to reading your email, make it a bit unpredictable. Use your emails

to educate, inform, as well as entertain the reader.

You can also segment your mailing list based on the customer journey for sending

personalized messages.

Based on your intent, decide whether you want to go ahead with designing a

newsletter, promotional email, or just fun engagement content for your


2. Structure the Outline

An email outline decides what needs to be placed where in your email. It will

differ depending on what kind of campaign you are running and its goal.

You can segment your mailing list based on their buying journey for sending

personalized messages.

For example–send newsletters to your existing customers to maintain their

interest. You can send some offer notifications to the prospects who abandoned

the website without making a payment.

3. Craft a Compelling Copy

Note that the copy of an email starts right from your subject line. If that’s not
piquing the reader’s interest, they won’t even open the email to see what’s in it.

While writing an email subject line, keep the 4 Us in mind– unique, urgent, useful,
and ultra-specific. You can use any of these Us to write an enticing subject line.

Moving to email content, ensure that it’s concise with ample breathing space.
Add images to break the monotony.

Add a strong CTA (call-to-action) that guides the

reader toward the next steps.

And most importantly, maintain your email

resolution for proper visibility on mobile devices.

If designing emails gives you cold feet, too, you can use your email service
provider's drag and drop functionality to create emails quickly. You can even take
a shortcut by using pre-built responsive email templates.

4. Measure the Metrics

You get what you measure. Measure

the wrong thing, and you get the

wrong behaviors.

- John H. Lingle

The real test is when you start analyzing your performance with suitable metrics.

To up your crypto email marketing game, use at least the common indicators like:

Open Rate: how many people are opening the email to read it

Click Rate: how many people clicked on the CTA in the email

Conversion Rate: the number of people who finished the purchase

Unsubscribers: people who chose to opt-out from your future

email communication due to low interest.

Learn from those who have successfully designed some crypto marketing emails.

Here are 12 inspiring examples of crypto token marketing that will get your

creative juices to flow.

Chapter 8

5 Best Recommended Crypto

Marketing Agencies

A crypto marketing agency can take off your burden and kickstart

your growth journey.

But it’s only possible if you have given proper thought

to choosing the right marketing agency.

The notable agency will combine the

power of able resources and tools to

meet your requirements. You can

also check what other people are

saying about it online through

reviews. It will give you an honest

picture to make your decision.

We have curated a list of the 5 best crypto and blockchain marketing

agencies to make this easier for you.

1. NinjaPromo
Established in 2017, it assures success with crypto marketing strategies like PR,
influencer marketing, and brand building. It's popular clients are TrustWallet,
Polkadot, and BitForex, among others.

2. MarketAcross
A PR and branding agency that has successfully marketed crypto companies like
Binance, Etoro, and Tron.

3. Coinbound
It’s one of the rare crypto marketing
agencies that leverage the power of
social platforms also like Reddit to
scale their clients. It deals with
marketing NFTs, crypto businesses,
and DeFi. Its popular clients are
Nexo, Voyager, and Okcoin.

4. Blockchain App Factory

It can be your one-stop solution for all crypto and blockchain marketing needs. It
provides full-stack services for NFTs, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and ICO, to
name a few. Its popular clients are DasCoin and Dash.

5. CryptoPR
CryptoPR manages strong public relations by building a positive reputation that
can generate leads. It has helped businesses like HSBC and NFTTech to scale
their crypto business.

You can also refer to this list for more crypto marketing agencies.

Chapter 9

Final Thoughts

Crypto and blockchain have grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years. It

creates a perfect opportunity for businesses to fan customers' interests and help

them with exactly what they need at this point– more reliable information.

But it’s an unpredictable market; the trends might change today or tomorrow.

However, if you have got your basics covered, you can come through the other

side and enjoy a loyal customer base who ardently promotes your services.

To ensure that happens, start small and be persistent with the efforts. Remember,

starting over from scratch is worse than failing and knowing what will not work.

So, get going today with Sendx’s 14 days free trial and push your goals toward

the finish line with a dedicated crypto marketing email campaign.

Join more than 3000 companies who use our intuitive

email marketing platform

Start Free Trial Now

No credit card required. Instant setup.


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