Column Blank Template

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Title: (Choose a catchy title that hints at your column's theme. At least 2-5 words.

By: ________________________________________________

Introduction: (Begin with a captivating opening that introduces your topic.)


Paragraph 1: Exploring the Topic (Describe the topic in a simple way and include facts. What is it about?)

Paragraph 2: Choose between:

The Bright Side (Share positive aspects or exciting parts related to your topic.)
Challenges or Not-So-Good Parts (Discuss any difficulties or things that might not be so great about your topic.)
Paragraph 3: Your Experience (Share a personal story or experience related to the topic.)

Paragraph 4: Tips or Suggestions (Offer tips or suggestions to make things better.)


Conclusion: (Wrap up your column with a strong closing. Summarize what you've shared and perhaps end with a
question or a call to action.)

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