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Swasthavritta & Yoga


- Dr. Pratik M. Patil

Lecture No: 1
Introduction to
• Yoga Shabda Utpatti
• Defination
• Different Schools of YOGA
• Rajayoga
• Hatayoga • Janayoga
• Mantrayoga • Karmayoga
• Layayoga • Bhaktiyoga

3 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

• Yoga Prayojana
• Ayurveda Yoga Sambandha
• Swasthya Rakshane Yogasya Mahatwa
• Yogabhyas Pratibandhak Bhava
• Yogabhyas Siddhikar Bhava
• Pathya Apathya & Mitahara

4 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

Yoga Shabda Utpatti

“ rÉÑÎeÉUç rÉÉåaÉå | ” – EmÉÌlÉwÉSè

To Unite, To Combine.

“rÉÑerÉiÉå AlÉålÉ CÌiÉ rÉÉåaÉ: |”

Union of Soul with God is YOGA.

5 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

“rÉÉåaÉ: MüqÉïxÉÑ MüÉæzÉsÉqÉ | ” -pÉ. aÉÏ.
Skilled Performance.
“xÉqÉiuÉÇ rÉÉåaÉqÉÑcrÉiÉå |” – pÉ. aÉÏ. 2
State of Balance between Body and Mind.

“iÉÇ ÌuɱÉiÉ SÒ:ZÉxÉÇrÉÉåaÉ ÌuÉrÉÉåaÉÇ rÉÉåaÉ xÉÇÍ¥ÉiÉÇ |” - pÉ. aÉÏ. 6

To remain Unbounded from materialistic world.

6 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

“ rÉÉåaÉ: ÍcɨÉuÉ×Ì¨É ÌlÉUÉåkÉ: || ”
– mÉ. rÉÉå. 1/2

7 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

rÉÉåaÉ: ÍcɨÉuÉ×Ì¨É ÌlÉUÉåkÉ: ||
The literal translation of the sutra is as follows:
YOGA = to join, to unite
CHITTA = consciousness
VRITTI = fluctuations
NIRODAH = quieting of

• Yoga is the stilling of the mind until it rests in a state

of total and utter tranquility, so that one experiences
life as it is: as Reality.

8 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

ृ यः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टाSक्लिष्टा: ॥ १.५॥

• Maharshi Patanjali has mentioned vritti niruddh in second section of

Samadhi pada. These vritties are of two types based on their nature
Kalisht (unpleasant) and akalisht (pleasant) but according to Samkhya
there are five types of vritties i.e each vritti is either unpleasant or
• क्लिष्ट
• अविद्या,
• अस्मिता,
• राग,
• द्िेष,
• अभिनििेश

9 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

ृ यः ॥ १.६ ॥

Five different types of vritties are –

• प्रमाण - valid cognition
• ववपययय - Misconception
• ववकल्प - Imagination
• निद्रा - Sleep
• स्मतृ यः - Memory

10 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

Different Schools of YOGA:-

• Rajayoga
• Hatayoga
• Mantrayoga
• Layayoga
• Janayoga
• Karmayoga
• Bhaktiyoga

11 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

Raja means King.
Raja Yoga is the path of self-discipline and practice.
Raja Yoga is also known as Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Steps of Yoga):-
Yama - Self-control
Niyama - Discipline
Asana - Physical exercises
Pranayama - Breath exercises
Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the senses from external objects
Dharana - Concentration
Dhyana - Meditation
Samadhi - Salvation

12 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

Rajyoga is the king of all Yogas. Raja Yoga
is communication between the self and the
Higher Being (God).
Raja Yoga is not physical exercise, rather
it is an easy mental exercise.
Raja Yoga transcends the mind beyond the
body and creates lasting peaceful
13 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY
zÉUÏU xÉÉkÉlÉÉ mÉëkÉÉlÉ WûPûrÉÉåaÉ ||
Hatyoga gives importance to strengthening of Body.

It is an old system that includes the practice

of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing
exercises), which help bring peace to the mind and
body, preparing the body for deeper spiritual practices
such as meditation.

14 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

Mantra yoga is a type of yoga that uses mantras to
awaken the Self and deepen the meditative aspects of a
physical yoga practice.
Mantra yoga is an exact science that is meant to
engage the mind through focusing on sound, duration
and number of repetitions.
Repetition of the mantras is a means to get closer to
the divinity within, and it creates positive vibrations
that benefit both the one who chants and the one who

15 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

Laya yoga is an ancient form of meditation, with
concentration on energy centers or chakras.
Sage Gorakshnatha, an ancient sage and a
disciple of Matsyendranath is the founder of Laya
There are five main energy centers in the spine
and two in the head. Laya yoga attempts to locate
these energy centers and channelize them through

16 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

The word “Karma” means “to do, to act”. Any
mental or physical act is called Karma.
Everything we do, say or think, gives rise to an
effect, which in due time will return to us, in full
accordance with this law of consequence.
What we call “luck” is the result of our earlier
good actions, and what appears to us as misfortune
is merely the repercussion of past negative actions.

17 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

Bhakti means love and devotion to God -
love and devotion to His Creation, with
respect and care for all living beings and all
of nature.
Everybody can practice Bhakti Yoga,
whether young, old, rich or poor, no matter
to what nation or religion one belongs. The
path of Bhakti Yoga leads us safely and
directly to the goal.
18 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY
19 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY
To be Continued in Next lecture:-

• Yoga Prayojana
• Ayurveda Yoga Sambandha
• Swasthya Rakshane Yogasya Mahatwa
• Yogabhyas Pratibandhak Bhava
• Yogabhyas Siddhikar Bhava
• Pathya Apathya & Mitahara

20 Lecture 1 – Introduction to YOGA & NATUROPATHY

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