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Assignment No. 2 RegdNo.


Course Code: EGEN530 Registration Number:

a. Attempt all questions given below in your own handwriting. Assignment in typed format will not be
considered for evaluation.
b. The student has to complete the assignment in the allocated pages only. Any other page in case
utilized shall not be considered.

Q1. Define the word research paper review process and its various stages.

The research paper review process is a critical component of the academic and scientific
publishing world. It involves a thorough evaluation of a research paper by experts in the field to
ensure its quality, validity, and contribution to the existing body of knowledge. This process
typically consists of several stages:

1. Submission: The process begins when an author or group of authors submit their research
paper to a scholarly journal or conference. The paper should adhere to the specific
guidelines and formatting requirements of the chosen publication.

2. Editorial Review: After submission, the paper goes through an initial editorial review. This
review assesses whether the paper meets the journal's basic criteria, such as relevance to the
journal's scope, adherence to ethical guidelines, and proper formatting.

3. Peer Review: If the paper passes the editorial review, it is sent out for peer review. In this
stage, experts in the field, often anonymous to the authors (blind peer review), evaluate the
paper's content, methodology, results, and conclusions. They provide feedback, critique,
and recommendations for improvements.

4. Revision: Based on the feedback received from peer reviewers, authors are typically
required to revise their paper to address any concerns, clarify points, and make necessary
improvements. This may involve conducting additional experiments or analyses.

5. Resubmission: Authors submit the revised version of their paper, along with a detailed
response to the reviewers' comments, to the journal or conference for reevaluation.

6. Acceptance or Rejection: The revised paper is once again reviewed by the editor and/or
peer reviewers. It may go through multiple rounds of revision and review before a final
decision is made. Papers can be accepted, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with
major revisions, or rejected.

7. Publication: If the paper is accepted, it moves forward to the publication stage, where it
undergoes final formatting, proofreading, and inclusion in the journal or conference

The research paper review process is essential for maintaining the quality and integrity of
scholarly publications. It ensures that only high-quality research is disseminated to the academic
and scientific community, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various fields. Each
stage of the process is designed to uphold rigorous standards and provide constructive feedback to
authors, ultimately resulting in well-founded and credible research contributions.

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Assignment No. 2 RegdNo. 323101855

Course Code: EGEN530 Registration Number:

a. Attempt all questions given below in your own handwriting. Assignment in typed format will not be
considered for evaluation.
b. The student has to complete the assignment in the allocated pages only. Any other page in case
utilized shall not be considered.

Q2. Examine the significance of Manupatra, academic social networks including google scholar,
academia research gate in social science research.

Manupatra, Google Scholar, Academia, and ResearchGate are essential tools in the field of
social science research, each offering unique contributions to the academic community.

Manupatra is a valuable resource for legal and policy research, often relevant in social science
studies, particularly in the areas of law, governance, and public policy. It provides access to a
vast repository of legal documents, statutes, case laws, and academic articles, aiding researchers
in understanding the legal aspects of social issues.

Google Scholar is a widely used academic search engine that encompasses a broad spectrum of
disciplines, including social sciences. It allows researchers to access scholarly articles, books,
theses, and conference papers. Its citation tracking feature helps scholars identify influential
works and connect with others in their field. and ResearchGate are academic social networks that facilitate collaboration and
information sharing. Researchers can upload their papers, connect with peers, and receive
feedback on their work. These platforms enhance the visibility of research, making it more
accessible to a global audience, which is particularly significant in social sciences where
disseminating findings to a broader community is crucial for impact.

In the realm of social science research, these platforms serve as invaluable tools for discovery,
collaboration, and dissemination. They enable scholars to stay updated with the latest research
trends, connect with peers, access a wide range of scholarly materials, and share their own work.
Collectively, they foster a vibrant academic ecosystem that accelerates the progress of social
science research by promoting knowledge exchange, interdisciplinary collaboration, and
accessibility to a diverse range of research outputs.

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