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Unit 5

Free time

A. Write the name of days

1. Thursday = __________________

2. Monday = __________________

3. Sunday = __________________

4. Wednesday = __________________

5. Friday = __________________

6. Saturday = __________________

7. Tuesday = __________________

B. Answer correctly

1. What day is today ……………………

2. After Monday is ………………………

3. Today is Thursday, tomorrow will be …………………

4. Two days after Friday is ……………………

5. Before Saturday is …………………..

6. Today is Friday, yesterday was ………………

7. Monday , ……………………………., Wednesday , Thursday , …………………….,

Saturday, ……………………………

8. Three days after Tuesday is ……………………..

9. Today is Sunday, tomorrow is …………………..

10.Today is Sunday , yesterday was ………………….

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