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What is it?

Sepsis is a life threatening During Sepsis the immune
emergency system releases chemicals
chemicals called Cytokines into
Sepsis is a response to an the blood which causes
infection and results in a range widespread inflammation.
of symptoms which can lead to
tissue damage, organ failure, Any infection can cause
and death. Sepsis.

The Sepsis Six

needs to be
instituted within 1
hour as per UK
Sepsis trust
Created by Nurse Bec Supplies

Some Symptoms Treatment

Severe shortness of breath The Sepsis Six (UK Sepsis Trust)

A high or low temperature
Confusion/LOC 1. Oxygen
2. Blood cultures
Slurred speech
3. IV antibiotics
4. Fluid challenge
Cold, pale, clammy skin 5. Lactate
Mottled skin *this list is not exhaustive and
symptoms may differ from 6. Urine output
person to person. This
information provides an overview
& should not be relied upon.

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