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Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

i Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

ii Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


First and foremost, we would like to thank the Almighty God who gave the
courage, patience and wisdom in formulating the Forest Land Use Plan of Lupon.

The Municipality of Lupon would like to express our wholehearted gratitude to the
heads and personnel of the following government entities, local government units
and private organizations who have shared their precious time, effort, insights
and technical knowhow during the plan preparation process, viz:

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) RO XI

Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) – Lupon
Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) – DENR Davao
Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) - LGU Lupon
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) - Lupon Valley
National Irrigation Administration (NIA) - Lupon
Department of Education (DepEd) - Lupon District
Philippine National Police (PNP) - Lupon Police Station
Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) of
Lupon Water District (CWD)
Irrigator’s Associations in Lupon

Finally, deepest appreciation is extended to the local and indigenous people’s

communities for sharing valuable information, insights and experiences which
paved the way for the well-founded development plan.

iii Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


LGUs now shared with the national government in terms of the responsibility of
maintaining the ecological balance along their respective jurisdictions. The
Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP) was formulated through a multi-sectoral and
interdisciplinary approach whereby all the key stakeholders are being
represented and their participation in the discussion during the consultation and
validation were encouraged. By such, promotes harmony all throughout the
activities conducted.

The formulation of this plan covers within the period from year 2020 to 2025 ,
mainly focus to the twelve (12) barangays with timberland areas. Among of the
12 barangays, eight (8) are classified as upland namely: Don Mariano Marcos,
Calapagan, Marayag, Tagugpo, Tagboa, Maragatas, San Isidro and New
Visayas. The rest are classified into lowland barangays namely: Macangao,
Poblacion, Bagumbayan and Ilangay.

By the virtue of the Article II of the Philippine Constitution emphasizes that “The
state shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accordance with the rhythm and harmony of nature, the
mandate of FLUP was formulated. Through the delegated functions mainly for
productive and sustainable forest management of the Department of the
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) vested upon the Republic Act
7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, the Municipal
Forest Land Use Plan is formulated. Thus, serves as open door towards
advance development, sustainable and productive utilization and management
for natural resources mainly the forest resources of Lupon.
information, insights and experiences which paved the way for the
well-founded development plan.

iv Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Table of Contents v-vii
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Executive Summary 1
1.1 Historical Development 4
1.2 Rationale of the Municipal FLUP in the context of improving Forest
and Forestlands (FFL) management at the LGU Level 5
1.3 FLUP in the Context of its Historical, Socioeconomic, Biophysical
Life Support Agricultural, Systems, Industrial, and Political Importance 6
1.4 FLUP in the Context of the Present and Future Consumption and
Production of Food, Fiber and Water in the Locality 6
1.5 Discussion on How Plan and its Implementation Respond to the Current
Problems, Needs, Issues and Opportunities in FFL Management within the LGU 6
2.1 VISION 7
2.2.1 Improve the Socio-economic Condition by Ensuring Sustainable
Production of Food, Fiber and Water in the Locality 7
2.2.2 Maintain Ecological Balance and Biodiversity through Effective
Development and Management of FFL in each watershed 7
2.2.3 Protect Communities, Public and Private Investment from
Environmental Hazard such as Damages from sudden Floods
and Landslide 7
2.2.4 Manage the Forest for tourism, Aesthetics Purposes and Well-
Balance Environment Hazard such as Damages from sudden
Floods and Landslides 8
2.3 GOALS 8

v Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026




5.1.1 Geographical Features 15
5.1.2 Socio-Economic and Cultural Profile 48
5.1.3 Major Livelihood Sources, Social and Infrastructure Services 52
5.1.4 Institutional Profile 54
5.2.1 Forestlands 58
5.2.2 Natural Forest 60
5.2.3 Forestry Project 62
5.2.4 Plantations 62
5.2.5 Grasslands and Shrubs 62
5.2.6 Cultivated Lands 62
5.2.7 River Watersheds and Water Bodies 63
5.2.8 Biodiversity Resources 65
5.2.9 Nature-Based Tourism Areas 67
5.2.10 Mineral Resources 69

vi Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


5.5.1 Problems, Issues and Needs based on the SWOT analysis-
Forestlands Areas 81
6.1.1 Zoning 87
6.1.2 Allocation of open access forest 89
6.1.3 Prioritization of Sub-watersheds 90
6.2.1 Delineation of Protection and Production Forest Zone 91
6.2.2 Protection of Natural Existing Forests 94
6.2.3 Rehabilitation and Development of Grassland, Brushland, and
Cultivated Forestlands 94
6.2.4 Conservation and Development of Water Production Areas and
Biodiversity Resources 94
6.2.5 Sustainable Nature Based Tourism Development 95
6.2.6 Recognition of Indigenous People Right (IPR) 95
6.2.7 Others 95

vii Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Table 1. Land Area by Barangay

Table 2. Land Classification
Table 3. Land Classification by Barangay
Table 4. Slope
Table 5. Elevation
Table 6. Vegetative Cover
Table 7. Sub-watersheds
Table 8. Sub-watershed and Its Barangay Covered
Table 9. Flood Susceptible Areas
Table 10. Exposed Households by Flood
Table 11. Exposed Population by Flood
Table 12. Landslide Susceptible Areas
Table 13. Exposed Households by Landslide
Table 14. Exposed Population by Landslide
Table 15. Fault line Area
Table 16. Exposed Households by Fault line
Table 17. Exposed Population by Fault line
Table 18. Population by Barangay
Table 19. Average Annual Population Change by Barangay
Table 20. IP Population and Households
Table 21. Population Projection
Table 22. Livelihood Activities and No. of Households Involved
Table 23. Crop Production by Barangay
Table 24. Infrastructure Facilities
Table 25. Tenurial Instruments
Table 26. Titled Issued under Ancestral Domain Claim
Table 27. Declared Protected Area
Table 28. Vegetative Cover Change (Closed and Open Canopy Forest)
Table 29. Forestry Projects by watershed
Table 30. Vegetative Cover Change (Grassland and Shrubs)
Table 31. Vegetative Cover Change (Cultivated Lands)
Table 32. Rivers and Its Uses
Table 33. Biodiversity Resources
Table 34. Existing and Potential Tourism Sites
Table 35. Tenements Approved and Application
Table 36. Key Stakeholders
Table 37. Stakeholder’s Analysis
Table 38. Zoning in the Forestland
Table 39. Watershed Prioritization
Table 40. Estimated 5-year Financial Requirements for Implementing FLUP
Table 41. Annual Implementation Plan CY 2020

viii Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Figure 1. Horizontal transect (institutional and administrative

jurisdiction) of the ridge-to-reef integrated watershed
ecosystem management framework
Figure 2. Location Map of Municipality of Lupon
Figure3. Region XI Map showing Province
Figure 4. Administrative Map
Figure 5. Land Classification Map
Figure 6. Topographic Map
Figure 7. Soil Type Map
Figure 8. Slope by Barangay
Figure 9. Elevation Map
Figure 10. Climate Map
Figure 11. Vegetative Land Cover Map, 2015
Figure 12. Watershed Map
Figure 13. Flood Susceptibility Map
Figure 14. Landslide Susceptibility Map
Figure 15. Storm surge Susceptibility Map
Figure 16. Fault Line Map
Figure 17. Settlement Map
Figure 18. Tenurial map
Figure 19. Vegetative cover map, 2010
Figure 20. Forestry Project Map
Figure 21. Rivers and Creeks Map by Barangay
Figure 22. Key Biodiversity Map
Figure 23. Potential Tourism Sites Map
Figure 24. Mineral Map
Figure 25. Mining Tenement Map
Figure 26. Boundary Conflict map
Figure 27. Ilangay Boundary Conflict
Figure 28. Issue Map
Figure 29 Proposed Land Use Map
Figure 30. Protection and Production Zone Map
Figure 31. Proposed MENRO Organizational Structure

ix Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


The country’s rapidly increasing population results to higher demands of

utilization among natural resources, drives to promote a sustainable and productive
management of natural resources. The government, with its limited capacity and
resources was challenged to formulate into innovative mechanism with an objective of
productive allocation of forests and forest lands. FLUP or Forest Land Use Plan
provides governance framework for LGU and DENR in terms of biodiversity
conservation. This plan will be the bridge between DENR, LGU’s and stakeholders for
greater collaboration in the attainment of productive and effective governance within the
entire forest territory of the municipality regardless of classification and tenure. It is a
five-year plan (2020-2025) and has a participatory process of allocating forests and
forestlands as natural resource asset by the government under appropriate
management, tenure arrangement and eventually putting these assets according to
their best uses in order to harmonize allocation of forest resources.

The municipality of Lupon has a total land area of 58,138.96 hectares (for FLUP
purposes only), which mainly classified into alienable/disposable land, forestland and
protected areas. Physically, its land mainly characterized by having irregular
topographic features. The municipality has its diverse natural resources which are
considered as a source of living among its constituents. Of the twenty-one barangays of
the municipality, twelve (12) of which have areas classified as forestlands and
categorized as upland barangays; Don Mariano Marcos, Calapagan, Marayag,
Tagboa, New Visayas, San Isidro, Maragatas, Tagugpo and the other are lowland
barangays; Ilangay, Bagumbayan, Poblacion and Macangao. Over the years, a
significant change or loss on forest resources were observe due to conversion into non-
forest uses such as, mining, agricultural activities, residential areas and other
unsustainable human practices intensifying the unproductive utilization of forest
resources. Thus, resulting to unprecedented environmental issues as such as;
pollution, geological hazards, spread of diseases, desertification, soil erosion and
climate change which directly adversely affects the welfare of the people.

Utilization of forest and forest land resources according to its delineated land
uses must be observed – one of the Plan’s objectives. The municipal forest protection
and production were delineated accordingly which eats up to about 52.08% and 21.52%
of the municipal total land area, respectively. On the other hand, based on the latest
data updated about 12,215.88 hectares were identified as open access forest of Lupon
which emanates loss of about 10.54% from the 2010 data. Thus, allocation of these
open access forest is indeed necessary. During the conduct of Situational Analysis
together with the concerned stakeholders on August 12-13, 2020 – the on-site and on-
site status, issues, and its causes at the same the possible mitigating measures
interrelated to the municipal forests and forest lands are being identified.

x Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

By September 15, 2020, a workshop on Allocation of Forests and Forest

Lands and Prioritization of Sub-watershed was conducted. As per output, there are
identified 10 sub-watersheds by the stakeholders. However, there are only six (6)
sub-watersheds identified from IFSAR, data followed by the plan in finalization of
sub-watershed prioritization - Sumlog watershed was identified as the priority
watershed among the 6 sub-watersheds. The output was delineated according to the
range of its uses. Sumlog watershed serves as support system in several angles
and aspects, considering it cover 26,911.58 hectares or about 46.28% of the total
area of the municipality as main water source. Giving sustainable management of
watershed is not only securing people’s welfare (health) but also rehabilitating forest
areas near water bodies/riverbanks to lessen the susceptibility to geological hazard
occurrence at the same time maintaining the value of biodiversity present therein.

Moreover, during the conduct of Situational analysis it was specifically

elaborated the pertaining issues within forest and forest lands. It shows that free
access to forest lands, limited assets for sustained livelihood, population pressure,
increased migration within forest land areas, and weak implementing institution are
the primary causes of forest degradation. The secondary causes are inappropriate
land uses, conversion of forest lands to other uses, ineffective on-site management of
tenured and allocated areas, excessive logging without accountability to restore
open/barren areas, illegal and inappropriate extraction of forest products, and weak
law enforcement. The persistence of these issues continues to threaten the
remaining forest and its sustainability thereby feeding the cycle of poverty and
environmental deterioration. Thus, prevailing difference between year 2010 and
2015 in terms of vegetative cover. In terms of mining operations and logging,
creation of Anti-Timber and Mining Task force at the same time establishment of
Checkpoints and deputation of Baranagy Forest Official/Guards is one of the
specified P/P/As for sustainable forest management and strengthen the enforcement
of forest-related laws.

The DENR had several efforts to protect and manage the municipality’s
forests and forest lands for instance, the provision of allocation agreements and
tenure instruments entitled: Community Based Forest Management Agreement
(CBFM), Forest Land Management Agreement (FLMA) and Integrated Forest
Management Agreement (IFMA) which will provide bundle of rights hat allow
individuals or the local communities to gain access, withdrawal, management,
exclusion and alienation of forest lands. Presently 6,359.15 or 10% of the municipal’s
total land area are still in various forms of tenure instruments. Which be tapped by
the LGU in implementing the Plan by strengthening the existing forest
Programs/Projects/Activities initiated by the DENR. DENR and LGU must establish
strong linkages down to the grass root levels (BLGUs, CSO and other stakeholders).
This is mainly because, the LGU has the lack of technical expertise which one of the
Plan’s Goals to Strengthen the Institutional Organization Capability and Capacity for
Effective Forest Management.

2 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Chapter IX of this plan indicates specific Programs/Projects/Activities to be

conducted as the implementation started with corresponding estimated budget. In
terms of monitoring and evaluation, the set up will involve Multi-sector and Inter-
agency collaboration which involves the following: LGU-Lupon, Civil Society
Organizations, BLGUs, DENR and Academe/DepEd (see Chapter VII).

For total implementation of this (2022-2026), requires an apportionment of

Php 14,204,196.00 sourced out from the Local Government Unit of Lupon with 20%
from Local Government Development Fund, DENR and other National agencies and

3 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

1.1 Historical Development

The Municipality of Lupon derived its name from the Kalagan native word
"NALUPONAN". This means a body of land accumulated at the mouth of a river
resulting from years of continued accretion. The settlers were said to be responsible
in abbreviating the word "NALUPONAN" to what is now known as "LUPON".

Through the successive wave of migration of Muslims and Christians alike,

Lupon first became a regular barrio of Pantukan in 1919. After two years, by virtue
of Executive Order No. 8, Series of 1921, issued by Governor General Francis
Burton Harrison , it became a Municipal District with eight (8) barrios under its
jurisdiction, namely: (1) Poblacion, (2) Sumlog, (3) Cocornon, (4) Tagugpo, (5) Piso,
(6) Maputi, (7) Langka, and (8) the barrio of Banaybanay.

Datu Commara Manuel served the Presidential Chair for nine (9) years. It
was also about the same period that Lupon was converted into a Muslim sultanate
with then Datu Commara Manuel being crowned as Sultan. On August 8, 1948,
Lupon was finally elevated into a regular municipality by virtue of an executive order
issued by the late President Elpidio Quirino with the late Teodoro Panuncialman
serving as the first Municipal Mayor of the constituted township.

At present, the stewardship of the Municipal Government has been vested on

the newly elected mayor Erlinda D. LIM who promised to serve in her best for the
interest and general welfare of the Municipality and maintaining the support of the
National leadership.

Table 1. The Succession of Chief Executives of Lupon and their Tenure of Office
Commara Manuel 1921 – 1929
Alfredo Lindo 1929 – 1931
Luis Yabut 1931 – 1933
Teodoro Panuncialman 1933 – 1939
Carlos Badolado 1939 Outbreak of war
Sixto Carreon Japanese Occupation

Cresencio Tuballa (1944-1945) Guerilla Mayor

Claudio Libre 1945 – 1946
Cresencio Tuballa 1946

4 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Carlos Badolato 1946 – 1947
Teodoro Panuncialman 1947 – 1948
Crisanto Magno 1948 – 1950
1950 – 1951
Teodoro Panuncialman

Crisanto Magno 1951 – 1955
Oswaldo Barol 1955 – 1967
Eulalio Angala, Jr. 1967 – 1979
Francisco M. Dela Cruz 1979 – 1986
Jose A. Lim 1986 – 1987 (OIC)
Francisco M. Dela Cruz 1988 – 1998
Arfran L. Quinones 1998 – 2001
Manuel B. Guinez July 1, 2001 – Dec. 5, 2001
Bonso S. Barabag Dec. 6, 2001 – June 30, 2004
Arfran L. Quinones July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2007
Domingo A. Lim July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2016
Erlinda D. Lim July 1, 2016 – present
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

1.2 Rationale of the Municipal FLUP in the context of improving Forest and
Forestlands (FFL) management at the LGU level

The municipal FLUP will be the guidebook of the sustainable environmental

and natural resources management, conservation and utilization of the local
government unit of Lupon of its Forest and Forestlands. Protection and preservation
of the forest, watersheds, closure of open access and allocating it for production
must be ensured in the plan. Ridge to reef approach of the plan must be
incorporated and extension services to beneficiaries of forest development projects
Environmental programs and projects shall be spearheaded by the LGU
collaborated with the DENR and other partners. It shall provide funds and resources
to ensure the improvement of the environment and natural resources will be
sustained. Apply appropriate technology in managing the environment and natural
resources of the municipality.

1.3 FLUP in the Context of its Historical, Socioeconomic, Biophysical, Life

Support Systems, Agricultural, Industrial, and Political Importance

The FLUP will restructure the current forest management of the municipality.
Since time immemorial, the utilization of the environment and natural resources of
the municipality has been always what have been practiced by the elder generation

5 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
past down to the younger ones. Of all the practices that’s been done, kaingin tops
the list. It is the main way of converting forestlands to agriculture use.

There is also a need to empower the stakeholders and IPs living in the forest
and forestlands. They are the direct link between protection and conservation to
production and utilization of the surrounding environment and natural resources of
the municipality. The Barangay Local Government Unit also needs to have their own
management plan in taking care their forest and forestlands. After the municipal
FLUP is legitimized, the municipal government will assist the BLGU in formulating
their own Barangay Forest Management Plan to guide them of their share of
responsibilities of the protection and conservation of the environment and natural
resources within their jurisdiction.

1.4 FLUP in the Context of the Present and Future Consumption and Production
of Food, Fiber and Water.

Presently, the production of rice, corn, fruits and livestock meat will sufficient
to the demand of municipality of Lupon, but the egg, fish, poultry meat and root
crops are dependent to the outside sourcing and only upland barangays are limited
to water source. Through the FLUP, potential areas for future food, fiber and water
production should be identified, prioritized and developed to sustain the future needs
of the people of Lupon.

1.5 Discussion on How the Plan and its Implementation Respond to the Current
Problems, Issues, Needs and Opportunities in FFL Management within the LGU

The FLUP will address the deforestation and forest degradation that is
happening in the forest and forestlands of the municipality. Deforestation in the
town’s forest and forestlands is now on an alarming rate, especially after super
typhoon Agaton struck part of the town in 2013. With climate change and other
environment disasters in constant treat, the municipality need to mitigate, adapt and
support all environment and natural resources laws for conservation, rehabilitation
and protection of the natural resources to ensure the welfare of its residents.

With FLUP in place, opportunities will come. Investment in eco-tourism

development and sustainable agro-forestry would be viable. The residents of the
municipality can have a better opportunity of increase income and employment.
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation projects will be
supported and funded by the LGU and any other funding agencies. The LGU will
introduce new agricultural practices that are climate change adaptive. Intervene and
free hazard prone areas of settlements. Provide livelihood to those who are
displaced and will be relocated. It will redefine, reengineer and restructure the
current management, rehabilitation, protection and conservation of the environment
and natural resources of the municipality.

6 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

“An ecologically balanced, globally competitive and highly progressive
Municipality of Lupon with culturally diverse healthy constituents who are God-
loving, climate change resilient, well-empowered, gender sensitive, socio-
economically and politically secured, living peacefully and harmoniously with
structurally-sound infrastructure facilities under the administration of fair, just,
transparent and responsive governance.”

“The local government unit of Lupon as an institution will undertake
necessary measures in the fulfillment of its vision, in a paradigm that conform the
present needs of its people”.

2.2.1 Improve the Socio–economic Condition by Ensuring Sustainable

Production of Food, Fiber, and Water in the Locality

The paramount vision of LGUs is uplifting the economic condition of its

inhabitants. It is the ultimate mission of the government that every household
can put food on their table and send their children to school. Government
officials as managers of the environment and natural resources shall ensure that
the sustainable protection, conservation and production of food, fiber, and water
for its constituents are in place.

2.2.2 Maintain Ecological Balance and Biodiversity through Effective

Development and Management of FFL in each watershed

The government should maintain also the ecological balance of the

environment. Biodiversity conservation and protection of endangered species is
also the primary concern of LGUs. One effective development and management
of FFL is treating it by its watershed. Knowing its conditions, issues, problems,
and key findings will help in the better implementation of the government in
sustaining its environment programs and projects. In order to best sustain
development, ecological balance of environment and nature resources should
first be investigated and observed.

2.2.3 Protect Communities, Public and Private Investment from

Environmental Hazard such as Damages from sudden Floods and
Priority of the government must include protecting communities, public
and private properties from the danger of nature. Mitigating for environmental
hazards such as floods and landslides should be programmed by the
municipality. Good management of the environment and natural resources not
only provide them of their basic need in life it also secures future generations
continued use and utilization of the forest and forestlands.

7 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

2.2.4 Manage the Forest for Tourism, Aesthetics Purposes and Well–
Balance Environment

Investment in forest areas with tourism potential natural assets is

popular nowadays. People tend to experience nature away from the busy life
of the city where they work. A well manage forest attract tourist and nature
lovers. The excitement of trekking, seeing and feeling every natural asset
found in one place (recreational and aesthetic function of the forest) is totally
different of the normal life in city workplaces. When the environment is clean
and the balance of nature is not disturbed then sustainability is assured.


“Increase community awareness on the protection and management of

natural resources in 21 barangays of Lupon and Increase household monthly
income above poverty line by 10 – 20% by year 2023”


1. To have a successful, sustainable, well managed Environment and Natural

Resources in the Municipality according to the ideals, concepts and
intentions of the environmental laws of the country free from exploitation,
destruction and illegal cutting of trees;

2. To implement massive reforestation in all 21 barangays to combat climate

3. To conduct extensive information and education campaign to all 21
barangays for awareness on illegal cutting of trees and how to manage and
enhance biodiversity;

4. To introduce livelihood programs for sustainable production of fibers and

food preservation to upgrade living conditions of poor families, particularly
the indigenous group;

5. To allocate budget for 9-year plan on the municipal Forest Land Use
Management; and

6. To strengthen the TWG in carrying out and sustaining the plans and
programs of the FLUP. Make it a governing body to monitor and evaluate the
management of the FLUP.

7. Determine Priority watersheds for planning and allocating limited resources

for development and investments

- Prioritization of watersheds is important strategy for the LGU. Allocating

limited resources for development and investment must be in the best

8 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
location in order to save resources and to access funds. Determining
the highest priority watershed saves resources, maximizes the use of
resources for highly populated settlement areas who can be provided
and avail of the services of the LGU.

8. Determine and Recommend Optimal Allocation/Management of FFL

following biophysical, socio–economic, legal and political criteria
- Allocation and management of FFL must be based on careful study,
evaluation and key findings of all the problems, issues and data of the
present situation of the municipality. The situation needs to be
investigated in order to put an optimal allocation and management of
FFL in terms of its biophysical, socio-economic, legal and political
criteria. These criteria have to be scrutinized to get a clear picture of the
locality and develop a determination and recommendation for allocation
and management of FFL.

9. Recommend Measures to Facilitate Resolution or Reduction of Conflicts

Arising from the Governance of FFL
- Measures that facilitate resolution or reduction of conflicts arising from
the governance of FFL must be put in place. LGUs should ensure that
its governance of the FFL is free from misunderstandings and conflict. It
should implement measures that are for the common good of the
majority. Equitable distribution and allocation of its FFL should be the
prime practice of environment managers. Misunderstanding and conflict
destroys peace and order in the community. Organizing also the FFL
stakeholders into a group is another way of reducing conflicts arising
from the governance of the FFL.

10. Provide a Baseline to Monitor and Evaluate Key Criteria and Indicators for
the Implementation of Legitimized FLUP to Achieve Sustainable
Environmental and FFL Management
- After the FLUP is adopted and legitimized by the DENR, key to
sustainable environmental and FFL management is the baseline data of
the present key findings of the municipality. Baseline data should be
recorded in order for the monitoring and evaluation team to be more
effective and efficient in their measure of successful implementation.
After all, the FLUP of the municipality will be updated for the next 5
years of its implementation.

9 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


The Five-year Forest Land Use Plan of the municipality of Lupon will focus on the
allocation and management of open access forest and forest lands, development of
priority and critical watersheds, protect and enrich the biodiversity, formulate solutions
on related conflict resolution and management system, and the institutionalization of the
monitoring and evaluation of the implemented actions with co-partnership with the
people’s organizations.

In this plan, the aspirations of the LGU are reflected in support with the
municipality’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). It emphasizes the empowerment
of community stakeholders and the promotion and practicing of extensive bio-diversity
development and protection and the insurance of sustainable natural resources. This
plan also helps to prevent ecological imbalance in the community. This plan also
stresses out the consistent partnership between the BLGU, MLGU, DENR, and other
stakeholders both on-site and off-site in effectively imposing the actions that will protect
and manage the existing forests, restoring of denuded areas, allocating open access,
resolving conflicts, and capacitating the POs in the FFLs.

Indefinitely, the FLUP is deemed to presents implementation strategies that will

facilitate the allocation of tenure instruments. This plan also emulates efficient and
effective FFL management system on unallocated FFLs. Rehabilitate activities are
projected out of this plan that will promote development of denuded and cultivated areas
in the watersheds of the municipality. Henceforth, this plan motivates the co-
management of these areas between the LGU and the POs.

Watershed and the data gathered during community consultation were used to
validate the bio-physical and socio-economic status in relation to the conditions of the
FFLs. A series of data gathering, trending and map overlaying were done to produce
and update existing data were later being assessed and analyzed. The results were
used as basis in the planning. The process extends its scope towards the organization of
institutions, human, and fiscal resources to actualize the implementation of this FLUP.

Figure 1. Horizontal transect (institutional and administrative jurisdiction) of the ridge-

to-reef integrated watershed ecosystem management framework

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

10 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026




Orientation for FLUP was held last March 13, 2020 at Conference Room,
New Municipal Building, Bagumbayan, Lupon, Davao Oriental. It was initiated by
the FLUP-DENR Region XI team together with the FLUP Technical Working
Group of the Municipality of Lupon supported by the Executive Order No.48,
series of 2020.

This orientation workshop discussed the rationale, importance and

principles related to the FLUP, and orients members of the Technical Working
Group on the overall process. Also explained the key concepts related to FLUP,
its objectives, methodologies and practices in managing FFl.

The FLUP-TWG is responsible for the formulation of the Municipal Forest

Land Use Plan with the technical assistance from the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR) Regional Office XI. Also, FLUP Orientation and
Action Planning was conducted and participated by the FLUP TWG members.


The LGU through the Hon. Mayor Erlinda D. Lim, entered into a
Memorandom of Agreement (MOA) with DENR RO XI represented by the
Regional Director was executed on December 15, 2020 relative to the
formulation of Forest Land Use Plan for the planning period 2022-2026. The
Sangguniang Bayan (SB) has approved a Resolution No. 2020-153 authorizing
the Local Chief Executive to enter into and sign the said agreement.

The agreement was for DENR XI to extend technical assistance to the

LGU in formulating the FLUP and further capacitates the personnel in terms of
necessary trainings/workshops to strengthen their environmental activities and
agreed to jointly validate, approve, and legitimize the FLUP that shall be the core
document for closing open access forests and forestlands.

And for LGU-Lupon, that the municipality realizes that most of its forests
and forestlands are considered open access areas, which are generally defined
as forestlands that are not covered by any form of tenure, government
proclamations, or reservations or forestlands that are covered by tenure or
government proclamations but without effective on-site management. That the
processes and procedures in preparing, validating, approving, legitimizing, and
implementing the FLUP shall be the main entry points in demonstrating the
improved governance that is consistent with the principles and practices of
transparency, accountability, and participatory decision-making.

11 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
That both DENR XI and the Municipality of Lupon are committed to jointly
support, contribute to and participate in the validation, approval, legitimization,
and implementation of the FLUP of the municipality and the approved FLUP shall
be the main basis of DENR-Region XI, in collaboration with the municipality and
other stakeholders, for the promotion and processing of various instruments,
including those for indigenous peoples as provided for in the IPRA Law, for
closing the open access forests and forestlands.


Majority of the sources of information came from the DENR either in

documentary records, maps (hard and soft copies either digitized images and
shapefiles), and literatures provided by their lined agencies. Other information
came from the internet, the websites of public and private organizations.
Additional information are from government offices concern either national,
regional, provincial, municipal offices or Barangay Sanggunian. NGOs, POs,
private entities, IPs and individual persons are also a good source of information.

The profile of the municipality is the result of data gathering, community

mapping and profiling workshop activity conducted by the FLUP-TWG in every
component barangay of the municipality. Situational analysis, allocation of FFL
and prioritization of sub-watershed are sourced from the stakeholders and
community representatives of every barangay. They provide the information as to
the current situation in their jurisdiction.



Thematic and composite maps were prepared showing the specific

information. There were maps prepared and drawn to scale at 1:135,000 for
presentation and comments during workshops while atlas maps were also
prepared and formed part of these plan documents.
1. Administrative Map, showing the barangays boundaries;
2. Land Classification Map, showing forestland and Alienable or
Disposable land;
3. Slope Map, showing areas from 0-8% slope, 8-18%slope, 18-30%
slope, 30-50% slope and above 50% slope;
4. Elevation Map, showing the elevation ranges from 0-100 masl, 101-
500 masl, 501-1,000 masl, above 1,000 masl;
5. Vegetative Cover Map, showing existing forest cover;
6. Watershed and Drainage map, showing major rivers, creeks and
watershed divide;
7. Flood Susceptibility Map, showing flood prone areas;
8. Landslide Susceptibility Map, showing landslide prone areas;
9. Fault Line Map, showing fault line exposed areas;
10. Settlement Map, showing clusters of settlements;
11. Infrastructure Map, showing road network, bridges and other major
12. Tenure Map, showing tenured areas, such as: CBFM and FLMA;
13. CADT Map, showing areas covered by CADT;
12 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
14. Forestry Projects Map, showing NGP, CARP and Reforestation
15. Biodiversity Map, showing inventory of wildlife species;
16. Tourism Map, showing existing and potential tourism sites;
17. Mineral Map, showing Mineral Reservation Area and Approved Mining
18. Declared Protected Watershed Map, showing the protected watershed
19. Conflict and Issues Map, showing issues within the forestland and
boundary conflict


The DENR ROXI conducted FLUP Geographic Information System (GIS)
Training and Workshop on July 8-9, 2020 and the FLUP TWG particularly the
Mapping Team participated the said training to enhance the technical skills of the
GIS Mapper.

Overlaying of thematic maps through Geographic Information System (GIS)

using Manifold and QGIS Software was done to come up with the derived maps.
Data tables are also processed and simplified through Excel Table Pivoting to
facilitate analysis on the existing situation of the forestland.

Consultations with the various stakeholders are conducted throughout the

planning process from orientation up to technical review of the plan. The results
from the community consultation, community mapping, stakeholder’s analysis
workshop and situational analysis workshop are extracted and incorporated in
the plan.



Watersheds are being prioritized based on the importance and general

condition using a set of parameters such as biodiversity, eco-tourism, water
production, economic value, protection of lives and properties, protection of
infrastructure investments and cultural heritage through the use of the Delphi
approach or a process of reaching consensus through participatory or democratic
process among all key stakeholders. However, there is no open access
forestland in the municipality.



A series of community mapping were scheduled and conducted to 10

fore0stal barangays on July 22-23, 2020. This 2-days community mapping invited
barangay captain and IPMR of each barangay and other stakeholders which
were facilitated by the technical personnel of DENR RO XI, CENRO- Lupon and
PENRO-LGU. Field validation of recommendations was also conducted for the
allocation and management of the forest and forestland participated by the
community working group and key stakeholders.

13 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Series of lectures, workshops and discussions pertaining to forest land

use planning was conducted. Stakeholder’s analysis, FLUP writeshop and FLUP
technical review was also conducted for the finalization of the Forest Land Use
Plan of the municipality which were participated by all key stakeholders,
municipal technical working group and the community working group including
Indigenous Peoples and Peoples Organization which were facilitated by the
technical personnel from CENRO-Lupon, PENRO-LGU Lupon and DENR
Regional Office XI.


The final Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026 was presented, discussed and
endorsed to the Sanggunian Bayan. It has been adopted/ approved per
Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 2022-235 dated October 17, 2022.



The Forest Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Lupon for 2022-2026 was
approved and signed by the Local Chief Executive, Hon. Erlinda D. Lim and the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Office XI by the
Regional Director, Bagani Fidel A. Evasco.

14 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026




5.1.1 Geographical Features

Lupon is 128 kilometers from Davao City, the regional center of

Southeastern Mindanao (Region XI) and it is 36 kilometers away from the
Provincial Capitol which takes 45 minutes ride by Bus and Jeepney.

The municipality of Lupon is bounded on the North by the municipality of

Pantukan with a geographic coordinate 126º 12’26.69”E, 7º 14’9.08”N, bounded
on the South by Davao Gulf at 125º 1’3.27”E, 6º 54’53.18”N. Further, it is
bounded on the West by the municipality of Banaybanay with a geographic
coordinate of 126º 4’16.44”E, 7º 2’16.75”N and in the East by the municipality of
San Isidro at 126º 11’13.90”E, 7º 1’39.59”N.

Figure 2. Location Map of Municipality of Lupon

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

15 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Figure 3. Location Map of Municipality of Lupon

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

Land Area

Lupon’s total land area is 58,138.96 hectares (for FLUP purposes) as

provided and certified by the Land Management Bureau, National Office in 1997
which mainly classified into alienable/disposable, forestlands and protected
areas wherein Barangay Marayag has the biggest land area of 19,925.49
hectares while Barangay San Jose has the smallest land area of 151.55

Lupon is composed of 21 barangays of which three barangays namely:

Don Mariano Marcos, Calapagan and Marayag can be reached only by passing
2 municipalities namely: Municipality of San Isidro and the City of Mati. Some of
the barangays have a mountainous and hilly terrain, one fourth (1/4) of the
population resides in the Poblacion while the rest are scattered among the 20
other barangays.

16 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Table 2. Land Area by Barangay (For FLUP purposes only)

Name of Barangay Land Area % to Total
Bagumbayan 937.42 1.61
Cabadiangan 496.83 0.85
Calapagan 7730.20 13.29
Administrative Map 1069.73 1.84
Corporacion 702.72 1.21
Don Mariano Marcos 7746.32 13.32
Ernesto D. Violan 4625.27 7.96
Ilangay 1192.75 2.05
Langka 538.65 0.93
Lantawan 458.56 0.79
Limbahan 483.56 0.83
Macangao 611.37 1.05
Magsaysay 323.35 0.56
Mahayahay 354.24 0.61
Maragatas 6443.79 11.08
Marayag 19,925.49 34.27
New Visayas 927.42 1.59
Poblacion 539.87 0.93
San Jose 151.55 0.26
Tagboa 1341.59 2.31
Tagugpo 1538.29 2.65
TOTAL 58,138.96 100
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

17 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure 4. Administrative Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

18 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Land Classification

The Municipality of Lupon has a total land area of 58,138.96 hectares, in

which 42,901.74 or 73.79% hectares is classified as Forestland (FL) while
alienable and disposable land (A&D) lands is 15,233.75 hectares or 26.20%,

Please see the table 3 below for reference of land classification and figure
5 of Land Classification Map.

Table 3. Land Classification (for FLUP purposes only)

Land Classification %
(In Hectares)

Alienable & Disposable Land ( A & D) 15,233.75 26.20%

Forestland 42,901.74 73.79 %

Protected area 3.47 0.0059%

Total 58,138.96 100.00%

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

19 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure 5. Land Classification Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

20 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


The Municipality has an irregular topography. The north eastern and south
portions are characterized by mountainous and hilly, while flat and lowlands are
found within the western portion adjoining the sea. Major surface waterways are
the Sumlog and Tagugpo rivers which are harnessed for irrigation system.

Figure 6. Topographic Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

21 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Soil Type

The types of soil predominantly found in the municipality are Camanasa

Sandy Clay Loam, Malalag Loam, Mountain Soil and San Miguel Silty Clay
Loam. Almost 50% of the land area categorized to be Undifferentiated but mainly
a mountain type of Soil, while 37% has Malalag loam type. The rest soil types
identified are Camanasa Sandy Loam and San Miguel Clay Loam that has been
characterized to about 14% and 11% of the total area, respectively.

Table 4. Soil Type by Barangay

Soil Type : Area (ha)

Barangay Name Camanasa Malalag Loam Mountain Soil San Miguel Silty
Sandy Loam (Undifferentiated) Clay Loam
Bagumbayan 937.06
Cabadiangan 21.53 475.29
Calapagan 3101.11 4629.09
Cocornon 349.16 720.56
Corporacion 702.72
Don Mariano Marcos 2777.51 4968.81
Ernesto D. Violan 4625.27
Ilangay 1188.81
Langka 538.65
Lantawan 458.56
Limbahan 27.60 455.97
Macangao 159.86 451.50
Magsaysay 323.35
Mahayahay 26.40 327.84
Maragatas 4897.41 1534.05 12.33
Marayag 8433.99 896.72 10588.29
New Visayas 927.42
Poblacion 535.55
San Jose 151.55
Tagboa 1284.26 57.34
Tagugpo 1510.57 27.72
Total 8433.99 21538.27 21720.24 6431.34
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

22 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure 7. Soil Type Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

23 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


About 13.16% (7,656.53 has.) of the municipality’s land area has a slope
of 0-3% or level to nearly undulating while areas of 2,298.98 hectares are gently
sloping to undulating or 3-8% slope. About 4,792.90 hectares has 8-18% slope or
undulating to rolling while rolling to moderately steep (18-30 percent) slope eats
up to 10,335.06 or 17.77% of the municipality’s land total area and an area of
28,427.91 hectares or about 49% of the total area is being characterized under
steep to very steep (30-50%) slope. Only Barangay Marayag have areas with
very steep (50% above) slopes which comprise of 4,627.57 hectares.

The slope distribution shows that 14,748.41hectares or about 25.37% of

the municipality’s total land area belongs to the relatively developable range (0-
18% slope). Otherwise, 43,390.54 or about 74.63% of the land total area falls
under protection slope range (18% above slope).

Table 5. Slope by Barangay

Slope ( Has)
Barangay Name 50 and
0-3 3-8 8-18 18-30 30-50 Grand Total
Bagumbayan 937.42 937.42
Cabadiangan 487.19 9.64 496.83
Calapagan 552.10 400.73 1034.07 5743.28 7730.20
Cocornon 945.03 54.00 70.70 1069.73
Corporacion 702.72 702.72
Don Mariano
Marcos 475.03 1429.50 2541.80 3299.99 7746.32
Ernesto D.
Violan (San
Isidro) 71.53 682.93 1097.22 2773.59 4625.27
Ilangay 1192.75 1192.75
Langka 538.65 538.65
Lantawan 14.44 155.80 288.32 458.56
Limbahan 483.56 483.56
Macangao 611.37 611.37
Magsaysay 63.50 187.90 71.94 323.35
Mahayahay 172.63 172.66 8.96 354.24
Maragatas 207.53 393.67 871.26 683.65 4287.68 6443.79
Marayag 302.64 386.68 2591.72 12016.87 4627.57 19925.49
New visayas 32.07 866.77 28.58 927.42
Poblacion 539.87 539.87
San jose 144.30 7.25 151.55
Tagboa 289.47 487.98 564.15 1341.59
Tagugpo 340.54 275.20 128.87 524.71 268.96 1538.29
Grand Total 7,656.53 2,298.98 4,792.90 10,335.06 28,427.91 4,627.57 58,138.96
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

24 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure no. 8 Slope by Barangay

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

25 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Elevation is highest in the part of Barangays Marayag, Don Mariano

Marcos and Calapagan, reached up to more than 1,000 meters above sea level
in which Barangay Marayag has the largest total area with highest elevation for
about 66.53% of its total area and/or 27.22% of the municipality’s total area. By
law, elevation with more than 1,000 meters above sea level is intended for
protection purposes.

On the other hand, 22.77% (13, 236.52 hectares) of the total area falls
under elevation range of 500 to 1000 meters above sea level and 0.07% (9.34
has.) of which is classified under Alienable and Disposable lands while the rest
are classified into forestlands. Moreover, elevation ranges from 0-500 msl is
about 29, 072.26 hectares and 52.36% (15,224.41 has.) of which are Alienable
and Disposable Lands while 47.63% (13,847.85 has.).

TABLE 6: Elevation by Land Classification

Area (In Hectares)
A&D Potected Area Total %
(masl) Forestland
0-500 15,224.41 13,847.85 29,072.26 50%
500-1000 9.34 13,227.18 13,236.52 22.77%
>1000 15,826.71 3.47 15,830.18 27.22%
15,233.75 42,901.74 3.47 58,138.96 100%
Source: DENR,MPDO, 2020

26 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure no. 9 Elevation Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

27 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Based on the PAG-ASA Climate Change Projection for 2020 and

2050, stated that all areas of the Philippines will get warmer, more so in the
relatively warmer summer months. Expectedly, the mean temperature in all
areas of the Philippines will rise by 0.9oC to 1.1oC in year 2020 and 1.8oC to
2.2OC in 2050. Rainfall distribution throughout the country varies from one
region to another, depending upon the direction of the moisture-bearing
winds and location of the mountain systems. However, based on the table
below, the municipality’s climate specifically is being characterized under 4th
type. On the Map below (Figure 9.) rainfall is more or less evenly distributed
among barangays throughout the year.

Table 7. Climate by Barangay

Sum of Area (Has.) Climate
Barangay Name 4th Type Grand Total
Bagumbayan 937.42 937.42
Cabadiangan 496.83 496.83
Calapagan 7730.20 7730.20
Cocornon 1069.73 1069.73
Corporacion 702.72 702.72
Don Mariano Marcos 7746.32 7746.32
Ernesto D. Violan 4625.27 4625.27
Ilangay 1192.75 1192.75
Langka 538.65 538.65
Lantawan 458.56 458.56
Limbahan 483.56 483.56
Macangao 611.37 611.37
Magsaysay 323.35 323.35
Mahayahay 354.24 354.24
Maragatas 6443.79 6443.79
Marayag 19925.49 19925.49
New visayas 927.42 927.42
Poblacion 539.87 539.87
San jose 151.55 151.55
Tagboa 1341.59 1341.59
Tagugpo 1538.29 1538.29
Grand Total 58138.96 58138.96
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

28 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Figure 10. Climate Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

29 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Vegetative Cover

Table 8 shows the status of forest cover by year 2015, wherein 19.72% or
11,467.20 hectares were Open Forests while Closed Forest has a total of
12,771.51 hectares or about 21.97% of the municipality’s total area. On the other
hand, 17.19 hectares are being categorized as barren forests and 53.75% of
which are within A & D land areas while 46.24% within Forestland areas. Built-up
areas are way larger at A & D lands than Forestlands and lesser along coastal
areas. A & D Land has the larger land covers in terms of Annual and Perennial
crops compared to Forestland however, Brush/shrubs (13, 568.44 has.) and
Grassland (1,807.70 has.) are numerous among forestlands.

Table 8. Vegetative Cover

Area (in hectares) 2015

Annual Crop 1,530.32 65.69 1,596.01

Brush/Shrubs 3,203.24 13,568.44 16,771.68

Built-up 588.42 85.34 673.76

Closed Forest 12,771.51 12,771.51

Fishpond 160.43 216.79 377.22

Grassland 1,728.35 1,807.70 3,536.05

Inland Water 491.29 385.92 877.21

Forest 7.32 13.71 21.03

Open Forest 42.50 11,424.70 11,467.20

Open/Barren 9.24 7.95 17.19

Perennial Crop 7,472.64 2,553.51 3.47 10,029.62

Unidentified 0.48 0.48

Grand Total 15,233.75 42,901.74 3.47 58,138.96

Source: DENR,MPDO, 2020

30 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure 11. Vegetative Land Cover Map, 2015

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

31 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Lupon lies within ten (10) Watersheds namely: Agusan River, Binatagan
River, Caraga River, Casauman, Cuabo, Lower Sumlog, Mayo, Piso, Tagugpo,
Upper Sumlog and Bagumbayan watersheds, based on the results of the
conducted community during workshop on Prioritization of Sub-watershed. In the
table below shows that Sumlog watersheds (Upper & Lower) partake the largest
area of the municipality in terms of water resources distribution and utilization.
However, there are only six (6) identified watersheds contributory to municipal
water sources namely: Sumlog, Casauman, Mayo river, Piso river, Sicaleg and
Binatagan river watershed.

Table 9. Watersheds’ total areas by Land class

Name of Area in
A & D Lands Forestlands Protected Total
Binatagan 114.46 2,674.89 2,789.35

Cuabo 3,972.36 942.84 3.47 4,918.67

Sumlog 8,745.80 18,165.78 26,911.58

Piso 78.31 304.76 383.07

Tagugpo 964.57 8,526.08 9,490.65

Bagumbayan 1,358.26 144.63 1,502.89

Agusan 19.14 19.14

Caraga 337.41 337.41

Casauman 8,171.66 8,171.66

Mayo 3,614.54 3,614.54

Total 15,233.76 42,901.73 3.47 58,138.96

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

32 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Table 10. Watershed and its covered Barangay/s

WATERSHED (Sum of Area (Has.))
Barangay Name Agusan Binatagan Caraga Casauman Cuabo Tagugpo Sumlog Bagumbayan
Mayo River Piso River Grand
River River River River River River River River
Watershed Watershed Total
Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed
BAGUMBAYAN 279.30 658.12 937.42
CABADIANGAN 363.97 132.86 496.83
CALAPAGAN 1654.11 2327.90 3748.18 7730.20
COCORNON 33.33 1036.40 1069.73
CORPORACION 702.72 702.72
DON MARIANO MARCOS 2684.78 1036.68 45.26 3979.59 7746.32
ERNESTO D. VIOLAN 104.57 1381.20 3139.51 4625.27
ILANGAY 107.17 1,085.59 1192.75
LANGKA 403.82 134.83 538.65
LANTAWAN 458.56 458.56
LIMBAHAN 354.96 128.60 483.56
MACANGAO 611.37 611.37
MAGSAYSAY 323.35 323.35
MAHAYAHAY 6.63 83.51 264.10 354.24
MARAGATAS 376.44 4260.83 1,496.86 309.67 6443.79
MARAYAG 19.14 337.41 8171.66 923.74 2712.74 7760.80 19925.49
NEW VISAYAS 515.39 412.03 927.42
POBLACION 539.87 539.87
SAN JOSE 151.55 151.55
TAGBOA 981.80 359.79 1341.59
TAGUGPO 143.92 1,391.01 3.31 1538.29
Grand Total 19.14 2,789.35 337.41 8,171.66 4,918.67 3,614.54 383.07 9,490.65 26,911.55 1,502.89 58,138.96
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

Province of Davao
Municipality Oriental
of Lupon
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure 12. Watershed Map

Source: IFSAR- DENR, MPDO, 2022

34 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Geological Hazards


About 8,796.67 hectares of the municipality’s land total area were

considered flood susceptible areas of which categorized as very high, high, and
moderately and low of which 0.67%, 5.76%, 1.39% and 7.31% of the total area,

Table 11. Flood Susceptible areas (by Barangay)

Barangay Level of Susceptibility
Bagumbayan 675.94 199.57 60.63
Cabadiangan 106.99 35.04 203.78
Calapagan 275.12 27.11 305.28
Cocornon 390.59 11.75 245.39
Corporacion 335.21 42.42 325.09
Don Mariano Marcos 78.42 69.88 167.40
Ernesto D. Violan 13.45
Ilangay 230.46 52.77 702.81 202.71
Langka 387.47 6.39 144.79
Lantawan 7.08
Limbahan 327.55 91.22 64.78
Macangao 382.44 123.28 41.52 63.99
Magsaysay 116.66 17.80
Maragatas 482.38
Marayag 1.29 28.53 72.85 82.02
New Visayas 2.05
Poblacion 403.27 51.93 80.29
San Jose 134.70 0.18 1.08 15.57
Tagboa 403.81 68.56
Tagugpo 435.37
Total 4249.93 808.63 3348.94 389.17
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

Table 12. Rating: Flood Susceptibility by Land Class

Area (hectares)
Flood Susceptibility A&D Forestland Total
low 4,214.62 35.31 4,249.93
Moderate 684.17 124.46 808.63
High 2,764.20 584.74 3348.94
Very High 244.11 145.06 389.17
Total 7,907.10 889.57 8,796.67
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

35 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Exposed Household to Flood

Due to presence of forest cover, forestland has only about 2.34% (357
households) of the municipality’s total households (15,250) exposed to flood
indicating that forests when managed sustainably reduce the probable risk to
flood incidence.

Alienable and disposable land has a total of 4,763 number of households

exposed to flood, 12.89% of which has the highest (very high) risk while almost
50% (2,276) were situated as highly exposed to flood. About 13.68% and 25.64%
of A & D total households are at medium and low risk level to flooding,

Table 13. Exposed Household to Flood

No. of Exposed Household
A& D Forestland Total
Low Medium High High High Very High
Bagumbayan 262 0 0 0 0 0 262
Cabadiangan 0 0 241 0 0 0 241
Calapagan 0 0 217 0 0 0 217
Cocornon 532 0 0 0 0 0 532
Corporacion 208 0 209 0 0 0 417
Don Mariano 0 168 167 0 0 0 335
Ernesto D. Violan 0 0 0 0 237 0 237
Ilangay 0 92 500 501 0 0 1093
Langka 0 0 241 0 0 0 241
Limbahan 138 137 144 0 0 0 419
Macangao 5 30 20 5 0 0 60
Magsaysay 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Mahayahay 0 0 21 0 0 0 21
Maragatas 0 0 116 0 50 0 166
Marayag 0 200 400 108 30 40 778
New Visayas 56 0 0 0 0 0 56
Tagboa 15 25 0 0 0 0 40
Total 1,221 652 2,276 614 317 40 5,120
Source: DENR, MPDO,2020

36 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Exposed Population to Flood

Population within alienable and disposable lands are very susceptible to

flooding mostly within Baranagays Ilangay and Marayag, while 14.74% of the
municipality’s total population are at high risk to flood, 4.46% and 8.29% is at
medium and low susceptibility to flooding, respectively. On the other hand, under
forestland only Barangay Marayag has population at very high susceptibility to
flooding which is about 0.27% of the municipality’s total population. This indicates
that barangay which nearly situated to coastal areas (e.g., Barangay Ilangay) has
the higher probability rate to flood occurrence.

Table 14. Exposed Population to Flood, year 2015

No. of Exposed Population

Barangay A& D Forestland Total

Very Very
Low Medium High High
High High
Bagumbayan 1100 0 0 0 0 0 1,100
Cabadiangan 0 0 1,084 0 0 0 1,084
Calapagan 0 0 963 0 0 0 963
Cocornon 2,345 0 0 0 0 0 2,345
Corporacion 936 0 773 0 0 0 1,709
Don Mariano Marcos 0 756 617 0 0 0 1,373
Ernesto D. Violan 0 0 0 0 1,045 0 1,045
Ilangay 0 414 2,250 1,928 0 0 4,592
Langka 0 0 1,084 0 0 0 1,084
Limbahan 621 616 564 0 0 0 1,801
Macangao 22 135 68 33 0 0 258
Magsaysay 24 0 0 0 0 0 24
Mahayahay 0 0 90 0 0 0 90
Maragatas 0 0 491 0 225 0 716
Marayag 0 900 1,715 416 135 180 3,346
New Visayas 336 0 0 0 0 0 336
Tagboa 67 113 0 0 0 0 180
Total 5451 2934 9699 2377 1405 180 22,046

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

37 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Figure 13. Flood Susceptibility Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

38 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Under Alienable and Disposable lands (A&D), more than half of its total area or about 55.79% are low susceptible to landslide, 19.95% are at high
risk and 17.26% are moderately susceptible while 6.94% has susceptibility to occurrence of debris falls. However, there are total of 8.26 has. or 0.05% of
Alienable and disposable lands with absence of probability of landslide to occur.

On the other hand, due to presence of higher slope or steeper areas, 73.77% of the municipality’s total area or about 99.98% of the total forestland
area are susceptible to landslide, totally.

Protected areas show 100% of its totality exposed or susceptible to landslide, wherein 26.22% of which are at moderately susceptible and 73.78%
are at high level of susceptibility.

Table 15. Landslide Susceptible Areas

Areas (hectare) Total Land
Low Moderate High Very Debris fall Total No landslide
high Landslide susceptible area
Land Classifications
A&D 8,498.95 2,629.49 3,039.35 1,057.70 15,225.49 8.26 15,233.75
Forestland 837.45 1,163.44 40,572.34 89.17 229.30 42,891.70 9.14 42,900.84
Protected area
0.91 2.56 3.47 3.47
Unclassified 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.90
Total 9,336.86 3,793.84 43,614.25 89.17 1,287.00 58,121.12 17.84 58,138.96
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

39 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Exposed Household to Landslide

Among twenty-one (21) Barangays, only eight have composing

households exposed to landslide namely: Barangays Calapagan, Don Mariano
Marcos, Ernesto D. Violan, Mahayahay, Maragatas, Marayag, New Visayas and
Tagugpo. Alienable and Disposable land has a total of 661 households with
probable occurrence of landslide, 37.37% of which are at high level, 9.68% are at
medium or moderately susceptible and 52.95% of which has low probability.

Forestland, which mainly characterized for having mountainous or hilly

land areas however with forest covers consist of 548 households or about 3.59%
of the municipality’s total households situated to be highly susceptible to

Table 16. Exposed Household to Landslide, 2015

No. of Exposed Household
Barangay A& D Forestland Total
Very Very
Low Medium High High
High High
Calapagan 59 0 7 0 1 0 67
Don Mariano 11 2 181 0 181 0 375
Ernesto D. Violan 8 0 20 0 16 0 44

Mahayahay 158 9 0 0 0 0 167

Maragatas 39 19 0 0 43 0 101

Marayag 14 16 14 0 307 0 351

New Visayas 0 16 25 0 0 0 41

Tagugpo 61 2 0 0 0 0 63

Total 350 64 247 0 548 0 1,029

Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO , 2020

40 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Exposed Population to Landslide

About 8.18% or 5,382 of the total population are exposed to landslide,

54.14% of which are covered by Alienable and disposable lands while about
45.86% are under forestland. Among the identified barangays with households
exposed to landslide, Barangay Marayag and Don Mariano Marcos has the
largest number of covered households susceptible to landslide, implication of
mountainous or hilly areas and prevalent of deforestation.

Table 17. Exposed Population to Landslide, 2015

No. of Exposed Populations

Barangay A& D Forestland Total

Very Very
Low Medium High High
High High
Calapagan 265 0 7 0 5 0 277
Don Mariano Marcos 300 215 320 0 815 0 1650
Ernesto D. Violan 36 0 90 0 72 0 198
Mahayahay 711 41 0 0 0 0 752
Maragatas 176 86 0 0 194 0 456
Marayag 63 72 63 0 1382 0 1580
New Visayas 0 72 113 0 0 0 185
Tagugpo 275 9 0 0 0 0 284
Total 1826 495 593 0 2468 0 5382
Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO, 2020

41 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
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Figure 14. Landslide Susceptibility Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

42 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Storm surge

Storm surge is a condition characterized by abnormal rise of seawater

level during a storm, measured as the height of the water above the normal
predicted astronomical tide. Only Barangays Bagumbayan, Ilangay, Macangao
and Poblacion has the probability occurrence of storm surge due to presence of
water bodies within the said barangays’ jurisdiction.

About 2.10% (321.39 has.) of the Alienable and disposable lands are
highly susceptible to storm surge, 1.28% (195.69 has.) are at moderate level and
1.08% is at low level. However, 95.52% of the total Alienable and disposable
land identified with no or zero probability occurrence of landslide.

Forestland which mainly characterized by land dominated trees, has a

total of 441.67 hectares of total forestland area were identified as susceptible to
storm surge, wherein 5.84% of which are lowly susceptible, 5.09% at moderate
risk and 89.06% or which are highly susceptible to storm surge. On the other
hand, aided by the presence forest covers and higher slopes, 98.97% of
forestland has no or zero chance of probability risk of storm surge to occur. On
the other hand, Protect areas a However, unclassified land areas of 0.90
hectares, 54.44% of which are highly susceptible to storm surge.

Under forestland, there’s no exposed household and population to storm

surge. On the other hand, Alienable and disposable land has a total of 982
households that are highly to storm surge which resulted to about 6.33% of the
municipality’s total population situated as highly susceptible to storm surge.

Table 18. Storm surge susceptible areas

Area (hectares)
Not Storm
Land Surge
Classifications Low Moderate High Susceptible Total
A&D 164.60 195.69 321.39 14,551.96 15,233.75
Forestland 25.78 22.51 393.38 42,459.16 42,900.83
Protected Areas 3.47 3.47
Unclassified 0.49 0.41 .90
Total 190.38 218.20 715.26 57,015.12 58,138.96
Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO , 2020

43 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Table 19. Exposed Household by Storm, year 2015

No. of Exposed Household
A& D Forestland Total
Very Very
Low Medium High High High High
Bagumbayan 0 0 264 0 0 0 264

Ilangay 0 0 293 0 0 0 293

Poblacion 0 0 425 0 0 0 425

Total 0 0 982 0 0 0 982

Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO, 2020

Table 20. Exposed Population by Storm Surge, year 2015

No. of Exposed Population
A& D Forestland Total
Barangay Very Very
Low Medium High High
High High
Bagumbayan 0 0 1,108 0 0 0 1,108

Ilangay 0 0 1,230 0 0 0 1,230

Poblacion 0 0 1,827 0 0 0 1,827

Total 0 0 4,165 0 0 0 4,165

Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO, 2020

44 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Figure 15. Storm surge Susceptibility Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

45 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Fault Line

Fault line a break or fracture in the ground that occurs when the Earth's
tectonic plates move or shift and areas where earthquakes are likely to occur. It
is also defined as a geological fracture wherein the movement of masses of rock
has displaced parts of the Earth’s crust. On the other hand, the municipality of
Lupon has active fault line it is called “Mati fault” particularly located at Barangay
Don Mariano Marcos, Calapagan and Marayag and it has a total of 20.63
kilometres fault line and only 0.22215 kilometres are in Alienable and Disposal Land
and 19.5985 kilometres are in Forestland.

Table 21. Fault Line Area

Barangay Length (in kilometer) Total Length
(in kilometer)
A&D Forestland
Calapagan 0 4.386 4.386
Don Mariano Marcos 0.22215 6.1165 6.338

Marayag 0 9.096 9.096

Total 0.22215 19.5985 20.63
Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO, 2020

The table shows that there are three barangays exposed to fault line namely:
Calapagan, Don Mariano Marcos and Marayag. A total of 14,609 populations were
exposed to the hazard fault line; There were 4,710 exposed populations in Barangay
Calapagan and about 80% of its population or 3,768 populations are in Alienable and
Disposable Land and remaining 20% or 942 populations are in forestland, 4,136
exposed populations in Barangay Don Mariano Marcos where 2,914 populations or
about 70% are in Alienable and Disposal Land and 30% or 1,222 populations are in
forestland, and 5,763 exposed populations in Barangay Marayag and 70% or about
4,034 are populations in Alienable and Disposal and 1,729 populations are in forestland.

Table 22. Exposed Population to Fault Line

Barangay No. of Exposed Population Total
A&D Forestland
Calapagan 3768 942 4,710
Don Mariano Marcos 2914 1222 4,136
Marayag 4034 1729 5,763
Total 10,716 3,893 14,609
Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO, 2020

About 21.88 % (3,337 households)of the municipality’s total households were

exposed to fault line, 71.26% of which are under Alienable and disposable land while
28.74% are in forestland area. Among the enlisted and identified barangays exposed to
fault line, Barangay Marayag has the largest household number with the probability to be
exposed to fault line.

46 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Table 23. Exposed Household to Fault Line

No. of Exposed Household
Barangay Total
A&D Forestland
Calapagan 835 212 1,047
Don Mariano Marcos 647 362 1,009
Marayag 896 385 1,281
Total 2,378 959 3,337
Source: MGB, DENR, MPDO, 2020

Figure 16. Fault Line Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

47 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


The municipality has grown in terms of population from a total of only

61,723 persons in 2010, Lupon’s population grew to 65,785 or about 6.58%
increase in 2015. In line with the latest data gathered from PSA in the year 2015,
Lupon has a population density of 113.5 with a total land area of 58,138.96
hectares (for FLUP purposes only).

There were a total of 15,250 households within the municipality’s

jurisdiction wherein among the twenty-one (21) barangays, New Visayas has the
largest households’ total number which comprised of 3,917.

On the other hand, Barangay Poblacion captures the largest total

population which covers 16,851 or about 25.61% of the municipality’s total
population and has a density of 31.21. Second on the list is Barangay Marayag
which has a total population of 5,767 and also considered as the largest
barangay having a total land area of 19,925.49 hectares or covers about 34.27%
of the municipality’s total land area.

Table 24. Population by Barangay

Barangay Area No. of Total Density

Households Population
Bagumbayan 937.42 1,272 5,342 569.86
Cabadiangan 496.83 300 1,350 271.72
Calapagan 7,730.20 1,047 4,713 60.97
Cocornon 1,069.73 446 1,961 183.32
Corporacion 702.72 707 2,996 426.34
Don Mariano Marcos 7,746.32 1,009 4,141 53.46
Ernesto D. Violan 4,625.27 362 1,593 34.44
Ilangay 1,192.75 1,252 5,257 440.75
Langka 538.65 396 1,781 330.64
Lantawan 458.56 102 447 97.48
Limbahan 483.56 389 1,672 345.77
Macangao 611.37 520 2,237 365.90
Magsaysay 323.35 171 735 227.31
Mahayahay 354.24 223 938 264.79
Maragatas 6,443.79 659 2,835 44.00
Marayag 19,925.49 1,281 5,767 28.94
New Visayas 927.42 158 648 69.87
Poblacion 539.87 3,917 16,851 3,121.31
San Jose 151.55 152 622 410.43
Tagboa 1341.59 362 1,628 121.35
Tagugpo 1538.29 528 2,271 147.63
Total 58138.96 15,250 65,785 113.15
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

48 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure 17. Settlement Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

49 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Average annual population change by barangay

Population has an adverse effect to land utilization and management

specifically among alienable and disposable lands, forestlands and protected
areas. Annually, the municipality has an average population change of 812 or
about 1.36% increased yearly from 2010 to 2015. Barangay Don Mariano
Marcos has the largest average annual population change of 235 with 39.62%
growth rate, followed by Barangay Poblacion with 230 annual population change
and 7.32% growth rate, which at the same time holds the largest total population
in the year 2015, among the twenty-one barangays.

Table 25. Average annual population change by barangay

Total Population Average Annual Growth Rate
Barangay Population Change 2010-2015
2010 2015
Bagumbayan 6,113 5,342 -154 (12.61%)
Cabadiangan 1,433 1,350 -17 (5.79%)
Calapagan 3,835 4,713 176 22.89%
Cocornon 1,938 1,961 5 1.19%
Corporacion 2,861 2,996 27 4.72%
Don Mariano Marcos 2,966 4,141 235 39.62%
Ernesto D. Violan 1,662 1,593 -14 (4.15%)
Ilangay 4,401 5,257 171 19.45%
Langka 1,662 1,781 24 7.16%
Lantawan 433 447 3 3.23%
Limbahan 1,685 1,672 3 0.77%
Macangao 1,967 2,237 54 13.73%
Magsaysay 708 735 5 3.81%
Mahayahay 832 938 21 12.74%
Maragatas 3,194 2,835 72 11.24%
Marayag 5,195 5,767 114 11.01%
New Visayas 627 648 4 3.35%
Poblacion 15,702 16,851 230 7.32%
San Jose 659 622 -7 (5.61%)
Tagboa 1,591 1,628 7 2.33%
Tagugpo 2,259 2,271 2 0.53%
Total 61,723 65,785 812 6.58%
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

IP Population

There are only eleven (11) barangays with identified IP constituents.

About 21% of the total population are recognized as Indigenous People (IP) with
total number households of 3, 459.

50 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Table 26. IP Population

IP Population No. of
Barangay Male Female Total Households
Bagumbayan 299 297 596 142
Calapagan 1,071 1,200 2,271 553
Cocornon 307 304 611 139
Don Mariano Marcos 426 422 848 207
Ernesto D. Violan 138 175 313 85
Ilangay 554 533 1,087 247
Macangao 352 99 451 105
Maragatas 1,057 1,045 2,102 489
Marayag 814 936 1750 373
Poblacion 1,003 992 1995 464
Tagugpo 1,200 1,120 2320 655
Total 7,221 7,123 14,344 3,459
Source: IPMR/MPDO, 2020

Population Projection

In formulating the population projection, PSA 2015 census was used as

the base year in projecting the average annual growth rate of 1.22% from 2017 to
2021. In 2015, Barangay Poblacion took lead of having the largest total

Table 27. Population Projection, 2017-2021

Base Year No. of Population

Year 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Bagumbayan 5,342 5,473 5,540 5,607 5,676 5,745
Cabadiangan 1,350 1,383 1,400 1,417 1,434 1,452
Calapagan 4,713 4,829 4,888 4,947 5,008 5,069
Cocornon 1,961 2,009 2,034 2,058 2,084 2,109
Corporacion 2,996 3,070 3,107 3,145 3,183 3,222
Don Mariano Marcos 4,141 4,243 4,294 4,347 4,400 4,454
Ernesto D. Violan 1,593 1,632 1,652 1,672 1,693 1,713
Ilangay 5,257 5,386 5,452 5,518 5,586 5,654
Langka 1,781 1,825 1,847 1,870 1,892 1,915
Lantawan 447 458 464 469 475 481
Limbahan 1,672 1,713 1,734 1,755 1,777 1,798
Macangao 2,237 2,292 2,320 2,348 2,377 2,406
Magsaysay 735 753 762 772 781 790
Mahayahay 938 961 973 985 997 1,009
Maragatas 2,835 2,905 2,940 2,976 3,012 3,049
Marayag 5,767 5,909 5,981 6,054 6,127 6,202
New Visayas 648 664 672 680 689 697
Poblacion 16,851 17,265 17,475 17,689 17,904 18,123
San Jose 622 637 645 653 661 669
Tagboa 1628 1,668 1,688 1,709 1,730 1,751
Tagugpo 2271 2,327 2,355 2,384 2,413 2,442
Total 65,785 67,400 68,222 69,055 69,897 70,750
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

51 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

5.1.3 Major Livelihood Sources, Social and Infrastructure Services

Based on the data reflected from PSA 2015, 25,748 of the municipality’s population were reported with livelihood sources. Therefore, 60.86% of the total
population on 2015 has no reported with labor force or specific livelihood sources. However, within the total labor force of 25,748, 72.74% of which are males
and the rest are females.

Table 28. Livelihood Sources/Usual Activity Occupation by Sex, 2015


Craft Plants and

Sex Technicians and Clerical Service and and Machine Armed
Agricultural, Elementary Not
Manager Professional Associate Support Sales Related Operators Forces
Forestry and Occupations Reported
Professionals Workers Workers Trades and Occupations
Fishery Workers
Workers Assemblers

Male 519 307 373 275 1,466 6524 1299 2184 5665 118

Female 960 694 253 344 2,033 630 125 35 1944 0

1,479 1,001 626 619 3,499 7154 1424 2219 7609 118 12

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

52 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Infrastructure Facilities

Local governments are responsible for providing higher level infrastructure and
are multi-purpose bodies responsible for delivering broad range of services especially
within its covered constituents. Municipality of Lupon has a total of Two Hundred
Thirty established facilities of which 94.35% of which are within Alienable and
Disposable land and the rest were built under Forestland.

Table 29. Infrastructure Facilities, 2020

No. of Facilities
Infrastructure Total
A&D Forestland
Barangay Hall 21 21
Bridges 14 3 17
Health Facilities 25 1 26
ICT 15 15
Protective Facilities 8 8
Recreation and Sports Facilities 21 21
Education Facilities 46 8 52
Social Welfare Facilities 59 3 62
Terminal 1 1
Water Related Facilities 6 6
Power Facilities 1 1
Total 217 15 230
Source: MPDO, 2020

53 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

5.1.4 Institutional Profile

Inclusion to the formulation and implementation of this Plan, there are various
identified key institutions that covey significant roles for the completion and success
of this plan. The capabilities of these institutions in terms of personnel, budget,
organization, equipment, etc. are as follows:

1. Department of Environment and Natural Resources thru PENRO-Mati and

CENRO- Lupon provides technical assistance to the LGU in the formulation of
Forest Land Use Plan. Moreover, continuous provision of forests and forestlands
developmental management along with its ongoing National Greening Program
(NGP) among timberland, tenurial instruments issued to duly registered People’s
Organizations such as: Community Based Forest Management (CBFM), Forest
Land Management Agreement (FLMA) and Integrated Forest Management
Agreement (IFMA).

2. National Commission on Indigenous Peoples thru NCIP-Lupon, technical

assistance is provided among Indigenous People Organization (IPO) through the
issuance of Certificate of Ancestral Domain Titles (CADTs) which formally
recognized the rights of possession and ownership among Indigenous Peoples
over their ancestral domains and also provides technical and/or financial
assistance in the formulation to the IPs in the formulation of their Ancestral Domain
Sustainable Development Plan (ADSDPP).

3. Department of Health - with its mission and vision under health care aspect
provides health service more especially among Geographically Isolated and
Disadvantaged Areas.

4. Department of Tourism- serves as prospective source of technical and financial

assistance in the development of eco-tourism sites along timberland areas.

5. Municipal Local Government Unit of Lupon thru MENRO and MPDO, pursuant
to R.A. 7160 also known as “Local Government of 1991” implementation of
community-based forestry projects which include integrated social forestry
programs and similar projects, hence provision of technical and financial support in
the formulation of Forest Land Use Plan is generated from this Municipality/LGU.

54 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
6. Barangay Local Government of Lupon thru Barangay Officials or
representatives, the declaration of Prioritized Watershed and Barangay Watershed
Protected Area and identification and analysis of key stakeholder of this Plan.

7. Department of the Interior and Local Government thru its mandate which is
general supervision over local government units (LGUs), provision of assistance
and cooperation in the formulation process of this plan.

8. Provincial Local Government Unit – thru PENRO-Lupon provision of technical

assistance to LGUs in the formulation of Forest Land Use Plan

9. Department of Social Welfare and Development – serves as linkage or loop for

the conveyance of IEC and coordination from the composing barangays of this

10. Department of Agriculture – thru the Municipal Agriculture Office, provision of

technical assistance and dispersal of planting materials needed for reforestation
activities during formulation and implementation of the Plan.

11. BFAR – thru the municipal Agriculture Office – Fishery sector and Barangay
Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Council (BFARMC), provision of technical
assistance and inputs in the formulation of this plan specifically in terms of coastal
related data gathering and analysis.

55 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


5.2.1 Forest Lands

Based on the data sourced out from the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources – X1 (DENR,2020), municipality of Lupon’s current total forestland
is 42,901.74 hectares which covers about 73.79% of the municipality’s total land area
(for FLUP Purposes only).

In order to allocate public forests and forest lands to interested individuals,

organizations or entities and set these areas into productive and effective on-site
management, the government through the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, issued three (3) tenurial instruments namely: Community Based Forest
Management Agreement (CBFM), Forest Land Management Agreement (FLMA),
Integrated Forest Management Agreement (IFMA).

Table 30. Tenure holders/instruments

Tenure holders instruments Location Area Date issued

Myrna Austria SIFMA Marayag 105,082.0387 sq. m June 4, 2003

Danilo Gravino SIFMA Marayg 110,303.7354 sq. m June 4, 2003
Superior Timber &
IFMA Maragatas 27,729,824.82 sq. m Jan. 10, 2006
Construction Corp.
CBFM Maragatas 203 ha. Dec. 28, 1999
Project Farmers
Association, Inc.
Don Mariano
Don Mariano
Marcos Farmers CBFM 1,026 ha. March 4, 2002
Hamiguitan CBFM Calapagan 1,519.04 November 29, 2001
Multi-Purpose CBFM Marayag 220 ha. June 23, 1998
Source: DENR, 2020

56 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Figure 18. Tenurial map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

57 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
5.2.2 Natural Forest

Forests are vital life on Earth. It serves as filter to air, soil and water that
supports all living form in this planet and plays an important buffer against climate
change. Thus, 80% of the world’s biodiversity can be found in forests.

A forest has to be reproduced naturally, consisting of naturally immigrant or

indigenous tree species and strains. However, natural forests can be more or less
influenced by culture, e.g. by logging or regeneration techniques . By the name itself
(Natural forest), originate from the original forest cover, i.e. a forest reproduced
naturally. It might be managed to some degree or be entirely unmanaged.

Naturally, forest is directly influenced by human activity either due to forestry

operations like cutting, planting and drainage or indirectly influenced by manipulation
of the grazing regime, prevailing of pollution which has adverse effect hindering the
immigration and spreading of natural species or worst result to declination of
availability on forest trees resources.

It is therefore that Forest Land Use Plan is formulated and has to be

implemented. On the other hand, the municipality has its identified and existing open
and closed canopy forests which are situated at barangays namely: Don Mariano
Marcos, Calapagan, Maragatas, and Marayag. Closed canopy forest has increased its
total area by 2015 of 13,131.67 or 16.02% while Open canopy forest in totality have
decreased into 10.54% of its total area by 2015.

Table 31. Forest Change: CY 2010 and 2015

Class Year2015 Year 2010 Difference
Annual Crop 1,567.29 1,678.19 (255.86) Lose
Built-up 347.65 118.90 228.45 Gain
Closed Forest 13,131.67 11,317.75 761.02 Gain
Fishpond 273.25 280.88 (8.38) Lose
Inland Water 750.98 468.18 282.53 Gain
Grassland 1.75 1.91 (0.16) Lose
Open forest 12,215.88 13,656.28 (7,194.34) Lose
Perennial Crop 12,442.16 12,650.80 (183.02) Lose
Shrubs 17,396.49 16,869.79 (17,299.90) Lose
Wooded grassland 0.00 1,096.28 (1,096.28) Lose
Open/Barren 11.82 0.00 11.85 Gain
TOTAL 58,138.96 58,138.96 (24,754.01) Lose
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

58 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Figure 19. Vegetative cover map, 2010

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

59 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

In every corner of DENR projects and programs uphold a common goal to

improve the quality of the environment particularly the air, water and so as to address
Solid Waste Problems. Thus, environmental protection programs and projects occur.
The Enhanced National Greening Program (E-NGP) was formulated to rehabilitates
denuded forests lands, to maintain and protect existing forests. Furthermore, it is a
convergence initiative of DA-DAR-DENR where DENR stands as the lead agency.

Pursuant to EO Nos. 23 and 26, both series of 2011, NGP aims to: Contribute
in poverty reduction among upland and lowland poor households, IP, and even in
coastal and urban areas; implementation of sustainable management of natural
resources through resource conversation, protection, and productivity enhancement;
to provide food, goods and services such as timber, fiber, non-timber forest products,
esthetic values, and mitigate climate change by expanding forest cover that serve as
carbon sink; promote public awareness as well as instill social and environmental
consciousness on the value of forests and watersheds; to enhance the formation of
positive values among youth and other partners; and to consolidate and harmonize all
greening efforts of the government, civil society, and the private sector.

By the year 2011, the municipality has started accumulating the implementation
of National Greening Program among its constituent barangays having DENR as the
supervising agency. In the same year, barangay Don Mariano Marcos was the first
barangay selected for the formulation and implementation of NGP. The CY 2015, was
the period where the largest area accumulated for NGP occurred in this municipality
with an area of 1,046.44 has. this is maybe influenced by an Executive Order No. 193
signed on November 12, 2015, stated that the Expanded NGP will rehabilitate all the
remaining unproductive, denuded and degraded forestlands estimated at 7.1 million
hectares from 2016-2028. This program was supported by the municipality for it is in
line of the municipality’s environmental and sio-economic goals.

However, based on the Table no. 32 there were twelve (12) barangays with
absence of National Greening Program within the period indicated (2011-2018). It is
therefore, NGP has an essential role for the attainment of this Plan’s main Goal to
protect and maintain the exiting forests and forest land as well as to restore the
denuded forest land areas.

Table 32. Forestry Projects

Forestry Projects TOTAL (ha)
NGP-2011 38.48
NGP-2012 241.88
NGP-2013 558.87
NGP-2014 100.00
NGP-2015 1,046.44
NGP-2016 225.33
NGP-2017 143.52
NGP-2018 109.31
NO NGP AREAS 55,675.12
TOTAL 58,138.96

60 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
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Figure no. 20 Forestry Project Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

61 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
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A number of plantations are present in the locality, mainly bananas which has
been operated by the ANFLO Corporation at Barangay Limbahan, San Jose,
Macangao and Tagboa. Some of these plantations are under the National Greening
Program (NGP) of the DENR which are managed by People Organizations (PO)
through different kinds of tenure instrument like CBMFA, etc. The LGU and the DENR
are still conducting validation and assessment on these plantations for documentation
and reference.


Based on the Table No. 8, majority of the shrubs can be found in Barangays
Don Mariano Marcos, Brgy. Ernesto D. Violan (formerly known as Brgy. San Isidro),
Maragatas, Marayag and Calapagan while small parts of these can be found in Brgys.
New Visayas, Tagugpo, Lantawan and Tagboa. Woodn grasslands are mostly located
at Brgy. Maragatas (430.67 has.) and can also be found at least in Brgys. Calapagan
(313.88), Don Mariano Marcos (351.33) and Marayag (0.39 has.). On the other hand,
only Barangay Macangao has an identified area characterized as grasslands with total
of 1.91 has in 2010 and a decrease into 1.75 has in 2015. Entirely, municipal shrub
areas have increased of about 3.12% of the area reflected from the base year, 2010.


The cultivated lands such as annual and perennial crops occupy 14,328.99
has or 24.64% from the total land area of the municipality by 2010 and decreased
about 2.23% by 2015 with an area of 14,009.45 has. Barangay Bagumabayan has
the largest covered annual crop areas (570.83 has) and small areas of it can be found
at Barangays: Langka, Tagboa, Ilangay, Cabadiangan, Corporacion, Macangao,
Cocornon, Magsaysay, Poblacion and Limbahan (230.15, 204.67, 155.99, 109.63,
82.18, 76.22, 72.17, 42.84, 19.68 and 3.33 has respectively).
On the other hand, Perennial crops can be found in all barangays of the
municipality in certain total area. However, perennial crops area in totality has
decreased about 1.65 by 2015 from 12, 650 has reflected in the base year 2010.

62 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

The Municipality of Lupon had identified 11 watersheds traversing its land

namely Agusan River Watershed, Bagumbayan Watershed, Bitan-agan Watershed,
Caraga Watershed, Cuabo Watershed, Casauman Watershed, Lower Sumlog
Watershed, Mayo Watershed, Piso Watershed, Tagugpo Watershed and Upper
Sumlog Watershed.

With these, three (3) major watersheds namely Upper and Lower Sumlog and
Tagugpo Watershed are the main source of irrigation that supplies both the
Municipality of Lupon and Banaybanay. Upper Sumlog Watersheds has the largest
contributory impact to Brgy. Marayag which allocates 7,004.71 has of the Barangay’s
total land area, while some of the watersheds are minutely distributed at Brgys.
Calapagan, Don Mariano Marcos, Maragatas, New Visayas, San Isidro, Tagugpo and

For the Lower Sumlog Watershed, Barangay Corconon and Ilangay are the
main beneficiaries of the watershed for its occupies 2,212.99 hectares from above two
mentioned barangays. Generally, upper and lower Sumlog were considered the
largest contributor of aquatic resources among barangays of this municipality
compared to the rest listed watersheds above.

On the hand, among the twenty-one (21) barangays, Barangay San Jose has
the smallest covered water bodies which mainly imparted by Lower Sumlog River
watershed while Barangay Marayag has the largest total rivers and creek areas

63 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
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Figure 21. Rivers and Creeks Map by Barangay

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

64 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
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Biodiversity resources in the municipality such as; Mt. Kampalili-puting bato,

Pawikan Nesting Zone, and Panggubaan reef is notably present with regards to the
reports of coastal and upland settlers but the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Lupon
together with the Community Environment and Natural Resources (CENRO) - Lupon
will conduct further explorations and validation for the tally and fauna found in the

Table 33. Key Biodiversity Areas by Barangay

Sum of Area (Has.) Key Biodiversity Areas
Mt. Kampalili- No Key
Barangay Name Grand Total
Puting Bato Biodiversity Areas
BAGUMBAYAN 937.4181352 937.418135
CABADIANGAN 496.8290757 496.829076
CALAPAGAN 7730.196137 7730.19614
COCORNON 1069.726554 1069.72655
CORPORACION 702.716678 702.716678
DON MARIANO MARCOS 4737.311805 3009.004383 7746.31619
ERNESTO D. VIOLAN 4625.271707 4625.27171
ILANGAY 1192.754895 1192.7549
LANGKA 538.6530011 538.653001
LANTAWAN 458.5560223 458.556022
LIMBAHAN 483.5632472 483.563247
MACANGAO 611.3670563 611.367056
MAGSAYSAY 323.3478196 323.34782
MAHAYAHAY 354.2395681 354.239568
MARAGATAS 1653.593203 4790.198455 6443.79166
MARAYAG 19925.48825 19925.4882
NEW VISAYAS 927.419234 927.419234
POBLACION 539.8738427 539.873843
SAN JOSE 151.5517155 151.551716
TAGBOA 1341.591786 1341.59179
TAGUGPO 1538.286058 1538.28606
Grand Total 34046.59 24092.37 58138.96
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

65 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
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Figure 22. Key Biodiversity Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

66 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


The tourism industry can help promote peace and stability in developing
countries by providing jobs, generating income, diversifying the economy, protecting
the environment, and promoting cross-cultural awareness. Tourism is the fourth
largest industry in the global economy. Furthermore, to help deliver prosperity and
stabilize communities effectively, certain action must be taken or applied into host
communities, host governments and foreign stakeholders.

The municipality has various natural-based tourist spots. In totality, there are
identified twenty-two (22) potential tourism sites that can be found in some some of its
composed barangays. These spots include natural waterfalls, hotsprings, beaches or
resorts, peak, hill, view deck and other aquatic tourist spots which some are existing
or operational and some are under developmental process.


NAME Location Status/Remarks
Calapagan Hot Spring Calapagan
Tomas Beach Resort Bagumbayan Existing
Don Mariano Marcos Hot Spring Don Mariano
Pangyan Falls Existing
Marayag Peak Marayag
Mt. Diwata View Deck
Ancient Burial Site
Sumlog River Bamboo Rafting
Tagboa Hill Tagboa
Taboa View Deck Tagboa
Welcome Arch and Pasalubong Bagumbayan Existing
Bagumbayan Rice Field Bagumbayan
Wenceslao Beach Resort Bagumbayan Existing
Ari-Gid Ay Beach Resort Bagumbayan Existing
Pingan-Pingan Reef
Dacudao Coast Line
Panggubaan Reef
Ilangay Mangroves Ilangay
Pyangolwan Falls
Ila Deo Beach Resort Poblacion
Leiana Beach Resort Bagumbayan Existing
Barabag beach Resort Macangao Existing
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

67 Municipality of Lupon
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Figure 23. Potential Tourism Sites Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

68 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Figure 5.2.8 shows the most common minerals identified presence in the
municipality are gold, copper and silver. Gold is found at the Barangays Calapagan,
Don Mariano Marcos, Lantawan, Magsaysay, Maragatas, Marayag, New Visayas and
San Isidro. However, copper was claimed found at Brgys.Lantawan, Magsaysay and
New Visayas.

The largest mining area was claimed by the Matigdao Small Scale Miners with
an area of 31,565.36 has while the smallest mining area was claimed under the holder
of Matigdao Small Scale Miners & Producers Ass. & Producers Ass. covering an area
of 85.02 has.

There are various holders of the mining tenements as shown in the table below.
In totality, there is a total of 26,573.6 has or about 45.70% of the municipality’s total
land area was under mining operation or under management by various tenement
Mining activities are also one thing to consider all throughout the
implementation of this plan. It is because, mining has a large contribution to forests
and forest lands denudation and degradation.

Table 35. Mining Tenement

BUNAWAN MINING CORP. EP 000001-2006-XI 113.16
CORE MINING CORP. MPSA 289-2009 XI 1,699.83
OZ METALS EXPLO & DEVT CORP. EP 000001-2010-XI 1,107.77
RAMONSITO B. UY APSA 000239 XI 680.24
Matigdao Small Scale Miners & Producers Ass. 85.02
NO TENEMENT 31,565.36
Total 58,138.96
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

69 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Figure 24. Mineral Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

70 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
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Figure 25. Mining Tenement Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

71 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

In the formulation and implementation of any government programs and

projects, welfare of the people or groups of individuals both in private and government
sector must be the first thing to consider more specifically when it comes to their
livelihood aspects. For the harmonious conduct of every part of the plan’s process,
Forest Land Use Plan has identified and conducted analysis among stakeholders
which one of the main tools for the completion and success of this plan.

These are group or individuals with either direct or indirect roles, mandate, or
interest to use, develop, or protect (preserve) the forest and watershed and how these
are being carried out. The following stakeholders are being classified into On-site and
Off-site stakeholders, emphasizing their framework where people live and work in
around the forest areas.

Generally, On-site stakeholders have most common occurring issues and

constraints. Timber poacher, upland farmers and wood charcoal makers which are not
only gave influence to the forest land degradation but they have direct impact to the
declination and limitation of availability and sufficiency among forest trees. Gold or
mineral miner and mountain quarry operation must be regulated to lessen or prevent
its crucial impact to the forestland areas which has adverse effect to the environment
so as with the water users.

Basically, off-site stakeholders refer to the institutions that are responsible in

the coordination among other stakeholders. There should be a better connection and
coordination among institutions or leading agencies towards on-site stakeholders, by
such hurdle in every part of the process along the formulation and implementation of
the plan can now be regulated.

72 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Table 36. Stakeholders

Stakeholder’s name Interests/Stakes in the Issues/Problems/ Management Actions/recommendations
Forest Constraints
Furniture makers
- Illegal cutting of trees - Promotions of stewardship
Wood charcoal makers - Absence of councils and programs as tools
reforestation for managing forests by
- Loss of Biodiversity due tracking timber harvesting,
Wood, lumber and timber to removal of forest transportation and sale.
cover - Strict reinforcement (Bantay
- Disruption of Gubat) among Barangay and
Timber Poacher
Hydrological cycle Municipal levels.
Upland farmers Agricultural operations or - Occurrence of Kaingin - Provision of technical
farming activities or slash and burn assistance for the framers in
practice, cutting of this CBFM sites to improve
trees. their farming practices.
- Soil pollution due to the - Introduction of more indigenous
application of inorganic species, use of organic
fertilizer or farm fertilizers and more farmer and
chemicals. environment-friendly
Gold/Mineral miners Gold and other mineral - Denuded forest - Reinforcement against illegal or
resources - Tunnels left by small- unregulated mining operations.
time miners. - Introduction of lower-impact
- Illegal mining mining techniques
- Rehabilitation mining sites.

73 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Mountain Quarry Land filling materials - Restrictions on the size
-Vibrations, land degradation,
of quarries and working hours.
landsubsidence and
- Rail could be used to transport
the quarried rock where possible.
Water system operators Water supply and - Inclusion of forestry in any
other aquatic -water pollution water resource management
resources. plan or programs.
TADECO Land and water supply for -Water shortage, soil degradation - Coordination or surveillance
theplantation operations and erosion resulted to the from the responsible
application of chemicalfertilizers or government agency/s or
herbicides. office/s.
DPWH Projects (Coastal Stones and other
-Land degradation or soil
Road Construction) materials needed for
compaction due toheavy loads - Regulate hauling operation.
during transportation.
BLGU (Barangay Local Source of livelihood -Occurrence of inappropriate -Invigorate its coordination to MLGU or
Government Unit) meansamong its activitiesaffecting its forestland corresponding government agency for the
constituents. areas. said issue.
Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources
Municipal Local Government
Department of Environment
Natural Resources
National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples
Department of Social Welfare
and Development
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

74 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


The key actors in the implementation of this plan were assessed based on
the manpower component, budget allocation, past and current Forest and
Forestland Management (FFM) and skills upholding the mandates they’re under.

Poor enforcement ability due to lack of manpower and resources are some
of the institutional inadequacies that result to forest degradation, thus thorough
evaluation and assessment must be counted for the main goals attainment – to
provide effective forest management.

DENR and LGUs are considered as the leading agencies in the

management of forest and forestland. Through the provision of DENR-DILG Joint
Memorandum Circulars (98-01 and 2003-01), the partnership of the said agencies
was strengthened. Alliance between the national government and the local levels
must be forged closely, for the attainment of the common goal which is the
success of this plan all throughout the formulation and implementation process.

NCIP along with DENR and LGU in areas covered by ancestral domain,
are the primary mandated institutions to oversee the management and use of
forest resources. Therefore, it is very essential to determine their current capacity
and capability and how efficient the governance being provided into forest and

Department of Social Welfare and Development have been envisioned to

intake the responsibility in terms of social coordination among constituents both
as individual or as group or even among the identified stakeholders, leading to
common understanding about the purpose of the Plan. As well as to the
Department of Health.

The municipal water bodies specifically the watershed plays a vital role in
the forest and forestlands. Maintaining the water’s quality and availability is a
need to have a healthy forest and forestlands areas. It is therefore that
collaboration and coordination from the Department of Health as leader, enabler
and capacity builder as well as administrator of specific services under health
sector, together with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and the
Department of Agriculture through the Municipal Agriculture Office ingested a
large-scale of influence or duty in this matter.

To sum it up, institutional assessment is important for it is a systematic

review of how an institution or agency has been performing, what factors are
impeding performance and how the situation can be improved in order to obtain a
smooth process along the formulation and implementation of this plan – Forest
Land Use Plan.

75 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Table 37. Institutional Assessment
Stakeholders/ Mandate / FFM Units/Staff Funds/Annual Past/Current
Institutions Interests /Manpower Budget on FFM FFM Activities
MLGU RA 7160 MENRO; More or less 2 has; Tree planting;
MPDC;MAGRO Planting materials Reforestation;FLUP TWG
assisted by organization
DENR EO 192 CENRO with NGP budget for NGP, timberland
theirfocal timberland reforestation,CBFMP
persons reforestation
NCIP IPRA Law Tribal CADT implementation
BLGU RA 7160 Local leader; Provincial aid Mangrove planting
community 200,000per year andseedling disposal
BUB-DILG PD 1067 Brgy. constituents 1.2 M Maintenance
DA AFMA Law MAGRO- ATs Seeds and
livestock dispersal
DOH Barangay Vaccination
HealthWorkers and
BFAR Proposed Brgy. Mangrove Planting
Projects by council,

5.5 Summary of key issues, conflicts, problems, needs, investments/ socio-

economic opportunities

Forest have long been threatened by a variety of destructive agents which mainly
caused by human activities. The declination of forests and its ecological consequences
arose out of some related factors such as: the nature of policies or the viability of the
implemented polices among national and local levels with respect to land classification and
public land allocation, forestry operations and activities with economic interests such as
unregulated cutting of trees without applied regeneration practices and the weak
enforcement capacity among local and national sectors.

The municipality of Lupon has several issues and threats among its covered forests
and forestlands. Mining is generally considered as one of the major threats. As the miners
increase, extraction of forest is also increasing. Illegal cutting, timber-poaching and kaingin,
also introduce land degradation which demands cultivation and conversion to agricultural
means of management system. In-flocks of upland migrants it is believed that as population
increases so as the demand and services of forest production also increases thus, prevalent
expansion of agriculture in forestlands. Hence, delineation of protection and production
forest is necessary.

76 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Declining natural forest is one of the occurring conflicts. By the year 2015, barren
forest was identified with a total area of 11.82 hectares which indicates the needs for
reforestation to restore what have been loss. By 2015, about 28% of the municipal
forestland was identified under open forest. On the other side, presence of weak institutional
collaboration with respects to linkage between national/local levels and the community or
people allocating the forestlands. There should be a clear set of forestry management
guidelines and policies provided by the LGU with assistance from concerned national
agencies (DENR).

Economic aspect should also be at the front interest of the municipality which tourism
plays a significant role. There are identified potential tourist spots in the municipality
however, under developmental stage and/or undeveloped. Sufficient and effective
management of these potential tourist spots would definitely generate income for the
municipality and its constituents however operations should not adversely affect the

On the other hand, an occurring boundary conflict has been identified and further
elaborates in the map below (Figure 20). Lupon and the municipality of Manay have the
largest identified boundary conflict. There are also occurring conflicts between this
municipality versus Mati City and San Isidro, Mati versus Tarragona and Pantukan versus
Lupon and Maragusan. In barangay level, occurring boundary conflict among Macangao
and San Roque from Municipality of San Isidro, Tagugpo and New Visayas. Total Boundary
conflict reached up to 26% of the total land area of this municipality aligning among
barangays’ boundaries, and the municipality generally versus other city and/or

77 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Conflicts and issued within the municipality specifically among forests and forestlands
must be taken into account for smooth and harmonious processes along the implementation
of this plan. To further analyze and in order to come up into productive and more effective
recommendations and strategies addressing the occurring issues in Forest and Forestlands,
SWOT analysis is being used as a method (see Table 38).

Table 38. SWOT Analysis: Summary of key issues, conflicts, problems, needs,
investments/socio-economic opportunities

FFL Assets Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*About 73% (42,901.74 *Boundary conflict between: *Availability of national *Climate

has.) of the funding support change
municipality’s total area - Lupon & other
are classified under adjacent * economic stability, *Geological
Forestland. City/LGUs alleviation of life quality hazards
- Lupon among upland farmers,
*About 16% increase Barangay’s alternative livelihood *demand on
on identified Closed Boundary source timber and
forest (13,131.74 has) conflict other forest
by 2015 compared to *Lack of Technical *environmental awareness resources
the based year personnel/experts within on sustainable forest
(11,317.75 has), 2010. Local level (LGU) for more management issues *land claims
effective management of by the
*12,215.88 ha. Open Forest Land areas *forest recreation and communities/I
forest ecotourism development Ps
*Misused of Land resource
*Livelihood source for unparalleled to the identified *adaptation/implementation *governance
the upland population Forest protection & of disaster risk reduction or adverse
production zones management plan among political
Forestland *Wood, lumber and disaster prone areas intervention
timber source for *Forestland encroachment
Furniture and wood *Productive monitoring of *delays of any
charcoal makers *Forestland areas falls Sustainable Development kinds of
under protection Goals (SDGs) support from
*Rich in Gold and other management however, both local and
minerals privately owned *Result-based planting of national
trees by conducting it in governments
*Source of food *Lack of viable alternative the right places
livelihood options
*High-valued *Conduct of IEC, seminars
commercial crops, *Identified Open/Barren and trainings especially
plantation and Forestland areas among: Upland
ornamentals/orchards communities, IPs and other

78 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
National Greening *Lack of finance for *established strong
Programs (NGPs) sustainable development collaborative relationship
programs among local and national
*Availed/granted governments down to
Tenurial instruments *Poor grass root levels
*Provide employment of policies and guidelines *potential
opportunities among delineated/existing policies
upland population *Lack of funds for and guidelines for
management P/P/As sustainable forest
*Lack of technical know-how
(new technologies and tools *Strict implementation of
for sustainable forest forest policies and
management) guidelines

*discordant program,
projects and activities
between national and local
government agencies

*slash and burn or kaingin

farming system

*Soil/land degradation

*Built up areas within

steeper slopes or for
*6 identified *Vibrations, land *Watershed-forest *water
watersheds degradation, land restoration/sustainable shortage
(IFSAR,2022) that subsidence and landslides, management PPAs with
covers 55,754.87 has. water pollution due to financial support from *watershed
of the municipality in presence of quarry provincial and areas prone
terms of water source operations along/near national/local levels to landslides
which are the river/watershed. and flash
followings: *wastewater/sewage flood due to
- Binatagan River *water pollution due to run- management deforestation
Watershed off of chemicals applied in or loss of
- Casauman River agricultural activities *FLUP: Prioritization of vegetative
Watershed resulting to mortality among watersheds covers along
- Mayo River aquatic resources and riverbanks or
Watershed degradation of water quality. *watershed near
- Piso River watershed characterization and watershed
- Sicaleg River *Barren mangrove areas vulnerability assessment areas.
Watershed using Geographic
Water bodies/ -Sumlog River *Lack of financial capacity to Information System *population’s
Watershed Watershed undertake necessary PPAs health at risk
due to water
*Total of 902.84 has. of *some of the water bodies pollution by
Rivers and Creeks has become wastewater or improper
contributory to waste disposal of disposal of
municipal water source households household
*Food and livelihood *weak collaboration of
source local/national agencies and *Threats to
the communities in terms of marine
*Water source for sustainable watershed resources
farming and other management. due to
livelihood activities significant
*lack of motivational loss of
instruments from the LGU mangrove

79 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
like incentives or rewards areas
system for the community in
the maintenance of water
cleanliness and sanitation

of laws and guidelines in
line with the watershed
*substantial increase in *timber poachers and *interests of off-site *insufficient
identified closed forest unregulated/illegal logger stakeholders funding
of 6.72% by 2015. and miners
*alignment of local policies *resistance to
*sustainable *Agricultural production and guidelines on forest change of
development plan on activities within protection management into the environmental
forestry is included in zone. national framework practices
*lack technically equipped *induce policy awareness *poverty and
*existing plans on forestry technicians and on forest protection and increasing
forestry management professionals under local preservation management population
both local and national level among local even growth rate
levels (e.g. CBFM) barangay/community level.

Natural *existing forest

Forest management rules and
regulation in the local and
national levels.

*Presence of technical
experts on forest/natural
management in the
National level
*number of plantations *including the kaingin *some of these plantations *population
are present in the activity in Agricultural are under National growth
locality operations Greening Program (NGP)
of DENR *climate
*source of income and * high investment costs in change
employment among procurement of farm inputs *Technical assistance from
residents Municipal Agriculture *geological
*lack of coordination in Office hazards
*existence of terms of agroforestry
Community-based interventions *provision of planting
forestry projects material for farmer such as
Plantation/ *Use of inorganic fertilizer seedling of fruit trees and
Agroforestry *established partners and other environmental technical assistance from
between the plantation hazardous agricultural agriculture office of this
management and local chemical products LGU
when it comes to
environmental *tenurial security *NGP budget for
activities/movements timberland reforestation
*presence of
*indigenous knowledge unproductive/unsustainable
on agroforestry farming system

*conduct of agricultural
operation not according to
the delineated production
and protection zone.
*sightings of wildlife *absence of approved and *presence of technically *funding
species implemented equipped on the matter at could be
ordinance/policy on the national level (DENR) unstable
*34,046.59 has. are biodiversity conservation
identifies as Key and protection management *existing policy and *poverty and

80 Municipality of Lupon
Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
biodiversity areas established strategies in population
*lack of managers or the national level of which growth
technical-know-how on can serve as guidance of
biodiversity protection and the in formulating its policy *unawarenes
conservation management at local level s and mindset
in the municipality of the people
Biodiversity *poor dissemination of
knowledge and awareness
about biodiversity and its
value among the community

*presence of illegal fishing

among water bodies using
electricity generated via dry
cell batteries

*economic valuation of
biodiversity and its
ecosystem goods and
services have not yet been
incorporated into decision
making/planning at any level
especially in the municipal
*22 identified potential *areas for protection *implementation of RA *some of the
sites of which 7 are management are currently 9593 otherwise known as tourism site
operational and the rest under tourism development “ Tourism Act of the are
are under develop (e.g. coastal development) Philippines” susceptible to
natural and
*some of the potential *undeveloped tourist *potential income source anthropogeni
sites are accessible by attractions among structurally-weak c hazards like
tourists barangays storm surge
*Privately owned areas and flash
Nature-based *alternative income physically for protection *increasing number of floods due to
Tourism source especially to the projects for tourism converting
barangays development mangrove or
other areas
*great potential for the for protection
development of other types management
of tourism such as, eco- into coastal
tourism, agri-tourism development
people’s life
at risk.

* the more
attracted, the
greater the

5.5.1 Problems, Issues and Needs based on the SWOT analysis – Forestland Areas

a. Human settlements within Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA)

An undeniable significant number of households/population residing within areas

susceptible to geological hazards and even with forest and timberland areas declared to be under
protection management. These informal settlers must be relocated and be supported by the

81 Municipality of Lupon
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government all throughout the relocation course and be provided with livelihood support
program/projects. These actions is of great importance in the implementation of the plan, given
that presence of human activities such as residing with ECA and forest land areas (especially
those declared as protection zone) would results to unsustainable and abusive utilization of
forest resources.

b. Conversion of Forestland areas into agriculture use

Agriculture is the main livelihood and income source of the people thus, expansion of
agriculture even along Forestland areas. An evident clearing of vegetative cover within forest
areas by cutting of trees and other perennial crops for the purpose of vegetable cultivation and
other crops unsustainable for slopy or mountainous land areas. Aside from that, a prevailing
application of inorganic fertilizers and other hazardous chemicals with an aim to have a high-
yield which is not only putting the farmers or the communities health at risk but it is unkindly to
the environment as well.
These activities and its continous operation along forestland areas will cause soil
degradation due to soil erosion and worst, making the areas prone to landslide. The
underlying factors influencing the occurence of these activities are the poverty, population
growth, agriculture development, governance land-use change and land tenure security. An
economic reform is deemed necessary aids for food security while increasing forest cover. It
helps diverting the necessity of the community in coverting forestland into agricultural
activities. Promoting Agroforestry among farmers with subsidies or government assistance like
Fruit tree seedlings distribution and technical assitance guiding the farmers/people for
production management of Fruit trees and other perennial crops.

b. Illegal Mining within the Forestland areas

There are identified unregulated mining operation within forestland areas specifically
at Barangay Calapagan and Marayag. Minining will not only cause pollution on air and
drinking water but also gives harm to wildllife and habitat resulting to biodiversity loss. And
later on will cause hazard to people for it will make the forestland areas susceptible to
landslide. Strict implementation of RA 7942 is deemed necessary and enforcement of
ordinace/policies in relation to this issue (illegal mining) both Municipal and Barangay level.

c. Encroachment in Protected areas

Protected areas with title/privately owned is the main factor of this issue to occur. For
instance, the four (4) coastal barangays of Lupon has identied areas need to be protected
(Mangrove areas), however, privately owned of which conflict arises. There are existing and some
are subjected for expansion and/or underdeveloment tourism sites along coastal areas affecting
those areas best for protection management such as Mangrove areas. Mangrove is not only
maintains and support the marine biodiversity but it also serves as the buffer zone protecting the
community from natural disasters such as Storm Surge and flash floods. Based of the Figure 13
(Flood susceptible Map) and Figure 15 (Storm surge susceptible Map), Flood risk is very high among
coastal barangays and very susceptible storm surge.

82 Municipality of Lupon
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It is difficult to imposed protected management in a certain areas when it is documented or
privately owned. Therefore, there should be a good partnership between the governmental agencies
and the private sectors/owners. Therefore, intensify RA 7586 and strict enforcement or Local
ordinance/policies for the management of Protected areas. Encourage Private owners to voluntary
contibute in conserving the protected areas and complementing the role of government addressing
this issue.

d. Declining Natural Forests

Upland communities mostly depend on forest resources as their livelihood and income source
resulting to pressures and overexploitation on forest resources by obtaining goods and services
therein to sustain their daily needs, Thus, occurence of illegal logging of trees, timber poaching and
charcoal making which are the major causes of forest degradation/aforestation. This simply
manifests the necessity to provide alternative livelihood programs and employement generated
projects among upland communities which will redirect their interest and reliance from forest
Collection and hauling of larger trees adversely affect widlife and cause soil compaction in the
area. Strict enforcement in the local levels with the coordination of national agencies is deemed
necessary. There should be a regular monitoring on unregulated cutting of trees for charcoal
making, furniture and other purposes. For business involving forest product utilization should be
encouraged to partner with Government and non-government organizations in environmental
Progams, Projects and Activities.

e. Loss of Biodiversity
Another major effect of human pressure to forest resources is the declination of natural forest.
One of the major factors is the population growth resulting to built-up areas within the forestland
which later on results to utlization of forest products sustaining people’s daily needs.

f. Poverty incidence and population gowth rate

Poverty and population growth are one of the major factors influencing the occurence of issues
and problems in the forestland. Population and poverty drive people to get interest into forest
resources/products more especially the upland communities. Provision of PPAs with alternative
livelihood programs is necessary and continous monitoring and conduct of Community Education
and Public Awareness (CEPA) Campaign on Forest protection and conservation management and
ENR laws, rules and Regulations is necessary.

g. Others
Other prevailing factors on Forestland issues/problems are weak law enforcement among local
and barangay levels, poor collaboration between government sectors and private, non-government
organization and other stakeholders or concern agencies resulting to ineffective implementation on
protection and conservation management among forest and other evironmental resources. Aside
from that is the limited funds/budget for the conduct of forest protection PPAs.

83 Municipality of Lupon
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5.5.2 Opportunities
Although Lupon is facing unprecedented environmental challenges especially the forest
resources,however, it has oppurtunities that can be tapped and productively utilized for both
environmnetal and economic advancement beneficial to the LGU and its contituents such as;
a. Sites potential for Tourism development
b. Area suitable for agro-forestry management and timber/perennial crops plantation
c. Expanded National Greening Program (NGP)

Figure 26. Boundary Conflict map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

84 Municipality of Lupon
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Figure 27. Ilangay Boundary Conflict

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

85 Municipality of Lupon
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Figure 28. Issue Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2022

86 Municipality of Lupon
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6.1.1 Zoning

Zoning is a vital part in the formulation and implementation of this plan. It leads
the LGU to regulates and develop land within its control thus, the proper land use
which at the same time helps to protect the local environment and maintain the value of
resources (land). Zoning serves as allocation scheme, it typically specify the areas in
which residential, production, protection and mineral zone in the forest and forest land
areas may take place.

Lupon has a total of 30,280 and 12,514 hectares of protection and production
forest zone, respectively. Protection zone are those areas with an elevation of above
1,000 masl and a slope of 50% while production forest zone are those areas with an
elevation of below 1,000 masl with below 50% slope.

Moreover, an identified areas for mineral zone however, there are poposed land
use for mining operation/activities which is located at Barangay Marayag (see Figure

87 Municipality of Lupon
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Figure 29 Proposed Land Use Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

88 Municipality of Lupon
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6.1.2 Allocation of open access forest

Based on GIS-generated Map, on 2015 about 12,215.88 hectares were

identified as open access forest of Lupon which emanates loss of about 10.54%
from the 2010 data. It is recommended to put in allocation management
intervention within the said identified open access forest, thus Community-
Based Forest Management is one of the best and suitable program to effectively
and sustainably allocate and manage those open access forest areas.

To productively in act this strategy, the following approaches should be done:

a. Strong partnership between DENR and LGU -

b. Agreement between the community (tenure holders) and the government

c. Delineation of areas for tenure issuance

d. Provision of technical and financial assistance to tenure holders in improving

forest management capacity and capability

e. Regular monitoring and evaluation

89 Municipality of Lupon
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6.1.3 Prioritization of Sub-watersheds

Water as natural resource is very relevant to all types of ecosystem even among forestland areas. This plan, includes the formulation and
implementation of conservation programs and projects among watersheds contributory to municipality’s water sources. There are ten (10)
identified sub-watersheds (see table below) that influenced to water distribution and utility within the municipality during the conducted
workshop. However, these sub-watersheds vary in area covered, topographic and terrain characteristics, land use, status and etc., hence
require thorough evaluation for prioritization to select among which that requires immediate intervention. However, based on the IFSAR results
data from DENR there are only six identified sub-watersheds contributory to municipal water source namely: Sumlog, Binatagan, Piso river,
Mayo river, Casuman and Sicaleg river watersheds (see Table and Figure__ below).

On September 15, 2020 the LGU together with the DENR facilitated the conduct of workshop on sub-watershed prioritization along with
the BLGUs and other stakeholders. Table 40 shows that Sumlog watershed emerges as the priority sub-watershed which contributed much to
the municipality’s lowland and upland ecosystem. It serves as the major life support system/water source considering it covers 26,911.58
hectares of the total land area. Tagugpo sub-watershed and Bagumbayan creek are perceived to be the second and third priorities,
respectively, based on the given criteria while Agusan sub-watershed is in least priority since it has lesser influence or contribution to
municipality and the constituents.

Table 39: Sub-watershed Prioritization

CRITERIA Wt. SW 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 SW 5 SW 6 SW 7 SW 8 SW 9 SW 10
% Agusan Bitan-agan Caraga Casauman Cuabo Sumlog Mayo Piso Tagugpo Bagumbayan creek
Biodiversity value 22 1 9 7 6 2 10 4 3 8 5
2.2 19.8 15.4 13.2 4.4 22 8.8 6.6 17.6 11
Hydrological value 20 1 5 3 2 7 10 4 6 9 8
2 10 6 4 14 20 8 12 18 16
Economic Value 18 1 7 4 3 5 10 2 6 8 9
1.8 12.6 7.2 5.4 9 18 3.6 10.8 14.4 16.2
Protection of Infrastructure 11 1 3 4 2 7 10 5 6 8 9
Investments 1.1 3.3 4.4 2.2 7.7 11 5.5 6.6 8.8 9.9
Protection of lives and properties 15 1 3 4 2 9 10 5 6 8 7
1.5 4.5 6 3 13.5 15 7.5 9 12 10.5
Aesthetic value 8 1 9 5 4 6 10 8 2 3 7
0.8 7.2 4 3.2 4.8 8 6.4 1.6 2.4 5.6
Potential threat 6 1 7 4 5 9 10 2 6 8 3
0.6 4.2 2.4 3 5.4 6 1.2 3.6 4.8 1.8
Score 100 10 61.6 45.4 34 58.8 100 41 50.2 78 71
Rank 10th 4 th 7 th 9 th 5 th 1st 8th 6 th 2nd 3rd

90 Municipality of Lupon
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6.2.1 Delineation of Protection and Production Forest Zone

Production and Protection Forest Zone should be delineated accordingly,

enabling the resident dwelling within forests and forest land to clearly see the
boundaries of each land use type to encourage limited agricultural activities among
protected zone and reroute it into production forest zone. Furthermore, promotes more
collaborative approach in forest development and sustainability for the utilization of
forests and forestlands.

Production forest zones are areas open for human activities interacting
harmoniously with the forest resources therein. Based on the GIS derived map, about
21.72% of the total areas are suitable as production forest. Adoptive strategies under
production forest or multiple use zone are agro-forestry projects, community organizing
for IEC/CEPA on sustainable forest management and strengthening the existing
national programs and projects such as Community Based-Forest Management which
integrates people-oriented forestry programs and projects of the government. In
delineating production forestlands, areas should be greater than 30% slope up to 50%,
tree plantation is the most suitable. For greater than 18% slope to 30%, agro-forestry
and/or orchard are best to be situated therein.

On the other side, about 52.08% of the total area is classified into protection forest
where ANR and reforestation are suited for. However, Nature-based tourism or eco-
tourism could be adopted in both production and protection forest considering the natural
scenic and aesthetic value of the forestland. Moreover, in delineating protection forest,
these are the following considerations:

1. Areas with slopes steeper than 50%;

2. Areas above 1,000 meters above sea level (MASL);
3. Areas with old growth forest;
4. Habitat of endangered or threatened species of indigenous wildlife (biodiversity
conservation sites);
5. Historical, cultural, archaeological sites and tourism spots;
6. Mangrove, coastal vulnerable (Coastal Zones) and marine protected areas;
7. Easements or riparian zones of rivers/streams and the shores of seas and lakes;
8. Hazard and risk areas; and
9. Community watersheds or water production areas

91 Municipality of Lupon
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Table 40. Production and Protection Zone

Alienable and
Production Protection Grand
Name Disposable
Forest Forest Total
BAGUMBAYAN 164 773.42 937.42
CABADIANGAN 496.83 496.83
CALAPAGAN 1709.07 5181 840.13 7730.2
COCORNON 1069.731 1069.73
CORPORACION 702.72 702.72
DON MARIANO MARCOS 3684.07 2948 1114.25 7746.32
ERNESTEO D. VIOLAN 1828 2040 757.27 4625.27
ILANGAY 217 975.75 1192.75
LANGKA 538.65 538.65
LANTAWAN 458.56 458.56
LIMBAHAN 483.56 483.56
MACANGAO 24 587.37 611.37
MAGSAYSAY 323.35 323.25
MAHAYAHAY 354.24 354.24
MARAGATAS 2022 2879 1542.79 6443.79
MARAYAG 2,472.07 17048 405.42 19,925.49
NEW VISAYAS 73 3 851.42 927.42
POBLACION 83 456.87 539.87
SAN JOSE 151.55 151.55
TAGBOA 5 33 1303.59 1341.59
TAGUGPO 344 148 1046.29 1538.29
Grand Total 12,625.21 30,280 15,233.75 58,138.97
Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

92 Municipality of Lupon
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Figure 30. Protection and Production Zone Map

Source: DENR, MPDO, 2020

93 Municipality of Lupon
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6.2.2 Protection of Natural existing forests

Generally, sustainable protection of natural existing forests can be realized

through productive and effective linkages among local and national levels of the
government together with non-government stakeholders. The following are the
recommended strategies for protecting the natural existing forest of the

- Strengthening of the existing government programs and projects in line

for the protection and rehabilitation of Natural existing forests.
- Strict implementation of national policies such as Presidential Decree No.
705, otherwise known as The Forestry Reform Code of the
- Deputation of Barangay Forest officials/guards
- Conduct of Barangay Assembly or orientation about the official delineated
forest land of each barangay for the identification of forest area to be
managed and to avoid boundary conflicts, if any.

6.2.3 Rehabilitation and development of grassland, brush land and

Cultivated forestlands.

- Establishment of Barangay nursery for forest trees and plantation crops

- Rehabilitation of barren forest/timberland areas through the conduct of
CEPA, reforestation and regular monitoring and evaluation.
- Seminars and trainings on sustainable farming/agroforestry farming
- Provision of livelihood plantation and/or agro-forestry programs or
- Enhance extension services and/or CEPA campaign among upland
communities basically the farmers.
- Establishment of communal gardens.
- Seed collection and propagation/production of indigenous species.

6.2.4 Conservation and development of water production areas and

biodiversity resources.

- Strengthen the existing government’s programs and projects advocating

enrichment planting and reforestation.
- Strengthen the implementation of watershed management plan though
the conduct of Survey/assessment, CEPA and conservation and
protection management programs/projects.
- Strengthen the implementation of Solid Waste Management Plan.
- Inventory and database network system on wildlife flora and fauna.
- The LGU must also establish forest policy with accords to activities which
promote deforestation both in public or private sectors.

94 Municipality of Lupon
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6.2.5 Sustainable Nature Based Tourism Development

The municipality comprises of Twenty-two (22) potential tourism sites,

the stakeholders of the municipality of Lupon has its way for full preservation,
protection and rehabilitation of the nature-based tourism development aspect.
However, in attaining so, strong and effective collaboration among national
government agencies such as: Department of Tourism (DoT), Mindanao
Development Authority (MinDa), Department of Trade and Industry and Board
of Investment and other private tourism stakeholders which has mandated
responsibilities towards tourism industry is the primary step forward to the
implementation of developmental management strategies among mentioned
potential tourism sites within this municipality.

Likewise, the Local Government Unit should also provide other approach
to attract potential partners / collaborators to patronize its potential tourism
sites. For effective implementation of developmental strategies among potential
tourism sites, assessment and formulation of Eco-tourism Plan is highly
recommended. Provision of relevant information through CEPA on sustainable
eco-tourism development in harmony with nature is important to educate
tourism establishments and their management about Nature-based tourism.
Through this strategy, it also involve and impact the local community with the
essence of this strategy by creation of jobs/green jobs opportunities make them
exposed and in act the environmental activities to be carried out. The local
community also can help to promote local culture and products which can be
their source of income at the same diverting their interests and chance to
perform unsustainable practices affecting the environment.

6.2.6 Recognition of Indigenous People Right (IPR)

Strengthening the implementation of Republic Act No. 8371 of 1997,

which an “Act to recognize, protect and promote the rights of Indigenous
Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples, creating a National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples, establishing implementing mechanisms, appropriating
funds therefor, and for other purposes.” The National Commission on
Indigenous People and DENR shall set clear and/or strengthening of existing
guidelines in the implementation of IPRA Law.

6.2.7 Others
- Socio-economic and other support services
o Resolving boundary conflicts between Barangays and adjacent
o Provision of Livelihood programs
- Strengthen Institutional Organization for effective management of forest
o Strengthen the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources
Office through hiring of personnel.
- Increase climate adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Management
o Coordination to LDRRM contingency plan.

95 Municipality of Lupon
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To effectively implement and attain the goals and objectives of this plan, the
Technical Working Group for the preparation and formulation of FLUP shall also serve
as taskforce in the implementation of the Plan. Since, MENRO generate most of its
budget allocation for environmental operation and services from the office of Local
Chief Executive (Municipal Mayor), all of the updates in the course of FLUP
implementation must be reported to the LCE. The MENRO along with the MFLUP-
TWG shall serve as the secretariat, updating and monitoring on the progress of this
plan with coordination of other concerned agencies and stakeholders.

The local government spearhead by the MENRO along with the National
agencies (DENR) must be well coordinated with the BLGUs in reaching out both on-
set and off-set stakeholders most particularly the IPs, tenure holders and etc. By doing
so, possible occurrence of constraints within the course of implementation will be
minimized or prevented. This also leads to more effective and sufficient plan’s outputs
if all parties or stakeholders are cooperative and well-coordinated through a
collaborative approach.

7.1 Strengthening the MENRO

The Municipality of Lupon has already proposed and approved MENRO

organizational structure, however not yet adapted or funded as per positions reflected
therein. MENRO is the implementing body of FLUP, strengthening this office is indeed
necessary for effective and sustainable outcome of this plan. Presently, the of office
MENR focuses more on the Ecological Solid Waste Management Programs and other
environmental activities hence, Forestland management and development should be
part of the implementation and projects yet has no technical personnel to be made
responsible on the matter.
Currently, due to MENRO’s lacked of technical personnel when it comes to
forestry management aspect, strong linkages between LGU and National government
such as DENR is deemed necessary as well as collaboration among other key
stakeholders (private or government). The MENRO must be strengthened to carry out
effectively the programs, projects and activities throughout the duration on the
implementation of this plan. First thing, is to make this office well-equipped by
augmentation of technical personnel and providing them with capacity development
program on environment and natural resources management. It will be a driving force
of this Local Government Unit in the provision of effective and efficient management of
forests and forestland areas. In coordination with the Municipal Planning and
Development, MENRO shall dispense the overall technical and administrative
functions in implementing FLUP’s PPAs. The previous will be the informative body of
the Local Chief Executive and the Sangguniang Bayan for the support and approval
for the necessary actions/activities in line with the implementation of this plan.

96 Municipality of Lupon
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The MENRO as the implementing body in the attainment of FLUPs goals and
objectives particularly in spearheading the protection, rehabilitation, conservation,
development and sustainable management of forests and forestlands of this
municipality has crucial responsibilities, which are the following;

1. Formulation, Preparation and implementation of the Forest Land Use Plan with
collaboration with DENR-XI and other local and National agencies/department
and stakeholders.

2. Provision of PPAs for conservation, rehabilitation and development of Forests

and Forestland areas of the municipality in accordance to the outlined
recommended strategies of this plan.

3. To assess, monitor, evaluate and provide technical direction for FLUP


4. Formulate remedy mechanism for existing and possible occurrence of conflicts

all throughout the FLUP implementation process.

5. Conduct community education and public awareness (CEPA) on forestry

development and management together with the national concern agency

6. Facilitate capacity building such as trainings and seminars to land tenure holders
and other stakeholders.

7. Establish linkages and collaborative relationships among stakeholders and other

concerned agencies for the provision of investment support and services to
tenure holders and other affective upland communities, including the provision of
alternative livelihood support.

8. Provide regular updating on FLUP implementation to the LCE, DENR-CENRO

Lupon and other concerned agencies and stakeholders.

9. Preform the regular duties and responsibilities pursuant to Section 17 of RA

7160, otherwise known as “Local Government Code of 1991”.

97 Municipality of Lupon
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Figure 31. Proposed MENRO Organizational Structure

98 Municipality of Lupon
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8.1 Multi-sector and Inter-agency collaboration for periodic monitoring and

evaluation on FLUP implementation

In order to attain an effective and productive implementation of this plan,

efficient coordination among the municipal and barangay governments, Provincial and
National governments, civil society organizations, private and other stakeholders is
deemed necessary. There should be a multi-sectoral and inter-agency to be tapped
with for periodic monitoring and evaluation, which are identified as follows;


- Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
- Municipal Planning and Development Office
- Municipal Agriculturist Office
- Municipal Disaster Risks Reduction Management Council
- Municipal Economic and Enterprise Management Office
- Municipal Tourism Office
- SB- Committee on Environment
- Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office
2. Civil Society Organizations
- Tribal council/IP Organizations
- Business sector
- Farmers
- Cooperative sector
- Religious sector
3. BLGUs
5. Academe/DepEd

The LGU together with the other parties shall agree for the conduct of regular
meetings to determine the progress of activities all throughout the duration of FLUP
implementation. The said meeting shall be chaired by the Mayor and Co-chaired by
the concerned CENRO officer of the DENR-XI. The Vice-Mayor, together with the SB
member for environment and representative from the Municipal Tribal Council and
other offices or stakeholders as may be needed during the regular or special meeting
shall be invited.

However, in terms of monitoring and evaluation, the above-shown sectors and

agencies and other stakeholders shall have their initiative assessment on the progress
of this plan’s implementation in accordance to their expected outcome that shall be
conducted quarterly. Their initial assessment will be then reported to the monitoring
committee or directly to the implementing body (MENRO) for consolidation of reports
for overall monitoring and evaluation through a Results-based Monitoring and
Evaluation (RBME) framework. Relevant information or updates shall be done
reported to the LCE and other concerned parties for the formulation and
implementation of possible effective mitigation measures for productive and
harmonized implementation of this plan.

99 Municipality of Lupon
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Table 41. Estimated 5-Year Financial Requirements for Implementing FLUP

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026


1.1 Formulation and - Plan 1 Plan formulated and - DENR, MLGU, NCIP,
legitimization of FLUP approved POs, CSO 1
1.2 Delineation of protection DENR, MLGU, NCIP,
and production forest Protection: No. of hectares being POs, CSO, BLGUs,
zone (10) Forestal Hectares 30,280 ha delineated accordingly 1,000,000.00 10 10 10 10 10
-Survey/monitoring Barangays Production:
-CEPA 12,514 ha
-Enforcement of policy
1.3 Crafting an ordinance Ordinance 1 - MLGU
banning informal settlers - Ordinance approved and
within Environmentally adapted 1
Critical Areas
1.4 Allocation of Open 6 upland Hectares 12,227.70 has Hectares of open access 100,000.00 MLGU, DENR, CSO,
access forest barangays (open access forest being allocated BLGUs
- CBFM (Don forest)
(Tenure & allocation Mariano
Instruments, off/on- Marcos, 6 6 6 6
site visits and Maragatas,
trainings) Marayag,

100 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
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1.5 Establishment of Buffer Forestal No. of forestal 100,000.00 MLGU, CSO, BLGUs,
zones/greenbelts barangays Barangays 10 barangays with (of each 10 upland DENR 10 10 10 10
established buffer zones brgys.)
1.6 Deputation of Brgy. Upland No. of upland barangays DENR, PLGU, BLGU,
Forest Officers & Forest Barangay Barangays 10 with deputized Forest 5,000.00 MLGU 10 10 10 10
Guards officers/guards
1.7 Creation of Anti-Timber Upland Task force 1 Task force mobilized - DENR, PLGU, BLGU, 1 1 1 1
poaching task force Barangays MLGU
1.8 Establishment of Upland Checkpoints 10 No. of upland barangays DENR, PLGU, BLGU,
checkpoints to minimize barangays with established and MLGU
illegal activities operational checkpoints 300,000.00 10 10 10 10
(entrance & exits)
1.9 Conduct regular DENR, MLGU,CSO,
monitoring and Wood Monitoring/inspection BLGUs
inspection among wood Municipal processing - report - / / / /
processing wide establishmen
establishments, t/dealers
lumber/timber dealers
1.10 Inspection & monitoring DENR, MLGU,CSO,
on mining and quarry No. of conducted BLGUs
operations Forestal Barangays 13 activities and monitored 50,000.00 13 13 13 13 13
- Enforcement of policy Barangays barangays with quarry
- CEPA and mining operations

2.1 Strengthen the DENR, MLGU, BLGU,

implementation of watershed Within the 6 CSO,
management plan identified No. of conservation and 6 6 6
- Survey/Assessment watershed of rehabilitation initiatives or
- CEPA Lupon Activity 6 activity conducted 100,000.00 6
- Conservation and (IFSAR)
protection management

101 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
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2.2 Strengthen the No. of conducted DENR, MLGU, BLGU, 21 21 21 21

implementation of Solid Municipal Activity 21(Barangays) activities 100,000.00 CSO, Academe
Waste Management Plan wide
2.3 Inventory and database Inventory report/data 50,000.00 DENR, MTO, MLGU, 10 10 10 10
network system on wildlife Forestal Barangay 10 records BLGU
flora and fauna Barangays

3.1 Establishment of DENR, MLGU, CSO,

Barangay nursery Forestal No. of established 150,000.00 BLGU 2 3 5
- Forest trees and plantation Barangays Nursery 10 nursery /nursery
crops seedlings
3.2 Rehabilitation of barren
forest/timberland areas
- CEPA Barangay Hectares 2 (Barangays) No of activities 100,000.00 2 2 2 2
- Reforestation Ilangay, conducted and hectares DENR, MLGU,
-Regular monitoring & Marayag of barren forest areas BLGUs, CSO
evaluation rehabilitated
3.3 Seminars and Trainings DENR, MENRO, 10 10 10 10
on sustainable MAGRO, BLGUs,
farming/agroforestry farming Forestal Activity 10 No. of activities 100,000.00 CSO
system (such as SALT, IPM, Barangays (Barangays) conducted
Organic farming, CFS, NVS &
3.4 Agroforestry Forestal Projects/ 10 No. of programs/projects DENR, MLGU,
programs/projects within Barangay programs (Barangays) being implemented 500,000.00 BLGUs, CSO 10 10 10 10
production forests
3.5 Enhance extension Forestal 10 No. of activities - MAGRO, DENR, CSO,
services and/or CEPA Barangays Activity (Barangays) conducted BLGUs, MENRO
campaign among upland 10 10 10 10
communities basically the
3.6 Communal gardens Upland Gardens 10 No. of gardens/activity 200,000.00 MAGRO, MENRO,
Barangays /activity (Barangays) conducted CSO, DNER 10 10 10 10

102 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
3.7 Seed collection and Upland Barangays 10 No. of collected and MLGU, DENR, CSO,
propagation/production of Barangays (Barangays) propagated seeds of 500,000.00 BLGUs 10 10 10 10
Indigenous species Indigenous species

4.1 Provision of relevant Tourism No . of conducted 100,000.00 10 10 10 10

information through CEPA on establishmen Activity 10 activities DENR, MENRO,
sustainable eco-tourism ts/other (Barangays) MTO, CSO
development in harmony with potential
nature tourism sites
4.2 Creation of Jobs 10 10 10 10
opportunities among local Municipal Job 21 barangays No. of people hired - MTO, MENRO
communities and promotion Wide opportunities
of local culture and products

5.1 Resolving boundary Between

conflicts between Barangays barangays Action PLGU, MLGU, SB,
and adjacent City/LGUs and some of /Mitigating 8 (Boundary Number of settled - BLGU, SP 8 8
adjacent measure conflicts) boundary conflicts
5.2 Provision of Livelihood Upland Activity/ 12 (upland No.of programs DENR, MENRO,
programs barangays programs barangays) implemented 500,000.00 MSWD, CSO, BLGUs, 12 12 12 12
Local community

6.1 Strengthening the

(Hiring of Personnel)
6.1.1 MENRO/Municipal MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 954,828.00/year MLGU 1
Gov’t Dept. Head
6.1.2 Supervising Envt’l MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 755,604.00/year MLGU 1
6.1.3 Natural Resources Management Services Section

103 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
a. Forester II MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 379,044.00/year MLGU 1
b. Forester Technician I MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 182,268.00/year MLGU 1
c. Forest Ranger MENRO Personnel 3 Hired personnel 161,928.00/year MLGU 1 2
6.1.4 Environmental Services Section
a. Envt’l Mgt. Specialist II MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 379,044.00/year MLGU 1
b. Envt’l Mgt. Specialist I MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 274,740.00/year MLGU 1
c. Administrative Aide VI MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 182,268.00/year MLGU 1
- Admin Aide III MENRO Personnel 3 Hired personnel 152,556.00/year MLGU
(Driver I)
- Admin Aide I MENRO Personnel 10 Hired personnel 135,180.00/year MLGU 3 2 5
6.1.5 Administrative Support Section
a. Envt’l Mgt. Researcher MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 220,344.00/year MLGU 1
b. Admin Assistant II MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 205,176.00/year MLGU 1
c. Admin Aide IV MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 161,928.00/year MLGU 1
d. Admin Aide II MENRO Personnel 1 Hired personnel 143,700.00/year MLGU 1
7.1 Coordination to LDRRM Municipal wide Activity 21 No. of coordinated MENRO, LDRRMO, 1 1 1 1
contingency plan (areas susceptible to (Barangay activities DENR
geological hazards) s) -
8.1 Purchase of computer MENRO Unit 2 No. purchased computer 100,000.00 MLGU 1 1
with complete accessories set
8.1Purchase of Laptop MENRO Unit 1 No. of purchased Laptop 35,000.00 MLGU 1
8.3 Purchase of Projector MENRO Unit 1 No. of purchased 35,000.00 MLGU 1
8.4. Elf (Mini Dumptruck) MENRO Unit 1 No. or purchased unit 500,000.00 MLGU 1
8.5 Motorcycle MENRO Unit 1 No. or purchased unit 150,000.00 MLGU 1
9.1 Fuel, Gasoline, Lubricants MENRO Liter - Liters 100,000.00 /year MLGU / / / /
9.2 TEV MENRO TO - Report/s 150,000.00 / / / /
9.3 Repair and Maintenance - MENRO Unit 6 No. of unit 100,000.00 MLGU 6 6 6
9.4 Nursery Supplies and MENRO Pieces - Purchased supplies and 200,000.00 MLGU 2 3 5
materials materials /nursery

104 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Schedule of
Programs/Projects/ Implementing Expected Funding Fund Requirements
Activities Office Implementation Output Source

Started Completed PS MOE CO TOTAL

1. Forest and Forest Land Management

1.1 Formulation and MENRO January 2022 August 2022 Formulated and External/General
approved plan fund/20% LGDF - - - -
Legitimization of FLUP

1.2 Delineation of protection and DENR, MENRO, January 2022 December 2026 No. of hectares General fund/20%
production forest zone MPDO, CSO, being delineated LGDF
-Survey/monitoring BLGUs accordingly
- 1,000,000.00 - 1,000,000.00

-Enforcement of policy

1.3 Crafting of an ordinance MENRO, SB January 2023 December 2023 Crafted ordinance - -
banning informal settlers
within Environmentally - -
Critical Areas

1.4 Allocation of Open MENRO, DENR January 2023 December Hectares open
access forest 2026 access forest
being allocated External/General
-CBFM (Tenure & allocation fund/20% LGDF
- 100,000.00 - 100,000.00
Instruments, off/onsite visits
and trainings)

105 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
1.5 Establishment of Buffer DENR, MENRO January December Barangays with 100,000.00
established forest -
zones/greenbelts 2023 2026 buffer General fund/20% (each of the 10 - 1,000,000.00
zone/greenbelts LGDF upland
1.6 Deputation of Brgy. Forest DENR, MENRO January December No. of upland 5,000.00 50,000.00
barangays with
Officers & Forest Guards 2023 2026 deputized forest General fund/20% - (each of the 10 -
officers/guards LGDF upland
1.7 Creation of Anti-Timber DENR, MENRO January December Task force General fund/20% - -
poaching mobilized LGDF
- -
2023 2026
task force
1.8 Establishment of checkpoints to DENR, MENRO, January December No. of upland General fund/20% 300,000.00 300,000.00
PLGU barangays and LGDF
minimize illegal activities 2023 2026 operational - -
(entrance & exit)

1.9 Conduct regular monitoring and

January December
inspection among wood
Monitoring/inspec General fund/20%
DENR, MENRO 2023 2026 - -
tion report LGDF
processing establishment , - -

lumber/timber dealers

1.10 Inspection & monitoring on No. of conducted General fund/20% 50,000.00 50,000.00
mining and quarry operations January December activities and LGDF
DENR, MENRO monitored - -
(survey, enforcement of policy and 2023 2026 barangays with
CEPA) quarry and

106 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
2.1 Strengthen the implementation No. of
of conservation and
watershed management plan initiatives or External/General 100,000.00
January December
DENR, MENRO activity conducted fund/20% LGDF - 100,000.00 -
(Survey, CEPA, Conservation
2023 2026
and protection management


2.3 Strengthen the implementation January December No. of activities

of conducted
DENR, MENRO General fund - 100,000.00 - 100,000.00
2023 2026
Solid Waste Management Plan

2.4 Inventory and database network January December Inventory

DENR, MENRO, report/data External/General
- 50,000.00 - 50,000.00
system on wildlife flora and MTO 2023 2026 records fund/20% LGDF


3.1 Establishment of Barangay No. of -
nursery (Forest trees and DENR, MENRO January December nursery General fund/20% - 150,000.00 1,500,000.00
plantation crops and mangrove 2023 2025 /nursery


No. of activities
3.3 Rehabilitation of barren January December conducted and
hectares of
DENR, MENRO, - 100,000.00 - 100,000.00
forest/timberland areas 2023 2026 barren forest General fund/20%
areas LGDF

107 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
3.4 Seminars and Trainings on
sustainable farming/agroforestry
farming system (such as SALT, January December External/General
IPM, Organic Farming, CFS, 2023 2026 fund/20% LGDF
DENR, MENRO, No. of activities - 100,000.00 - 100,000.00
MAGRO conducted
No. of
3.5 Agroforestry programs/projects January December programs/project
DENR, MENRO, s implemented External/General
within production forests 2023 2026 - 500,000.00 - 500,000.00
MAGRO fund/20% LGDF
3.6 Enhance extension services
and/or CEPA campaign among January December
upland communities basically
2023 2026 No. of activities - – - –
the farmers conducted
3.7 Communal gardens DENR, MENRO, January December No. of communal External/General
MAGRO, gardens created fund/20% LGDF – 200,000.00 - 200,000.00
2023 2026

3.8 Seed collection and January December No. of collected

propagation/production of DENR, MENRO, 2023 2026 and propagated
Indigenous species MAGRO indigenous General fund/20% - 500,000.00 - 500,000.00
species LGDF


4.1 Provision of relevant information DENR, MENRO, January December No. of conducted External/General
through CEPA on sustainable MTO 2023 2026 activities fund/20% LGDF 100,000.00
eco-tourism development in - 100,000.00 -
harmony with nature
4.6 Creation of Jobs opportunities January December
among local communities and 2023 2026 No. of people
promotion of local culture and MTO, MENRO hired - - - -
External fund/20%
products LGDF

108 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
5.1 Resolving boundary conflicts
January December Number settled
between Barangays and MLGU, PLGU,
adjacent City/LGUs BLGUs
2023 2024 boundary - – - - -
5.2 Provision of Livelihood DENR, MSWD, January December No. of programs
programs MENRO -
implemented - 500,000.00 - 500,000.00
2023 2026
6.1 Strengthen the MENR office Strengthened General fund/20% - - -
(Hiring of personnel)
6.1.1 MENRO/Municipal Gov’t January December General fund/20% - –
Dept. Head MENRO LGDF 954,828.00 954,828.00
2023 2023
6.1.2 Supervising Envt’l January December General fund/20% - -
Specialist/Asst. MENRO LGDF 755,604.00 755,604.00
MENRO 2023 2023
6.1.3 Natural Resources Management Services Section

a. Forester II MENRO January 2023 December 2023 General fund/20% 379,044.00 - - 379,044.00

b. Forest Technician I MENRO January 2023 December 2023 General fund/20% 182,268.00 - - 182,268.00
c. Forest ranger (3) MENRO January 2023 December 2023 General fund/20% 161,928.00 - - 485,784.00

6.1.4 Environmental Services Section

MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 379,044.00 - - 379,044.00

a. Environmental Mgt. Specialist II LGDF

109 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 274,740.00 - - 274,740.00
b. Envt’l Mgt. Specialist I LGDF
MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 182,268.00 - - 182,268.00
c. Administrative Aide VI LGDF

- Admin Aide III MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 152,556.00 - - 457,668.00
(Driver I) (3) LGDF

- Admin Aide I (10) MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 135,180.00 - - 1,351,800.00
6.1.5 Administrative Support Section
a. Environmental MENRO General fund/20% - -
January 2023 December 2026 LGDF 220,344.00 220,344.00
Management Researcher

b. Admin Assistant II MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 205,176.00 - - 205,176.00

c. Admin Aide IV MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 161,928.00 - - 161,928.00

d. Admin Aide II MENRO January 2023 December 2026 General fund/20% 143,700.00 - - 143,700.00

7. Increase climate change adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Management

7.1 Coordination to LDRRMO MENRO, January 2023 December 2026 Conduct of External fund - - - -
contingency plan LDRRMO coordinated

a. Purchase of (2) computer with MENRO January 2023 December 2024 General fund/20% - - 50,000.00 100,000.00
complete accessories LGDF

110 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
MENRO January 2023 December 2023 General fund/20% - - 35,000.00 35,000.00
b. Purchase of Laptop LGDF

MENRO January 2023 December 2023 General fund/20% - - 35,000.00 35,000.00

c. Purchase of Projector LGDF

MENRO January 2023 December 2023 General fund/20% - - 500,000.00 500,000.00

d. Mini Elf LGDF

MENRO January 2024 December 2024 General fund/20% - - 150,000.00 150,000.00

e. Motorcycle LGDF


Litters General fund/20% - 100,000.00 -

a. Oil, Fuel, Lubricants MENRO January 2023 December 2026 purchased/consu LGDF 500,000.00
med /year

MENRO January 2023 December 2026 Reports General fund/20% - 150,000.00 - 150,000.00

No. of unit/s General fund/20% - -

c. Repair and Maintenance – MENRO January 2024 December 2026 repaired and LGDF 150,000.00 150,000.00
Equipment maintained

Purchased General fund/20% - -

d. Nursery supplies and MENRO January 2023 December 2025 supplies/material LGDF 200,000.00 200,000.00
materials s

111 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


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Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


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Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

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Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

128 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026


Activity : GIS Mapping

Date : July 8, 2020
Venue : Conference Roon, New Municipal Buiding, Bagumbayan, Lupon, Davao

Activity : Community Mapping

Date : July 22, 2020
Venue : 3rd Floor, Activity Center New Municipal Building, Bagumbayan, Lupon,
Davao Oriental

129 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Activity : Situational Analysis

Date : August 12-13, 2020
Venue : 3rd Floor, Activity Center New Municipal Building, Bagumbayan, Lupon,
Davao Oriental

Activity : Prioritization of Sub-watersheds

Date : September 15, 2020
Venue : 3rd Floor, Activity Center New Municipal Building, Bagumbayan, Lupon,
Davao Oriental

130 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Activity : Writeshop and Deliberation

Date : October 21-22, 2020
Venue : 3rd Floor, Activity Center New Municipal Building, Bagumbayan, Lupon,
Davao Oriental

Activity : Technical review

Date : April 28, 2022
Venue : Conference Room, New Municipal Building, Bagumbayan, Lupon,
Davao Oriental

131 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

Activity : Incorporation of the Comments of Forest Land Use Plan from the Regional
Technical Review Committee
Date : September 3, 2022
Venue : 2nd Floor, MPDO, New Municipal Building,
Bagumbayan, Lupon, Davao Oriental

Activity : Adopting and Approving the 5-year Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026
Date : October 17, 2022
Venue : 2nd Floor, Sangguniang Bayan, New Municipal Building, Bagumbayan, Lupon,
Davao Oriental

132 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental
Forest Land Use Plan 2022-2026

133 Municipality of Lupon

Province of Davao Oriental

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